Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 1 Dec 1971, p. 13

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2 e016. ® Telephone 852-6943. 1 4 » i I ¥ ON - Ly sd ESE 2500 TAN SELL: RENT + SWAP «HIRE + BUY * SELL: RENT + For Sale Work Wanted USE in"excellent condition, $40. 'each 'or $75. for both. Call 985-2979. FRIG. & Electric Stove |. MISTER T.V. TOWERS 378 King St, W., Oshawa 723.9525 T.V. Towers, Sales. Service' EVENING DRESS, blue, size 985-3672 et . and Installation Colour Antennas, Rotors, and black' & white THOR Washing Machine; Tappan deluxe electric stove, Phone 985-3607, also Repairs Open 9-9 544 Adelaide St. W. . HOUSE in Caésarea. Imme- diate Possession, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, new furnace, stun. room and arage. $1900 down, Phone Wanted :| Port Perry. 985-7559. 5 TF, | CARPENTRY Work, odd jobs, anelling, Floor tile, amaz: gly low rates. 'Phone' 985- McINTYRE UPHOLSTERING of fine quality fabrics, at re- duced prices. All workman- ship guaranteed. Call 985- HARD FACE your snowmo- bile runners with Tungston. $6.00 per set. Ray Whitaker & Sons Machine Shop, R.R. 2, . 4--Dec.8 EAVESTROUGHING BRASS BED, old china dolls, alladin and glass lamps, fur- niture and glassware, etc. Call Vera Lee's Antiques. 985-7723. iEavestroughing expertly in- stalled, woidered: inside' and out. wor, aran. teed, We slo reply "fess nable Prices. aesarea' 986-4624. TF 3513, and Fabric Sales, Wide choice |. +3 BEDROOM frame home in Port Perry. Modern liv- ing room and dining room, 3 Spacious back yard. . Ideal Notice to Creditors $14,500 for young family, Full price In the Matter of the Estate of William Thomas Lambe, Deceased - All persons having claims against the Estate of William omas Lambe, late of the Township of Reach in the County of Ontario, Gentle- man, who died on or about the 19th day of October, 1971 are hereby notified to send" Wanted to Rent INTERIOR or EXTERIOR PAINTING "URGENT -- Wanted a furni- # shed one large or two room apartment, Central, if pos. sible, very few or no stairs. Write Box-9, Port Perry Star. "Call John Holtby 085-7553" after 4 p.m. TF. to the undersigned on or _be- fore the 8th day of Decem- ber, 1971, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the par: EVERGREEN SODDING and Landsc For Rent aping, home and yard. clean-up, roto-tilling, garden ing service, trees, flowers, shrubs, odd jobs. Free estim; TWO STOREY brick farm house, Seagrave area. Oil furnace, conveniences. Phone 942-4477 between 6 & 7. ates 852-6460 or 3707. TF. ties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. ; Dated at Port Perry, Ont- ario,' this-8th day of Novem- ber, 1971. - KELLY, JERMYN, gog Island. All facilities; Available Dec. 1st. - Phone House on Sct Jack Weyrich Cartage & Waste Removal FARM House for rent, i mile south. Port. Perry.. Available Dec. 1st. For further infor- : mation phone 985-2307. Phone 985-3312 DONALD & THOMAS, Barristers and Solicitors, Box 131, Port -Pery, Ont. < Solicitors for the above 3--Nov.24 Estate. 2 Storey, 8 room brick home in Greenbank. Forced air oil furnace, modern Kkit- chen and bath, separate din- ing room, very clean & tid throughout. Excellent gard. en and garage. $21,900 with terms. in Port Perry close to schools and * hospitals, landscaped, private drive, all modern con- veniences, only 2. years old. Priced to sell $25,900 with $3,000 down. 1% storey, 6 room home -at Scugog, all modern con- veniences, electric heat, nice- ly decorated throughout, gar- age. Only $15,900. bath and oil furnace.|. 3 bedroom brick bungalow]. Highway Farm With View -100-acres medium clay loam, 2 storey 8 room brick home with all conveniences. 21 ft. living room with large pic- ture window with 30 mile view, double attached garage, bank barn, excellent pond site, 5 miles from Port Perry. Call for information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of James Morley Moase, Deceased DEAD OR CRIPPLED OFFICE SPACE for rent in Port Perry. Phone 985-3071. FARM ANIMALS Picked up Promptly a = For direct line call Long TWO BEDROOM Apartment. Distance and ask for Adults only. Phone 985-3071. -- Zenith 32800. Ss "" Call. anytime " TWO BEDROOM Apt., priv- ED PECONI & SON ate entrance, heated, stove,|- Woodville, Ont. fridge, washer, dryer and Licence No. 324C-66 garage. Phone 985-7838. - ; ¢: re [ Miscellaneous Help Wanted WOMAN to baby i] 2 days HOMEOWNER a week in my home 6:30 a.m. ; 11:30 a.m, Phone 985-7668. a 0 A N S ® PART TIME fieldman for| .24-HOUR APPROVALS Ontario County Federation of Agriculture. Applicant must have an interest in farm' or- ganizations. For further in. formation contact the secre- tary - Mrs. Leslie Meyers, Box 891, Uxbridge, Ontario. Low cost 2nd & 3rd mtges. Arranged in the convenience of your home. You can call 'courteous - service. Promot Investment Corp., Ltd.,- 330 to 10 p.m. today for helpful |. All persons having claims against the Estate of James Morley Moase, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Gentle: man, who died on or about the 22nd day of October, 1971 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be. fore the 20th day of Decem- ber, 1971, full particulars of thelr claims. 'after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed ' among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. : DATED at Port Perry, Ont- ario, this 11th day ber, 1971. , JERMYN, DONALD & THOMAS, Barristers and Solicitors, Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitors for the above 3--Dec.1 Estate Bay St. Toronto. Call collect. 366-9586, evgs. 231-8146. b IMAGINE A NEW YEAR WITH NO BILLS! Selling for Christmas now-- beautifully designed & pack- aged AVON products. Call now:--Mrs. J. Cunneyworth, 149 Sheldon Ave., Newmar- ket, Ont. 895-9939. Work Wanted COUNTY OF ONTARIO SALE of LANDS for TAXES TO WIT: BY VIRTUE OF A WAR- RANT issued by the Warden of the County of Ontario and bearing date the 11th day of August,' 1971, the sale of lands in arrears of taxes in 'the County of Ontario will be held at the County Council 'UPHOLSTERY DONE, very reasonable. Guaranteed work. Call A. Kuenstlen. 985-2991. CITY WATER Delivery. Low cost water haulage to home, farm, pool,-etc. Phone col lect - anytime, 725-4912. 4--0ct.13 Dead or Crippled Farm Stock Picked Up Promptly. Telephone. Collect. HAMPTON 416-263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM R.R.5 Bowmanville Licenée No. 328C.1 "111th day of August, A.D. 1971. gus Chambers, County of Ontario Court House anid Administra- tion Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario atthe hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 7th day of December, 1971, unless the taxes and costs are soon- er paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands. for sale has been published: in the Ontario Gazette in the NOTICE TO CREDITORS - AND OTHERS In the Estate of Mona Jean Phair, deceased All claims against the estate of the late Mona Jean Phair, of the Village of Beaverton, in the County of Ontario, for- merly of the Hamlet of Greenbank, in the County of Ontario, who died on. or about the 24th day of October 1971, must be filed with the undersigned on or before December 28, 1971, after which date the estate will be distributed according to law, DATED AT OSHAWA this 16th day of November, 1971. DAVID CECIL LEASK, Executor, ; By his Solicitors, MACKEY & BAILEY, 17 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. . 8--Dec.8 issue of September 4, 1971. Copies of said list may be had at my office. DATED at Whitby this Wm. G. Manning, Treasurer County of Ontario 605 Rosslgnd Road East LILY// 2EITER 4 WHITBY, Ontario 13--Dec.2 Immediately |, of Novem- Owner Anxious. 55 acres vacant land north of Port Perry with excellent pond site; 'river along west boundry of property, natural bird sanctuary, ideal building site $23,000 with $5000 down, 25 acres with 14° deep pond. Nonquon river crosses property. Wooded and se- cluded area near Seagrave. $15,900 with 4 down. 11% storey, 3 bedroom frame home in Port Perry, excellent lot, large garage, close down- -town, must be sold to settle estate. Asking $11,900. Building lot in Prince Al. area, low land with stream, excellent pond site. $3500, with $1,000 down. * 8 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage and ex- tra building lot, suitable for V.L.A., separate dining room, modern living room with fire- place, laundry room off kit. chen, also rec. room. Sacri- fice only $29,900 with terms. . 1%; Acres-Pond-Garden Soil 2 storey 8 room frame home overlooking mill pond, excellent view, all modern conveniences, modern living room with huge picture win- dow, excellent family home on paved road. $26,500. " 10 acres scenic wooded pro- perty with approx. 2000 ft. of river frontage, near Sea. grave. Mature hardwood bush, ideal camp site or re.! treat property. $9,800 with $2,000 down. Port Perry - Extra Lot 1% storey, 7 room frame home, furnace, bath, separ- ate dining room, oak floors. Close to downtown. Only $23,500 with half down. ~ CALL -- George S. Stone F.R.L. 985-2632 bert 90' x 170'. Full price $7,500. 14 acres in Sunderland | Asking "PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Nov. 24, 1971 - 9 189 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY; ONT. Its Different -, Country living, Almost 4° Three x Acres im. treed acres with stream. .o.n1ate. Good heated Unique 7 room, attached garage, two level -home built in hillside. Extras include, fieldstone barb~- cue, guest house or art studio, + tool shed, good frame building 58 x 34, ideal service centre, dog kennels. Highway front. age. Port Perry area. Port Perry south. $35,000. Terms arranged. Call clean country air. 12 miles Oshawa. Asking Howard Forder. "$37,500. Terms, Call Going Concern Howard Forder. - Service centre dispens- Cannington ing major oil com any Lovely 4 bedroom Vic- torian style solid brick home, with large living & dining areas. Bay window, Cranberry Glass in front door, antique light fix- | tures, king $25,000. produats in Village ng to North country, Com- fortable apartment with all conveniences. Establi. shed garage and paint shop business, snack bar. A business for the whole family. Asking $69,000. | Call Bruce Currie. with good terms. Call Port Perry ------ Bruce Currie. TTT 2 Residential 'area, immacu- Lake Scugoy ics is -. 100 ft. lakefront, frame winterized 2 bedroom cot- tage & boat house. Elec- tric heat, acorn fireplace. Including boat, 60 'H.P. motor and furniture. Ask- ing $18,000.00. Call Bruce Currie. Lake Scugog Excellent family cottage, late 2 yr. old 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Four ap- pliances included in price. Close to schools & recrea- tion area. Asking $26,900. Terms. Call Ken Holliday. Re 5 oe "Port Perry New 3 bedroom brick bungalow, family size kit. yt bes Ley chen & dining area, 4 pce 3 bedrooms furnished, sun- 5 coloured bath. Immedi- = deck, dock, boat storage, Ai ate possession. Walking treed lot. 100 foot water- IY distance to shopping. front. Asking $15,000. $4 $23,900.00. Terms artang- Good terms. Call Howard Ly ed. Call Ken Middleton. Forder. 3 Income Potential . Port Perry, two storev home zoned - Commercial Ideal for two families. Area sufficient to make business addition. Asking Port Perry South 97 acres;-very-productive' clay loam. Large barn equipped with stable cleaner, tie wp 64 cows, large silo, drilled well, $25,850. Terms. Call creek, 6 room frame home. Howard Forder. Easy commuting to Oshe. wa. Asking $60,000. Terms Port Perry Call George Beaton. Four bedroom, model fa. | Rory mily home; spacious kit. chen, choice broadloom. Janelle family room. ¢ Horse Farm 100 acres, good 2 stor~ 8 room brick home, on versize garage, choice lot. paved road. Overlook® Close to schools and shop- Lake Scugog. Boarding ping. Asking $29,500. farm for horses. Stah : Terms. Call Howard For- room for 52 horses. Ask- der. ing $80,000. Good terms. Call Howard Forder. Brooklin Area Salient brick and stucco converted school house modernistically design to enhance the best in fa. ' mily - living. Spacious rooms ,open stairway, aris- tqcratic lighting and drap- eries. Seven rooms, finish- ed basement. . 134 acres. Asking $50,000. Terms. . Call Howard Forder. Executive Country Estate Port Perry area, 113 acres overlooks Lake Scu- gog. Beef operation.' Painted barns. 9 room brick home, Attractive setting. Asking $73,500 Good terms. Call Howard Forder. Retreat Acreage 62 rolling acres with pond and stream on boundary. Corner property mostly wooded, paved road front. Manchester Village Homesite, recently survev- ed, 156' frontage on quiet rs street. Ideal commutine age." Asking $15,900. with to Oshawa or Metro. Full ¢5000 down. Call Bruce price $6,000.00. Call Ken Currie. Middleton. . FINANCE ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE OFFICE HOURS 9 am. -- 9 p.m. Call: Port Perry 985-7386 Oshawa 723-0302 Toronto 364-2516 After Hours Call: Howard Forder 985.3439 Maurice Baker 852.7256 George Beaton 985.3040 Ken Middleton 985.7548 Ken Holliday 723-5420 Bruce Currie 705-357-3392 Manager: SIX OFFICE LOCATIONS SFRVING YOU HAAS JY AREY TRA ! ASTRAL NEI ERAS NCOs SS DRYTUNEY A J N

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