Een PERRY STAR-Wednesday, April 26, 1972 Cd formerly known. as D & D Construction obtained a charter as a Limited Com. pany and will be known as D. R. Bonson Construction Limited, located at 322 Bige- low St. 2 LJ LJ] LJ Mr. and Mrs. George Barthau had their son-in- law Mr. David Higgs of Cal- gary on the week-end. * LJ * Mrs, Cecil Wilson enter- tained her sister Mrs, Clif- ford Hetz of Erie, Pa. and her parents Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Lamb of Enniskillen. * $8 Last November Mrs, Geoffry Taylor and daugh- ter Monica visited Austra. lia. Mrs. Taylor stayed a month before returning home and her daughter Monica is staying two years, Miss Taylor is working for Mr. Norm Craig at Arma. dale Stud Farm. Recently she entered the 1972 Chip- ""pendale 100 horse endur- ance marathon on her horse Entertainer. Twenty riders started in the race and only 11 completed the event. Miss Taylor did not finish the race but feels fortunate that she was able to participate. LJ ® LJ Zoomett's Robert a pacer owned and-driven by Bruce Cummings of Port Perry has won three in a row at _ Orangeville Raceway. Zoo- mett's Robert has won four and was second once in his last five starts. » » * Sis miss a full night of entertainment when The County Town Singers pre- sent A Contemporary Music Review, on Thursday, May 11th in Port Perry United Church, L LJ [ J Mr. P. Hvidsten, Publish- er of the Port Perry Star leaves this week for a month, 'to visit family and friends in Norway. [J J | J Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Wana- maker were in St. Cather- ines on Saturday to help celebrate the 100th Anni. versary of the Oddfellows INVEST NOW! VICTORIA & GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments 7 1% for 5 Years Interest is payable half yearly or may be left to compound. EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306 'ROUND THE TOWN" On "April "13th what was ° SSSA ANNA ANNAN SANSA NANA ANNNN NNN N ENN N NNN NANA NNN NAN NNN NNN NNN ORR TTT] undertaking and needs the co-operation of the whole community. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lodge there. Members of the Pittsburg, Penn. Lodges confirmed the degree for the occasion. Dinner and dancing followed with, en- ker one day last week. Mr, & Mrs, Earl Thomp- son of Victoria Corners one evening recently with Mrs, Thompson's brother Mr, tertainment by Billy Meek. ihe Allie Christie and Mrs. Christie, Check The Label On Your Paper Mr, and Mrs. Moss of Toronto are spending a few days with their daughter RED & WHITE FOOD "Thornton visited Mrs, Caw- "cottage on View Lake, Epsom News Doreen, Mr. West and fa- mily, We hope Mr. and Mrs. Moss soon improve in health and will enjoy. a wonderful summer at their The Euchre season is drawing to a close. There will be' two more parties. The next May 5th, Results of the last party: Ladies: 1. Mrs. Reid Cook 2, Dora Watson, 3. Nerta Masters, low Verna Smith, door Dorothy. Brown. THES BKC p ICNIC STYLE KING SIZE Cask Your 15¢ Coupon CHEER*1.59 Gent's: 1, Ernest Lee, 2. Orval Watson, 3. Hal Clarke, low Ernest Till, door Vera Brown, Little Sandra Ashton who had to be moved from Ux. bridge hosiptal to Toronto was brught home on Mon- day, she is recovering. Mr. and Mrs, Walter As. ling and Wanda visited Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Asling on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs, Kerry visited Mr, and Mrs. Carl Meyers of Unionville on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Wilson J 5 EE REE REESE ARE IAR FEATURE! - TOMATO HEINZ KETCHUP '47. =FEATURE! =" (From Concentrate) ORANGE JUICE "39. We are so pleased... ihe news - reporters (even in Walter and family and Dennis Eru. am were Sunday dinner guests with Mr, and Mrs, J. P. Wilson of Uxbridge. Mrs, Pat Clarke and Ivan . of Ashworth visited Mr, & Mrs. Donald Asling on Sat. evening. "There. will: always be heaven). There will be no need for doctors, for there will be no siekness; no need for preachers for, all there, will be saved; but we are sure those in the south end of Heaven will want to know what those in the north-end are doing. PORK a7 | ROAST: N $ 2 6 LBS. AVERAGE TENDER - MEATY - PORK BUTT ROAST: You save twice with trim and price BEST BUY! -- SPAGHETTI - SPAGHETTINI LANCIA Macaroni 39: BEST BUY! -- Kraft Old - Coloured or White Cheese 12-0z. Wedge CRACKER BARREL 83- FEATURE! -- HONEY GIRL | GOLDEN HONEY 95. FEATURE! - The Round Shredded Wheat | QUAKER Muffets 42: 2-Lb. Cello 16-Ox. Pkg. FEATURE! -- ALL PURPOSE FEATURE! ~ SILVER RIBBON FEATURE! - RED & WHITE BEST BUY! -- SHIRRIFF "Good Morning MARMALADE ure 63 ROBIN HOOD rou 85 CHOICE PEAS 4 189. 2. | SLICED BREAD 4:88 "PORK BUTT CHOPS or 69: SHOULDER Steak Burns Mild Seasoned, Small Link, Beef & Pork SAUSAGE 55 BURNS - MILD SEASONED 1602. BOLOGNA 59: LEAN - BONELESS - CUBE STYLE STEW BEEF 95: | FEATUREI -- PURINA FEATURE! -- SUZETTE | K DAIRY Dinner 49. FEATURE! -- Meat or Mushroom 14 fi. oz. tin BRAVO sauces 35. | FIG BARS := 59: | FEATURE! -- LUNCHEON MEAT 12-oz. tn 49. TENDER - JUICY - THICK CUT BLADE smeax§5: BURNS - EUROPEAN STYLE rat AALTALTLALRALALLALLALALLALRTALLALALLRARLLLALLLNANANNNNANANNNNNN ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 14 fl. ox. tins .. 8 | Feature! Stock Up at This Price! HEINZ BEANS = 69° WITH PORK 6: 1 POLISH SAUSAGE 69: BURNS - TRIPLE PACK 16-0z. Pkg. LUNCH wets 75¢ FEATURE! t WORY LIQUID 73 TISSUE +FULL POUND ~ YORK - Whole Blanched PEANUTS FEATURE! -- POST CEREAL SUGAR CRISP 49 49. FEATURE! -- VALLEY VIEW PRUNES Larc: 39. FEATURE! -- PURINA CAT CHOW "88. FEATURE! -- DOLE JUICE 48 FI. Oz. PINEAPPLE 3 3isl NEWI 4-0x od -- DECAFFEINATED BRIM: COFFEE ou i 09 oar | Eri BUY! - 180 x 2-Ply WHITE tS SWAN J: FREEZER SPECIAL! BRANDED BEEF CHUCK Contains BLADE - SHORT .RIB ROASTS - STEW BEEF - GROUND BEEF - plus 69 + BONE & FAT TRIM C 65 to 75 Ib. average nb FEATURE! n tures! DINNERS tor. ply. 33 GRAPE ju PE JUICE 2149 CHOCOLATE CAKE E 69 ' VEGETABLES - -- wo By 4 s1 FEATURE! -- ROASTED COFFEE | MAXWELL HOUSE 88: JAVEX BLEACH 49. Macintosh Apples =m. eoves 47° No. 1 FLORIDA Tomatoes ONT. HOT HOUSE 14 o1.Cello Tube ONTARIO 39 firtips Cucumbers 25¢ Onions 2 ¢ "2 Be BICK'S I. Oz. Jug is Health & Beauty Features SCOPE MOUTHWASH Head & Saulders 99. FL. OZ. BOTTLE 29 Ib, 9 "clue JET SPRAY BON AMI: 20-01. size 69 McNAIR AUSTRALIAN SUL i RAISINS BLACK PEPPER 55¢ 44) b. Cel 69: HOUSE PURE BONNIE 14 oz. DOG FOOD ornie $1.00 SIRLOIN STEAK $1.29 OPEN EVERY THURSDAY and FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 BURNS ENDS BACON a9: I I I I SS 0 0 ST 000 0S SSS SS SS 5S \ SNS NNN S NSS S SSNS NS \ \ NNN I I 00 00 5090.95.95. 9090 90 90 90 90 9090 95 90 95 90 90% \ - . ! bs NN rE TT TT TTT TATE. NNN Tr a ---- ; % , v s AAATAARRALALAARLNANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN > [3 < rd EY be - v * 4