L 2 3--Apr.9 Auction Sales SAT., APRIL 4th Auction Sale of farm stock, Implements, hay, straw, grain and furniture, the pro- perty of GLAISTER GRAVES, Lot 20, Con. 4, Scott Twp. 3% miles north of Sandford or 1% miles east of Zephyr and 1% miles south on SAT. APRIL 4th. 36 -head of Holstein Cattle, 26 milk cows, some fresh, some due sale time, remainder full flow, re mainder heifers. 267 lbss of Milk Quota, 22 can Kraft bulk tank. Qu. hay, straw and grain. M.F. 135 Diesel tractor, nearly new (371 hrs.) Ford 9N tractor, McCormick threshing machine, New Hol: land baler, Case Manure spreader, J. B. & D. Weed sprayer, McCormick cultiva tor on rubber, Sedore Man. ure loader, full line machin: ery. Qu. of household fur niture, some antiques. Note furniture sells first. Farm Sold. Terms Cash. Sale at 12 noon. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG JOHNSON & SON, 2--Apr.2 Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 SATURDAY, APRIL 4 Holsteins, Sows and Pigs Machinery, : Furniture Complete farm auction con- sisting of 40 sows, 20 due time of sale, 60 chunks, 60 weaners, hog. 30 Holsteins, number of springers, 9 Hol- stein-Hereford steers & heif- ers, also number of fat cows. Allis Chalmers WD 45 Tract- or complete with loader and snow bucket (excellent), A-C W-F Tractor, McCormick No. 76 Combine (good), J.B. & D. Sprayer (new), McCormick 3 furrow tripbeam plow, Me- Cormick 10° H-D Cultivator, Cockshutt Seed Drill, A-C Forage Harvester, A-C For- age Blower, Forage Wagon, A-C Side Rake, Cockshutt Hammer Mill, McCormick 7 Mower, Manure Spreader, A-C Post Hole Auger, Com- plete line of machinery, 400 bu. mixed grain, 8 Hay Sil- age, Surge milking machine electric separator, Furniture, |. Chairs, Toilet set, apple peel- er; Findlay cook stove, quilts rugs, wash stand, etc. etc. (Furniture at 12.30) "selling at the property of Morley Smith, Lot 8, Con. 14, Reach Twp., % mile east of Victor- ia Corners or 7 miles north- east of Uxbridge. Note: This is an excellent clean farm sale, swine herd a real feat- ure, everything in good con- dition. 'Farm Sold. Sale at 12.30. Ley Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge & W. D. Atkinson, Stouffville Sales Managers and Auct- ioneers. Apr 2 TUES., APRIL 14th 3 Auction Sale of Farm Stock, ) .ulenes, hay, straw, grain & Furniture, the property of BRUCE BAILEY & SON, Lot 6, Con. 5, Reach Twp., 2 miles west of Manchester, % mile | north of Utica or 1 mile south of Epsom. 65 head of high grade & P.B. cattle, a number of good holstein cows, fresh & springers, al- number of Shorthorn cows, 6 P.B. Hereford cows, 2 P.B. heifers, P.B. bull, .12 here: ford steers & heifers rising 2 yrs, 12 hereford steers & heifers rising 1 yr., No of pail fed calves, 6 sows with pigs, 1 hog, 15 pigs (180 1bs.), 1000 bales of hay, Qu. of straw, Qu. of grain, David Brown 880 Diesel tractor & loader, snow bucket (good), McCormick W4 tractor; Cock- shutt Combine, pull No. 18, N.H. Baler No. 268 (good), LH.C. Seed Drill, 15 disc (good), Waterloo thresh. ing machine, 3 roller bearing wagons and good hay racks. 'LH.C. spreader, Top buggy, full line of machinery. Pine cupboard, apple peeler, 3 wooden pumps & logs, 2 sets of chimes, dinette suite, brass 'bed, round oak table, Qu. of other furniture, some dishes. Farm Sold. Terms cash. Sale at 12 noon sharp. Note furniture sells first. Gerald Graham, Clerk. JOHNSON & SON, TED JACKSON, Auctioneers "REG "Prince Albert News Mrs. Les Beacock Last #@iday- many. folk at- tended Clie Easter worship service "observed in the church sanctuary "which was adorned with the traditional lily and colour floral arrange- ments, The appropriate choir an- thems sounded most effec- tive directed by the organist Mrs. B. Snelgrove who also accompanied a special mixed quartette comprising of Miss L. Hunter, Miss J. Snelgrove, Mr. H. Dobson and Mr. B. Snelgrove rendered a suit- able and lovely vocal selec- tion. } ' The minister Rev. M. Reev- es as usual deliveréd a mess- age entitled, "What's -in a Day" that blended into the theme of the season. Offering gathered by Mr. Frank Harris and Cameron Deeth. { We are pleased to learn Mr. Aylmer Byers is home from the 'hospital. We all extend hearty con- gratulations - to Port Perry Legion "Pee Wee All-Stars" who in play at Goderich last Saturday "brought home the trophy of the week-long Tour- nament. This is the first time the team has earned this special honour in fifteen years. Two players of our village, Tom Olsen an arry Heard were among tHe hard- workers of the team. After midnight the celebrating took place--fire truck and many carloads of cheer -leaders followed up. Therefore in. stead of half of our village being in a baze as rumoured --it was a result of burning up the ice and a job well done. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Huston have returned from a month's vacation at Sanibel Island off the coast of Fort Meyers, Florida. While there the 'Hustons enjoyed the -privi- lege of being appointed in charge of the annual "Shell Exhibit. Booth" at the fabu. lous Sanibel Shell Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson enjoyed nearly a week visit- ing their friends Mr. & Mrs. L. Mulkins of Hagersville, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ingleton, Markham and also the Gib- son's niece and husband Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Noble of Lucknow. Several ladies from our midst enjoyed attending the trousseau tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt, Osh- awa on Saturday in honour of their daughter Barbara's approaching marriage. Company with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Alsop included their family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ger- rard and baby_son of Oak- ville, also Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnson, Whitby and Mr. & Mrs. R. Nottingham of Little Britain. Pte Glenn Sweetman who is stationed at Winnipeg is enjoying a two week holiday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sweetman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Raines and family of Dunbarton vis- ited their parents Mr. & Mrs. D. Doupe household and also at the home Tim Raines. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonnell were visited by their daugh- ter Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Ro- berts of Sudbury. The-Bon- nells were also pleased to have their great grand daugh- ter with them from the same place. . Mr. and Mrs. M. Pugh and family were company with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Gostick of Stouffville, Mrs. Teddy Lake is spend- ing a week with her mother, relatives and friends at Belle- ville. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gibson were Saturday evening din- ner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gibson, Oshawa. GOING OVERSEAS You'll Need A PASSPORT PHOTO 'Contact Peter Hvidsten , 985-7383 PORT PERRY STAR of Mr. and Mrs. PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, APRIL 2, 1970 --- 13 Little Sandra Pearce spent some of her school vacation with her grandparents in Osh- awa. * Janet Reader visited with - SALE 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 PLUS 1 CENT LAWRENCE PHARMACY Queen -Street Port Perry i her friend Melodie Appleton last Thursday. - Mr. and Mrs. Tony Snyder with little Sharon and Terri near Fergus spent the week- end at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson. The Ashbridge boys have been busy bringing hockey honours to the Island. On March 21 and 22 Jan travelled, to Brampton with Tripp's Novice All Star team where they played Cannington and Essex and beat the former. On Saturday, at Beaverton they won a Consolation Trophy. Timmy travelled to Goderich with his Legion Pee Wee All Star Team and won the Group C Championship when 18 teams competed. About 40 people attended the [Easter breakfast at "Grace" Church after some of the number braved the cool air in the Sunrise Service at the "Head" on Middleton's Hill. At the regular Easter Service a special treat was the Junior Choir presenting "Let There Be Peace on Earth", Rev. Teskey's message from the familiar Easter story was p.m. instead of 3 p.m. - NOTICE - BURLEY BUS LINES Revision Of Schedule Port Perry to Oshawa Bus Service . on SATURDAY ONLY Effective April 11th, 1970 Bus on Saturday to Port Perry will leave Oshawa at 6 The remainder of the schedule will remain unchanged. Scugog News thought provoking and inspir- ing. . Last week Mr. Jack Shave and son, Jeffrey of Toronto with Mrs. Edna Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. O. Reader of Port Perry called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reader. Mr. and Mrs. .Doug. Me- Cague and little daughter spent the week-end in Port Elgin. R Mrs. Jerry Taylor and Rick- ey travelled with Port Perry hockey teams to Buckingham, Quebec on Friday and return- ed Saturday. The boys stayed with several French Canadian families and really enjoyed their experience. Easter guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and sons were Mr. and Mrs. Busier Stevens, Manchester and son Mr. Jim Stevens of Weston. Mrs. E. Tullock, Sask, spent a cauple of days with her cousins Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacocks. .Easter week:end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Hus- tons included her sister Miss Lois Wickett, her brother & sister Mr. and Mrs. L. Wic- kett and their father Mr. Fred Wickett all of Toronto. LADIES CURLING Mar. 24, Tuesday-- I. Mitchell 6, H. Haddon 5 H. Bathie 8, R. Mitchell 7 M. McCoy 8, N. Kenny § B. Beare 7, H, Carnwith 7 Mar. 25, 'Wed.-- } H. Green 15, M. Snooks 4 C. Martyn 15, A. Cox 0 I. Carter 6, D. Beare 5 Mar. 26, Thurs.-- J. Howsam 8, M. Panabaker 7 H. Thomson 9, A. Dawson 6 M. Holdershaw 6, G. Hunter 3 LY OAR TINIT- V)4:1:{[o]¢] Thursday to Tuesday 5 days "Where Eagles Dare' . Richard Burton, Clint Eastwood "Mrs. Brown You've Got A Lovely Daughter"7:15 Coming Soon "OLIVER" Please note new starting time -- 7:15 Strong Ottawa Team Defeats Midget "B's' Port Perry Midget B's tra. velled to Buckingham, Que. bec, Saturday, March 28th to play the top team of that area, "The Ottawa Raiders". Cochrane scored the only goal in the first period for Port Perry on a breakaway. The score remained 1-0 until the four minute mark of the third period when Campbell netted the puck to give Port a 20 lead. Ottawa then came back with two goals to tie the score up, by 15.05 of : the third period. In the final five 'minutes of the game both teams scored another |; goal, forcing the play into overtime. The Ottawa club came on |g strong in the overtime and scored at 1:40, giving the "Raiders" the victory. The Port Perry boys earn. |§ ed a rousing ovation from the: Quebec and Ottawa specta. tors and were immediately invited back for a return game next_year. ON TARGET EVERY TIME 852-6033 April 2-3-4-5-6-7 9:00 pa D [aes : : 1 SON k\ VARA ER I RN : @ = 14 are the hunter / 2 Wednesday Only April 8th at 7:15 and 9:00 'Special Prices By Order Rainbow Ventures Adults $1.75 Children .75 RON HAYES PRODUCTION ITS OPEN SEASON 1965 FORD Full Price 30 Day Full Galaxie - 4 Door Sedan, v8, . Automatic, Power Steering and Brakes, Radio - Licence N25271 995." (IN WRITING) 3 Full Price Mechanical Warranty 1966 PONTIAC Laurentian - 4 Door Sedan, V8, Automatic, Power Steering, Licence 29969J ON GUARANTEED USED CARS Radio 1395. Many More To Choose From CY WILSON FORD Where 7A & 12 Highways Meet -- Manchester FRONT END SPECIALISTS