8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Sept. 6, 1972 is incorporated in the 50th Seagrave News Today Mon., Sept. 4th is Labour Day and a holiday "for some but tomorrow will be a real labour day for most as fall programs start again and the schools re open, We have heard consider- able grumbling about the dull damp summer but it . must be admitted that this part of the country looks better than 'usual for. the time of year. We are quite Issues 50th anniversary medallions To mark half a century of service to crippled children, the Ontario Society for Crippled Children has re- cently issued a limited minting of 50th Anniversary medallions. The medallion features the Society's Hope and Opport- unity emblem on obverse and a repeat of this emblem design on reverse. Produced by the Wellings Mint, the medallion is 12" in diameter, nickel-silver proof finish. While supplies last, they may be ordered from the information Services Department of the Ontario Society for Crippled Child- ren, 350 Rumsey Rd., Tor- onto, 17. Cost of the medallion and wallet style holder is $3.15 including provincial sales tax. impressed by the acres and acres of corn almost ready for silage but we are also distressed at the sight of all those dead elms, Wedding bells are ringing in the Pleasant Point area for Thanksgiving week-end. One of these times they will ring for Karl & Karen. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Virgin had an engagement * party for their daughter Karen and her fiance Karl Herder. No plans yet, Don't decide on travelling from Simcoe St. to Seagrave via the 12th concession. The bridge over the Nonquon is being replaced now. Mr. and Mrs. B. Wana- maker and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds of Port Perry visited with Mrs, Alma Garlick in Toronto on Sunday. The Wanamakers also attended the funeral of their elderly aunt Mrs. Art Mark in Port Hope on Mon- day. Mr, and Mrs, Ron Crosier are happy again, It's an. other boy, Sunday saw church acti- vities getting back to nor- mal. The regulars were mostly there as usual and Mr. Critch had returned from his Newfoundland holiday. At S.S. there was such a raid on the birthday box that this old lady can't re- member them all, so in fairness won't mention any names. Next week will be Rally Sunday here with what we call-a joint service at 10:00 o'clock. Mr, Lawrence Ev- ans of Uxbridge will be the speaker and attendance awards will be presented. U.C.W. meets on Wed- nesday night. Choir prac- tice is on Thursday night. KEN P. MURRAY ON COMPLETE ELECTRICAL HOME HEAT Electrical Contractor _ Domestic & Industrial WIRING CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES gil ¢% ~ 1 £2 =Y 9 5 1 ~n C; < 274 ROSA ST. = PORT PERRY Phone: 985-7005 > = DRUG STORES "WELL WORTH LOOKING FOR"' SUPpe:J::»eCALS PRICES EFFECTIVE MON., SEPT. 4 TO SAT. SEPT. 9 WATCH FOR THESE ADS -- THEY'LL SAVE YOU MONEY 6 OZ. SPECIAL Limited Time Offer SUGG. LIST 1.3% AIR FRESHENER and DISINFECTANT 14 OZ. SUGG. LIST 1.79 oma Lyd] ARRID "EXTRA-DRY" ANTI-PERSPIRANT 9 0Z. SUGG. LIST 2.09 wmnin! A Mra Dn SHAMPOO or CREME RINSE 7% OZ, SUGG. LIST 1.39 atc 1010" LYSOL | Scotch ...TAPE al 2" x 1010" Ral on DispENSER SUGG. LIST 49¢ eo THIS COUPON IS WORTH $1.00 Present this coupon with your next roll of colour film for printing and developing. Save $1.00 on the regular photo-finishing service. GOOD AT ANY 1.D.A. DRUG STORE Offer Expires Sept. 30,1972 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES sHoPI.D.A. FOR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES BRUTONS i o> a: DRUGS 2 phones for your convenience 985-3548 985-2511. TRAIAN Preserved megalithic temple found on Isle of Lewis in Outer Hebrides Next to the famous Stone- henge in Wiltshire, England, the best preserved and most elaborate megalithic temple in Britain is tobe found on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland's Outer. Hebrides. The temple, believed to have been built by a preCeltic people of Iberian stock 3,000 ears ago, features a circle of standing stones up to 15% feet high from which avenues and alignments radiate in north- south and east-west direct- ions. s The Lewis people call the remains the Callanish Stones and the picture here shows a section of the stones as they Your insurance innovator from Great-West Life Wm. Laurence Evans 15 Bell St., Box 550 Uxbridge, Ont. Telephone 852-3184 Life, Health, Group, Annuities Great-West Life ASSURANCE COMPANY appear. to an approaching visitor. These stones are one reason for the growing interest among tourists in the Isle of Lewis and the other Hebridean Islands. This summer, British European Airways, which services Stornoway twice daily Mon- days through 'Saturdays the year round out. of Glasgow, added extra flights on Mon- days and Saturdays to cope with the growing numbers of visitors from Canada, the U.S., England, and Con- tinental Europe. Other Lewis attractions include the Ui Chapel and adjoining cemetery where the Macleod Cheifs of Lewis arch of Bragar, and such® "activities as golf, tennis, hiking and fishing (the local people claim the Grimersta River, although less than two miles long, is the best salmon stream in Europe). Bargains in Harris tweed also help tee lure tourists, The crofters who weave the tweed fashion their cloth in an estimated 5,000 designs and colors. Write the British Tourist Authority at 151 Bloor Street West, Toronto, for infor- ¢. mationon travel to Lewis and the rest of the Hebrides. Even more details may be secured by writing Ian Horne, Area Tourist Officer, Western Isles Tourist Organization, Stornoway, Scotland. . are buried; the whalebone WHY PAY MORE? SAVE?! On Premium Quality FUEL OIL STOVE OIL PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE CALL 668-3341 CALL COLLECT HE en JOYCE "This is where Mindy Hodges caught the snorkel diver." ~ PUBLIC NOTICE SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE LEGISLATURE on the ONTARIO INVITATION TO SUBMIT WRITTEN BRIEFS On June 30th, 1972, the Ontario Legislature inquire into and report upon the Ontario Municipal Board and to make recommendations on: (a) the purpose, object and functions of the Ontario Municipal Board. (b) the jurisdiction of the Ontario Municipal Board. (c) the structure and organization: of, the Ontario Municipal Board. (d) the procedures and practices of the Ontario Municipal Board. (e) the procedures by way of appeal from the orders and rulings of the Ontario Municipal Board, including appeals by way of petitions to the Lieutenant Governor in Council. (f) the relationship of the Ontario Municipal Board in the discharge of its responsibilities with the Provincial Government, local government and the individual citizen. The Tommittee invites written briefs from individuals and organizations who may wish to present information, opinions or suggestions regarding any of the above matters relating to the Ontario Municipal Board. Briefs must be submitted by September 15th, 1972 to the Clerk of the Committee, Box 233, Main Parliament Building, Toronto 182, Ontario. John P. MacBeth, Alex McFedries Q.C., M.P.P., Clerk Chairman Ontario Municipal Board appointed a Select Committee to examine