RAVE CY ABST AA . jn ¥ $y BLAC KSTOCK NEWS By O. Hill ly given. | [that Candace plan an exhibit The Giant Campfire Mo} On Tuesday June 10 after | for fair, = Committees were: day cvening, June 9. brought school: the, 1st Blackstock appointed to arrange for ca] "to a close another eventful] Brownie Pack went on a sup- [tering to two 'weddingsin year for the Browniés; Cubs,| per hike, First they walked | August. A nice thank you Guides, Scouts and Ventur-| down to the Beaver dam east | letter from Lorna Wright for * PORT PERRY STAR -- Vides, June 19, 1969. " i VIR Af) eh ml . INE ers. TY Th of Blackstock when | they | the gift given 'her prior to 5s Each. group' and their lead- played a wide game. Every- her leaving last Thursday for i _ ets. encircled the. blazing| one marched back to the vil- | vancouver enroute to Thai. a lage where they had a bar becue - Hot dogs, and marsh- mallows with popsicles for dessert were served for sup- per. Next the Brownies. all went down' to the park and 'played various games. until it was time to-go home. The Candace Unit met at the home of Mrs. Ross Duff Tuesday morning with an at- tendance of 14. Mrs. Harold campfire. Also, many 'par- Meeting closed with ents and friends enjoyed lis- tening to the groups singing their favorite songs and. dra matizing skits. The All Round: Cord was presented © by the District Commissioner, Mrs. Brian Hamilton to Janice Crawford, Heather Dorrell, Susan--Me- Coll and Janet Turner. Hea- ther Bryans was presented land. prayer. Services in both Churches were well attended Sunday morning. In the United the choir sang "When the Trum net calls nie Home." Rev. P. Romeril delivered a very impressive sermon. from "Where is Thy God?" 'In St. John's instead of a sermon Rev. R. C. Rose led a with her Cadet Pin. A "Bra- Kvte. leader, opened the | discussion on, Christian Edu. vo" was chanted by the|meeting with some verses cation in school. a £ group. from Psa. 19. Mrs. John Car-| A heavy gloom was cast naghan 'gave. the worship from the theme "The Contin- uing Witness". Mrs. Neil Malcolm' gave a very inter- esting - commentary on "Drugs". 17 ladies attended the Dor- cas unit meeting at the home of Mrs. Roy McLaugh- lin Tuesday. afternoon. The leader Mrs. Walter Wright read a poem "God's Out- doors". Mrs. C. Hill gave over 'this community Satur- day evening when it was learned there had been an acident. on 7A highway in which Rev. Brian Rahb was instantly killed, Mrs. Rabb & little 2% year old daughter Joanne died shortly after reaching hospital, Joshua 8 months old adopted son is in sick - children's hospital with a broken leg and arm but - apparently progressing Each group took part in] closing the campfire which included "Evening Song",|, Golden - Sun" and - "Taps". Roasted Marshmallows "were enjoved by everyone. The Guides would like to take this opportunity to thank the Cadets for. arranging this campfire for -us. Also to thank the leaders and par- ents for their time so willing- Mrs. Mildred Ives, Red Cross and Royal Life swim- ming instructor conducted a water safety demonstration for grades 1 to 8 at Reach Central No. 3, Epsom, Mon- day morning. Mrs. Ives who conducts swimming instruction at Well- A > the worshiy on "Growth". favorablv. The 4. vear old [springs Park- during the sum- - i oo ' q Es 5 } Mrs. S. VanCamn gave a very | hoy' Adam: was_camoing with mer pointed out to the child- LER ~ 0. ids Oo nion, interesting and. informative | his grandparents Mr. & Mrs. [ren the importance of learn-| SR : paver on "Poverty". 36 home | Al Martyn of Oshawa. We [ing to swim as well as life Hi OPTOMETRIST calls. 5 hospital and 5 in rest [understand the man. from [saving. In "the top picture Say Phy rep ; : hy - 229 MARY STREET "homes were reported. the second car is in Port |are Brian Slute and Mike Lerch on : Routine business was simi- 'Perry and the ladv in Tor- [demonstrating the Holger A 3 985--2383 'llar at both meetings except | onto hospital and their two [Nielson method of artificial A aint SS SS SUC LURS CRIN children released: Names not respiration and in the bot- n ve 3 4 #l known to us tom picture a mouth to mouth us ' 8 i ox. |demonstrati formed Re | KEN P. MURRAY 555 tomo imine 5 : 4|tended Mr. and Mrs. Glenn ivan Ives and Iwyla Lov- : gy / #|Larmer and family on the RT A ' ELECTRICAL - CONTRACTOR / death of her aunt, Mrs. Ethel } Photos. by doo J Jordan : bi A : ¢| McNabb, 'Oshawa, who was - - |e v D ti and Is ads I 4| killed in a.car accident Sat. os toni 0g ® iy Mr. and Mrs. John Hunfer, a eg omes IC n S r urday night. . 's spending ts weell WN ou Ridges, visited Mrs. J. Ey y u t ia Mrs. A. E. McDougald, St. hyn Doi os A. Johnston, Sunday. . ; Gil ' WW Marys spent the week-end i. ahd Mrs. Fred Trewin,| ap and Mrs, Gerald Kelly Le Moke ¥ ' I R 1 N G "| with the Glenn Larmers, |Idovd and Earle, along with) ang girls joined a family ga-[ + Continued : #| Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yel- MEE novia end Dope, {hosing at fhe ot MF. |ther Glenn of Bowmanville, lowless and family, Solina, ML. '| and Mrs. Wm. Kelly, Bohcay- : CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES ON ELT ond oe nar Peron Allon, Hewes spony a My EL aaOAsE So, AR, H PLE LECTRICAL HOME HEA ¢| Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer, geon Sunday, celebrating the Mrs. Rabb was a secretary RHR / COMPL TE ELECTRIC L T : Doug and Craig Larmer were Fathers Day p.m. with. Mr. latters 35th wedding anniver- | at .the church. Mr. Rabb also if ; ' # | Sunday: supper guests of Mr. [and Mrs. Edgar Horn, wil sary. worked as a production line EA .4 PHONE 933 = 7005 | and Mrs. Ralph Larmer and liams Point. . worker at General Motors in a v ' : gg #1 family. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hoskin ; Chavo, fd 2 274 Rosa St. PORT PERRY ? Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Craw-| moved Thursday and Friday| BUY = w= SELL - Mrs. Rabb is survived Ww d ie fishies iub eialeS LY ford, Janice: and Ken, Mr, &| into their new home in con-f. ij GRE sister, Mrs. Lee-Anne Sedman- iy 7 ip f------ , nna | Mrs. Bd Harris and their fa.| nection 'with their hardware of Oshawa and a brother, AID B : ; ; : milies and MF. and Mrs. Nor-| Store. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kiss, L Harley of 'Bowmanville. & An Expression Of Opinion Poll man Edgerton celebrated Fa.| Toronto, who. recently" pur- toa state 1 teavion Both cars in the accident ! ; ther's Dav at the home of Chased the Hoskin General » . ; were totally demolished. Ee v \ Respecting The Proposed | "||Mr. and Mrs. Grant Edger. Store & house in connection 985 - 7373 Whitby OPP are still invest: ton. with it moved in on Satur- : igating the crash. : y Mrs. Gamsby, Kingston is | dy and are now operating ; . EN General Farm Organization sending a fow days with|the store. |] FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING NEEDS Mrs. L. Thompson. . Excavation commenced } In Ontario Mrs. Chotley, of Hunger. | Mr. Bruce Mountjoy's third CALL ; sord. Yorkshire. England is [lot Saturday. He has sold the ART'S ¢ . wiLL BE ON visiting her ea Mr, | house nearly finished to Mr. i i : Lorne Hoskin, also oa - : Bailey and family. and Mrs. : J yl} 1 969 Mr. Earl Dorrell returned pe Cs hip bar hy it, ig PLUMBING and HEATING ) ' ital i the third lot is sold an r : wa 5 les., lune Ty hate con hospital 1» 1x osiey to build a house on +-985-2581 R.R.1, PORT PERRY IR i 3 278% dt a = rain OPERATED by ART (PETE) PETROZZ SR BETWEEN THE HOURS OF ato, Monday excavation was ; 3 ; Al v Rsavs started on Mr. Frank Stani- LICENCED MECHANIC i 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m: » land's lot across the street i | LL L 7 Segue 2 Ll ow from the Mountjoy lots. | oh 3 At The Following ocations INTOXICATED FEU "Allen," Susan and Gloria of: id EITHER WANTS T0 BORROW Graham, Port Perry. spent : id EN ' : iy AEA In Ontario County A BYCK WHIP YOU, OR the week-end with their AG LOVE TO DEATH. grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Svan ¢ BROOKLIN FORMER TOWNSHIP HALL § Mervyn Graham. v AR i ; . DY : NI ED CHURCH -- Mr. Weir Swain, Toronto, kp COLUMBUS y ¥ spent the . week-end with HOWARD vicE, Prop. 2 a MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP HALL Messrs. Clarence and min [f . ™ £ 3 a = AR: arlow. est SCUGOS "TOWNSHIP HALL Mr. and Mrs. Vernon As. BROADLOOM fas APA > Speman: + TOWNSHIP HALL ii ae? hi Draperies by the Yard Welivpnd ye y , : . . ' . - » | 4 3 4 wi UXBRIDGE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Ptolemy & Grieve Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs Mer. (fj Venetian & Cloth Blinds SEPROL LE | i ©" _ANDFOOD - 16 BASCOM STREET rill VanCamn and Mr. and (lf: Custom Made Slip Covers : is fs HB. A. Service [Mr Harty Van Camp repre. Dispory Rots 2 Tracks HR BLACKSTOCK : TOWNSHIP HALL sented Cartwright at the ap- : i Ro ; of adi : / " Station rreciation "garden partv "in Interior Décorating © A BE fo ' : : : p honour of Honorable .Léslie "Servic. - ; he Ho H.L. Fair -- x $2 Water St. Port Perry [and Mrs. Frost at Trent Uni- hi : Returning Officer 2, versity, Peterborough Satur: a PHONE: 985-3182 day. : ANS 2 SOIC EHR BEL SS SPY AY