Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 31 Dec 1968, p. 10

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EY PORT PERRY x STAR x SPORTS Mustangs Win Consolation Trophy In Bowmanville Midget Tournament Cy's Mustangs were invit. ed to attend a Midget tour- nament held at Bowmanville Arena Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 21 & 22 and came home winners of the Consolation Trophy. This was quite a feather in their caps as every other team entered was an "A" team or better. Cy's Guys got off to a slow start and lost their first game to a strong Orillia team 6-2. This eliminated them from the Championship Play- downs and put them in the consolation group. In the first consolation round they .met Peterboro who got off to a quick start by scoring two goals. The score remained that way un- til the start of the third period. Shortly after it got underway Glen Sweetman scored for Mustangs to get them started... Then Rick _ Trotter scored to tie the game. A tie was no good to the local lads as the tour- nament rules stated the team which scored the first goal in the game would be the winners if a tie occurred. Grant McLaughlin scored to put Mustangs ahead 38-2 but Peterboro came back to score and knot the game again. Near the end of the period Danny McCartney scored 'what proved to be the win- ner. 'It was an exciting and cleanly played game. Peter- boro got a breakaway with five seconds left in the game but 'Dave Gray made no mistake and saved the day for Mustangs, This-set the stage for the Consolation Final game Sun- day between Port Hope and Cy's Mustangs. ' Cy's Guys started right from the opening face off and weren't to be denied. Paul Heard led the way by scoring a pair of goals to give Mustangs a two goal lead. Port Hope scored just after the second period start- ed to narrow the score to 2-1. It remained. that way until mid way in the third period when Ken Irvine got a break- away and scored to make it 3-1 for Port. Port Hope put on the pressure but once again Dave Gray had all the answers and kicked out shot after shot. A face-off was Port Perry H.S. Win One Lose One Port Perry had as their op- ponents Markham in the 1st game, defeating them 55 to 50. Even though Markham had a tremendous advantage in height, Port Perry was able to overcome this disad- | vantage by sheer determina- tion and hustle. The high scorer was Bill Taylor with 14 points but the victory was brought about by a com- plete team effort. . Two hours later it was Port Perry vs. Base Borden who again had a great height advantage. Port Perry play- ed its best game of the sea- son but unfortunately, so did Base Borden. The: score be- ing 84 to 72 for Base Borden. High scorer in this .game was Gord Williamson with a fantastic output of 37 points. called tosthe left of the Port Hope net and Ken Irvine got the draw over to Grant Mc- Laughlin, who put it in the net for the final goal. I'll have to apologize to the boys for not getting the names of the players who assisted on the goals but the excitement of the tourna- ment got to me and I failed to note them. Port Perry fans can be proud of the midgets and those that attended at Bow- manville were well rewarded. Cy's Mustangs play Mark- ham at Markham on Monday Dec. 30th and then Markham visits Mustangs on January 7th. VR Dep.-Dist. Governor Dropped Puck To 1 vg w Open Tourney 'Deputy-District Governor, Storey Beare was given the honour of dropping the puck to open the first annual Novice Tournament sponsored by Port Perry Lions Club. Timmy Ashbridge, Port Perry at left and Dale Martin, Markham at right. INVEST NOW for Terms of 4 or 5 years VICTORIA and GREY - TRUST Guaranteed Investments Interest is payable half yearly or may be left to compound EMMERSON "INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen' St. Port Perry __ Telephone 985-7306 74% | Utica Jr. Choir Hold Candle Light Service Despite the nasty weather, several parents and friends enjoyed the delightful Candle Light service "No More Dark- ness", presented by the juni- or choir on Sunday evening, December 22nd. _The Church was beautiful- ly decorated with garlands of holly and poinsettias and numerous white candles, Tra- ditional carols were sung by the congregation and the choir. The choir favoured the 'audience with two beau- tiful carols "Winds through the Olive Trees" and the "Coventry Carol". Many thanks are due to Mr. Larry Kendall and Miss Sharene Slute for the excellent work they are doing with the youth choir. " : Mrs. Earl Fielding gave an inspiring message entitled "Legend of the Light", that was. thoroughly enjoyed by all: i: As charming tea was held after under the capable di- rectipn of Miss Faye Harper. Bill Cornish's Rink Wins Peel Poultry Farm Trophy For the second consecutive year Bill Cornish skipped the winning rink and hit the all time high points total (64%) in the annual Port Perry Curling Club's Boxing-Day Bonspiel. This annual event now completing its tenth year has been sponsored from its beginning by Peel's Poultry Farm Limited and is open for members only. Presenting the trophy to Bill is Dr. John Price, president of Peel's Poultry Farm Limited. Members 52 VY GO TIL AEN ries of the championship rink, from left to right are: Bob Parry, lead; Jack Chapman, second; Bob Howsam, vice-skip and. Bill Cornish, skip. Guest speaker at the Dec- ember meeting of the Ontario County TB and Health Asso- ciation Management Com: mittee, held at Adelaide House, Oshawa, was Miss Anne Grant of Ottawa. A former newspaper woman and high school teacher, Miss Grant is the Health Consult- ant of the Canadian TB-RD Association .and a very able speaker. As the Ontario County Association is plan- ning to conduct an anti- smoking campaign through- out the County Schools, Miss Grant provided valued infor- mation regarding: this pro- ject. Supplementing her ad- dress was a colored cartoon film entitled "This is Your Decision?" : Receiving top priority on 'the business agenda was the permanent chest clinic, which is to be opened in a few weeks in the Midtown Plaza, King Street West in Oshawa and will be available to all residents in the County. This project has-been the joint effort of the TB Association and the new York-Oshawa District Health Unit. COMPLETE REAL ESTATE L3MBERT 985-7373 Ontario Cty. TB Association To Fight Smoking In Schools Christmas Seal Chairman, Mr. Donald Crozier of Port Perry presented an encour- aging report on the campaign thus far. The meeting was chaired by Président William Low of ~ Uxbridge, with the Manage- ment Committee next meet- ing on January 13th in Osh- awa. Cubs And Scouts Enjoy Xmas Party The 1st Scugog Cubs and Scouts held their . annual Xmas party on Monday even- ing December 16th. The community hall in Manches- ter was filled to capacity with Cubs, Scouts, Parents &* younger brothers and sisters. Mr. Allan Martyn, Scout Master, and Mr. Larry Kend- all, Cub Master, had a lively program planned and every- one present participated in the games and sing songs. Cub Robbie Doupe, receiv- ed a set .of skiis from the Group Committee for his out- standing salesmanship in the Group's-Xinas Project. Mrs. Mervin Pugh was pre- ' sented with a gift from the' Mother's Auxiliary on her re- tirement as president. Along with gift went the special thanks from all for her many years service to the 1st Scu- gog group. ' Gifts were exchanged by the children and a delightful lunch. was served by the . Mother's Auxiliary. Phone: LADY MOTORISTS AND MEN MOTORISTS TOO! WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY GAS Free box of Kleenex with each $ 3.00 purchase. ~ DX Station ~ COLUMBUS -- Ak,rt = A NEW "TO SERVE YOU AT /

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