| 1. i Hospital Auxiliary Raises $60,000. During 17 Years| The Annual Aux, Meeting Expenses--$4,501.00 was held in the Municipal | Balance $358.87 office. on Nov. 17th with 25 Pledge--$20,000.00 present. Mrs, Dymond open- ed the meeting and welcomed visitors, interested friends & regular representatives. Mrs. McDermott gave a favourable report on the Tuck Shop with a bal. of $209.54 in bank. Elizabeth Arden products are now available in the Shop. The schedule with all or ganizations helping is most encouraging. } Mrs. Manns reported she had given out 5 pr. of boo- tees since the last meeting and had 42 pr. on hand. A thank you note was read from Mrs. Ann Chandler. Total of $209.17 was 'turned in for forfeit calendars. Mrs. Marion Crozier gave the Treas. Report. Donations from: Seagrave UCW--$10.00 Scugog Head UCW--$20.00 Ladies Legion Aux.--$15.00 " Honeydale W.1L--$10.00 Manchester UCW--$25.00 Maybelle Rebekah Lodge--$10.00 ANNUAL REPORT General Fund . Receipts--$2039.60 Expenses--$2572.73 Balance--$366.87 Building Fund-- Recepits--$4,859.87 Bal. approx.--$1500.00 Eleanor Davidson distribu: ted wool to be knit for 3 pe. baby outfits for the Tuck Shop. Mrs. Dymond reminisced on her 17 yrs. as president of the Auxiliary and paid tri. bute to all the organizations the past. During her term about $60,000.00 was raised. At this time we would like to say "thank you" Mrs. Dy- mond for all you have done for the auxiliary and hope your interest continues. The nominating = Commit- tee brought in the new exe- cutive, Past Pres.--Mrs. Dymond Pres.--Mrs. A. McDermott 1st Vice--Eleanor Davidson 2nd Vice--Jean Goode Sec'y--Hazel Coates Treas.--Bonnie Gerrow Corr. Sec'y--Reta"Beadle Knitting Convener--Chris Richardson Mrs. the new executive and wish. ed them every success. The Annual Doll Draw will be held on Dec. 13 at 3 p.m, at Greer & Kelly's Office. Christmas meeting on Dec, 15th at : Hospital. Please bring article for Tuck Shop. PLUMBING AR SPORTS PHONE 985-2581 - SCORPION SNOWMOBILES and Accessories HEATING T'S -- SALES ART PETROZZI AAS A A AN A A AA AAA AAS LSS SSNS SSS NNN NNN NN Port Perry Minor Hockey DANCE who have supported us in y Dymond introduced] Bruce Smith; RR. 2, winner of the Port Perry Lions Club 4-H Grain Club trophy, and Mrs. Clarence Carter, Fair Board president, who presented the trophy to the winner, Presented on the same occasion was Uxbridge Co-op grain trophy won by Roy Gerrow, R.R. 3, Port Perry. Mr. Gerrow won the trophy at the Uxbridge Fair, but presentation was made by Larry Burt, Monday evening at the Lions Club dinner meeting. Mr. Burt and Ralph Honey also present are club leaders. Two Local Ladies Elected To W.I. Provincial Board Continued ' problems, opinions, requests, PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Nov. 20, 1969 -- 21 Bruce "Smith Winner Of Lions -Club 4-H Trophy Bruce Smith, 2, was the winner of a Perry Lions Club 4-H Grain trophy for 1969 with a total point score of 891 of a possible 1,000 pts. This was announced by Lynn Fair, Ontario County Agricultural representative, at a specialdinner meeting where the participating 4-H members and their fathers were enter- tained by the Lions Club. Clarence Carter, president of Port Perry Fair Board, present- ed the trophy to the winner. In second and third place were Donovan Smith, R.R. 2 Port Perry and Earl Phoenix, Greenbank with scores of] 880 and 869 respectively. In second place was Jim Gerrowand third Bruce Smith. There were 13 entries and among them one girl, Miss Marion Coupertwaite, R.R. 3, Uxbridge. All participants received a cheque in the amount of $4.50. The Port Perry Lions Club - provided 2 bushels registered grain for each club member, Also presented with a trophy was Roy Gerrow, R.R. 3 Port Perry. The trophy don- ated by Uxbridge Co-op was presented to the winner of the grain class at the Uxbridge Fair by Larry Burt, one of two club leaders, and school teacher at the Port Perry High School. First vice president, Don Carnegie conducted the meet- ing in the absence of presid- ent, Stan Mumford. Saturday, Nov. 29, 1969 LEGION HALL - -- PORT PERRY Music by Eugene and the Starliners ADMISSION: $10.00 PER COUPLE INCLUDES REFRESHMENTS For Tickets Contact Joe Waldinsperger 985-7385 Maurice Jeffrey 985-2394 ASA SL LL SSS SSS SSSR RRS SR RS 0 0 0 NASsEsASEMtawssveRwanind . Avhhnnnnnan F Ahab A A A a A AS S S RAN XN NXE It is a tremendously chal- lenging office, as well as an honour, and countless opport- unities for the promotion of Women's Institute work will be presented. For the information of the readers, the Provincial Board of the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, is the governing body of the Feder- ated Women's Institutes of Ontario. The Board of Direct- or brings to the Board the and suggestions from her sub- division, and takes back to the members recommendations of the Board. is able to act as a clearing house for Institute problems, and to legislate in the interest of all the members in the organization. The Women's Institutes, sponsored by the Dept. of Agriculture and Food, are primarily non. fund raising, but an educational organizat- Thus the Board |, the owner. --NOTICE-- : POPLAR PARK PORT PERRY Persons wishing to use the Park for Ski-Doo's must get in touch with New trees and planting makes it necessary for you to have a James Baird ion, and are now existent in all continents of the globe, originating in Stoney Creek, Ontario. _ Inrecent years the Instit- o| | ute movement is expanding rapidly amongst the Indians and Eskimos of Northern Canada. The week of November 24th, Mrs. Cawker will be attending the Provincial Board fall meeting, to be held in the King Edward Sheraton Hotel, Toronto. COMPLETE AMBER 985-2809 The Port Perry March for Muscular Dystrophy will take place during November and December. The campaign will be con- ducted: by the Port Perry. Reach and Scugog Fire Depait- ment. They will place canisters in all the local stores. MDAC 'will use money raised in relieve the victims of muscular dystrophy in any way possible and to finance research into MD. The disease, which causes progressive paralysis, the campaign to | Fire Brigade Supports MDAC Fund Raising has its worst effects on child- ren, it severely limits. Research aimed at finding a cure for muscular dystrophy is being carried on in North America, Europe and Japan. In Canada the association supports projects in every major university and medical research centre. Please support this worthy cause. For further information, write or phone William Har- rision, 167 Bigelow Street, Port Perry. 985-7934. Roybrook Model Lady, a purebred Holstein cow in the herd of F.R. Ormiston, Brook- lin, Ontario, has recently been awarded a Silver Seal product- ion certificate by the Holstein- ada. In eight lactations on twice-a-day milking, = Lady produced 168,000 lbs. milk containing 6,786 lbs. fat, average. test 4.04% butterfat. In her latest lactation, as a ten year old in 305 days, on twice-a-day milking, Lady produced 20,662 lbs. milk containing 8111bs. fat, average test 3.94% butterfat. This record has a Breed Class Aver- Friesian Association of Can- Award County Holsteins Silver And Red Seals age of 181% and 195% for fat. Lady is classified "Excel- lent" for body conformation and is a Two Star Brood Cow. High Point Pabst Dorothy a purebred Holstein cow in the herd of Smith Bros., Port Perry, Ontario has recently completed a fine record of performance production test. As a seven year old in 3056 days on twice-a-day milking, Dorothy produced 21,345 lbs. milk containing 831 lbs. fat, average test 3.89% butterfat. This record has a Breed Class Average of 179% for milk and 190% for fat. 450 Ibs. 40% Supplement _5501Ibs. Oats and/or Barley 2000 Ibs. 16% Dairy Ration REAL ESTATE 1000 Ibs. Corn or Corn and Cob Meal Master 40% Dairy Supplement for those with abundant grain 3 suggested formulas 400 Ibs. 40% Supplement 800 Ibs. Corn or Corn and Cob Meal _8001bs. Oats and/or Barley 2000 Ibs. 16% Dairy Ration 300 Ibs. 40% Supplement 850 Ibs. Oats 850 [bs. Barley 2000 Ibs. 16% Dairy Ration Mix Master 40% Dairy Supplement and home-grown grain for maximum profit 12S results that count! MASTER FEEDS Phone: 985-2131 -- Port Perry a A ANION - ip whose life expectancy - "HMOs AN YW a ae Tron -- ] y g