SRE AL 12 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday Dec. 18, 1969. Prince Albert News ter, Mr. and Mrs. Periman and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snelgrove. Friday night again brought about the customary excite- ment when the annual Sun- day School concert was acted out in fine style. As usual the appropriate trimmings. of the season were visible and admired such "as the glistening tree all adorned in brilliance, the red and green twirling strea- mers.. the poinsetteas all complimented the sanctuary. Finally at the last minute in pranced St. Nickolas garbed in scarlet and what a wel- come guest. He voiced a few humerous remarks then com- menced handing out dozens of tall, thin gay.parcels and candy to the children. Much credit is due the leaders and some adults too as well as each class whose earnest efforts made the evening possible. Last Saturday Mrs. C. Luke entertained the following, in- cluding her son, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Luke, Robert and Paul, Stoney Creek, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bond, Toronto, and 'the village relatives. This was a Christmas dinner and trimmings held at ap earlier date as the Murray Lukes are planning to spend the holiday in Florida. Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock enjoyed being among the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain of Blackstock area. At Achievement Day in Uxbridge on Saturday, Miss Denise Jeffrey was awarded the Provincial Honours and Miss 'Shelley Olsen theyCoun- ty Honours, so to both we congratulate them, Mrs. K. Williamson and Mrs.. Roy "Mildred" Hope graciously, shared their time in planning a shower for a couple who afe recent new- lyweds, Mr and Mrs. George Skerratt Jr. The _ occasion was held in the much used Recreation Centre last Sat- urday night where the happy bride and groom received many useful gifts that prove a "must" in any home. The young couple expressed their appreciation after which lun- ch was served. All wished them the best,. Mr. K. Jackson, proprietor of Flamingo Pastries, Port Perry generously entertained his entire staff and escorts to'a Christmas dinner-dance in the Legion Hall Saturday evening. The following from our midst enjoyed this ann- ual festive function: Mr. and Mrs. C. Newnham, Mr. and Mrs. Roy A Hope, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. C. Popert, Mr. and Mrs, J. Doupe, Mr. and Mrs. O. Kennedy, : Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doupe ing time with their daughter Mr. and Mrs, B. Raines and family in Dunbarton as Mrs. Raines is just home from the hospital, Mr, Clifford Wilson, Stouf- fville spent - the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and Bruce. Mr. and Mrs, L. Beacock were recent Saturday even- Ing guests with Mr, and Mrs. John Dumont, Oshawa. Miss Mary Grainger and friend both of Toronto en- joyed the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Grainger, : : Check The Label have been periodically spend- On Your Paper Save! RAM FURY JIG SAW 3/8" brill 1 5% It's a fury of a saw! Lightning 3,500 8.p.m.,, cuts 2 x 4's up to 45°. Powerful 3-amp. universal motor; features rip guide, tilting shoe base. 115 volts. a " wr DEPENDABLE MOR: CIRCULAR SAW ATTACHMENT SOCKET SET POWERFUL GIFTS - for workshop santas! ELECTRIC nds, in one professionally- pre POWER ELECTRIC 1/4" brill 11" 50%; more drilling ue than 14° Drills 1° in steel, 14° in hard- - drills, 3° in steel, 34° in hard- wood. -amp. universal motor wood. 2-amp. motor has dynami with bal multiple Apply for a CAN-CHARGE Credit Card 'VERSATILE 1/5 H.P. - Sabre Saw 1 849 Cuts metals, leather and 2 x 4's. Fast action 3050 s.p.m. motor. { starting hole. Rear-grip handle, slide-type switch. With 6-ft. cord, 3 blades. thrust bearings, Jacobs chuck, key POPULAR-PRICED MOR-POWER ~ 6Y2" Circular Saw . 9Q9s Special! Black and Decker POWER WORKSHOP Drills, saws, sands, pelishes, 99 a kit! Includes 7g variable speed drill, orbital sander and circular saw at- tachments, grinding wheel, polishing bonnet, buffing wheel,vetc. All 13-piece socket set! this, plus a 44-PCE. MOR-POWER EL 1/4" brill Kit 1 8% Full 2-amp. rating drill, 9-piece high drill speed bit set, sanding and polishing kit, paint mixer, 25 sanding -steel box. "Wi discs, al ¥ ECTRIC FAST and COMPACT Orbital Sander 184 Adjusts from pin-point to. blow- Includes soldering solder torch flame, Re solders, melts, 8, brush, i) rig 2 dps. ignites. Self-cleanin ual heat gun head, With jumbo 155 [la 9 Tests inet Sun 9 "gram fuel injector. Long copper tip. r as mn we Si 2 Vd -- 19-PIECE DRILL . ® Accessory Kit ( R 9-to-1 3 reducer, right angle Foy 8 standard A drive sockets, socket adapt- 3 blades, screwfinder, BIG and SPACIOUS Tool Toter Sturdy 18x61 x 8 " 'auto-body' steel keeps too s and small parts in For 101 repair jobs from paint 14-0z; RONSON 'VARAFLAME' .. 4 Butane Torch neat order. Sliding 8compartmentson tray with compart- 89 baseforsmallparts, ments; baked nails, screws etc, enamel finish, / Hi-impact plastic, * , ' "* Universal 1 h.p. motor features slip clutch to Big 7% x 3% sanding pad. Smooths wood, i A Nell Makes own prevent burnout Cotting der finger tip mets) lak amp, 1 vole fh.0 apm; ; PA adjustment; bevels 0° to 45°, ustable ri of. Direct gear drive; in : / pv ry With combination blade, cord and po 3 sandpaper sheets, cord and plug. HANDY TOOLS FOR THE : A. 'ST. * ALL-STEEL CLAW. HAMMER _--_--, AH ssi . - Heat-treated drop-forged steel head. 16-0z. eyo NADIAN TIRE [JE Ereisanss Cash and Carry : \N[ANADIAN For home repairs, etc. With supply of rivets. \ v \ { BL 3 : J C, 7° VISE GRIP WRENCH BONUS rs ON \ TIRE ; k: FH a dae Thin-nosed ; curved jaws open to 1-%° COUPONS RAY B. WILSON LIMITED : 183 Queen Street, Port Perry, Ontario HOT ITEM! MASTERCRAFT Propane Torch Kit soldering, etc. around the house or cottage, Lights VE so instantly; adjustable brass burner, : 6™ : isposable etal cylinder. . .. Soldering 'Kit REVOLVING Tool Holder Ball-bearing 16° dia. tray base; 26 tool slots around tote handle. removing, plumbing WELLER 24 %: o£ 519 3.59 o!