LETTER Dear Sir: Doing some thinking of the pros and cons of our demo- cracy and its form of admin. istration leaves little to .be wondered when we see the size of the dollar that is be- ing spent on how to levy the dollar as taxes. As we are well aware we are over governed and with the cost of the five govern- ing bodies which we are con- trolled by, plus a few influ- encial people and boards, leaves much catering to a few. In the last few years we have watched Port Perry, a beautiful place of great po- tential sit, almost dormant This was a town better fitted as of years ago than it is today, and all we will have to pass on is a large debt to our next generation, while our neighbouring towns with some progressive thinking are taking the cream off the skim milk we are left to en- joy. When we wake up and re- alized this community is operated by a staff in num- bers great enough to handle a town many times its size that some. of the selfish ac- tions and quick decisions am wondering, how high the mill rate will go before we really wake up and support; some Free Evaluations L RIAL ESTATE LTO -EALTOR 985-7373 GOING OVERSEAS You'll Need A PASSPORT PHOTO Contact Peter Hvidsten + 985-7383 PORT PERRY STAR Sv EDITOR of the progressive thinking we should have. If we are to progress here are a few of the issues I'd like to see on our priority list: Have: postal delivery; Extended phone service; Our own sewage disposal system, not a sess pool to deplete another part of our country side; a water supply you can drink twelve months of the year, and, these ser- vices should not cost any more. True, it will take a thought or two in the right direction. As in industry if our present staff do not do as required they should be replaced, after all we all go by numbers now. Wm. Wozney. Port Perry Star Port Perry, Ontario Dear Sir: It was with concern that I read of the decision by the Ontario County Board of Education to divide the County into North and South zones," proposing that the North zone custodians should receive a salary that is 20% less than that of the South zone. That such a proposal could have been accepted by any Union is indeed shock- ing. It is most certainly out of order for a School Board to suggest such an unequal fin- ancial division. There can not be any just reason for such discrimination. We, the public, have en: trusted to our School Board members the jurisdiction of a large school area with the subsequent responsibility of handling our 'tax money wisely. I object, and I hope 'many others do also, to the practice = of discrimination. Since we in the North are not rebated the same percentage that has been with held from our local custodians, I can only say that we are being treated unfairly. In the case of educational, as with all public and political positions, it cannot be stressed too strongly that the tax- payer is still the man to be considered. When officials fail in their responsibility to settle issues fairly, it is up to. the taxpayer to protest, and if necessary, to instate men in their places who will advance the principles of equality. --A Taxpayer Why Pa TO SERVE LADY. MOTORISTS! SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY GAS A new DX Station - COLUMBUS - Phone 655-3892 AND MEN MOTORISTS Tor FREE Box of Kleenex: or Coffee Mug with each $3.00 Purchase. y More? YOU AT BY Te HE woe fale ; . LIONS 3 AT SN ALIN EVA PTNCEA TEAC Death always seems to take a heavy toll in late winter. This week we extend sympa- thy to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dur- ward and family because of the passing on Wednesday of Marion's father Mr. Jack Snooks of Sunderland. . Another former citizen known now to only the older generation was Mrs. Ken Fraelick (Olive. Mark) who died in Port Perry hospital on Friday, None of the Mark family now reside in Seagrave but they were well known 40 years ago. One of our elderly men, Mr. Thos. Druen (Tommy) had to enter hospital a few days ago. We have no re- port on his condition. On Tues. (3rd) young John Pollard of Stouffville, grand- son of the Hunters under- went surgery again to cor- rect his leg trouble. He is doing nicely and if he can keep still for 5 or 6 weeks has a good chance of throw- ing away those crutches. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Slecp of Bowmanville were dinner guests of their sister Mrs. Boe on Sunday evening. Mrs. R. Nodwell spent the week-end in Hamilton with Bill -and Rosemary Hilbert and their sons who have just moved into their new home. On Monday evening(right now) the Historical Socigty members are meeting at the rave vited to attend the lecture by Dr. Turner in Port Perry U.C. on Thurs. at 8 o'clock. Attendance at both Church and S.S. showed some im- provement .in spite of the fact that Mrs. Boe, Mrs. Ken Short, Mrs. Tobin and the Hunters were missing. Mrs. Boe was interested in the Hi-C Club's service in Port Perry because of her grand- daughter Janice Dowson. Mrs. Ken Short was having her annual week-end holiday in Toronto. The Hunters were enticed away by Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hunter to their cottage at Fenelon Falls. They report good snowmobiling there. Mrs. Tobin was at home nursing her flu patient Mrs. Coxworth, Back to the Church report: Rev. Critch preached a ser- mon entitled (believe it or not) "Virginia Wolf meets Charlie Brown". During the service three couples were received as members by transfer. Mrs. Keith Puckrin, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Puckrin and Mr. & Mrs. Len. Somerville. At S. S. the birthday box didn't do too badly. Mrs. Fishley was the contributor. Last week was really quiet as regards public events but this week: -- Monday 8 p.m. Board of Stewards--No lunch --lunch?? Nodwells and we have been ke 8 p.m. Youth Group reminded that everyone is in-4 Clover Leaf Solid White TUNA FISH NX Lyons Premium Value TEA BAGS 10c Off 100s 63: : Maxwell House INST. COFFEE 10c OF 6 oz. s1.29 Pl POR FRESH C DEVON Peas o Kellog News They were Mr. and |, FRESH Shoulder Shankless FRESH LEAN LEGS or BREASTS Maple Leaf Small Link -- Ib. Tray Pak SAUSAGE Beef or Pork SIDE_BACON Nestles Chocolate Quik sco 1s 53 Instant Breakfast cArnaTON PORT PERRY STAR -- Thurs. February 12, 1970 -- 5 Church on Sunday morning at 10. Don't forget the Pancake Social on Wed., Feb. sgh at 6 p.m.. followed by an even- CW.-- h |. -- Wed. 8 p.m. U.CW.--lunc ing of "Guchre. certainly Thurs. 8 p.m. Official Board ~--lunch probably Fri. 8 p.m. Euchre--lunch of course Sat. 8 p.m. Family Fun night --Ilunch promised by Guide and Brownie Mothers, This evening is being spon- sored by the Guides and Brownies in hopes of raising money to send some of the girls to summer camp. For 50c. you can take part in skating and snowmobiling or games inside the Church. The survivors of all this activity are expected at Pentland Jewellers Ltd. | 193 QUEEN STREET -- 985-7641 -- PORT PERRY ) / / - PR 2, " LOVELACE 70% COLUMBIA 4 HEADQUARTERS # ron op CHARGEX Available 10% Cash Discount On Diamonds Budget terms may be arranged. No Interest or Carrying Charges This Week's MEAT Features CNICS mw 59: ib. 69¢c 7c 59¢ 93 K BUTTS HICKEN Ib. RINDLESS lb. Pkg. 2 19 oz. 47 r Cream Corn Ayimer All Purpose Flour 5 ross 5b.8g 59c Heinz Cooked Spaghetti 2190: 43 gs Corn Flakes 212 oz. 4 Je 6 oz. 69: and Free Delivery -- Phone 985-2492, Free Draw With Every $5.00 Order or Over. STORE HOURS 8:30 - 6:00 Mon., Tues., and Saturday 8:30 - 6:00 Wed., Thurs., and Friday Ne A RT my Di A mA ARTE pf a ngs PE -------- SE x En eer Re i » xX Er