=) LJ] * i. SELL: RENT * EERE =] = SEH = =] Ni pit SWAR + HIRE * BUY + S SWAP TET BUY + S SELL: RENT SWAP HIRE SELL: RENT. "Work Wanted ROOFING, eavestroughin cement work, chimne bull and repaired. Call J 4832. 4 ENGLISH Master Fainter,| interior and exterior, quality craftmanship, reasonable rates, free estimates. Call 985-7151, 3--June28 RR. 8, Ukbridge 852.0068 | © Consls -- Ponds -- Ditches Shore Line, efc. Al Types of Dragline Work "BARRY LYLE FREE ESTIMATES ROOFING and SIDING||} 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE CALL COLLECT 576-2397 : OSHAWA z NOTICE HOLIDAY MAGIC Customers. Looking for service? We 'have the complete line to fill-your needs and the con- sultants to "help you. Call Merlean - Enterprises to-day. Distributors for Exclusive]: Holiday Magic... Tel. 985-2146 or 985-2160. Service Made Us! : ' 4--July3 Thos. N. Shea Ltd, Realtor --Lake -Scugog : Lakefront lots on Scugog Island. Asking $4,500. wi terms. Mariposa Township .. Ten acres with 4 bedroom house, Modern conyeniences, Jags os Ang $5150 Laks ugog. ng wit $5,000.00 d Building Lot In Reach Townsaip, 159x179. Asking $3,500.00 Lake Scugog . Cottages, lakefront and lake- view, Two and three bed- room. 'Modern conveniences, sand beaches, Rnquire 1 for details. : Ten Acre Parcels. Asking $7,900 with | ol = $3,000.00 down and Vendor will hold the mortgage. ii CALE wr MARJORIE TRIPP . 985.985-7606 $2,000 DOWN - POSSESSION 2 WEEKS 3 bedroom dit on large lot, "panelled living room. attach- & garage steps to shopping. Carries like rent, at only $13,000. total price. Contact RON JONES, PONTYPOOL H. Keith Lid. Real. tor, 181 linton Ave. E, Toronto 316, 487-3333. 3 Bedrooms, frame bun- galow, Scugog Island, ex- tra lot for garden, access to lake, permanent home, school bus at door, asking $13,500. . Contact Allan Bertrand. Fully furnished cottage, 2 pe. bath, large. lot, well treed, very well kept. Just $3, 000.00 down, balance to suit purchaser, 55 - miles from Metro . Call Made-- line Rodd. . Village lots, sy acre -- Scugog Island; 2 paredls North of Usbridge, - 10 'acre parcels Mari- posa Township, Lake front lot north of lake, access lots. Call Allan Bertrand. AFTER JOAN SCOTT REAL: 'ESTATE LTD --REALTOR 985-7373 EXCLUSIVE, AND M.L.S. MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO AND YORK COUNTY AND" OSHAWA REAL ESTATE BOARDS. #1050000 Ful Asking - 10 acre ~ : tony 3 miles south of Port MADELINE RODD LAN, BERTRAND 985-7251 Lake Scugog I have several lake front cottages ranging in price from 1050000 to 16,000, furnished, ok 3 baths, po AR all with easy terms, for location further * information: call Madeline Rodd: 985- 7373 or 2819. ng $6,500.00 . dai or io 1 cottage at 'View Lake, 100 ft. to good 7 ht of. way for swim- 3 bedrooms, com- pletaly furnished = heavy wiring, good view. For further .information Call Madeline Rodd. - Acres, on Oshawa Perry, 5 room frame bun- galow, steel clad barn, Call Allan Bertrand. - A] HOURS 985-2819 985-7014 Real Estate : = |Fred Cook Real Hatate LW ° Restor 100 acres, 8 room brick home in good condition, bank barn, implement shed, fast flowing spring fed stream, have your own private lake. Full price $32,000 with terms. Waterfront lots, 45 'miles from Metro,- "Trent canal SyS-. tem, good boating & fishing. with| pull price $5,000 with terms, Commuter Farm 60 acres 3 miles from Port Perry, 5 bedréom frame home, new aluminum siding, storms. & screens, all con- veniences, barn ' completely renovated new roof, new in- sulated poultry~ tiouse, farm pond, school busses at gate, Full price $39,500, 'assume, 69% mortgage. : 99 'acres, Nonquon river runs through propérty, can be divided, frame home, barn implement shed. Call for formation, . [3 100 acres, Port Perry area, D pared high ighway, modern Bric home, 2 separate apart: 'ments, 15' deep farm pond. : Asking, $58,000, with terms. 100 ACRES, Port Perry, 5 bedroom brick home, all conveniences, 100 acres work: able, one of the best in the township. Full price $47,500. With excellent terms. Call MORLEY BRUCE ~~ 985-2528 ; [BUYING L REAL STATE AD REALTOR 985-7373 Real Estate Near Port Perry, 2 bed: room frame bungalow and garage with all modern con- veniences. Nearly % acre of land; including storms and screens, TV tower, drapes and vegetable garden. Walk- ing distance from stores, Post Office and gare. Asking $13,00000, On 'Lakeside Beach--new 3 bedroom unfurnished frame cottage on a large lot, over- looking Lake Scugog, . Ca- thedral ceilings. Could bel reasonably: finished quite Excellent swimming and "fishing. Full price $7,500.00 with terms, PORT PERRY -- Prestige home. 3 bedroom brick bungalow and garage. Sep- grate dining room with bi- 1ding doors, rec. room fa cilities, many extras, on 3a large lot, beautifully land. scaped with white birch trees and shrubs, Vendor anxious to sell. Any offers will be considered, - Mortgage can be refinanced. 'Cottage Lots On' Lake Scugog, oan I in $60,000 miss, from 2.500 Port Perry 46 acres vacant Jang on High way TA, barn, a small creek, some bush, Full price -- $30,000 with terms. + Lake Seupoy ' iz acres vacant property, close Phi vid some trees, down? Full Price "R. MARTIN REALESTATE BROKER Representative Marion Hopkins 985-7216 599 Queen Street, Port Perry + 19% acres in town of Whit: by at South Myrtle, 2 storey. 7 room brick home, all mo- dern conveniences, 3 car gar-| | age, bank barn 30'x55' for horses and cattle, implement | shed, all buildings. in excel- lent repair ,000 with terms, P ¥ Country Estate Stone and frame bungalow oi 1 acre lot, South of Port nicely landscaped in a a of cedar trees, good dry lot with excellent garden, sliding glass doors to patio, finished rec. room, hot water heating $31,900 with % down 8 bedroom brick bungalow in Whitby on' Dcely land- scaped corner lot, fireplace in living room, dining room with built in China Cabinet, finished rec. room with bar, extra 2 piece bath in basement, paved drive.. Owner transferred, $30,300 with $10,000 down. 2 bedroom framed cottage on Lakeside beach. Kitchen, living room, bathroom, access to sand beach. Early pos- Senn cash. ' Raglan Area 200 acre Dairy farm, high scenic . land, 2 storey brick home, in good repair, mod- ern dairy barn with stable|. cleaner,- more than 1 mile road frontage. Call for fur- ther information. 2° storey, frame duplex, close to. Jdowntown; with 2 extra building lots overlook- ing lake. $25,000. Cash. : Sunderland New 3 bedroom brick bunga- low, oil heating, large bright living room with fire place, mahogany cupboards, full basement, illness is. reason for sale, immediate posses- sion. $19,000 with $4,000. down. Price Reduced $32,500.00 home, large living room with fire place, separate dining room, 2 bathrooms, full base- ment and recreation room, attached garage and paved driveway, extra lot if desired $32,500 with terms. Call GEORGE S. STONE 9852632 Lindsay District 'Quiet retreat, 125 acre farm 102 workable clay loam with 2 storey Stone and frame house, 8 large rooms. oil furnace, 4 piece bath, all newly modernized, carport, good - shade, barn 45'x90', near paved road. . Asking 100 acre farm, 70 workable. {part hilly, part level, 1% '| storey frame house, gas fur- nace, 4 piece bath, small stable & pole barn, 3 springs, wonderful: for ponds. Eliza. | bethaville district. Asking Scugog "lake cottage, . 4 Tooms, inside toilet, furnish: good shade. Asking #4508 with '$1000 down. fatin Scugog. lake cottage, 5 rooms, furnished, 2 piece bath, good shade trees, close to 'good beach. Asking $5,500, good terms. _ MARVIN NESBITT 986-4894, Nestloton - - separate], = SELL RENT - SWAP + HIRE 8 SWAP « HIRE + BUY + SELL RENT - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, July 3,1969 -- 9 Real Estate PETERS 103 King Street East PORT PERRY -- Splitlevel (new) 6 rooms, L shape liv- ine 3 and Jining room, Holly- kitchen, mahogan paneled family room a ireplace, sliding doors patio, located on quiet hy overlooking: Lake Scugog. Truly an executive type home. -. LET US GIVE YOU A PRICE on having a home built by a quality builder in 'Port Perry. ORONO--New Homes un: $24,900.. Six rooms, electric -heating, broadloom. Call and inspect. TRY $2000 DOWN, Older brick home in Oshawa with garage and private drive. fing $17,000. Call 728- Tay der construction, priced at|po [FRANK Fie ig Port Pe irs 985-7386 Highland Beach Summer cottage, 3 bedroom, partly insulated, completely furnished. An' upper level lot. Picturesque view of lake, 1% mile Port Perry. $11,700. Terms. Lake Scugog Cottage or .year round home, insulated, conveniences, oil furnace, 3 = bedroom, sun- porch, furniture and appli- ances, boat included. Excel. lent sand beach, at Caesarea. Full price $14,500. .Easy | terms. --3-bedroom brick bungalow] in Prince Albert, prestige|. TTT Blackstock Frame home, 8 rooms oil heated, 4 piéce bath, family room. Broadloom in living room, master bedroom. Spa- cious family home in village. ul price $13,500 with- $3,500 own, Country Home 8 rooms modern convenien- ces, oil heated, garage, treed lot. 300 feet frontage on paved road. $18,000 with 'easy terms. : Garage Owner operated 7 yr. old gas station Hwy. frontage, gas, oil and con ectionaries. Good profit. Four room living quarters. Asking $21,500. Terms.. Lake Scugog 145 -acre- farm, older frame home, barns, some . maple bush overlooks lake. Public right of way to water, 75 mile Toronto. Priced at $33,000. Good Terms. Port Perry 99 acres, clay loam beef farm with stream, 2 storey 11 room frame home, productive farm close to, paved road. Aging $65,000... Terms... ; PHONE 985-7386 Evenings call: Howard Forder--655-3853 Ken Middleton --985-7548 George Beaton --985-3040 Maurice Baker --8562-7266 Auction Sales TUESDAY, JULY 8th---2nd Avia Consignment Auction ale of Furniture, Antiques . Miscellaneous Articles to Be hold in the Sunderland Ahyons wishing to iti tothis sale. may do so. ; al articles must be in by :00 am, Hundreds of an- tiques & good useful articles turned up last year. Come early, Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m, Gerald Graham, Clerk. i) JOHNSON & SON, Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 ANTIQUE AUCTION 'Auction Sale of Furniture; Jishes, bale ox 25 oN e, property o : GRANT. will be held at Bal- sover (King 'St) on WED, JULY 9th. Platform rocker, several rocking chairs, chests of drawers, round tables, Antique side - boards, Dough x, glass door cupboard, Antique - dresser, Carnival glass, mustache cups, shav- ling 'mugs, beaver sealer, amber sealer, compote, sleigh bells, chimes, antique wooden telephone, butter bowls, lamps, lanterns, Toilet" set, wool winder, many other an- tique articles. Terms Cash, Sale at 1 pm. Neil Mc- Naja prt JOHNSON & SON, Auctioneers A Sunderland 357-3270 ,-THURS;, JULY 10th--Auc- tion Sale of Household Fur- niture and Antiques, the estate of the late Miss ANNIE L. WALLACE, Lot 6, Con. 10, * |} Thorah Twp., 2 miles east of 1 #12 highway on #48 (turn at canal bridge at -Game- bridge). Including an anti- que pine sideboard, 2 antique bine euphisrds, antique pine chest of drawers, large anti- que sofa (wooden arms and . back), rounded. glass china cabinet (needs repair), large qu. of old newspaper (back to 1893), parts of toilet sets, .. writing desk, antique dresser & high bed, qu. of antique dishes, antique hat pins, an- tique sealers, crocks, wash stands, beds, dressers, no. of chairs, wooden pail, garden tools, many other articles. No reserve, Terms cash, Sale called to settle estate. Sale at 1-p.m:-- Gerald Graham; -------- AA REG. JOHNSON, & SON, Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 clerk. SAT., JULY 12th--Auction Sale of Household Furniture and Tools, the property of Mrs.- MYLA UPPER, Lot 6, Con. 6, Brock Twp., 1% miles straight west of Sunderland. An excellent offering of an- tiques & furniture including 2 grandfather clocks (excel- lent condition), burl walnut tilt:top table, antique carved cherrywood desk, Dresden candieabra & compote (excel- lent), Gibbard wa!nuat dinner wagon, small Duncan Fyfe -drop-leaf - table, marble top. hand carved table, needle point chair, complete Bed- room suite (single), complete elm bedroom suite (twin beds) French Provincial ches- . terfield and chair, Viking up- right deep freeze (nearly new), portable chord organ, set of 'Limoges china (apple blossom pattern), cranberry glass, fluted English epri No. of excellent oil- painings, Westinghouse T.V., Air. Ki he de-humidifier, no. of electr gal appliances, chrome set & 4 chairs, 2 Underwood type- writers, etc. Note--Sale at "| thie property "unless imcles ~~ §% ment weather, then at Sun- derland Arena, Come early. Ladies will serve lunch, Farm sold. Terms cash. Sale at 12:30 p.m. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON, Jly3-10 Oe Ph. Sunderland 357-3270