" Septic Tanks| : s WEEPING Beds INSTALLED ARMSTRONG ' 6G. McPhaden | Asphalt SHINGLES, ROLLED ROOFING, STEEL and | ~ God". Sy 985-2341 os Earl Cohoon. This re) house: Vas the) residence of Alonzo Sexton, a Rind merchant in Port Perry before the big fire in 18865: It was located on the corner of Lilla-and North Streets. On the same property to- ye are the Presbyterian Manse and the residence of Dr. Voi " BLAC KSTOCK NEWS (Continued ; 'Rev. R. C. Hopkins of Springville was guest speak- er -in: the United Church on Sunday morning, 'The theme of his sermon was -- "The Three. Generations"--*"In the Time. of Trouble" was. the title of the Alithem sung. by +. the choir. In St. John's Rev. R.-C. 6 Rose. spoke on "The Only Real Judgement comes from The Sacrament of Holy Communion' was ad BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Cd SUZUKI | FOR ANY. OF YOUR: 'SALES and SERVICE "PARTS - ACCESSORIES - SUPPLIES - SERVICE ALL MAKES - SNOWMOBILE SER VICE' R. WHITAKER Phone 985-2276 ministered. . " Rev. Philip Romeril . took the services at Springville, Sunday. Mr. & 'Mrs. David Romeril and Paul of Wawa, spent the week-end with Rev. and Mrs. P. Romeril and Dennis. "Mr; and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls spent the week-end with his parents in Bobcay- geon. Mr. Paul: Rahm, Toronto Spent the week-end at home, | Insurance Needs Do It The 'Co-Operative Way - Co-Operators Ins. Assoc. ETHEL NOTTINGHAM .MYRTLE 655-4832 - DUFF ELECTRONICS | ADMIRAL | TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE Phone 985-7993- or 985-2728 For Income" Wax -[& Bookkeeping Services|: '|see ALEX SHEPHRED Room 2, Post Office Building Phone.985-703 1 Specializing in business and farm operations. PORT PERRY Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT * SEPTIC TANKS AND ' REG. a err A Ty a rab tts nl Port Perry -- 1985-2226 Insurance' ¥ EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED . General Insurance 985-7306 . PORT PERRY "Leé's FER PASE TT Refrigeration "and Air Conditioning - Sales and Service Commer, Industrial ~ and Domestic Repairs to all makes. Call Oshawa 728:0321 Vallace ROOFING ALUMINUM ROOFING... : EAVESTROUGHING - We will contract. for all kinds oa "PROTECTION Fralick Insurance. Agency : co-op AND FARMERS MUTUAL { LIFE. UTO - HOME -|Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hooey, . | Mrs. Elmer Archer, Whithy - -and-Mr-Ronald- | Elizabeth "Alma Innes, Dec- '| Greenbank and four grand- and Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Porter, Sean and Shirley, Orono were Suriday gfiests of Mr. and Mrs, Stan Rahm 'and "Paul, x Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Fe:- .guson, Don: Mills, were Sun- day supper guests of Mrs. C. Hill. Mrs. M. Hill an les Smith P. Philp, West 'Mr. and Mrs. Char- pent Sunday with Peterborough. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert' Afcher during 'the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Archer, © Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fleming, Oshawa; Mr, ,and -Larmer, Mr. and Mrs. and Danielle, Pickering, vis- ited Mrs. G. Fowler Sunday. ville "Mrs. LN Bradley, Bowman- Mr, and Mrs. Adam Y spent the week-end | Enniskillen, Saturday. with the Harold Crawfords. Mr. and Mrs. - Mr. Lloyd Trewin_finished his recond year at York Uni- versity and plans on spend- ing the most of the summer | at home. Sunday. Ray Larmer of Mr. Byers. Several from here atlend- ed the Golden, Wedding of and Mrs. Mrs. Roy McLaughlin was hostess Wednesday, When the Leith Byers were Sunday supper guests PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, May 8, 1969 -- 7 Sharp, Murray neighbour ladies gathered for a little good. bye party and afternoon tea for Mrs. Lloyd Beacock who moved to Port Perry Thursday. They presented her with "a Hall Mirror and Shelf. "Mrs. Bea- cock expressed 'her apprecia- tion~and invited -all to visit them in their new home, When Johnny has a fever, the doctor. will the plane be on time? and find out. DRE EE You can always .. for a refill on your prescription. Areh Te ATcher;--1or onto. Mrs. Glenn Larmer, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Larmer called on Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lar- mer, Bowmanville, also Mrs' Annie Wright, . Oshawa, on Tuesday. : 'Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ye'- lowless 'and family, Solina visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest { OBITUARY | REGINALD L. COOKMAN Reginald L. Cookman, af- ter a lengthy illness, passed pital, - Lindsay April 23rd, 1969. on Wed, Born near Kirkfield on February 22, 1891, he was the son of Christopher Cook- man and Sarah Jane Powell. ~The family moved to Sonya' in 1915 where he married ember 4th; 1919. They farmed in Brock Twp. until retiring to Sunderland in-1951. Surviving are his wife Elizabeth, one son. Ross of children, Catherine, Susan, Deborah and Christopher. Two: -sisters Edpa (Mrs. Gordon Innes), Thelma (Mrs, Ed. Blanchard), both of Sun. derland. and Myrtle (de: ceased). "Rev. J. N. Reed, conducted funeral services at the Lewis Funeral Home Sunderland, on: April 25fh at 2 p.m; _ Interment in McNeil Ce tery, Wick. _ Pallbearers 'Morrow, Brue Beaton, Russell Lwere Lr Beaton, Geo. Heron, Clay- of roof work. A Phone 985-7447. | ton Wood, Bob' Richardsqn,: away in Ross Memorial Hos- | "be eee DE I ad the sractically every ¢ ad in poate Bell Canada Buf vc iied ond one by Canaan OR drugstore the paper s says: For information, +. ' When the kids re of the neighbour " anne to get them home. 'And when your husband's latein | "coming home, of course he. 8, pi | Fo Can you nage your day v without the! be ip essen ssisanannns .