o ¥ » v 99 Entries At Sunderland For Seed Fair, Hay Show|: The annual Ontario County Seed Fair and Hay Show was held in the Township Hall, Sunderland, on Thursday, March 19th, with an excellent number of entries, and exhibit- ors. 39 exhibitors showed a total of 99 entries. - The official judges were: Ken Fallis, Soils and Crops Branch Toronto, on the grain classes; Eugene Lemon, Stouff- ville, on the hay and silage classes; and Harvey Wright, Soils and Crops Specialist, Ontario Department of Agri- culture and Food, Lindsay, on the feed classes. . The championship awards on the various classes are as follows: 1. Grand Champion Award - donated by Milton Parkin - for the exhibitor winning the highest points in wheat, oats, barley and corn classes - Don * Dunkeld, Claremont, no. 2. BUY -- SELL REAL ESTATE LTO REALTOR 985-7373 BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance -|No. 2; Bruce Smith, Port Perry 2. Hay Championship - H.H. Goode & Son Trophy - Ivan Norton, Goodwood, No. 1. 3. Fall Wheat Championship - Les Smith, Port Perry, No. 2. 4. Oat Championship - Doug- las Dunkeld, Claremont, No. 2 5: Barley Championship . Heber Down, Brooklin, No. 1. 6. Potato Championship - Al- hort Hockley, Claremont, No. y Ear Corn Championship - Don Dunkeld, Claremont No. 2. The afternoon program was under the direction of Presi- dent, Murray Dunkeld, with 45 farmers in attendance. Dr. Marcus Blacklow, Department of Soil Science, University of Guelph, was the guest speaker. He spoke on the) topic "Agriculture in Austral- ia. The results of the: judging are. as follows: (lst three placing only). Fall Wheat Les Smith, Port Perry, No. 2; Donovan Smith, Port Perry, No. 2." Oats, Late Russell Morrision, Beaverton No. 2. DUFF ELECTRONICS ADMIRAL TELEVISION - SALES and SERVICE Phone 985-7993 or 985-2728 985-7306 PORT PERRY PORT PERRY Septic Tanks For Income Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING Beds INSTALLED REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry -- 985-2226 Tax & Bookkeeping Services see ALEX SHEPHERD Room 2, Post Office Building Phone 985-7031 Specializing in business and farm operations. FOR ANY OF YOUR . Insurance Needs Do it the Co-operative Way Co-Operators Ins. Assoc. ETHEL NOTTINGHAM Myrtle 655-4832 PTOLEMY & GRIEVE GULF Service Station General Repairs HONDA - SUZUKI SALES and SERVICE PARTS -- ACCESSORIES SUPPLIES - SERVICE ALL MAKES SNOWMOBILE SERVICE R. WHITAKER Phone 985-2276 Fralick Insurance Agency CO-OP and FARMERS MUTUAL LIFE - AUTO - HOME PROTECTION Phone 985-7447 Port Perry -- 985-3182] Earl Wallace . ROOFING Asphalt SHINGLES, ROLLED ROOFING, STEEL and ALUMINUM ROOFING EAVESTROUGHING We will contract for all kinds of roof work. BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Have your house built by experts, - CALL 985-2979 985-3203 Also General Repairs, Cottages Raised, Foundations etc. . . 1; Les Smith, Port Perry, No. Oats, Any Other Variety Heber Down, Brooklin, No. 1; Don Dunkeld, Claremont, No. 2 Les Smith, Port Perry, No. Barley, 6 Rowed Any Variety Russell Morrison, Beaverton, No. 2. 1 Barley, 2 Rowed Any Variety Heber Down, Brooklin, No. 1; Don Dunkeld, Claremont, No. 2; Les Smith, Port Perry, No. 2. Ear Corn Any Variety Frank Brooks, Mount Albert, No. 3. Shelled Corn Any Variety Don Dunkeld, Claremont, No. 2. . Potatoes, Foundation Certified, Early Albert Hockléy, Claremont, No. 1. Potatoes, Foundation Certified, Late or or Albert Hockley, Claremont No. 1. Potatoes, Table Stock Any Variety Albert Hockley, Claremont, No. 1. Corn Silage Charles. Hadden, Sunderland, No. 4. Haylage or Grass Silage: Robert H. Baker, Sunderland No. 1. First Cut Hay 75% or more grass Ivan Norton, Goodwood, No. 1; Les Smith, Port Perry, No. 2. First Cut Hay 75% or more legume Ivan Norton, Goodwood, No. 2. . First Cut Hay, Mixed Ivan Norton, Goodwood, 1; Christie Bros. Port Perry. No. 4; Les Smith, Port Perry, No. 2. Second Cut Hay Ivan Norton, Goodwood, No. 1; Christie Bros. Port Perey; No. 4. Feed Ration, Beef Steers or Heifers - R.H. Hunter, Brooklin, No. 1. Feed Ration - Dairy Cow Charles Hadden, Sunderland, No. 4; Lloyd Smith, Port Perry, No. 2. Junior Section Oats, Any Variety Doug Dunkeld, Claremont, No. 2. Barley, 'Any Variety. Roy Gerrow, Port Perry, No. 7 3; Jim Gerrow, Port Perry, No. 3; Bruce Smith, Port Perry, No. 2. Potatoes, Late or Early Marion Norton, Goodwood, No. 1. First Cut Hay Bruce Smith, Port Perry, No. 2; Donovan Smith, Port Perry No. 2. Second Cut Hay Marion Norton, Goodwood, No. 1; Paul Hadden, Sunder- land, No. 4; Bruce Smith, Port Perry, No. 2. production during the same PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, APRIL 2,1970 --- 17 Indoor Training' Complex To-Be Built A $40,000 'indoor sports training complex will be built at the Canadian Nation- al Exhibition, Minister -of Education William G. Davis said Recently. The complex, to be paid for by the Education Depart- ment through the youth and recreation branch, will pro- G.M. Hardest Hit Of Big Three General Motors has ex- perienced the most severe production cutbacks among the Big Three automakers this year ,according to indus. try statistics for February re- leased recently, - February registrations of 12,977 .GM cars bring the total this year to 27,917 units, only 67.5 per cent of the 1969 period. At 15,896 units registered in 1970 so far, Ford has held to over 72 per cent of its 1969 figure and Chrysler has 90.8 per cent of 1969 regis- trations with 14,651 units for the year. The figures reveal a clear trend to foreign cars and smaller American models in this year- of inflation and widespread unemployment. The Acadian and Chevy Nova are the only two GM cars seling over 80 per cent of their 1969 figures this year. Among foreign cars, figures over 150 per cent are not unusual for the popular models such as Datsun, Toy- ota, the new Mazda from Ja- pan, Simca, and British Ford. At CN. E. vide a highly functional port- able track and field facility located in the South Indus: tries. Building at the CNE. The 210 metre track will be one of the largest indoor running tracks in America. The complex will provide training and meet facilities for shot, discus and pole vault events. It will be com- pleted in time for the Npvem- ber opening of the track and field season. The project was developed DANCING cilities North| s¢ in co-operation with the Fed- eral, Metropolitan Toronto & City of Toronto governments and the agencies concerned with the administration of track and field and-related physical recreation programs. ,. The complex will add needed indoor track and field facilities and provide both training and competitive fa- for thousands of students in t he elementary, ondary: and post second- y schools. It can also be used as a leadership develop- ment centre, providing in- struction for coaches and of- ficials. Mr. Davis said the CNE project could be the first of similar projects in other areas of the province. CLUB ANNRENE SATURDAY, APRIL 4th -- Walter and Sandy -- Featuring "MARLENE" World War | Veterans iy Guests OLD BILL AT Royal Canadian Legion Branch 419 Port Perry, Ont." Saturday, April 11th 1970 at 6.30 p.m. Co-Sponsor: Uxbridge Legion . Branch 170 For further information call Ed Mulholland 985-3190 or Jack Cook 985-2219 S NIGHT All others welcome Dinner $3.00 INVEST NOW! VICTORIA & GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments 1-2 Years. . 8% 3-4-3 Years 8%%| 'Interest is payable half 'yearly or may be left to compound. EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen St. - Port Perry PHONE 985-7306 LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER is offering for the entire Month of April Bry © LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER WATER STREET -- PORT PERRY, -- PHONE 985-7391 ALL PAINT PANTS. NOW... and $ave - $ave - $ave y : { } oY (AH a AS Eo a St rr, & a Se am aan ry a EA . A, a RTA x a Taner 2g dR er ES na TA EAS SEN ", CR as = pr 2% ye -