Spring is still around the corner but we are still hope- ful. Our wanderers coming home from the sunny south are getting a cool reception, The Nicholls young 'people arrived back on Monday and the Shorts - with Mrs. Boe came on,Wednesday, If they keep to schedule Mr. & Mrs. McNeil should turn up very soon. The Pot Luck Supper on Wednesday evening in aid of WES PLUMBING - Now Is The Time To Order Your WINTER the hospital auxiliary was Home Freezer Owners Sides and quarters of beef, sides of pork cut and wrapped to your specification. We have the largest selection of grain fed beef in Durham and Ontario counties. Come in and select your own beef. All our meat is government graded and inspected. (J A [J] " n Pine Ridge Packers Ltd. 4 Miles East of Port Perry on 7A Highway. 986.4932 HAROLD FORDER, Manager. LANE HEATING - PORT PERRY fairly well attended and as usual we had an abundance of food. After supper Reeve Oyler tried to «bring us up to date regarding the pro- posals for Regional Govern- ment, and answered ques- tions as best he could. The next special meal will not be a supper but a lun- cheon, will not be at night but at noon, will not be pot luck but salad plate and the speaker will not be talking of government but of wigs. - ELECTRIC - 40-2413 B-DBOP BEDE EBB LD On OO Dr COV VIITVIIVIOPIPTPIPOOOPOOOOPPIIIPIOOOOY Money on DX: Premium : Quality Fuel Oil Call Collect 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL CALL US TODAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE World War | Veterans Guests OLD BILL'S NIGHT AT Royal Canadian Legion Branch 419 Port Perry, Ont. Saturday, April 11th - Co-Sponsor: Uxbridge Legion Branch 170 . For further information call Ed Mulholland 985-3190 or Jack Cook 985-2219 All others welcome Dinner $3.00 April 29 is the date. Reeve Oyler reports that he. has received a donation from an unknown who asked that a tree be planted in Bethel cemetery. It would be too bad to have him come back to plant just one tree. What about it folks? Our hospital patients Mrs. Pearson and Robt." Nodwell are still patients but Bob hopes to be home by the end of this week. Young Mark Sturman was a short time patient when he had his tonsils removed on Monday. ed Mr. and Mrs. Len Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mec- Dade spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Neil McMillan. Gor- don McMillan was home from Hamilton too. Bill Barr probably had an interesting week-end down in Montreal where the action is. R.A < Mr. and Mrs. Jan Fraser were week-end guests of the Neil Wananiakers. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed as part of the Sunday church service. : + Bill Short had the program number at.S.S. and read a short story. Brian Keen was the only one who remember- "led his birthday. Attendance at both services was barely average. We almost forgot to con- gratulate Mr. and Mrs. Hank Bertrand on the arrival of their son. Here it is--"Con- gratulations", Resolution passed to pay the Masonic Hall and the Boy Scout Association $25 each for the use of their facilities as Polling Booths March 18, 1970. ; * x x Cost of the Liquor Vote to, the Village of Port Perry is $922.83, plus the rental fee for the Masonic Hall and the Boy Scout Hall. * * * The Bus Stop sign on Queen Street is to be removed and a "No Parking Here to Corner" sign will replace -it. The new sign will be moved closer, to the corner to allow more parking space. The bus, which now runs only on Satur- day, will have to double park momentarily, to pick up passengers. . It was felt by council that too much space was being wasted for a bus that only occupied the space for a few minutes a week, : x * * Council passed a resolut- ion to purchase for use in the Town Offices, a Pitney-Bowes mailing machine. The amount of mail issued from the Mun- icipal Office is sufficient that it is felt the machine will pay for itself very quickly in time saved. . * x x Three applications for the position of Lifeguard at Birds- eye Centre Cabin Park were received. The clerk is to contact the three applicants for the position and authorize to pay them all $25 a week, and to give them booth privileges. Duties start the 24th of May week-end weather permitting and week-ends thereafter until school is out when they will work a full week. Working hours will be worked out among them- selves thus allowing them. (Drama Night At Brock A By Robert Mulr- On March 6, 1970,. Brock District High School in Can- nington held a very, success- ful Drama Night in the school auditorium. Three one act plays, entitled High Window, directed by Mrs. H. Thorn- ton; E. Ballard; and The Glass Menagerie, directed by Mr. W. Falkson; were presented |! to an appreciable audience. All other aspects of the pro- ductions were handled by students. Mr. Martin Lager, of Duns- ford, adjudicated the 'presen- tations, giving awards to the best actor and actress and the best-supporting actor and actress. Mr. Lager, also, spent a period of time after- wards, indicating good and bad points to the casts and discussing their roles indivi- dually with them. T he Glass Menagerie was chosen the! best play of the evening, although -all the plays were excellently pre- sented. Brock also entered The Glass Menagerie in the Georgian Bay Drama Festival in Midland" | HOMES WANTED L EAL EATATE LTO REALTOR For Whom the Tele-| .| phone Rings, directed by Mrs. 985.7373 - . The presentation of these three different types of plays gave the audience a very en- joyable evening. PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, April 9,1970 -- 15 Port Perry Council News some: time off, . * k * The dates for the second and third instalments of taxes will be changed from June 16, 1970 and September 15, 1970 and October 15, 1970 s0 they will not interfere with the 'water billings and holi- days. * * * A letter was received from Miss Jane Liddell stating her acceptance of the position of Recreational Director for the summer months of 1970. Miss Liddell thanked the council and the recreational committee for hiring her and said she felt confident that the response to the programme will be favourable, and she looked forward to an interest- ing and rewarding summer. OVERSEAS You'll Need 'A PASSPORT PHOTO Cantact Peter Hvidsten 985-7383 PORT PERRY: STAR *BUSINESS LAW *DATA PROCESSING *ECONOMICS I *MARKETING *PROGRAMMING I *MATHEMATICS I *MATHEMATICS II *ENGLISH I NOTE: or phone 576-0210. ~ DURHAM COLLEGE Of Applied Arts & Technology Evening Extension Programme ~ SPRING TERM -- APRIL 21st to JUNE 30th The Following Credit Courses Will Be Offered- BUSINESS *BUSINESS ORGANIZATION *BUSINESS MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS *ADVERTISING & SALES PROMOTION TECHNOLOGY *COMPUTER SCIENCE *ELECTRONIC FUNDAMENTALS ABOVE TECHNOLOGY SUBJECTS RECEIVE ATEC CREDIT Each Course will be held two nights a week on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (Total 17 Sessions) Registration fee is $30.00 per course. For further information regarding these. Programmes and for . application forms apply at office Simcoe St. North Give Your Car More @® With These Spring Specials Save At Cy Wilson Ford ALIGNMENT SPECIAL ® ADJUST TOE-IN- ® ADJUST STEERING BOX LASH ® ADJUST CASTER © ADJUST CAMBER Regular $10.50 $6.95 WITH THIS COUPON This Coupon Expires Apr. 30, 70 Save At Cy Wilson Ford TUNE-UP SPECIAL WITH THIS COUPON ww 8-39.95 "4 beyl $6.95 This Coupon Expires Apr. 30, 70 WITH THIS COUPON Free This Coupon Expires Apr. 30, 70 Save At Cy Wilson Ford FREE SERVICE CAR ro AY Regular $5.00 . Mileage Save At Cy Wilson Ford ALLEN - TRONIC SCOPE TEST SPECIAL Reguler $6.50 WITH THIS COUPON $3.95 Save At Cy Wilson Ford SAFETY INSPECTION and REPORT Regular $10.95 wn vas corer $6.95 This Coupon Expires Apr. 30, 70 This Coupon Expires Apr. 30, 70 Save At Cy Wilson Ford OIL & FILTER CHANGE SPECIAL Reguler $7.50 . 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