Ln re a hy WEA SE SOROS AAS ANE SSA AM AS CR IIR YA AY FILS A NA ERS vi Man Deep in our hearts a memory wr he Cm, BOSD CLASSIFIED Alla A= 1h 1 SEE =] = Nh =v VY =I ST] = = = [Wh = (Effective March 1st, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE | LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. | Cash Rate -- 5c. per word 1st week, 4c. extra consecutive | weeks for a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 80c. for | extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid -week of insertion--if charged, and additional 25c. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS Sc. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS 5c. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.50 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1. 50 per inch with a minumum, one inch. All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- | 12 O'CLOCK NOON TUESDAY Send cash, stamps, or money orders and save money PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. In Memoriam Card of Thanks! WARREN--In loving mem- ory of a dear father & grand- father, Frederick Clarence Warren, who passed away, September 7, 1971. Wonderful memories woven in gold, This is a picture we tenderly hold ept, To love, to cherish, to never forget. Although we smile and make no fuss, No one misses him more than us; And when old times we oft recall, That's when we miss him most of all. Memories are treasures no { one can steal, . Death is a heartache nothing can heal; It happened suddenly, and you were gone But we will remember no matter how long. He left us quietly, His thoughts unknown, But left us a memory We are proud to own. Always remembered by his family, Marlene, Joan, Phyllis, Jack, Nancy, Linda, sons-in-law, daughter-in- law and grandchildren. WARREN--In loving mem- ory of a dear husband, Fred- erick Clarence Warren, who a away, September 7th, We made a vow until death do us part, When that day came, it broke my heart. I have missed you in a million ways, With you I spent so many happy days. You shared my love, my hopes, my fears, Thank you Fred, for those 37 years. Lovingly remembered by wife Clara. Announcement ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Doyon of 264 Bigelow Street are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Doris Marie Claire Doyon to Mr. David Lloyd Steward Bray, son of Mr. and Mrs, Steward Bray of R.R. #1, Oshawa, Ont, Wedding to take place Saturday, Septem. ber 9th, 1972 at the Doyon's home. I would like to thank my family and friends for the lovely flowers, cards and gifts that I received durin~ my recent stay in hospital. 1 would also like to thank Drs. Allin, Cohoon & Price and the entire maternity staff at the Port Perry Hospital for the excellent care that 1 received. Mrs. Norma Cannon The family of the late George Edward Reid wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to friends, neighbours and relatives and Seagrave U.C.W. for the floral tributes, cards and acts of kindness shown ot us at the time of, the sudden loss of a dear husband, fa- ther & grandfather. Special thanks to Dr. Price and to Rev. Cooper of Uxbridge for his consoling words. . Shirley Reid & Cathy George Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lee Sturman Jimmy and Johnny. I wish to express my sin- cere thanks to neighbours, friends and relatives for flowers, gifts, cards and visits. Special thanks to Doctors, nurses and staff of Port Perry Hospital. Donna Carnochan We wish to express our sincere thanks to relatives & friends for their acts of kindness, floral tributes, cards and words of sympathy received during our recent 7 bereavement in the loss of a dear wife and mother Mrs. Ormand Tengsdal, Oakwood (the former Mrs. Pearl Pogue of Uxbridge). Mr. Ormand & family My sincere thanks to friends for many acts of kindness, lovely cards, UCW of Seagrave for their beauti- ful plant and others, for vis- its from friends. Sperial thanks to Dr. Cohoon for care, and the nurses & staff of Port Perry Hospital. Milly Curl. Birth PARRY -- Bob, Jayne and Jill are proud to announce the safe arrival of Robert "Cole" 7 lbs. 1 oz. on Tues. day, August 29th, 1972. Thanks to Drs. Allin, Cohoon and maternity staff. i Birth CANNON -- Ian & Norma (nee Boynton) are happv to annuonce the arrival of their daughter Jennifer Dawn on Sunday, August 13th, 1972 weighing 7 lbs, 2% o7s. A very special thanks to Dr. R. Allin & Mrs, Jean Snelerove. R.N, Proud grandparents are Mr. & Mrs, Norm Boyton and Mr. & Mrs. Mel Cannon all of Port Perry, A great grand- daughter for Mrs. E. Griffith of Kincardine and a great great niece for Mrs. Della Henders of Port Perry. At Rest GRAHAM, Ella Victoria-- At the Port Perry Commun- ity 'Hospital .on Sat., Sept. 2, 1972, Ella V. Flett, beloved wife of Mervin Graham and dear mother of Roy & Grace (Mrs. Donald Pargeter), both of Port Perry. In her 73rd year, Funeral Service at the Chapel of McDermott - Pana. baker, Port Perry. on Mon- day, Sept. 4th at 2 p.m. In. terment Union Cemetery, Cadmus. Coming Events OPENING FALL EUCHRE At Prince Albert Community Centre, Thursday, September 7th at 8 p.m, Euchres will be held every week, 2--Sept.6 DANCE MUSIC - for young and old, big bands of the 40's, Modern music, country and western, polkas, square dan- ces. Call Jack Bookham, 852-3329. 4--Sept.27 TURKEY SUPPER "Head Memorial : Church, Scugog Island. WED., SEPT. 27th. Settings at 5, 6, 7 p.m. Tickets $2.00 & $1.00. Phone 985-7732, 4--Sept.27 | PICK YOUR OWN vegetables ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Nestleton Presbyterian Church 128th Anniversary Service, SEPTEMBER 17th, 1972 at 11 am. Speaker Rev. Fred Swann, 2--Sept.13 ENTERTAINMENT Conway Gardens, Friday, September 9th, at 9 p.m. BINGO Thursday, September 14th at 8:00 p.m. Legion Hall. Jackpot $190 in 59 numbers. Special $5 per line and $10 full card. For Sale 50 ACRES with stream. 10 miles north Port Perry. Pri- vate sale, no agents please. No reasonable offer refused. Write Box #2, Port Perry Star. RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS for the home and farm. Your dealer A. L. Sutcliffe 985; 7844. T.F. FOR SALE -- Spacious older home, combines original charm with conveniences beamed ceiling, broadloom, hardwood. 4 bedrooms, 1% baths, plentiful kitchen cup- boards. Detached garage. Corner lot. Trees Close to shopping. $5,000.00 down. Phone 985-3305. T.F. BROADLOOM -- Ochawa's Lowest Prices on #1 Broad- loom -- We specialize in New Home Installations. Guaranteed Lowest Possible Prices. Armstrong Sports Limited, 2101 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. 723-2898. 3mos.--Nov 8 {| Phone 985-3286. "|draulic bucket. will fit M-F. For Sale Help Wanted CONTENTS from Model home, chesterfield and mat- ching chair, , dining room suite, bedroom suite, desk, bookcase stereo & T.V., broadloom rug 9x12, coffee and end tables, etc. ete. All items like new. Phone awa 728-3473 T.F. ROLSTON PURINA, all live- tock chow, available from I, ORGANIST & Choir Leader wanted for Burns, Presby- terian Church State quali fications and salarv expected to Box #3, Port Perry Star. Osh. | ELECTROLUX of Canada Ltd. require two representa. tives in this area, For in- formation call local dealer R. Leach 1 - 985-2525 B. Standish, Seagrave, Ont. 1-416-985-7852. T.F. MERCURY OUTBOARDS, Mercruiser, stern drives, Grew & Springbok Boats, Can. Exploere trailers; All accessories, ",Gord's Marine, Claremont, 649-2007. - Tomatoes $2.00 bu. . The Lintons, 1 mile east of Rag- lan. T.F. APPLES FOR SALE. Many varieties, Buy 3 Bu, get 1 free. 1 mi. south of Titica on Brock Rd. Wm, Collins. Phone 985-2200, 4--Spt.20 NEW and USED vacuum cleaners. Repairs to all makes. Free estimates. pick- up and delivery. 985-7704 evenings. 5--Sept.27 BARGAINS - Room lots of wallpaper, 123%¢. single roll. Large bundles. Excellent quality, Discontinued lines, must be cleared. Drop into Uxbridge Paint and Wall paper. Uxbridge. 852-3591. 2--Sept.13 4--Sept.13 MALE or FEMALE. Full time or part time, We're looking for energetic people 18 vrs. or over with a ear to sell and service our products. Our commissions are very liberal. For more informa. tion call 723-5541 Volta of Canada. 5--Sept.27 1term? 70 Brock St. West, {Mrs ARE YOUR children 'back to school? You ran earn $20. or more per week by working in vour spare hours. Dav or evening wnrk available. Phone 895-6532. . BABYSITTER for 2 yr. old girl 95 week days. Queen St. area. Phone 985- 7116 after 56 pm. FACING BIG BACK - TO - SCHOOL EXPENSES when your children start the new Start now earning money near home in your spare time. Find out how to sell Avon products and earn money for tuition, cloth- es, and all those end-of-sum- mer bills. Call for details. , J. Cunneyworth, 149 Sheldon Ave., Newmarket, Ont. 895-9939. Lilla: &| | WILL give loving montherly care to Jour children in my home while you work. * Re: ferences . Call 985-7171, .| BABYSITTER -- reliable, re. sponsible. Phone 985-7608. MISTER T.V. TOWERS 378 King St. W., Oshawa 723-9525 T.V. Towers, Sales, Service and Installation Colour Antennas, Rotors, and black & white also Repairs Open 9'- 9 544 Adelaide St. W. T.F FOR ALL your roofing needs, asphalt, or wood shingles, eavestroughing," aluminum' g siding 'or chimney repairs, call Custom Roofing 986-5094. 4--Sept.6 BLACKSTOCK UPHOLSTERY Re-Upholstery and Repairs to all types of Furniture. Upholstery fabrics & supplies AUSTIN BARTLEY Phone 986-4731 CLOVER and Alfalfa second 'cut hay. Phone 985-2782. 1967 PLYMOUTH Fury III, 4 door sedan, 986-4456, ' '2--Sept.13 TENT TRAILER, immaculate condition, sleeps four, com- plete with spare tire and Swing $160.00. Call 985- pies, no papers. Phone 985- 3111. CONSOLE sewing machine; Kubla console hi-fi; quantity of records; hockey equip- ment, Sr., skates, best offer. SAMOYED PUPS for sale. Phone 985-3286. RECLINING leather armchair - 3 speed vibrator - carpet sweeper - claroil instant hair setter - pre-curled dark au- burn wig. All like new. Call 985-7171. 700 BALES wheat straw, 15¢c. bale. Evening 985-2880. 1957 FORD 13; ton pick-up with 8 ft. fleetside box and stock racks, good running condition, uncertified. Phone 985-7009. GERMAN SHEPHERD pun-| MANURE Loader with hy- 50 and 65. Phone 705-786. 2173. -]1971 LAND ROVER 11,000 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS BEEF STOCKERS Young & started calves Call Keith Page Uxbridge 852-3923 miles, free wheeling hubs, radio and hydraulic snow plow $3,200. Call 985-2026. '69 CAMARO - $1500. Tape deck plus 12 tapes $60. or installed $70.00. Phone 723. 2404, Oshawa. Wanted to Buy FURNITURE, china, Glass. ware ,etc. Call Vera Lee's Antiques. 985-7723, Vill Give Away 3 KITTENS to good homes. call after 1:00 p.m., 705-357 Village of Port Perry APPLICATIONS for the po- sition of Clerk-Typist will-be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. September 12. 1972; Duties to :commence 2 or before September 25th, Applicant should possess good typing skills, bookkeep- g experience. Preference will be given to persons with Municipal experience. Further details may be ob- toined from the Municipal Office, 181 Perry Street, Port Perry. J. N. BRODIE, Clerk-Treasurer. WELL KNOWN Insurance Co. reauires a Sales and Ser- vice representative for Port Perry area. Company groun benefits with pension fund, good income, salary and com- micsion, Call Oshawa 725- 1161 for appointment. EXPERIENCED Car nenter for framing. Call 986-5518 after 6 p.m. Wanted RIDE WANTED from R.R, 3, Little Britain, arriving in Port Perry before 9:00 a.m. Phone 786-2736. "AIM FOR a Slimmer You". Anyone interested in joining TOPS call Mary Cannon 985- 7137. 2--Sept.6 RIDE WANTED to and from Durham College 9-5. Call Don Thompson 985-3378. DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C-66 Dead or Crippled Farm Stock Picked Up Promptly. Telephone Collect HAMPTON 416-263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM R.R. 5 'Bowmanville Licence No. 364-C-72 CUSTOM KILLING & Picking chickens, Phone Sunderland 357-3546. Dec. 27 WILL DO hair in your home. Call Phoebe 985-7662. 2--Sept.13 For Rent FURNISHED Room, all con: veniences. 985-7775. LARGE 3 Bedroom Apart- ment. Call 985-3071. APARTMENT - Downtown, nearly new 2 bedroom den kitchen, living room, electric heat, laundry room shared other apartment. $125.00 month, Phone 985-7021 9-6. NEED MUSIC? for a WEDDING y DANCE PARTY etc. Call 985-3089 P:Hvidsten after 6 p.m. EY Imported Dutch Bulbs Fcr Spring & Summer Flowers TULIPS, HYACINTH, NARCISSUS, CROCUS, ETC. To be sure of colour and variety - see our life size colour charts. Order now for delivery at proper planting time. IVES GREENHOUSES R.R. #1, Port Perry 985-2691 Work Wanted .