Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Dec 1968, p. 8

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© nt 8 - PORT PERRY, ONT. ~ Tuesday Deg. 24, 196 A ------------ OS CIN Isn't Christmas A Drag Continued on unless all of us folk of every race and nation, are will- ing to live together as mem- bers of one great family. It's only selfishness and stupidity that makes us think, that this problem or that, affects only one nation or another. Every problem of any size affects every nation. If one part of the human family suffers the other members suffer with it sooner or later. The common sense of things would suggest that we should pool our problems and begin to con- sider them together in this spirit; including the old wrongs, and the old resent- ments, and old misunderstand- ings. . Further, we should do it soon. There's not a lot of time left. Fear has a lot to say, these days. So as suspicion, why should not goodwill have its say at last, and what could be a better time than Christ- mas time and NOW. I am convinced that the vast majority of people ARE PEACE LOVING PEOPLE. How can they be anything else, unless. we've all gone mad. I'm convinced too, that if we would only forget our fears and be ready to give up a bit of our pride, there's any amount of Goodwill of race towards race, and man ' towards man, WES in 1968: X but that Goodwill finds too little expression, I wish Christ- ian folk of every nation and every denomination could give unitedly to. the rest of the world a sign of their common faith, and common humanity; the common feel- ing, desire and purpose that unites them all. I believe God expressed Himself in Jesus, in the simplest and the only way He could. He came to show us that Goodwill and Love was the only way to live, unless we were determined to bring on our own destruction. So let's go on expressing our love and friendship at Christ- mas and beyond. And put up a little prayer for the astronauts, circling the moon, that they might come back safely, yes, but more. There are many hungry homeless people on earth to- day, while immense wealth is being put into the colonis- ation of the moon. God give us grace to learn the wisdom of cleaning up the earth first. There are millions of members of our family here, who need our help and Good- will, so that they may learn to live a decent life. Can we afford to ignore them? May you have a Happy Christmas and a Better World a a LANE Plumbing Heating - Electric - PORT PERRY, ONT. OFFICE 985 2473 Res. BUS TOURS ° WEDNESDAY, ICE FOLLIES MAPLE LEAF GARDENS © FRIDAY, JANUARY 24th o SUNDAY, JANUARY 26th 'JANUARY oth © FRIDAY, JANUARY 3ist ° SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd game. 985-2523, WEEK - END HOCKEY TOUR. TO PITTSBURG Toronto Maple Leafs and Pittsburg Penquins. Bus leaves Port Perry Friday night at 8:30 p.m. | on January 24th, arrives Pittsburg Saturday at 8:00 a.m. Overnight Saturday in Pittsburg and attend the evening game. Return home Sunday, arrive in Port Perry Sunday at 8:00 p.m. $37.00 includes Bus Fare, Overnight accommo- dation in Pittsburg and red seats for the Hockey For information and reservation call: MRS. JESSIE ROBERTSON AT 985-2598 OR Post Office Continued 2000 stamps for Christmas cards. Now we get 10,000. People either have more friends or the village ponula. tion has grown. This Centen: nial year has been a boon to Stamp collectors as we have had so many new and attrac- tive stamps besides the cen. tennial stamp boxes. You would be surprised at the many different ways peo ple have of putting on stamps. If they don't like the taste of mucilage they lick the corner of the envel ope. One gentleman, some years ago took the stamo to the corner and spit at it un- til he hit it. A lady put the stamps on her letters and sat on them until they dried. Then there is the rest of us who lick it, stick it on, give it a pat and hope it:stavs. One lady of the village wouldn't lick any stamps but those with the picture of the queen. When we had 4c. post- age some stamps came with Mackenzie King on them. She bought 3c. and 1c. as she said she wouldn't lick Mac- kenzie's back. 'BUY -- SELL ' A "MEAL ESTATE LID -RIALTOR 985- 7373 Pom PILI AU SF ye pe 0M BURKETON A) 4 NEWS Mrs. Fred Table celebrated her Birthday Party at her home on Saturday, Dec. 14th with 15 guests, neighbours & friends attending. She re- ceived many beautiful pre- sents. 'Lunch was provided. . Congratulations to Mr, & Mrs. Bruce Lee who were married on Saturday, Mrs. Lee was the former Phyliss McCullough daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McCullough "and Bruce is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Lee Sr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith, Ajax were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fitzgerald. Rev. Wiley was guest speak- er at Burketon on Sunday. He was much appreciated, having served in Port Perry for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper, Orono were Sunday night supper 'guests of Mrs. W. Bryant. Mr. S. Ramsay with Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Irons, Whitby. Mr. John Cousins, Oshawa spent the week-end with Mr. Chester Hoskins and Mr, and Mrs. J. Sinclair -and family. Blackstock The Treasurer, Mrs. Stani- land, in her report showed the sale of the cook books as' being successful. The Sun- shine Sec'y, Mrs. W. Van- Camp, read a list of cards sent, also "letters received. "TURKEYS Mrs. McLaughlin, Dorcas Sec. read an interesting letter from the Diocesan Dorcas Dep't. Also received was a card and letter from the Ont. Hospital at Orillia, the card had been designed by a pa- tient. It was decided, be- cause of committments dur- ing the Christmas Season, not to take on further duties in regard to the Port Perry Hos- pital Bazaar. Mrs. H, Bailey gave the report of the nom- inating committee which was accepted. - A novelty apron idea, for increasing funds, was left by Mrs. T. Graham, former Pres. The ladies de- cided to use this idea in the coming year, The winter meetings are to be held in the afternoon. Mrs. H, Bai- ley and Mrs, J. Hamilton ser- ved a delicious lunch and a social half hour was spent. The Port Perry - Double Exposure Band provided the music for the Cartwright High School semi formal dance in the Recreation Centre Friday night, Dec 20th. A good crowd attend- ed: Lunch of sandwiches, cookies ,tarts and punch was served. Miss Joyce Mahaffy, Tor- onto is spending the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mahaffy and boys. Mr Paul Rahm, Toronto, spent Friday and Saturday at home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner, Lori and Janis left this (Sat- urday) morning for Florida. Seasons Greetings to the SAUSAGE MEAT BREAKFAST BACON | b. JO. BACON ENDS b 39 Editor and Staff of this pa. per, also all who read thise column: May you have a pleasant Holiday Season and may the New Year find Peace and Contentment on Earth. § I would like to take this opportunity to thank all whp have been so kind sending in news items, also giving me subscriptions. : Best wishes for Health and Happiness to all. --Olga Hifi 8 to Ib. 10 tbs. B RIAN' S SUPERTEST OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK LUBRICATION EXPERT WHEEL BALANCING PHONE 985-2243 REFRESHMENT BOOTH TRAILWAY BUS STOP -- (Emergency Groceries) ICE--Block & Cube Sone ; HOURS . OPEN SRR RR Mon. to 9 m, Tues. to 6 p. md Fri. to 9 Pp. m. Potato Chips «- 59¢ Pure Spring Ginger Ale 6 90 ii TANG ARINES | Macintosh Susana THOUSAND ISLAND , 4 dor. APPLES he | ae | AO: [sw 65] 1m. 29 | s] 00 * HOSTESS NUTRIFIL Confectionary Filling: 85¢ DOWSON'S RED and WHITE PORT PERRY, ONTARIO

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