LAR DN a ASA Loser" should provide a subsidy to the few who can afford frequent air travel, L.D. Almack, B.A. Sc., P. Eng., M.\ILM.C. iv : OA is KAY AWE han cigarette advertising in Canada' was introduced into parliament in Ottawa last June, and has been sitting ever since. Public action is needed NOW to get it moving. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 5,1972 --= trial development anticip- ated. Because of additional costs, the major airlines will oppose successfully any presures (o operate out of Cartwright group visits Court house Dear Sir: suffering and loss to cople We are urging everyone to hd ah og ; id who gel no Cr March 30th. 1972 40in us in a massive letter two airports, and that in- Wherever airports ~ are living near an airport. The p60 port Port : campaign lo our respective dustry hovid Fein ol Bo On Wednesday, March 22, 'built, there is a host of people economist will say there is po porry HY ara: members of the Federal ~~, T° 10 P the in. 'Members of the 1st Carl. who in airport planning an overall benefit to the : L$ : Parlidment for action ow the convenience 11 'white wright Company Rangers : " ; i > ; Cigarette Products Bill, ! . accompani eaders Jargon are called "The community and therefore op, The Editor: A ete Dik. gers will not accept the pa y Uncompensated: Losers', Who are these Uncompensa- ted Losers? They are the people 'in "the community the local resident. But the law. does -not provide' an actual compensation and to the individual loser an over- Dear Sir: We are wondering how my : * Yours truly, J.0. Whiting, inconvenience. © A 'white clephant' is being created; a drain of taxpayers across all ° Captain Turner and Lieut- enant Gunther went to Tor- onto, and among other things sat in on part of an arson a : ays many, of your readers President, Canada and a perennial tax (yjal arranged for the grou oisite - por. ik mo heneril Is poy, compensa: walched that dynamic, Ontario County Torro, loss: to the County. by ne plbiad Van PO and take-off 8 ig 9h he ] Aha Jan may frightening one-hour film sis and Respiratory Disease Mr. Gillespie's euphem- Camp. . The ei A 15) aove Io avoid Hols, A Door onthe harmiul - effects of Association istic words **You can't bring The group also toured the The citizen within the airport boundary, although he may not be adequately compen- man cannot afford to move. He therefore stays where he is, and suffers." smoking called "ONE WAY TO QUIT" shown on the CBC two to five billion dollars into the County without doing Court House and. including the Supreme Court of : - Television etwork | ar Site s " h Ie sated. vet he does receive Cost of noise and pollution pra} 5 h? ss or . Dear Sir: sofichady some good" are (p(ario Building. In the cash for his land. He can have been evaluated. The Rreh i i it ole pe pe l-am amazed at the unbelievably naive. Does he afternoon, some members . . av og: . ; . 04 iz M : . relocate, He is to a degree basis is to find oul how many ive cated It the horror auitude of , the Ontario not realize the development gy jn some shopping, while compensated. But the citizen on the outside of the fence has to suffer a loss not softened by cash: His air is polluted; His sleep is interrupted due to noise; y _. His municipal services are strained: and his taxes must pay for iii services bul does he suffer more? hour when students could pred, for if it were valid, it jurisdiction; the majority wiki hp eau, y the airport. A 1971 study sponsored by \,(ch with their parents. would undeniably support Vole would have been rho Rangers had a very Well. maybe people can the National Academy of yc concern of the Ontario fhe 'governments' decision STRONGLY OPPOSED. Mr. ~ iii qo y suffer kerosene fumes, lack Sciences and The National (unity Tuberculosis and and been made available? Stitt, Reeve of Rama re- g day. of sleep, additional realty Academy of. Engineering pogpiratory Disease Assoc- The Reeves of Ajax. Marked" ... one of the best taxes, and decline in their commented - "Modern air : Jaks community's well being. But is it reasonable to expect people to accept sudden deflation in the value of their homes? During the next few weeks many thousands of people outside the airport area will discover that they have an unsalable property. Some houses will drop by 50 percent, some by only 30, 10 or 5 percent, People will not buy houses near an airport or on a flight path. Without buyers prices drop. Professor D. Keith-Lucas in a paper published last July. commenting on 'the third London Airport site selection said - "There is one + problem which bothers me. It is the problem of the uncompensated loser.-One can accept that to build a new airport is in the interest of the community as a whole. The question is whether one has the right to _cause WES PLUMBING - LANE people move away and how large was the loss they incurred. The prices of houses .. different. noise zones have been compared. More expensive houses lose value more than inexpensive --houses. The -wealthy----man pays more to avoid noise; transportation has brought nearly unbearable noise to millions of Americans who live or work near airports. The environmental hazard must be suffered by some part jof the community -- often that part that scarcely benefits either- directly or indirectly from air travel. Under present law, few of those impacted individuals can seek recompense for or relief from this damage to their lives from the airport or the airline. This cost is not 'paid by either the traveller-- or the whole nation that benefits from air service." Because of its massive and unfavourable environmental impact an airport is no longer considered a blessing to a community. It is difficult for the average home owner or farmer to understand why he '"The Uncompensated show of the year. This film was first aired on February 15th at 10:00 p.m. and drew tremendous public "response. The 'CBC said it had more favourable reac- . tion to this program than any other information, program this "season: By public ac- claim it was repeated at an iation lies in the tremendous increase in respiratory discases. such as emphy- sema, chronic bronchitis, asthma ete, for smoking is known to be harmful to the vespiralory tract, As you know, the Cigarette Products Act to effectively MAPLE LEAF . County Council -- strongly in favour -- of the government arbitrarily imposing the new airport. site on Pickering Township, or anywhere else in the County, before ANY plans or pertinent facts have been! 'has it occurred to the Council "that no' feasibilify study can have been pre- Whitby and Pickering Vil- lage will rue this day-when they realize an airport of the size proposed, to the north and west brings not only noise and air pollution but all the undesirable adjuncts to an airport, but NOT NECESSARILY the indus- arising will be almost entire- 'lv on the Metro side of the airport and benefit Scarboro, Markham and Whitchurch wholly at the expense of Ontario County? Think . . . If the question had been worded: Are you in favour "of an international jetport 'located within your things that has happened in the County of Ontario' but should in honesty have added the condition' . ... provided it is not in my area. If any man on the County Council had stood up and said "Yes, put the airport in my township", after the Cottage Rolls. 75 MAPLE LEAF SLICED SLICED BACON MAPLE LEAF COOKED FRESH SLICED HAM 6 oz. pkg. ws 13¢ 59¢ others went to see Police Court, which they found very interesting. After a steak supper with Madame Justice Van Camp, the group was fortunate to obtain tickets to see the exciting movie, *"The--God- father." After the days applause, -- and barring that the man not be.shot by his representees -- only then would benefit derive to the County, and it would take a Davis {accomplish it! Yours truly, James W. Davies, Whitevale, Ontario. ap SN i I 5 AY ' f PORK LIVER FRESH PORK HOCKS HEATING - = ELECTRIC - PORT PERRY 985-2413 OFFICE -- RESIDENCE PRICES EFFECTIVE Wed. to Sat., April 5 to 8 Wallboard Many Patterns to choose from Priced from heet and $3.99 '0° 5 cheers REESOR FUEL & LUMBER Port Perry -- 985-7951 we. 29¢C ce. 39¢ APPLE JUICE ~~ 35¢ Shiniff Marmalade 63c Campbells Soup 2+37c MILKBONE ~~ 35¢ INSTANT MILK $1.49 Robin Hood Flour 57c SPIC & SPAN ~~ 89c SHAKE-N-BAKE 2 « 49c ROSE PICKLES ~~ 39c SUGAR CRISP 4c iE FOOD MARKETS