16 - PORT PERRY STAR ~ Wednesday, Dec. 15, 1971 ~ | | GOS a Ba a a a a NP PP NCD mts em SN Coan TN Sn a NS = ATTAIN Ai 3 CC OE PRP PP os GOGOL 0GGCEGOG00GGGGGGGGEGCLGLLGG! As | see jt BY JOHN B. McCLELLAND If you should happen to detect a slight note of anger in these words, it's because I am angry. If you should also detect a note of depression, it's because I'm depressed at the same time. Like everybody, I'm * susceptible to feelings of anger and depression, but. rarely do I experience them both simultaneously. This combined feeling is caused by rapidly deteriorating political, social and human conditions in several areas of the globe, § The war between India and Pakistan is not" just another border skirmish. It is full-scale. all-out, with . no holds barred. India, home of Ghandi, land of mysticism and transcendental meditation is resolved to *'crush the enemy." The conflict in the Middle East that has been sim- mering since the Six Days War now threatens to ex- plode. Egypt's Sadat is urging his countrymen to prepare for total war. Israel's Meir has rejected a United Nation peace plan, while at the same time she is begging Washington for more fighter planes. In Belfast, Northern Ireland, a bomb exploded in a tavern, killing 16 persons, some of them children. India-Pakistan, the Middle East, Northern Ireland. These three areas of the globe have had more than a ~ fair share of the news in'recent times. And it appears as if they shall continue to occupy their places of prominence. ; War, violence, and overt agression anger me. And I am depressed to think that religion and religious concepts are playing a major role in these conflicts. Of course I realize that the present India-Pakistan war is a result of India's recognition of Bangla Desh as the legal government in East Pakistan. And it is also a result of refugee overflow into India from East Pakistan, an area that has been ripped by civil war for nearly a year. But the conflict is also a manifestation of the hatred between Pakistani Muslim, and Indian " Hindu. Muslims and Hindus on the Sub-Continent have been at each other's throat in vicious fashion for years. In the Middle East, it's'Arab against Jew. Somebody may argue that "Arab" and 'Jew' are not really religions. All right, for the sake of argument, and for the sake of those who are hung up on semantics, let us say the conflict is between those who follow Moham- med, and those who adhere to Judaism. But everybody knows the Middle East conflict is really between the super powers over oil, and control of the Mediterranean. Maybe so, but it's still Arab on one side of the canal, and Jew on the other side. In Northern Ireland, Catholic and Protestant are ~locked-in-what might as well be termed civil war. Again, I realize that there are power politics involved as the Protestant majority in the North fears that Irish unity would leave them powerless under Catholics from both~North and South. But regardless of who's pulling the pglitical strings in Northern Ireland, Catholic is killihg Protestant and vice versa. And what's it -all-about? Religion? What's that? Concepts of right 'and wrong, or- life and death? Somebody saying "what I preach is better than what you preach?"' The opiate of the masses? Who knows? Whatever it is, men, (and women and children) have been dying over it for years. In fact, I would hazard a guess that religious concepts have caused more human suffering throughout history than any other single factor. The Crusades. The Inquisition. The Thirty Years War. Babi Yar. The list could go on. Is it all because somebody thinks he has a better way to save your soul? nd : In the Middle Ages, heretics were burned at the stake. In 1971, a Catholic girl is tarred and feathered by Catholics for-loving a Protestant. Depressing, isn't it? We can land on the moon, and perform a host of other marvellous feats, but blind religious fanaticism has scarcely changed since the Middle Ages. Why was that Catholic girl tarred and feathered? For loving a Protestant. For love. For love!!! : Why are Hindus and Muslims spilling each other's blood? Why are Arabs and Jews on the verge of spilling each other's blood, again? Peace on earth. Goodwill to all men. Joy to the world. HOY x A Y X ee 2 a ™ MY APPRECIATION AND THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT AT THE -POLLS ON ELECTION DAY. AS A COUNCILLOR FOR REACH TOWNSHIP - I WILL WORK TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY FOR THE RATEPAYERS. NEIL HUNTER gars ! \ } 4 4 en 3 necessary, Y{ 3 This coal black gelding, Black Magic is rapidly coming to the fore as a top Hackney harness horse end ever improves. Magic is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Dan Madsen of Port Perry and is one of the longest necked Hackney horses of this continent and knows how to use it. The picture shown above was taken at a show in Petoria, Illinois, prior to the Mad- As a résult of a meeting held Sunday night, the Port Perry Snowmobile Club will recommend to Village Council that the by-law governing snowmobile use be amended to cut maxim speed within Port Perry y from 25 to 15 mph. ! Charlie President says that the - Lown, Club members of the club plan to enforce this speed by-law themselves; if necessary by taking the license numberof offenders, and turning them 2 over to the Village by-law officer. Mr. Lown said that { club members who violate snowmobile regulations may --be subject to monetary fines imposed by the club. » The club "will also {recommend that snowmobiles be restricted from Queen Street except for crossings. It is also hoped { that snowmobilers will $ refrain from operating their > ? ) 4 4 » except when absolutely and if so at { reduced speeds in residential } areas. y 'Arrangements for races Septic tank . policy from 'Health Unit Village Council has been informed by letter that the Oshawa-Ontario County District . Health Unit will discontinue issuance of septic tank permits, and stop inspection of tank and tile beds after December 15, 1971. This practise will continue until the spring thaw. The letter said that after December 15, the Health Unit believes it impossible to conduct adequate soil testing necessary for the granting of septic . tank permits. Likewise, it is impossible to make satisfactory in- spections of septic tanks and tile beds during the winter months. Snowmobile Club will enforce regulations and rallies on Lake Scugog were also "discussed "at the - Sunday meeting, and the - club hopes to hold an organized cross-counfry run 41 10]¢] J: LY Rokk! Thurs., Fri.; Sat, Dec, 16 - B "CANNON FOR CORDOBA" 7:15 (adult entertainment), George Peppard. "SABATA" 9:00, Lee Van Cleef. Special Matinee Sat. 2 p.m,, Cartoon Festival with 7 Car- toons and 3 Three Stooges. Sunday, Dec. 19, 7 p.m. UXBRIDGE VALLEY JAMBOREE. Please note we will not be open all next week. Starting Sun., Dec. sens purchasing the animal, Ralph Sadler, Caesaria who purchased Black Magic for Mr. and Mrs. Madsen is still the trainer for the horse, and has showed him among other places at the Royal Winter Fair. Picture, The International Driver and Rider. ROXY THEATRE ( machines after 11:00 p.m. . at least once a week. 26th "THE RAILWAY CHILDREN", \. - ClPoas 'PING-PONG TABLE | Children's CHALK BOARDS PING-PONG Table Tops YOURSELF $ ® Already Painted § CIE SMALL BEL lay : 5 0 0 MOUNT RACETRACK OR : RAILWAY TRACKS Be s6 3 0 4 2 8x 3/1" x4 x3/14" . 16.65 12.06 & LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER 235 WATER ST. - 985.7391 - PORT PERRY