18_-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, May 1, 1969 UTICA NEWS The Epsom - Utica U.CW. Mrs. Geer was. a supper Anniversary Service will bef guast of Mr* and Mrs. Jack held in Epsom United Church Geer and family on Sunday. on Sunday, May 4th at 11:304, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Fielding am. Members of the U.C.W.|of Keswick called on Mr. & will take part in the service. Mrs. Earl Fielding on Sun Rev. V. I. Thormin's sermon| day. ; r will be of special interest to] Mrs. George Harper and + the teenagers and © young| Mr. and-Mrs.. Mike Schoficld aduMs. "Utica Junior _Choir|wege dinner guests. of - Mrs. (under the direction of Miss{ Cecil Harper on Sunday. 'Sharane Slute) will | assist] Mr. and Mrs. Dave Morton, with -the music. : of Bay Ridges and Mr. and Sunday School meets at] Mrs, "Bruce Dempsey of 10 a.m, Grednbank spent Saturday Friends and relatives of| evening with Mc. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Geer held| Hillis Wilbur. Recent visitors with Mr. Mrs. Jas. E. Mitchell were Mrs. Milt Parkin, Mrs. Arch Stevens and Walter Mitchell of Kinsale, Mr. and 'a presentation and dance in their honour in Utica Hall on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Doug McKin- ley and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey spent Saturday® even- ing with Mrs. Chet Geer. Ajax, Mrs. Ivan Gray & Miss Mrs. Philip Waring and girls of LADY MOTORISTS AND MEN MOTORISTS TOO! WHY PAY MORE? FAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY GAS FREE Box Of KLEENEX WHH EACH '$3.00 Purchase "A NEW DX Station TO SERVE YOU AT COLUMBUS CO-OP TOPICS by Don Rixon In thé Spring and .early Summer, pasturé will Riprovide the major part of the forage diet. Grasses Wiand legumes are high in protein and can support 'relatively high-levets of mitk production without additional protein supplementation. The limiting Jj factor for high milk production during this period Fis more likely to be lack of sufficient energy. Under © these conditions, CO-OP 14% Dari-Flo Dairy Ration is the feed recommended to pro- vide the additional energy necessary to maintain H body weight and condition on high producers. 4 CO-OP 14% Dari-Flo Dairy Ration is a high energy, low protein diet specifically formulated to-provde-least-cost-milk-production-when-fed-on- pasture, N CO-OP 14% Dari-Flo Dairy Ration can be purchased in pellets or mash, in bulk or bag, from your Co-operative, | V i A il 0 Consult your Co-operative feed' 'specialist for i further information' on the best utilization of ne \your home grown grains. 7) 2% 0G LS United Co-operatives of Ontario RIDGE BRANCH) 5 A (UX t Get 852-3321 hi Perry '7E. 8-3130 J Shay Gray, Mrs. Bruce Hau- gen and Mrs. Charlie Wil: liams of Port Perry. Mr. William Philp of Co- lumbls spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall. Mr. /and Mrs. Wood "and family of Toronto, Miss Mar- garet Firfgy and Mr. Norman Bell of 'Scarborough and Mrs. Jeffs and family of Osh- awa were Sundav visitors with Mrs. Violet Skerratt, The L.O.L. of Ports Perry held their last dance of the season in Utica Hall on' Sat- urday evening. . The 50-50 draw was won by Mr. Allan Luke of Port Percy. the food voucher by Mids Audrey' White of Oshawa, and the door prize by Miss Janet Long of Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Comer and children visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Comer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lee of Port Perry called on the Comers on- Sunday. Mrs. N. Rusnell and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Rusnell of Oshawa called" on Mr. and|- Mrs. Jas. E. Mitchell on Sun. day evening. "Happy Birth. day" to Mrs. Rusnell who will 'celebrate her 95th birth. day on May 5. Mr. and Mrs. William Mun. roe of Oshawa called on Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kendall on Sunday. Mr. Doug Geer of Bramp- ton spent the week-end at his home. . "Mr. and Mrs. Murray Geer visited 'Mr. and Mrs: Nelson Westlake of Beaveriw re- cently. - I BURJ E Ton Mr. Orval Greer, Oshawa, visited Monday with Mrs. W. Bryan. _ Sympathy of the Commun- ity is extended to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dorland . and other members of the family .in the passing of his "brother: Dr. Clark Dorland' of USA. Mrs. Tom Bailey has re- turned home after spending a week 'with relatives and: 'friends in Oshawa. ~ We were pleased to have our minister's wife and fa. 'mily Mrs. J. Lougheed, Osh- awa. at our regular Sunday morning service which. is held at 12 o'clock each Sun- day. i Mr. and Mrs. Totter a nd family have moved to Win: nipeg. p 4 A Mr. Stanley Taylor made a Business trip to Lindsay on Monday. Miss Edith Holroyd #04 friend, Toronto, spent . the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holroyd. Mrs. Sam Grant Oshawa spent Thursday evening.with. Mrs. R. Davey. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bell, Oshawa have taken up resi dence in Burketon. -Mr. and Mrs. D. Gatchell, Oshawa. were Sunday. supper guests of Mr, and Mrs, A, C.' Stephenson and family. Tree pruning has started on the Christmas tree farm of Dr. Breslin near Burke- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Olden Mary "and Nancy, "Trenton, spent a few days with Mrs. R. Olsen. Mr. Earl Fowler is Build: ing a new home. Seagrave Very little news around here this week, The U.C.W. Spring : tea baazar is over for another year, Attendance was fairly good, sales brisk and food quite sufficient so everyone seemed satisfied. - Mrs. Sherman' is. wearing a pleased smile these -days because. of the arrival of her first grand-child, acddughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Rich. ard: Lediard on April 21st. Sunday was party time for the young Wanamakers. It -fren -of Mr. apd Mrs. Wanamaker, home in Oshawa. resented Seagrave, tendance at services. below average, . Township Of was a birthday dinner for Wayne and Mary» Lee, child: Ro. held at their "Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Wanamaker, Mr. and Mrs. N. B, Wanamaker, News were absent and/ there. was no program nu ber for S.S Birthday contributions were there from Mrs, Chas. Short and son Billy, and three of . the Maschke family--Debbie, . Doug and Dale. Mr. W. H. Wanamaker and Miss Sharyn Sweetman rep- As is usually the case, at: the first Sunday of D.S.T. was Several. of the' most regular families were missing, some teachers BUY -- SELL b SIAL USYATE 10 REALTOR 985-7373 NOTICE! Reach Notice is hereby given of a By-law intgnded to' be passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Reach in the County of Ontario. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Reach have been directed by the Department of Highways, and deem it in the Public interest to close certain_portions of Township Roads, namely, King Street where it intersects Highway 7A and a portion of Ash Street, both in the Village of Manchester in the Township of Reach. The proposed By-law as set out herein, is a draft only. TAKE NOTICE that the- Reeves and Council or! committee, of the Township of Reach, will meet. in the Council Chambers of the Township of 'Reach on-Wednesday, May 14th, 1969 at 8 o'clock p.m. and there and then will hear in person or by Council, Solicitor of Agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudically affected by this. By- law and-wHo applies to be heard. BY- LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF REACH" A By-law to stop up and close parts of Highways i in the Township.of Reach. (1) of the Village of Manchester in the Township of Reach registered inth + Division of the County of Ontario, as No. 13667. More particularly described as follows: - The following part of a Highway; Street or Road allowance as wm) the Plan Registry ALL AND SINGULAR that ceffain parcel .or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township o Reach, County and Province of Ontario, being composed of part of-Ash Street, lying between blocks B and C according. to the Plan of 'the Village of Manchester registered as No. 13667, the boundaries of said parcel *- "are described as foliows: PREMISING that. the' bedi as shown on Deposited Plan No. 292 Hijfivays "-govern all bearings mentioned hereafter: "COMMENCING at the South East Angle of said' Ash" Street 'being the 'South \ est ". Angle of Lot 6, Block C; THENCE North 16 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds West along said East limit of said Ash Street a distance of 188.96 feetto a bent therein said point being 1 the North West Angle of said Lot 6; . THENEE North 48 degrees 47 minutes 30 swlonds West continuing along pa Eset limit of Ash Street a distance of 6.00 feet to a point. THENCE South 49 degrees 26 minutes 3% seconds East along said West limit being the east limit of Lot 4, Block B a distance of 165.74 feet to the South West Angle of said Ash Street being the South East Angle of said Lot 4; THENCE North 73 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds East along the South limit of Ash Street a distance of 66.00 feet to the point of commencement. (2) More particularly described as follows: ~The fcllowing part of_a Highway, Street or Road allowance- Plan 292 Highway governing all bearings mentioned hereafter. ~ ALL AND SINGULAR that serpin parcel or. tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township o Reach, County and Province of Ontario, being composed of part 'of the allowance for road between Concession 4 and 5 in front of Lot 13, Concession 5, the boundaries of said parcel are described as follows: PREMISING that the bearings as shown on Deposited Plan No. 292 (Highways) govern all bearings mentioned hereinafter; COMMENCING at the intersection of the South limit of Highway No 7Aas shown on said Deposited Plan No. 292 with the North limit of the road allowance between - B, according+4o Registered Plan No. 13667 of the Village of Manchester. THENCE South 16 degrees 19 minutes-30 seconds East a distance of 66.00 feet to the South limit of said allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5; THENCE North 73 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds East along said South limit - a distance of 2.00 feet; THENCE North 16 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds \Vest a distance of 66.00-feet to ~ the North limit of said road allowance between Concession 4 and 5; ¢ A THENCE South 73 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds West along said North limit a distance of 2. Qo febt. to the point of commencement. o THEREFORE the Council of the Solporstien of the Township of Reach enacts as follows: ex i" WHEREAS the Reeves and Council of the Corporation of the Township: of Reach deems it in the Public interest to close up the previously described portions | of road; AND WHEREAS no person is being deprived of ingress or egress lo and from his c or r her land or place of residence; . aan AND WHEREAS notice of this: By. aw has. been published once a week for four consecutive weeks, "namely April 10th, '17th, 24th and May 1st, 1969, in the Port Perry Star, a weekly newspaper published and circulated in the Corporation & the Village of Port Perry. AND WHEREAS the Corporation of -the Township of Reach in- accordance with - -the provisions of the Municipal Act, has duly caused notice, of its intention to pass this By-law, ;Deighhathood of the parts of the Highway, in question. to. be posted up for at least one month in six public places in the immediate * «This by: "law: shall. take effeot-upon t the date of ts final passing: ECORI CREATAS as-shown-on-the kK ~-& [All LJ