---manville;- vi. Re Sh og ye OEY AIR we Bi hh aden te SR LE Ee CL CLL CEL TUR NAL AAR ARS THES FERRERS ENA cvs ali WE 'BLAC KSTOCK NEWS By O. Hill "A goodly number attended and enjoyed the recital by the 13 piano pupils of Mrs. L. Thompson in the Town. ship Hall Wednesday. Guest Artist Miss Linda Mountjoy rendered two. beAutifully executed Gradg 10 piano so: los' "The Witches Flight' and "The Mouse". All the: young ladies: from Cartwright High School who "attended Teachers College in Peterborough- this year have received good results and are hired to teach as. follows: Betty Bradburn, Blackstock: Margaret Carnaghan, Picker: ing Twp.; Linda Gray, Bow- ~Bernice- Mappin; Port Perry; Joan Wotten, Cannington. ' Lynda Kyte who graduated from Toronto Teachers - College will be teaching in Fergus. Hearty congratulations to all. Also to, all the University stud- ents:-- Nancy Dorrell, 2nd year at Victoria; Elizabeth Thompson at University Col- lege; Lloyd Trewin, Glendon 2nd year; Judy Cochrane, York 2nd year; Brian Mount- joy, Guelph 2nd yr; Ray| Mountjoy, - 3rd year Guelph received his B.A.; Jim Car- naghan, 1st year at London; Ron Martyn 1st year at Wa- terloo; Dennis McLaughlin, 2nd year at Guelph. (If I have missed any kindly let me know before next week, Cat' and the 'week-end. Olga Hill). Master Christopher Mill son, Tyrone, spent a week with his grandparents Mr, & Mrs, Henry Wotten while: his mother and new baby brother were in hospital. $ Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fer-|. guson and his sister, Calgary & Mrs. J. Hanorah and Rose Ellen, Hampton, called on Mrs. J. A. Johnston and. Mr. and 'Mrs. Chas.. Smith last Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery called on Mrs. Johnston Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bruce, Port Perry; Mrs. J. Anderson (Lillie Brice), Whitby and her-daughter, Mrs, Polson of Kimberley, Sask, were Tues- day supper guests of Mr. & Mrs. Marwood, McKée, ". A good crowd attended the in this community, to which they made fitting replies. After the bride and groom had viewed their gifts, a bountiful lunch was served and records provided music for .damging. | Mr. and Mrs, Carl Wright spent; the week-end with re- latives in Bancroft and at tended the Golden Wedding of her sister and brother-in- law Mr, and Mrs. Walter Ke- Jusky on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell and girls also called. on the Keluskys. ¢ Mr. Leslie Bushfield, Wind- sor, and Miss Janice Byers, Guelph, spent the week-end with the Murray Byers. home. ; z ¢ Miss Mary Bradburn, Tor- onto,-spent-the-week-end-at- shower in- the Recreation Centre Friday night in hon our of a newly married cou. ple -- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bradburn (nee Sheila Sharp). Mr. Harvey Graham was the M.C. The following pro- gramme interspersed with some jokes by M.C.' was Aji Piano solo, Wendy " Baton twirling, . Lori orn Perry Grande, three selections on the gui- tar and harmonica; a read- ing by Mrs, Ray Bradburn. Harvey presented the happy couple with "a pole lamp, electric wall ¢lock and miscellaneous gifts with the good wishes of their friends and provide technical completing the 2 year University of Guelph. University. of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario. LADY MOTORISTS AND MEN MOTORISTS TOO! why, PAY MORE? DX Station COLUMBUS Phone: 655-3892 DIPLOMA GRADUATES IN AGRICULTURE ARE IN DEMAND To operate farms, work in government service. agri-business -- feed, 'machinery, farm supplies, insurance. You can prepare yourself for your career by agriculture at the Ontario Agricultural College, Applicants with Grade 12 standing, or equivalent training and experience are invited: "For further information write: Director of Diploma Course - in Agriculture, Box W., FREE Box Of KLEENEX ~ WITH EACH * $3.00 Purchase A NEW TO SERVE YOU 'AT helprin. many kinds of seed, fertilizer, Diploma program in COMPLETE L REAL ESTATE LTO REALTOR REAL ESTATE Splendid services were held in both : churches Sunday morning. In the United at 10 a.m. Rev. P, Romeril de- livered a very impressive sermon from the theme "Be- yond the Reach of Trouble" taking as his text:"I will Fear no Evil for Thou Art with me". This was his last ser- mon as official Pastor. of theT 'County were chosen tb at: charge, hut he is to do some supply work in August while the new Pastor Rev. Victor Parsons. takes holidays: The choir sang an'-Anthem "No Man can 'Measure: . God's Great Love". : In the Anglican at 10:15 Rev. R. C. Rose gave an ex- cellent Dominion Day serm. on, : : Next Sunday, July 6th the United Congregation are in- vited to worship in-St. John's and the following Sunday the Anglicans are invited to the United. . There will be no Sunday School in the United during July and August. In the. United Church Sun- day morning Rev. Romeril presented the following Girl Guides with their Religion in- Life Badges: Cindy VanCapmp, Leslie Wright, Ann Marlow, PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, July 3,1969 - 7 Janis M-Zaughlin, Marilyn Duff; Cheryl Graham, Terri] Robinson, Cheryl. Wright. Miss Carfl Werry, attend. ed a girls Conference for 4-H Homemaking "'clubs*at the University of Guelph College from Tuesday -to Friday. Three girls from Durham tend the other:two--Jennifer Best, Hampton. and Lynn Skinner, Tyrone. All report a very pleasant time. Miss Mary Waugh, Scotland, a delegate from the Scottish Young Farmers, is guest of the Ralph Larmers for a week, while on this exchange. Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Sree) A TERRA ---- > , 'pte Ach ior ribicte "pt. ~ BOB'S CARPENTRY Specializing in Rec Rooms, Kitchens, Built-ins, etc. Courtesy, Imagination and Estimates Free. SEAGRAVE -- 985.7027 Vancouver; Mr. Charlie Gun- ter;* Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gun- ter and Stephen, Coe Hill, spent the week-end with the Blake Gunters and Ray Tyr- ners. Mr. George Stroop, Grims- by «and Miss: Dianne Van Enerongen, Hamilton, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erank Vlieger and fa- mily. Sunday visitors with Mr. & Ms, Marwood 'McKee were: Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Lawson and Bruce, Yelverton; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannon, and Mrs. Grace Cochrane, Orono; Mr. . and Mrs. Ken Ball, Kirby. (Continued on Page 12) AAA A A AS AA SN NS NN NSS NNY BERO Awa IPR VERE A cars in this year's Nova, Chevelle Malibu, Camaro and Impala. a J MARK OF EXCELLENCE Every Chévrolet has to make it béfore we mark it, ' "sugges! *Based on manufacturer's suggested: 'maximum retail prices, including federal sales and excise tax and in dealer delive ry and handling charges. Chevrolet ~You Heady know where most prices are going. Up. So you'd naturally expect the brand. -new "69 cals shown here to cost a lot more than last year: Fact is, many s line- -up from Chevrolet cost less, much less, than last year's models. For instance, the 2-door Impala, equipped with power disc brakes, Turbo Hydra-matic transmission, whitewalls, wheel covers and head restraints, plus a bigger motor than last year,-is yours for $120.50* less than last year's figure. And comparable savings are waiting for you on many Nova, Chevelle and Camaro models. In other words, you can buy many -of this year's cars at less than "last year's prices. Which is' what putting you first is all about. From the top, Chevy Wi Z -- SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER Pacevelter Value This year's cars at less than last year's prices. bie Beh hie. ssi tie L Va PHONE: 985-7351 QUEEN steer, PORT PERRY, ONT. Beare Motors ae AL AN 13 ' : VATE, 7 . ALi