Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 6 Sep 1972, p. 12

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YR Ted CLL Ra so Re \ wink hh At LY 4 hat nd | PA -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Aug. 30,1972 JO ORL PRR SIAR. Wedhesdon, Aug, 30,197 Of Facts and Fantasy By Reta M. Berrill Questions and Questions Why does the average human being find it so much easier to dispense sympathy than congratulations? Why can'$ we tell our friend how we feel about him instead of saving it for his obituary? Why do we care so much what (Mrs. Grundy) thinks? We know the truth and, God is our judge. Why do some people always play cards to win, but never learn how to lose? Why is it the habit of some people to issue an invitation--come and have lunch with me some day, or, come and see us sometime. Some-day and sometime ride in the same vehicle, as, Tomorrow that Never Cones. Why do people say "How do you do it? I wish I could." But immediately you start to explain they've (lost) interest. They really don't wanna' know. When we're young and wish to do certain things, we're too young. When we get old and wish to do the same things, we're too old. Is there really a magic age that enables us to do these things without criticism? Why don't people smile more often? It takes fewer muscles to smile than it does to frown, and it feels better too. Have you ever tried smiling at a stranger (same sex) and received a cold blank stare? Even a child can give back a look that clearly says "Beat it!" Could this be credited to the Age of Noninvolvement? Why do we so often take sides with the loser? He could have failed because he didn't try hard enough. Why does everything require a price-tag? How much are yuh gettin'? or, how much did it cost? And an argument; no one works for nothin' these days, why + you? But we contend there's a value beyond the common lucre. And everyone should have something to do that helikes to do, and do it for the sheer joy of doing. Why do some regard reading books, as a waste of time, yet are so quick to point out that T.V. is So Educational. Why do people "bug" us with details of their illnesses long cured, or, lead us through their operation stitch by stitch. After all, most of us have been there and know the way. : Why will those with least education use this as an escape-hatch for all their failures, but never do anything about it? : Why do some people abhor quietness? So they have aradioor T.V. roaring all day, even tho' they fail to look or listen. Are they afraid of hearing the Still Small. Voice? . : When we share with someone our delight of the moment--perhaps a rose-bush blooming for the first time; why does she have to say, '"Yeach, it's pretty, but my Aunt Martha has one that smells nicer." When we're elated about some kindness shown us and try to relate it to another, why does he so quickly suspect there'd been an ulterior motive? Why do some people insist on telling us their complete life's history at our every meeting, until we "decide it's a taped recording and only wish the shut-off switch were visible. Prince Albert News INVEST .|. Mark September 7th on your caléndar, That's when you can start playing Euchre again .at the Community Centre. ' Mr. Rick Doyle has left for Vancouver where he is taking his next semister. Junior 4-H Club will soon be starting again, The project for fall is 'Block Printing". -Anygirl12years old by the 1st of September and wishing to join, should get in touch with Mrs. Ilene Pugh right away. " Nice to learn that Miss Shelley Olsen is to be the: assistant4-Hleader this year. Mr. McCrea is home from hospital. Get well wishes extended his way. Doesn't that first ripe tomatofrom your own garden win the prize for flavour!! Maybe half the taste is pride. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Towns, Scarboro, visited the McIntyre family at Lindsay on Sunday. Mr. F. Wickett has been spending a month with his daughter, Larry and Joanne Huston, Mrs, Bonnie Solomon and Mrs, Ilene Pugh held a Surprise Shower recently in "honour of Denise Jeffrey. Guests included farmer 4-H friends and school friends. Miss Christy Lee Hallett was camping at 'Riverwood Parkonthe weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Sweetman. NicetoseeBrendain the store again! : ; 'Speedy recovery wishes to Mrs. Ruth Graham and Mrs, Joan Dignem presently in the hospital. Congratulations and best wishes are in order to the several newly married coup- les and same greetings to the future bride and groom to be. Mrs. Earl Martyn enjoyed attending the trouseau tea at the home of Mrs. Thos. Expect three to contest Liberal nomination The Victoria-Haliburton Liberal Association will hold a Nominating Convention to elect a Federal Candidate at 8:00 p.m. on September 6, at the Academy Theatre. agreed to address the Con- vention. Details will be released later. It is expected that the . Nomination will be con- tested. Three names have been" mentioned as possible candidates. Those persons will shortly make their own announcements. The Executive believes the forthcoming election is of particular importance to Victoria-Haliburton riding. - This feeling is based on 'the confident expectation that the Trudeau government will be returned to power. It is therefore in the interest of this riding to have an M.P. on the government side of the House. It's also reported that a Federal Cabinet Minister has i John Wayne [{UD STEVE M Richard Boone £10 YA [7] BIG KIT STELLA STEVENS SHELLEY WINTERS WENT [RE McCord in honour of her daughter Miss Dianne Mc- Cord a bride elect of this month of Hamilton. We are still wishing Mr. Carl- Graham. the 'best in Oshawa Hospital. Mr, and; Mrs. Bruce Snelgrove spent a few days with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Alex Snelgroves at NOW! VICTORIA & GREY TRUST Guaranteed lvestments 8% Sarnia. > PR Years 'Mr, and Mrs, Rar) Maryn For a as guests attended the Wal- ton MeCurdy wedding held in Interest 1s payable half yearly or may Ryerson United Church fol. ¥™ compound. lowed by thereceptionheldat . Scottish Rites in Hamilto xing bi coatiy ly EMMERSON Mr. and Mrs, Arthur INSURANCE AGENCY Jeffrey, Millbrook visited their brothers and wives recently. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. bikin LIMITED Ottawa are holidaying with gq; n St. Port P his sister Mr. and Mrs. Ben 91 Quae id Smith. Telephone 985-7306 :-10'x11° STORAGE SHED, "Ready to Assemble" $ with floor $199.95 1 19 95 Put an end to your storagegroblems with this attrac- tive storage storage buildifig from "SPACEMAKER" --the "STORAGE EXPERTS". This poputar size has * INCLUDING FREE ADMISSION TO ONTARIO PLACE! room to spare after you've stored two snowmobiles. The design and construction wilf give'you'years 'of service and satisfaction! It'll look good doing it too. ; OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE | "That's much better. You kept your eye on the ball." e k Jog » = . on a" nN ° Ley A \Z IE Q FS ' LJ } D % Y J Next weekend the 1972 * R.AF. Harrier.. vertical Malling Company Limited, this Canadian National Exhibition take-off and hovering jet big horse show features Tom enters its final days, and high- fighter Bishop's 4B Ranch Rodeo. See lighting the excitement is: ** And many more dazzling bucking broncos, cowboys, x 3 aerial displays. calf roping and barrel races. ' The Canadian International ; ; Alr Show (Sept. 1-4)--One of Frey in me Oolisoum, the world's biggest air shows takes place at the CNE water- es phates wi Le 2 front where, at 1:30 p.m. each Band Era returns Friday, Sat- afternoon, you'll thrill to 2% urday and Sunday at 9:00 p.m action-packed hours featuring when Les Elgart and the | the largest selection of aircraft 18-piece "In The Mood" Band ever seen together...95 air- of Guido Basso recreate the wd planes of all descriplions from great music of the 30's and around the world. i 40's. Free atthe Bandshall. The feature of this year's show is "'Pan-Air-Ama '72"...a The People's Republic of Sal sting 45 Ain ls i / China--This weekend marks of aircraft dating from 3 Please Note: Due to the your last chance to see this through the dramatic 1940's. special nature of this year's deservedly popular exhibit with You'll see dog-fights between free Air Show, you must be at its many artistic. cultural and famous fighters of both World the CNE waterfront in order technological displays. In the * Ware vi many an historic to see everything to the Queen Elizabeth Building. and nostalgic sights. 9 greatest advantage. Plus--Fashion shows # Arts, Other top-flight attractions Throughout the CNE Grounds, Crafts & Hobbies * Aquarama include: as always. there's a lremen- water show * Canadian Armed *% Canadian Armed Forces els gous variety of exciting things Forces display # 3 in 1 Matinee * Water-bombing demonstration going on. Thrill Show # Food Building ES] Helicopter routines # International Pavilion * and 2 Daring aerobatics and death- ~~ Western Horse Show and much. much more in the defying wing-walking Rodeo (Sept. 1-4)--Sponsored biggest Family Fun-For-All of 3 3% Sky-diving by the Calgary Brewing and all time! Canadian National Exhibition Toronto + Last Day -- Labour Day, Sept. 4 « Open Sunday Adults $1.50, Students $1.00, Children 50¢ % ; WHERE ELSE CAN YOU SEE AND DO SO MUCH IN ONE PLACE FOR SO LITTLE... %

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