PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Sept. 6,1972 -- 9 Scugog man hospitalized An accident shortly after the noon hour August 30 on County Road 57 south of Blackstock has sent a Scu- gog Island man to hospital in Toronto with "serious" in- juries. Details of the accident are sketchy at this time, but 3. Port Perry blew a tire, went out of control and left the road. He was taken to Port 'Perry Hospital, and then transferred almost im- mediately to Scarborough General, Damage to the van was described as extensive. P.C. Whitely of the New- apparently a van driven by castle OPP was the invest- Mr. David Moore, 63 of R.R. igating officer. PLUMBING - HEATING Sewer Connections QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Port Perry Kinsmen Installed new executive Finely, vice president; and John Ross secretary. officers at a meeting last week. Front (I-r) Kees Stolk, Missing from picture are treasurer, Alf Marcelissen; 'director; Fred Canning, president; Larry Kendall, airector, Pascal Dinaut; and bulletin editor, Eric past president; Back (I-r) Bob Tesky, registrar; Bob Park. Reesor Fuel i Luba PORT PERRY, ONTARIO - 985.7951 . Port Perry Kinette new executive. Front (l-r) Travis, Vawspror: Sandy Gouin, bulletin editor; and Barb Bradbury, vice president; Doreen Kendall, Valerie Sweetman registrar. Missing from picture is president; Jenny Toms, secretary. Back (l-r) Bev Mary Lee Dowson, director. dary chool Teachers Of Ontario | 4 Gty. Withdrawing Voluntary Services? CONTRACT: WORK LOAD: : All efforts made by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation __ In spite of an increase in the number of secondary school students by Hl District 17 to reach a satisfactory agreement with the Ontario County ~ approximatly 500 students, and in spite of the opening of a new secondary ! Board of Education, both through direct negotiation and through school in Oshawa, the Board has decreased by 28 the total number of oI) conciliation, have failed. "secondary school teachers. This obviously has produced a considerable SALA R ES - financial saving for the Board, and a correspondingly heavier work load "for teachers. While the general wage level in this county is among the highest in Ontario, teachers employed in Ontario County have traditionally been F R N G E B E N E F ITS: P paid less than their colleagues in comparable areas. While other contract settlement have provided for considerable advances of In fact, even if the Board accepts the teachers' present salary request, in the area of fringe benefits, the Ontario County Board of Education : our members' salaries will still be substantially lower than levels already proposes to reduce the value of fringe benefits provided to its secondary ®) established for 1972-1973 in comparable areas of the province. .school teachers. nil MY fi Dem TE) 51a (5 Ni (( ) (Emm & Se 5) ) As a result of the failure to reach a satisfactory agreement, the secondary school teachers of Ontario County have returned to work without a contract. With considerable reluctance, they have decided not to carry out those services which they traditionally have provided on a voluntary basis. These services include @) such activities as coaching sports, serving as staff advisers to student clubs, supervising dances, etc. vi | AT NO TIME HAVE TEACHERS IN ONTARIO COUNTY EVER ASKED TO BE PAID FOR THESE SERVICES. = The quality of educational instruction provided by the members of OSSTF District 17 will not be affected in any way be the withdrawal of voluntary services. | "IT NOW APPEARS THAT THE ONLY WAY IN WHICH A SETTLEMENT CAN BE REACHED IS THROUGH BINDING ARBITRATION. J The members of OSSTF District 17 are willing to accept this course of action and have twice requested that the Board also agree to it. The Board has refused. : i Your comments, and requests for further information would be appreciated. Please write to: OSSTF District 17, P.O. Box 1071, Oshawa, Ontario & J) May we also suggest that you make your feelings known to the: Ont Cty Board of Education, 555 Rossland Rd. West, Oshawa, Ont (phone 576-4600 or Zenith 64230) i P and to the following members of the Ontario County Board ot Education: 13! Ajax-Pickering H.S. Polak Oshawa F.R. Britten Pickering R.W.. Deakin Rama, Mara Thorah, Separate 3 | Brock-Reach- L.D. Clarke M.J. Mowbray Beaverton G. Westcott Schools J.P. Brady i Cannington ~~ M. Umphrey N.H. Edmondson Mrs. S. Vierin : AJ Miller I yy Mrs. C.C. Lee Uxbridge, Scott R.W. Ward i Whitby Mrs. M. Mcintyre SE. Lovell Port Perry, Scugog Township A. Williamson $ Mrs. M. O'Donnell T.D. Thomas $.G. Saywell E. Whitby Twp. G. Goode DISTRICT SEVENTEEN, ONT. SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS' FEDERATION § The above message was paid for by Ontario Secondary School Teachers to 'indicate their concern. ART PETROZZI } PS CT - oa CERT PEE ws. CATA a . oy " ", OS ms