Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 12 Apr 1972, p. 10

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RC Ey RA RS So SENSE RR a AT on. A See - HE uf wd . "SELLY RENT + SWAP COED E 10 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 5,1972 8 EERE EC ERECT CRENT + SWAP + HIRE + BUY + SEL | v 1 . § a (iss SELL: REN Work Wanted Auction Sales Auction Sales Cp an JA ISAAZAN SAH SR I = SC DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For direct line call Long Distance and ask for © Zenith 32800. Call anytime ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C-66 MISTER T.V. TOWERS 378 King St. W., Oshawa 723.9525 T.V.. Towers, Sales, Service and Installation © Colour Antennas, Rotors, and black & white also Repairs Open 9 - 9 544 Adelaide St. W. T.F. . THE BEST IN BLACK AND WHITE Color and UHF are 114" .Heavy Duty Workmanship Guaranteed p. WHITE'S JTV Antennas MAPLE GROVE 623-5251 or 623-3070 No extra charge tor Port Perry Auction Sales REG and LARRY . JOHNSON AUCTIONEERS -------(20-yrs.- Experience) -- LIVESTOCK & FURNITURE SALES Ph. Sunderland (705) 357-3270 =TUESDAY, APRIL 11th COMPLETE Veenhoeve Dis- persal, 26 Head of Registered HOLSTEIN CATTLE, the pro. perty of SYE VAN DER VEEN, Lot 17, Con. 5, Otono- bee Twp., 9 miles east of Peterborough on #7 Hwy. to David Fife Memorial (4th line of Otonombee) and 4 miles south. (Former herd of Henry R. Reid, Keene, Ont.) Milking Equipment sells at 1:30 p.m. Followed by Hay & Straw. Cattle sell at 2:00 p.m. Terms Cash. No Re- serve as owner is giving up farming due to ill health. Tom May, Pedigrees. (Catalogues Available) CARL HICKSON, . Sales Mgr. & Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. Phone Lindsay 705-324-9959 2--Apr.5 13 Chrome Chairs | dak Movie Caméra, Kodak p.m. TED SPENCELEY, . GRANT WERRY, {2--Apr5 Auctioneers THURSDAY, APRIL 6th Dairy Cattle Auction Sale to be 'held at 'Stouffville Sales Barn, including Fresh and 'Springer Cows, Heifers, Pure Bred & Grade, Open"Heifers and Bulls. If you have Cattle to consign please contact the Sales, Managers early, Sale Time 7:30 p.m. Norm Faulkner 640-3813 Frank Bennett 887-5570. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12th Farm Sold -- Auction Sale of Livestock and Implements, 24 High Grade Holstein Cattle, 1968 M.F. 150 Tractor, 1968 M.F. 3 Furrow Plough, Hay, Grain, 1970 MF. Spread- er PTO, Int. 16 Disc Seed Drill, Milking Equipment, the property of KEITH COX, Lot - 30, Con. - 12, 'Otonabee Twp., North of Peterborough. Lift Locks and first farm east. Terms Cash. No Re- serve. Sale at 1 p.m. Ward Holmes, and Jack Callaghan, Clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer aboro, Ont, Ph. Lindsay 705-324-9959 2--Apr.5 SATURDAY, APRIL 8th Auction Sale of FURNITURE, Dishes, Tools, etc., the pro- perty of GEO. W. PENTLAND 498 Scugog St., Port Perry. Chesterfield Suite, Elec. Frig. Stove, Lamps, Kitchen Suite, Tables,, Chairs, Day Bed, 16 mm. Ko- Camera, Kodak Projector, Lawn Table & Umbrella, Gas Lawn - Mower. Elec. Drill, Saws, Hammers, Axes, Gar- den tools and many- other useful articles. Terms Cash. Property Sold.. Sale at 1:00 SATURDAY, APRIL 15th 12:3 ; :30 MODERN MACHINERY Auction Sale including Mas: sey Ferguson 165; Diesel tractor and loader, Ford 5000 diesel tractor, MF 25 tractor, MF super 26 combine, New Holland 46' haybine, NH 269 Hayliner baler with thrower, 331 manure'spreaders, MF 17 run seed drill, NH 36 Crop chopper, Ford 4 furrow trip beam plow, MF 4 furrow trip beam plow, MF double disc, Geo. White post hole auger, hay elevator, Mac-Kay ferti- lizer spreader, Allis Chalm- ers Forage harvester, 2 silos, 20 x 60 with roof and un- loader. The property of BROADLANDS FARM (W G. Bowles) '6 miles east of Port Perry on Hwy. TA and 15, mile north or 2 miles north of Blackstock. Lloyd Wilson and W. D. Atkinson, ¢ quality, Farm Sold. Make this sale a must. Refresh- ments, Sale 1 p.m. SATURDAY, APRIL 15 Farm Sold -- Auction, Sale of Livestock and Implements, 20 Hereford -and- Holstein Crossed Cattle, Cockshutt 30 Tractor. with Manure Loader, W6 Int. Tractor, 1968 John Deere Baler, John Deere Combine, ew Idea .Side Rake, 1958 Truck, Hay & Straw, Some Household Fur- niture, the property of HARRY LARMER, Lot 10, Con. 2 South Monaghan Twp. 4 miles east of South Mona- ghan on paved rd. off Hwy, 28, Terms Cash, No Reserve, Sale at 1 p.m, Ward Holmes, Jack Callaghan, Clerks. U.C.W. Ladies will provide Lunch, CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. Ph. Lindsay 705-324-9959 2--Apr.12 : ® AUCTION SALE eo 2 -- DAYS -- 2 _ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd Machinery, Livestock, Feed. 5 Tractors, Combine, Swather (Self-Propelled), Full Line of Machinery. - 200 Head of CATTLE, 17 Sows, 5 Sheep, 1 Horse, the property of DORRELL BROS. Lot 11, Con. 6, Cartwright, 1 mile North of Blackstock on 7A Highway. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Machinery Sale on Wed., April 19th, 12 Noon. Livestock, Feed & Grain on Sat., April 22nd, 1:00 p.m. TED SPENCELEY, GRANT WERRY, Auctioneers WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12th Clearing farm auction of Ford #5000 (like new), Oli. ver 550, Ford-Ferguson trac- tor blade, New Dion 3-B For- age- Wagon, Gel}: Forage Harvester - (2 - heads), Hay crimper, 2 Hy duty Cultivat- or, Power Mower, Power T.O. Sprayer, M.F. 10' S.P. Com. bine, 3 mounted _ tractor plows 2-34 F., Mc. 15R Fert. drill (like new), Baler, 30' grain auger with 1 H.P, mo- tor, R. T. Wagon and flat rack, tools, 114 tons 15-15-15 ~~ SPRING : You have to believe in happiness. It isn't an outward thing. The spring never makes the song Ig guess As much as the song makes the spring. But these are times when it is hard to be cheerful, The days before Income Tax are bad enough, when Peter is robbed to pay Paul. The airport. is a real. money grabber but what has Reach Township 'ratepayers in a bewildered state is the rumor that our School is to be closed. Much to our displeasure, they bussed away our grades 7 and 8. Now they plan to board up the school till the roof falls in They will use new rooms in- bigger schools, use the same busses to carry the children and the teachers will still teach so where is the saving? I really think that our school board has some idea that we are all millionaires in Reach township. We are slow' toranger but we are getting aroused. : There. was a beautiful church service on Sunday at Epsom enriched' by two anthems by our ladies quar- tette, Mrs. B. Bushell, Mrs. "K. Catherwood, Mrs. R. Brown and Mrs. K. Ashton. We do appreciate the music. Thanks girls. i Mr. and Mrs. Russell Acton visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross Evans-and family-on- Good Friday. : Auction Sales "Epsom Fertilizer, Dicon P.T.O. Fer- tilizer spreader with 500 1b. cap, fibre glass hopper, 400 bales Hay, extra good qual. ity, 800 bales straw, 80 tons mixed grain, extra good qu. ality, 600 bus. Herta Barley good, etc.. the property of NORMAN REESOR, located on Markham - Pickering Townline at 17th Ave. or (5 miles S.E. of Stouffville) or (5 miles N.E. of Markham). NOTE: This is an extra good lot of farm machinery, the hay and grain is extra good ATKINSON & WILSON, Sale Mgrs. and Auctioneers, Sale Managers and Auction- eers. , 3--Apr.12 -- GUERNSEY Watch for signs. Selling 55 Head - 49 daughters selling. 31 Ont. ® AUCTION SALE oo KENROE FARM THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1972 - On Highway 7 & 12, 1 mile north of Greenbank, Sale held under cover 7 Fresh in March, 16 Due April, May & June BURGERS PLACE BILLY -- 189 daughters ave: _ 8.5 Milk, 3.3 Fat has 7 daughters and 9 Grand of Western Glow Darimost 92 daughters ave: 145M - 145F. Owner: HUGH R. BAIRD, RR. #4, Sunderland, (416) 985.7582, Auctioneer: MERV SCOTT, Burlington, Ont. (416) 634-8217 Sales Managed by: Guernsey Cattle Breeders of Ontario, 368 Woolwick Street, Guelph, Ontario. DISPERSAL --- 12:30 p.m. Lunch Available Cows, 6 Bred Heifers \ Cows carry the service (519) 822-2141 | SATURDAY, APRIL 15th Auction Sale of Farm Mach. inery and Furniture, the pro. perty of GEORGE BROWN, Lot 3, Con. 3, Scott Twp., 1% miles west of Sandford, mile south or approx. 5 miles west of Uxbridge and 3 miles north, McCormick M tractor (recently overhauled). M.H. No. 33 tractor, M.H, No. 30 tractor, M.H. No. 81 tractor, M.H; Pony tractor with scuf: flex and plow, J.D. Manure spreader, Case Packer, M.H. side rake on rubber, Allied hay elevator (32 ft., never used), full line of Machinery, 1500 bu. of Mixed grain, bal: ed straw, large Qu. of furni. ture, Findlay oval and Find- lay Condor Cook stoves, Re- frig, deep freeze, washing machine, Captain chair, side board, Antique writing desk, antique clock, Piano, T.V., Chesterfield suite, 2 Lamps, 5 Lanterns, Pine quilt box, Antique chairs, bells, Army ' SATURDAY, APRIL 8th Annual Unreserved Stock Re- duction Sale. Auction Sale of New and Used® Farm Mach. inery, Tractors, Ploughs, Swathers, Bales, Mowers, For- age Wagons, Manure Spread. ers, Seed Drills, Discs, Calti- vators, Combines, Rakes, Mi-- cellaneous small farm articles the property of W. J. LAM- BERT & SONS LTD., on the Beaverton By-Pass at Beaver- ton, 13 miles north of Sun. derland or 28 miles south of Orillia. Terms Cash ;or Fi nancial arrangements nay be made prior to sale. ' Abso- lutely no resérve, Sale at 11 a.m, sharp, beginning with lawn mowers; garden 'tillers, small items. This is a large sale of Modern Farm Equip- ment. Plan to attend. Lunch available. Ward Holmes, Clerk.. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer, Reahoro, Ont. Phone Lindsay 705 - 324-9959 | 2--Apr.5 : rifle, 22 rifle, etc. Farm Sold. Terms Cash, Sale at 12:00 noon, Furniture sells first, ! Gerald Graham, Clerk. i REG & LARRY JOHNSON, . 2--Apr,12 Auctioneers Ph, 705 - 357-3270 WEDNESDAY EVENING APRIL 12th at 7 p.m. Special Antique Auction will be held at the Commun. ity hall Victoria Square (on Don Mills Rd.) .north of But- tonville. 225 items, includ- ing Hanging lamp (drop in font), good Grandfather Clock, Brass & spool beds, wooden telephones, Flat back pine cupboards, lamps, china, plclis cruets, Carnival glass, orse chimes, long string of bells; Nippon set, Goblets, copper boilers, refinished wash stands, tea wagon, Red hall hanging lamp_ clock, etc. ete. This is a good offering, come and bring a friend. Terms Cash. Sale at 7 p.m. sharp, Selling by number, register early. ham; Clerk. REG & LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneers Ph, 705 - 357-3270 Gerald Gra. | We missed Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerry and family at church but Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stearman of Stratford and' Bill's "brother: Bruce of Grimsby were there, You see Mr. and Mrs. Kerry and family visited the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. V. Thormin of Milbourne, Quebec and hada lovely time while Bill, Betty and Bruce cared for things at home. Mr. and Mrs. John Valentine of Guelph visited Mr. and Mrs, Bill Stearman on Saturday. - "Mrs, F. Munro visited with ~~ aold friend Mrs. Pearl Parry in Oshawa on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cawker of 'Peterborough called on Mother Cawker on Sunday. LY ' -OnSaturday; Mr:-and Mrs. Elmer Wilson entertained Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Lee and family of Port Perry also Miss Helen Wilson and Miss Beth Evans. A birthday celebration for Ruth and Rupert and Beth. Congrat- ulations! Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Al Christie were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin of Bowmanville. A birthday greeting also for Mrs. Christie and brother Gordon. Mrs. Ruhl, Tina and Chris- topher Jr., Miss Brenda Payne and Mr. Herman Cook and- daughter Darlene Christie of Toronto also were present, d David Evans spent a 'pleasant-week end when he went to Tenn, to attend the "Grand Old Opra"'. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Short of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Enoch McKnight and also called on Munro families at Easter Time, On Good Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton entertained all their family. Miss Donna Graham of Oshawa visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross Munro on Friday. .Mr.and Mrs. Roy Wilson of Pembroke visited Friday and Saturday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Wilson and called on Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson. ¥ One day last week, Mrs. Ruby Geer visited Mrs. Lou Stevens of Brooklin who has been in poor health. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling visited Dr. Jerrald and Mrs. Asling and girls of Hanover on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Card entertained their family on Easter Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Allen Card also had their children all home for Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Geer entertained his mother Mrs. Ruby Geer on_ Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs.-Ray Munro also entertained their family on Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crosier of "Hamilton also called on the Munro families on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton called on Mr. Clifton Gibson on Tuesday then had supper with M rs. Olive MacGregor of Uxbridge and visited for the evening. Mrs. Brawn who is in Port Perry hospital is recovering SLY: + £ satisfactorily. We hope she '¥ will soon be home. We are sorry our U.C.W, meeting had to be postponed but think a later date this month and also next month will be more satisfactory. Anyone want fifty or sixty extra birds. I' love them but they are such a hungry crew. Someone visiting on Sunday said they thought the tree by the house was in flower, So many- evening grassbeaks decorated it. « Burketon News : Miss Susan Smith was a patient ----Memorial Hospital recently. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper of Orono was Wednesday tea guests of Mrs. W. Bryan, Mr. Roy McDonald, Bow- manville called on Mrs. T. Bailey this week. GB Di Mrs. G. Pomery spent some time in Port Perry Hospital. We wish her a . speedy recovery. Mr. visited with Mr. and Mrs. McGeary, Oshawa. " in Bowmanville A. C. Stephenson Sorry to report the passing of Mrs. King, Oshawa, (nee Ruth Crandell formerly of Burketon.) Sympathy goes to . her husband and family. Ruth was in her 34th . year. ; Mrs. J. Gatchell had the-* misfortune of injuring seve- ralribsin a fall. We all join in wishing her a recovery. . Mr.Ted Holroyd,Bowman- ville spenf the holdiay with Mr. and and family. Miss J. Beech, University of Gudiph visited with Mr. and Mrs. famimly. Mr. Ralph- Grace, Uni- versity of Waterloo spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. H. Grace and family. We are sorry to hear on Tuesday last week Mr. John Bons had the misfortune to get his hand caught in one of his farm machines injured his arm and he is in' Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. E. McCaig (nee Bernice Grace) have speedy rs. Frank Holroyd « L. Beech and which badly 4 living in. Harbour Grace, Newfoundland. Since September 1, 1971, Rev. Mr. McCaig is the United Church ¥ Minister there. They have a baby girl Laurie Ann bon Tuesday, March 28. 'Need Printing Fast? See Us Port Perry Star

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