area. 2 storey 10 room brick home 'with all con- veniences, broadloom, pond, 2 parcels. Opportunity at $97,500 with terms, ' 100 acres productive clay loam in Oakwood area. Cow-calf operation. 1% storey, 6 room frame home with - conveniences, Large bank barn, Mariposa Creek crosses property $39,900 with terms, $2,000 down will buy 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Port Perry. Large kitchen with dining area, oak floors, excellent throughout, full basement suitable . for rec. room, all conveniences. Full Price $25,900, 1%4 storey, 7 room frame & stucco home in Port Perry. Fireplace, dining room, 4 bedrooms, garage, nicely landscaped. Opportunity at $21,900 with terms 100 acres clay loam in Port Perry area. 2 storey, 8 room brick home, Immaculate with all convenien- ces, bank barn with steel staunchions, large spring fed pond, 12' deep. Opportunity at $60,000. with 1% down. : 10 room solid brick home in Cannington area, all conveniences. 10 acres good soil, small barn 18 x 40 on good road. $25,000 with terms. 134 acre-farm with building in Sunderland area. | 2 separate parcels of land, scenic property with flowing stream and cedar trees. : $58,000 with terms. 44 acres vacant land in Sunderland area, partially ~wooded. Excellent building site. $14,900 with $2,000 down. Service Station - Restaurant, 2 bay garage, snack bar and equipment. 7 room home with conveniences. 5 acres .of land. A going concern. $60,000 with $10,000 down. 100 acres productive clay loam, 2 storey 8 room 1 white brick home with conveniences and attached - garage. Modern dairy barn, with free stall opera. - tion-and milking parlour, pipe line milker and auto- matic wash up equipment, also 2 storty broiler pen with automatic equipment. Call for information. 5 room frame bungalow, 10 mi. N. of Port Perry. 3 piece bath, hen house and hog pen. $8,600 Cash, 2 bedroom brick bungalow in Sunderland, all modern conveniences, fireplace, attached garage and paved drive, many extras. $25,500 with $7,000 down. 100 acres in Mariposa Twp. overlooking lake with approximately 2,000 ft. of marshy lakeshire, $57,000 with $20,000 down. 1% acres, 2 storey, 7 room brick home with con- veniences. Bank barn for horses 28' x 30'. Only 1 mile off highway, Full price $23,000. APPRAISALS All properties will have to be valued to comply with the new capital gain tax law, except your prin- cipal place of residence. We would be happy to evaluate your property. 50 acre farm north of Port Perry, 5 room frame bungalow, bank barn, close to Village and paved ond, gravel pit. Opportunity, $33,000 with terms. REAL ESTATE SALES AND SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS Call -- Port Perry 985-7303 Oshawa 576-6701 © AFTER HOURS CALL eo GEORGE STONE, FRI -- 9852632 HERB PUCKRIN -- 705-357-3671 KEN HOLLIDAY -- 723-5420 SREY | f] ' ME FIERA Pit 1s / . . Yi #4 g an 3 8 £ 4 1 ar For Sale Work Wanted | PUREBRED Police Dog for sale: If interested call 985- _| choice of fine quality fabrics, McINTYRE UPHOLSTERING & FABRIC SALES. - Wide HAY for Sale, 1,500 hales. Phone. 786-2563. 2--Apr.5 200 Acres productive corn land in the Oakwood .| BRASS BED, old china dolls, ONE REBUILT 283 engine & radiators Call Walt after 6 p.m, ; at reduced prices. All work. manship guaranteed, Call 985-3513. EAVERSTROUHING AND ROOF REPAIRS on BARNS and HOUSES SEED OATS and BARLEY, Canada #1. Limited supply for the wholesale market. Swain Seed Cleaners. 986 4331, Apr.26 Concrete, Brick & Chimney 'Work. -- Call Collect -- WHITBY 668-5239 ! April 5-12 Wanted to Buy UPHOLSTERY DONE, very reasonable, Guaranteed work. alladin and glass lamps, fur. alledin and ae, etc: Call Vera Lee's Antiques. 085-7723, Wanted PASSENGERS Wanted, leav- ing Caesarea and Port Perry area at 7 am. Leaving West my at 5 p.m, Phone 986- : includes 63 acres For Rent PASTURE for rent, 115 acres, hay, well fenced. $9. acre, On Port Perry Hwy., Columbus dist- rict. Phone 655-3823. HAVING A PARTY?? Save $ Now | We will save you 10% on all major Farm Equipment Repairs Offer good during winter months, See us now at . . TREWIN FARM EQUIP. Blackstock - 9864283 BLACKSTOCK UPHOLSTERY | Re-Upholstery and Repairs to all types of Furniture. Upholstery fabrics & supplies AUSTIN BARTLEY Phone 986-4731 WE RENT: ~~ Wine Glasses Bar Glasses Real Estate -----Punch Bowl with 24 cups - Bride's Knife Bud Vases Contact: 5 CREST HARDWAR . 985-2211 2 BEDROOM Apartment in adult building, Suitable for Pies couple. Phone 985- IN PRINCE ALBERT, newly decorated hall, with new dance floor. Any organiza- tion for meeting, -parties or dancing. For information phone 985-7744 or 2146. 3--Apr.19 Help Wanted YOUNG PERSON, some ma. chinery experience, in the vicinity of Greenbank or Seagrave. M. & G. Die Cast- ing, Ltd. 985-3101. ERPERIENCED hair dresser 3 to 4 days a week. Phone 852-6201. 2--Apr.12 HOW MUCH CAN YOU EARN selling famous Avon products? Many Avon Sales Representatives earn an esti- mated $40 a week or more, It's a profitable way to meet people, make friends. For details, call: Mrs. J. Cunney- worth, 149 Sheldon Ave. Newmarket, Ont. 895-9939. Work Wanted | RUG & UPHOLSTERY clean- ing done in your home and ready to use the same day. Phone 985-7704 evenings. 'Dead or Crippled 3--Feb.23 Farm Stock Picked Up Promptly. Telephone Collect HAMPTON 416-263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM 'R.R.5 Bowmanville . One Acre House and Barn Near Port Perry. 2 storey, 6 room, brick house, all mod- ern conveniences, very clean, excellent mortgage interest rate, only 79%, require small down payment. Call for in- formation, Port Perry 6 room, 2 storey frame home, all modern conveniences, sliding glass doors in dining room. Included are carpet, some drapes, dryer, Imma. culate. Full price $19,500. Terms. Vacant Land North of Port Perry, 85 acres some workable including river frontage, some bush, excellent for skidooing, 48 miles from Toronto. Full Price $20,000. with terms. Scugog Point $6500 down, permanent home, 3 bedrooms, frame. In excelent condition. All modern conveniences. Access to lake. Full price $13,900. Brooklin Area 10 year old, 2 bedroom frame bungalow, all modern conveniences, rec, room, sewing room, large lot. Full price $22,900. Call A. Kuenstler 985-2991. I hel PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 5,1972 ~ 9 REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTOR 189 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY, ONT.| Six Acres Port Perry Three bedroom home, im- Close to downtown, 1% maculate. Good heated Storey frame and stucco home, four bedrooms, oil heat. Asking $19,900. Terms.. Howard Forder. . frame building 58 x 34, ideal service centre, dog kennels, ---Highway -front- age. Port Perry South. $35,000. Terms arranged. Howard Forder. Overlooking Lake Port Perry, 3 bedroom bungalow, aluminum sid- ing, 14 x 24 garage, only 4 years old. Treed and landscaped lot only 2 blocks from shopping. Ideal for retirement or complete family living. Lake Scugog - Year Round 3 bedrooms, coloured bath, full basement. New brick veneer bungalow with right of way to sand beach, 10 miles east of $21,500. Terms. Ken Port Perry. Immediate Middleton, Possession. $19,900.00. Terms. Ken Middleton. \ Country Living - Very attractive 7 room home, 3 bedrooms, living | - room, dining room, ultra | modern kitchen, 4 pce. bath, 2 sun rooms. At- tached garage. Beautiful- ly landscaped lot 200' x 300'. Port Perry East. Only $26,500. George Beaton. Little Britain Attractive new 3 bedroom bungalow, many extras. Broadloom, exquisite Kkit- chen design etc. Located close to shopping and re- creation centre. Asking $22,500. Terms arranged. Lawrence Morrison. Hobby Farm ~ Port Perry area; 50 scenic acres overlooks Lake Scu- gog, good 8 room home, modern new steel barn. Asking $42,500. Excellent terms. Ken Middleton. Under Construction Bungalow, completely fin. ished two levels, 2700 sq. ft. plus garage. Balcony, patio, two fireplaces, rec. room, four bedrooms, of- fice. Plaster finish & de- corated. Buy now, choose colours. Asking $39,500. Terms arranged. Howard Forder Beef Farm - 200 Acres Excellent corn land. stream, 10 acres hardwood --bush. 13% storey 9 room | brick home, conveniences, good barns. Bethany area. Asking $85,000. Terms. Maurice Baker. Brooklin - 6 Miles North 4 bedroom country home on 3 acres, highway front. age. Large modern Kkit- chen with adjoining laun- dry room, heated sun room. Insulated garage and workshop, Must be seen, + Asking $34,900.00. Terms arranged. Maurice Baker. er Port Perry Area | 100 acres level, highly productive clay loam; |: scenic bush, large bank barn, implement shed, 9 room attractive brick home, conveniences. Ex- cellent value - $85,000. Cannington Terms - George Beaton. Nearly new 3 bedroom ; bungalow with dining, liv- : ing and kitchen areas, . many extras. Double gar- age, sewers available. Ask- ing $27,900. with terms. Bruce Currie. Retreat or Homesite 50 acres mostly wooded with trout stream. Nestle- ton, 25 miles Oshawa. $18,000. Terms. Howard |, ~ Forder. ' Retreat Acreage 62 rolling acres with pond and stream on boundary. Corner property mostly wooded, paved road front-. age. Asking $15,900. w $5,000 down. Bruce Currie. Investment Property Approx. 21 acres, excellent location with good devel- opment potential for fut- ure subdivision. Asking $20,000. George Beaton. * rez = Port Perry $3500 down, bright cheer- ful 2 bedroom frame home, modern conveniences. In excellent condition and loca- tion. Must be sold. Vendor has offer on another place. Full price $14,500. Vacant Land $8000 down, 20 acres of beautiful wooded area, some cleared. Frontage on both roads. Full price $25,000. .. Call Anytime MARION HOPKINS "Licence No. 364-C.-72 985-7215 or 668-8848 OFFICE HOURS -- 9 am. - 9 p.m. Direct Telephone Lines Port Perry 985.7386 Oshawa 723-0302 Toronto 364-2516 ® EXPERIENCED SALES STAFF e Ph Manager - Howard Forder -- 985-3439 Maurice Bakef -- 852-7256 George Beaton -- 985-3040 »Bruce Currie -- 705 - 357-3392" © Ken Middleton -- 985-7548 Lawrence Morrison -- 705 - 357-3395 FINANCE ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE COAST TO COAST REAL ESTATE SERVICE WE LIST. EXCLUSIVE and M.L.S. Baal, oe #2 Tr HO Sn Ve . TR re hes Real Estate is still your best Investment .