SLRS BY SS LET RT Ly el RN aia tian ld 50 3H + Epsom N By Jean Jeffery The sympathy of the com. munity is extended to Mrs. by Talbert Evans who passed %away so suddenly at Port Perry Memorial Hospital last Friday, ' The Test of our "sek seem to be recovering normally. Mrs. Medd 'is back teaching. I believe-Richard Ashton is wback at school "but Tracy Gourlie is still .not well enough to return. All are hoping that Al Christie who is in Port Perry Memorial Hospital and Gordon Jeffery in Scarborough Centenary #Hospital will be home by the end of the week. We do wish a speedy recovery for Mr. Arthur Brawn in Oshawa General. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stew- art and family of Buttonville ¥vere Sat. and Sunday visitors with his mother Mrs. Mabel Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Caw- ker of Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Thornton f Port Perry 'were calling on Mrs. C. Cawker recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ray MacDon- ald of Toronto were visitors at the Al Christie home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Marien of Maple Grove, Miss Lynda Martin of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Al. Christie and Miss Darlene on Sunday. Lynda, who is 3 Model in Toronto had just returned from a LIST WITH 1 TRIAL ESTATE AID -REALIOR 985-7373 three week's vacation Florida. Miss Susanne Munro was a guest on Sat. evening with her friend Susan Cashen of Myrtle to celebrate Susan's birthday. Mrs. Enoch McKnight visit. ed last Thurs. with her cou- sin Mrs. Lee in Brooklin. Recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Munro were: Dr. and Mrs. Hertzberg of Dunbarton, Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop of Toronto and Mrs. David Simmonds and family of Willowdale. Mr. Sim- monds is in England on Busi- ness. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cath- erwood were Sunday supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Keith Ashton. Mrs. Jerrold Asling and girls of Hanover have return- ed home after spending a week 'with her sister Mrs. Cordingly. Mrs. Jerrold Asling and girls and Mrs. Jim Clarke & Ivan visited with Mr. & Mrs. Donald Asling Tues. evening and as their was no school on Wed. Ivan stayed over night with Mr..and Mrs. As- ling. On Sunday Mrs. Ray Mun- ro and Mrs. Finley Munro were joint hostesses for a big family birthday party as the four children of Ray and Dorothy all have birthdays in Feb. Len Sommerville could not attend with wife in 'Betty as he had injured his back in a fall and is in Port Perry hospital. Mr. Howard: Leask of Ux- bridge was a supper guest on {priday evening with Mr. and i Mrs. Howard Ashton. Dr. and Mrs. Jerrold As- Mr. ling, and Mrs. Keith EAR MOTOR 1) TO WELL TRAINED AND EFFICIENT SERVICE PERSONNEL .................. _ with 10 years service at 8 Automotive mechanic for /. some 35 years. 7. this time has been spent schooled in all types. He is an expert at diagnosing engine problems, as well as rear axle work. He is a very valued member of our staff. Please come in and discuss your car problems with OVER 50 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE "Jim Adderley" has been a valued member of our service department Beare Motors Ltd. Jim has been well schooled © through these many years. On many occasions he has attended the General Motors Tech- nical Training Centre being a member of the G. M. Technicians Guild for the past 10 years. Jim has been a licensed Most of Motors Jim is an Transmission having been with General Dealerships. Automatic Specialist, OLDSMOBILE ews Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling, Mrs. Jim Clarke and Mrs. Gordon Jeffery attended the Asling-Smith wedding in Lakefield and the reception at Rock Haven. Mr. Keith Wilson of Sarnia and Miss Anne Galaher of Toronto were with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Evans and family were supper guests on Sat. with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson. Mr. Floyd Wilson spent the. week-end "at the Me- Master University Christian Fellowship ski week-end at Nottawasaga Lodge north of Orangeville. Mr. & Mrs. Herman Kerrv By Cartwri Cartwright Council met on February 3rd, with all mem- bers of Council present and Reeve Malcolm in the chair. Donald Thompson of Nes- tleton was present with re- gards to a property severance in the village, approved by resolution #5. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gobkes were' also present seeking a property severance, i.e. a division of the farm under joint family owner- ship, approved by resolution' General Accounts Bills were presented and passed for payment, in amount of $776.04. Members of the Cartwright Volunteer Fire Dept. present- ed the 1970 Budget of $4,242. The. subject of a new Fire Hall was introduced by the Reeve, and as the Notice to vacate the present building was given and acknowledged effective next August, a Committee of two members 'of Council and two members of the Fire Dept. Frew, Get- tins, Scott and Train to meet and visit other Fire premises in Bethany and perhaps Port Perry and to report back to Council at the next regular meeting of Council. The fire- men advised. that they wou'd like a three bay building with an office compartment. Merrill Van Camp and J. R. Hamilton were present' seeking a property severance from the former to the latter in the N.P. L.9 in Con. 4, west of Blackstock Resolution #7 recommending consent be given was carried. Ivan Thompson and Morley Brure were present and asked Coun- cil if they favoured location of another subdivision in N. west Blackstock and present- ed a rough plan of same. Council did not agree with all aspects of the sketch but by Resolution #8 did ap- prove in principle the loca- tion for future subdivisions. R. McLaughlin and H. Toombs were present with regards to renewal of Insur- ance. coverage and only change was the transfer of a vehicle. Correspondence from T. H. Harris with re- gards to an offer of purchace was presented and Council by resolution #9 agreed to go ahead with the purchase provided that the Vendor could assure them that the property was adequate in area. by a survey. Messrs. Bell and Trewin were present with their ap- proved Draft Plans of Subdi- vision. Discussion followed byw"a lengthy reading of a draft agreement which later is to be Registered against the property at the time of completion. A motion that a restrictive area by-law be drawn, to establish details with regards to these two subdivisions. The Clerk was | also directed to contact thei New Fire Hall Discussed ght Council Ontario Hydro with regards to hydro service and street lights in the subject subdivi- sions. Roads Bills were presented and passed for payment in amount $7,035.24. Tenders for the Sale of the 1963 model 4 ton truck were presented, as follows: Winston Dewith an offer of ..... . $290.00 Port Perry Auto Wreckers 112.00 Mrs. Laurie Buckley. 250.00 Jim Byers ........... 210.00 A motion that the high tender of Winston Dewith be accepted. Road appropriations for 1970 discussed at $77,000. be- ing $3,000 less than was spent last year. Council to consi- der and plan for a supple- mentary appropriation, if re- quired. As considerable busi- ness was still unattended and the hour being past mid-night Council decided to hold an- other meeting as early as possible, at the call of the Reeve, SP CRU 4 NES ol ra IE LF Ae 1 v1 SNe eo an PORT PERRY STAR -- Thurs., February 26,1970 -- 3 _visited with Mr. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bradley of Brooklin one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones of Mount Zion spent an even- Ing with-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Geer recently. Mr and Mrs. H. Kerry and 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crozier Frank MacGregor of Keswick on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill of Claremont were Sunday sup- per guests with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Geer. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerry had supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kerry. Mrs. Lou Stevens of Broo» lin visited one dav last week with Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Geer. Epsom Community Euchre There was not a very big party due to unfaveurah®la weather. The prizes for Euchre were: Ladies 1<t Joon Asling; 2nd Mildred Thomp- son; 3rd Annie Christie; low Tina Ruhl. Door prize Mary Lambert. able prices. service is fast. PORT PERRY and Mrs. Gentlemen 1st Oli- HOME HEATING OIL For the best in home heating, Oil provides SAFE, CLEAN, Automatic Heat at reason- Our OIL is of the HIGHEST Quality and our : Phone Us For A Tank Of Home Comfort Reesor Fuel & Lumber ver Lane; 2nd Dennis Thomn. son; 3rd Archie Watson; low Wm. Hill. Door prize Harry Hill. There will be another party in two wecks. Mar. 6. WHEN A GIRL MARRIES FOR MONEY: SHES OFTEN SF DISAPPOINTED WITH THE CHANGE 7 CHESTER APPLIANCES - SALES and SERVICE Repairs to all Makes of Appliances. AUTHORIZED MOFFAT SERVICE DEPOT CAESAREA 986-4926 985-7951 A.W. BROCK DEPARTMENT NEW fT BROCK'S Department Store The amazing vinyl wallcloth that strips off dry : % Ready pasted i % Stain resistant _ % Scrubbable VINYL PAPERS $3.98 and $4.95 Roll DRY STRIPPABLE FOR EASY REMOVAL SPECIAL BOOKS 11 sell brand names you can trust. $1.95 A rauL $2.15 SINGLE SEVERAL SPECIAL LINE BOOKS CHOOSE IN YOUR OWN - HOME-2 DAY DELIVERY STORE NEW 1970 Sunworthy Wallpaper LARGE STOCK $1.19 - $1.50 AND UP ROOM LOTS ALWAYS AVAILABLE WOOD GRAIN PAPERS ROLL EN [7A Ft) ie 4 Y Fad The { ROL IY oy A MI fv CAA WAR FEAR ER RASCH RA PrN BS sh tt bit i LA EPETNONY A NIA «by 9% Som) a -- § 1} 4, Ae on aS Op < rd < -- rs