| Obituaries Rev. George Nicholson Rev, George Nicholson, an Anglican Priest, a man small "in stature but large in heart passed away sud. denly in his late sixties in "es, particularly 'specializing his .native England on Nov. - 4th. He is survived by his wife Florence. George Nicholson was one of life's. unsung heroes, who in his own quiet way left - a deep impression on all who knew him, In his mid- teens he joined the Lincoln- shire Regiment as a Bands. man in 1916, and then when the First World' War finish: ed he signed for a five-year stint with the British Army of Occupation in Germany 'from 1919 until 1924, Whilst he was deeply influenced by the teachings of the Sol. diers, Sailors and Airmen's Christian = Association and spent a large part of his leisure time as a Reader, ministering to the Spiritual Life of the Allied Forces, After discharge he enter- ed the Missionary Training . Colony, Stratham, London, England, which organization . trained potential Missionar- ies to be "Jack-of-all" trad- in the art of Building, rang: ing from Architecture, Car. -. pentry to Electrical work, in addition to Medical "know-how", He was commissioned to go fo the Arctic and from | 1930 until 1943 spent his time amongst the Eskimoes, doing such things as Build ing St. Cumberland' Sound. Baffin Island; Building a New Hos- pital, Residential School and All Saints Cathedral at Ak- lavik, in addition to being Missionary at Cambrid~ Bay. The skilled work en: tailed in installing Power Plant, Electrical Equipment and Carpentry was accomp- lished on 'his own with the -'Eskimoes doing the manual labour under'his direction, At Aklavik he met his wife-to-be, Florence, who was Matron of the Residen- tial School. After Ordina. tion as an Anglican Priest at Grace Church On The Hill in Toronto he and his . wife were posted to Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, North- ern Quebec. 'The second World War was in progress Fast Delivery Service TRY. A_TANK OF OUR ° Luke's = Hospital, "and the United States Air Force needed the. land at Ft. Chimo on "which the church buildings stood. Mr and Mrs, Nicholson dismant- led the buildings, loaded them on rafts, and re-assem-. bled them on the other side of a river on another site: Dyring this time Mr. Nichol son worked all the. available hours of daylight -- 16 to .18 hours per day -- to the point of exhaustion. In July, 1943 he collapsed and would have died but for the inter. vention of a- U.S. Air Force @*Medical Officer, who arran- ged for an aircraft to fly all the way from Minneapo- lis, Minn. to Fort Chimo to transport Mr. Nicholson to Toronto, The next 2% years were spent in St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, and dur- ing an operation one lung was removed. Recupera- tion time was 2 years in St. John's Convalescent Hospi- tal, Cummer Avenue, Wil lowdale, Toronto. .In 1949 he was appointed as temporary priest-in-char: ge of St. John's Church, 'Blackstock, in the Parish of Cartwright, He served in this- parish until 1958. In 1957 he was appointed incumbent ° of St. John's Church, Port Whitby, and served here faithfully until 1963 when he was forced to resign and retire from the ministry because of increas. ing bad health, For the next six years Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson lived in a house in Manilla, Ontario and in 1969 moved to Eng- land where they established a home in the village of El. kesley on the edge of Sher- wood Forest, His was a life of struggle against adversity, the ele- ments & poor health, which ranks alongside that of many of the more publiciz- ed figures of our time. Here was a man of God who was a "doer". a man who cou'd have written a book on his exploits but shunned the limelight. His inner strength and indomitable spirit re- moved all obstacles in the way to accomplishing each mission he set: out to achieve. His approach to receiving anv personal: credit was - "Don't tell it --you'll spoil it for me". A. quiet d-di- cated man with a lively sense of humour and infin- ite patience. Thoss privi- leged to know him could not fail to have gained Wo NY PORT BERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Nov. 24, 1971 --- 3 something worthwhile from that association. He will be so well re- memberéed- by many at St, John's Anglican hurch, Port Whitby, 'and St. John's Blackstock, . "Mr. Lambe was a member of the F and F Hunt Club, and took a keen interest in the Lake Scugog Historical Society. Funeral service was held on Friday, Qctober 22 from the McDermott-Panabaker- WILLIAM THOMAS LAMBE Funeral Home, with Rev. Villidm Thomas Lambe Mark Reeves officating who resided at R.R.2, Port ition in Pine Grove Perry, passed away on "pp pall bearers were - 'October 19, 1971 at Toronto General 'Hospital after an illness of nine weeks. Born on May 23, 1896, on the third concession of Reach, the son of the late Thomas Lambe and May Squelch, he married Norena 'Lansing on November 17, 1920. Mr. Lambe spent his entire life in this area, and farmed until his retirement in 1960. Left to mourn his passing are four daughters: Doris (Mrs. Joe Tripp) Leona (Mrs, William Tripp) Betty (Mrs. Neil Howe) and Donna Lambe, one sister Hazel (Mrs. Lorne Duff) and 13 grandchildren. He was predeceased by a son Melville on October 24, 1970 and a son Maurice in infancy, also a sister May (Mrs. Russell Ceatzs) in 1959. John'Sweetman, Ross Steele, Ross Duff, Jim Coates, Sandy 'Moore and Roy Robertson, "I stopped to get myself winterized. I'm protected to zero minus sixty degrees." 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