© -here on the Island. " daughters at their cottage. _ days. daughter vacationing at Al- oh FAROE RR FRB WY Mr. and Mrs, D, Herne and Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson of Oshawa Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, H, Cornish. omx... Mr. and Mrs. R. Shaw and son Charles of Oshawa recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Carter, : Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown & - children of Oshawa Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E, Brown, Mr." C. McRae and Miss Anne Mason of Ajax guests of Mr. and Mrs. Saville, 'Mr. 'and Mrs. David Geor- geft (bride & groom) of St. Catharines, over night guests ofl his brother-in-law and sis-| ter Mr. and Mrs. J. Reese. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Aldred of Agincourt at their cottage "Service at Grace at 9 am, You are invited. Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Hope and family "and Mr. and Mrs. G. Samells and family are holi- daying in Western Canada. Congratulations 'to Mr. '& Mrs. C. Rassin oii the birth of their new daughter. Mr, and Mrs, A. Krieg and Bradley Lake for the holi- Mr. and "Mrs, T. Manns and gonquin Park, Mrs. M. McLaren spent a day last week in Oshawa. "Mrs. Blanche Mark is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs, J. McQuinn: Mr. and Mrs. D. Maundrell of Oshawa and Mrs. E. Row- land of Whitby and Mr, and Mrs. R. Fralick , Sunday guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Fralick. Friends at McLarens Beach Scugog News held a dinner presentation party 'in honor of Miss Pat Cornish and Mr. Ron Tozer whose marriage takes place July 4th.. Mr. and Mrs, C. HA. E Johnson OPTOMETRIST 229 MARY STREET 985--2383 Holt and Mr. and Mrs. J Callan were co-hostesses at the former's cottage. Misses Frances and Mar- guerite Bowles of Epsom re- cent 'luncheon guests of Mr. and: Mrs. H. Thomas, We welcome Mr. and Mrs, W. Watts of Toronto as per- manent residents at Pine Point. Week-énd guests of Mr. & Mrs, C. Fralick were Mr. and Mrs. B. France & Andrew of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fra. lick entertained thier family PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, July 3,1969 ~ 5 Fralick, Whitby, Miss Gloria Fralick, Toronto, Miss Mari- lyn Fralick Sudbury and Mr. and Mrs. J. MacGregor of Oshawa. _ Mr. L. Trudelle of Syracuse N.Y. holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas, ® Mrs L. McCloud of Oshawa a Friday guest of Mrs. E. Brown.. : Mr. and Mrs, R. Sutherland Sr. & Corrie of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. R. Sutherland Jr. of Oshawa with My, and | Mr. and Mrs, Sutherland Jr. are staying with her parents while they are building a new house, 5 Miss Dale Fralick is en- tering the Hospital for Sick Children-on Wednesday. Best of everything Dale. SELLING EAL (STATE LID REALTOR 985-7373 CANADAS FINEST RED or BLUE BRAND STE Kk Round on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. S. Mrs. C. Fralick, on Sunday, Ei CARLOAD | fick Mkt. Prince Albert " KRAFT 16 oz. LETTERS w= EDIORZ | | - Port Perry Star | Port Perry, Ontario Dear Sir: Because of location Reach property is valuable and for this reason there should be laws to protect it, if there} are none at the present time. We are less than' 30 miles| fi. _.. from Metro Toronto not 200 y miles from Tim Buck Two! Cheese Whiz 69: HILLCREST & BUTTERMATE BREAD SLICED 6 oz. VAC PAC on ng 2:49 _ DEVON RINDLESS ". Are gravel pits necessary? : This is not a personal grudge 1 Lb. Pkg. c . but I feel nothing destroys y 2 ¢ the beauty of the country 7 side . faster than those pits.| If "you have ever tried to grow a tree, you will know the time element. Driving along 2nd Cons. Reach I saw a heap of uprooted ones laying bu the roadside. (1 mile east from the town line road). . Sometime drive over and see -- this --first--hand=--As--you go through the country you can see abandoned pits which are| an eye sore. Is there no legislation cov- ering the restoration of the land? If not, why not? May 1 suggest the follow- ing:-- 1. No pit license be issiied without 'a certain radius of existing homes. 2. No. soil removed closer than 200 feet from the road. 3. Pit owners assume respon- « sibility for the roads they use. 4. Pits can bé only of a certain depthand must be levelled off with top soil. 5. A row: of trées be planted along the roadside to improve the view, i 3 I do not know the taxes paid by these pits no do I have any facts which might 'make 'these operations of an advantage to a district. I would rather have extra taxes to pay and leave the. country unspoiled. d ' Maybe these are not pract- : ical suggestions but I do hate to see the land destroyed. Yours tly, wn | ROSS & MARG'S -- FOOD MARKET " PRINCE ALBERT TENDER SLICED BEF LIVER 53° PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS.--FRI ~SAT. r ULY 3-4-5 - NEW STORE HOURS . 8:30 -- 6:00 Mon. Tues. & Sat. peli . 8:30 -- 9:00 Wed. Thurs. & Fri. : 0 - Clark's 14 oz. « Tius Beans v. Pork 2:39: Rice Krispies 43: FOIL WRAP = Jf NAPKINS = CHRISTIES : BROWNIES & CHOC. FUDGE il Pkg. S5¢ 16 oz. Santi Spread 49 Winner Of Last Week's DRAW CHARLES McLAUGHLIN Free delivery phone 985-2492 | Free Draw with every $5.00 Order or Over.