10 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Sept. 13, 1972 Classified Advertising Rates (Effective March 1st, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. Cash Rate -- 5c. per word 1st week, 4c. extraconsecutive weeks for a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 80c. for extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, and additional 25c. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 5c. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS 5c. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.50 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.50 per inch with a minumum, one inch, All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- 12 O'CLOCK NOON TUESDAY Send cash, stamps, or money orders and save money PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. alll SRE = 1h =] = WR = {= REE = YY = S = {= = {WA SELL RENT * At Rest Coming Events For Sale For Sale GILMER -- Mrs, Mary, at the Royal Infirmary, Edin- burgh, Scotland; on August 16, 1972. Loving mother of Mrs. Margaret Podres, Notice NOTICE JAMES & BEARE BARBER SHOP will be closing out of busi- ness as of Sept. 15th, 1972, Many thanks.to_all our cus- tomers: Cyril W. James & John Barry Beare, --Perhaps some other time. LEGION 50-50 WINNER Jim McArthur $814.00 Con- solation Wes. Jones. $100. NOTICE Brownies, Guides & Ranger meetings will begin for all packs & companies the week of Sept. 18th at Scout Hall 2nd & 3rd Brownie Packs, Monday 4 p.m.; 1st Brownie Pack, Wed. 4 p.m.; 1st Guide Co. Mon. 7 p.m; 2nd Guide Co. Wed. 7 p.m.; Rangers, Tues. 7:30 p.m. (for anv girl 14-18 that is interested, guiding experience not ne- cessary). In Memoriam : Card of Thanks Coming Events ESPIE--In loving memory of Bruce John Espie who passed away September 17, 1961 Gone but not forgotten. Karel and Jack HENDERS--In loving me- mory of a dear husband Ar- thur LeRoy Henders, who passed away Sept. 13, 1969. Sweet memories will linger forever. Time cannot change them it's true Years that may come cannot sever My loving remembrance of you. Sadly missed and ever remembered by loving wife Della I wish to convey my sin- cere thanks to all. my neigh- bors and friends in the Man- chester, and Port Perry and Prince Albert area that don- ated to the lovely gifts I re- ceived. Table and chairs, Flowers and Plant and a lovely crochet doll, also. the money. This 1 assure you all was very much appreci- ated. Mrs. Josephine Bain DANCE MUSIC - for young' and old, big bands of the 40's. Modern music, country and western, polkas, square dan- ces. Call Jack Bookham, 852-3329. ; 4--Sept.27 TURKEY SUPPER "Head Memorial Church, Scugog Island. WED., SEPT. 27th. Settings at 5, 6, 7 p.m. Tickets $2.00 & $1.00. Phone 985-7732. 4--Sept.27 Birth Card of Thanks I wish to express my sin- cere thanks to Drs. Price, Cohoon and Larson. Also to nurses and staff of Port Perry Hospital for their ex- cellent care and kindness while I was in Hospital. Elva Elson We would like to thank our friends and neighbours in the Prospect area for the lovely and useful gifts re- ceived by us at the shower held at Mrs. Don Crosiers. Thank you Lynn & Rob Webber DIAMOND--BIIl and Irene (nee Andrews) wish to an- nounce the arrival of their son Michael John, 10 lbs, 3 oz. on September 9, 1972 at Scarborough General Hos- pital. CROSIER--Mr. & Mrs. Ron Crosier are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their son Yancy Allan on August 29th, 1972. A brother for Tommy. Special thanks to Dr. Cohoon. SMITH -- Pat & Bob are happy to announce the birth of their son Christian Fran- cis on August 22, 1972, A brother for Michael. At Rest To my wonderful friends and neighbours of Manches- ter and area, I would like to say a very sincere "Thank You" for the lovely party you gave me and for the beautiful Bridge Set. It will be greatly treasured. To those who helped at my sale, thank you so much. In sin. cere appreciation. Maude Crosier WILLET, Mary Esther -- At Cobourg General Hospital on Thursday, Sept. 7, 1972, Mary E. Rodgers, beloved wife of the Late Samuel Willet and dear sister of Maud (Mrs. A. E. Sues) Rich- mond Hill. In her 88th year. Funeral Service at the Cha- pel of McDermott-Panabaker Port Perry on Sat., Sept. 9, 2 p.m. Interment Nestleton Cemetery. The family of the late Ella Graham wish to express sin- cere appreciation to our relatives, friends and neigh- bours for cards, floral tri- butes, donations to their fav- ourite charity and words of sympathy shown to us dur- ing the loss of a dear wife, mother and grandmother. Special thanks to Community Memorial Hospital, Dr. Co- hoon and nursing staff. We also want to thank Rev. Par- sons for his kind words, the ladies of Blackstock U.C.W. and the McDermott - Pana- baker Funeral home. - SMITH, Arthur L.--Entered into rest at Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, Sept- ember 9, 1972, Arthur L. Smith, beloved husband of the late Ettie Evelyn Scott. Father of Neil A. Smith of Columbus and Glenn A. Smith of Columbus, brother of Lorne Smith, Whitby, also survived by six grandchild- ren, in his 88th year. Rested at Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with funeral service in chapel on Tuesday, Sept- ember 12 at 1:45 p.m. In- terment Oshawa Union Ceme- tery. ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Nestleton Presbyterian Church 128th Anniversary Service, SEPTEMBER 17th, 1972 at 11 am. Rev. Fred Swann. 2--Sept.13 BINGO Thursday, September 14th at 8:00 p.m. Legion Hall. Jackpot $190 in 59 numbers. Special $5 per line and $10 full card. Speaker | DOG TRAINING CLASSES Nepachee Dog Training School, Oshawa: Obedience training solves problems. Regristration October 10th. For information phone 985- 2196 or 723-5110. 4--Oct4 BUS DeNURE COLOUR TOUR 4 days Oct. 5-9th South Virginia, Blue Ridge Appalachien Mountains, Williamsburg and Tour of Washington Twin $99. Mrs. J. Robertson 985-2598 ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Manchester United Church, SUNDAY, SEPT. 24th at 11 a.m. Speaker Rev. Alan Barnes, soloist Mrs. Joan Aldred. 2--Sept.20 HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The Sept. meeting of the Ladies Hospital Auxiliary will be held Sept. 19th at 2 p.m. At this time the draw will be made for the oil painting. TURKEY SUPPER Grace Church Scugog, Wed- nesday, October 18th. Sett- ings 5, 6 & 7 p.m. Adults $2.00; children under 12 $1.00; preschoolers free. For tickets contact Mr. Maurice Fralick or Mr. John Beckett. 2--Spt.13, Oct.4 APPLES FOR SALE, Many varieties, Buy 3 Bu, get 1 free. 1 mi. south of Vltica on Brock Rd. Wm, Collins. Phone 985-2200. 4--Spt.20 SK-DOO NORDIC excellent condition, Best offer, 985. 3178. : PORT PERRY SCHOOL OF DANCING Is now taking registrations for fall classes. Please call Sina Bright at 985-2839 on Friday, September 15th from 2-5 p.m. NEW and USED vacuum cleaners. - Repairs to all makes, Free estimates. nick- up and delivery. 985-7704 evenings, 5--Sept.27 USED New Holland Model 880 Forage Harvester with wide pickup and tow - bar, corn head. Excellent condi- tion. B & W Farm Service, Sunderland, 705-357-3760. ® BOY SCOUTS eo DRIVE PAPER SATURDAY, SEPT. 16th at 9:00 a.m, For Port Perry, Greenbank & Seagrave. For special pick- up or assistance in getting papers out phone 985-2426 or 985-7141 before 9:00 a.m. Sept. 16th. POT LUCK SUPPER SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 sponsored by Ladies Auxili- ary Branch 419. Dancing 9 to 1 a.m. Music by Ted Koss. Tickets $3.00 each available at bar or contact Mary Canon 985-7137. 2--Spt20 EUCHRES WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 13, 20, 27th, 8:30 p.m. Greenbank Cubs welcome all to our three fund raising card parties. Please attend. Ad-. mission 50c. Please bring lunch. Greenbank Hall. 3--Sept.27 MERCURY OUTBOARDS, Mercruiser, stern drives, Grew & Springbok Boats, Can, Exploere trailers; All accessories." Gord's Marine, Claremont, 649-2007. 1962 CHEV. % ton pickup, fleet box, as is, good motor. $250. or best offer. Phone 655-3033. ROLSTON PURINA, all live "tock chow, available from I. B. Standish, Seagrave, Ont. 1-416-985-7852. T.F.. PICK YOUR OWN vegetables - Tomatoes $2.00 bu. The Lintons, 1 mile east of Rag- lan, T.F. CONTENTS from = Model home, chesterfield and mat. ching chair, dining room suite, bedroom suite, desk, bookcase stereo & .V, broadloom rug 9x 12, coffee and end tables, etc. ete. All items like new. Phone Osh. awa 728-3473 T.F. 1967 PLYMOUTH Fury III, 4 door sedan, 986-4456. 2--Sept.13 EUCHRE Saturdav_ Sept. 168 at 8 p.m. Oddfellows Hall. Sponsored by Mavbelle Re- bekah Lodge, Admission 50¢ Prizes & lunch. IMPORTANT MEETING Annual Meeting of Port Perry Chamberof Commerce will be held at Centennial Restaurant -WED. SEPT. 13 Cocktails 6 to 7 p.m." Dinner to follow For Sale BLACK 1964 CHEV,, 6 cyl, good condition. $250. Phone 985-2786. VARIETY of good used sum- mer and winter clothing, sizes 10-12. Reasonably pric; ed. Call Norma Cornish 985- 7983. : ANTIQUE "Bell" pump or- gan, rebuilt. Very good con- dition. Best offer. Phone 985-2809. HOLIDAY CAMPER, sleeps 6, stove, heater, ice box, table and sink. Phone 985- 2722 after 6 p.m. 1 PAIR Snow Tires 7:75x14, like new. 985-7134. RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS for the home and farm. Your dealer A. L. Sutcliffe 985. 7844. T.F. HOLSTEIN HEIFERS BEEF STOCKERS Young & started calves Call Keith Page Uxbridge 852-3923 BROADLOOM -- Ochawa's T.owest Prices on #1 Broad- loom We specialize in New Home Installations. Guaranteed Lowest Possible Prices. Armstrong Sports Limited, 2101 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. 723-2898. 3mos.--Nov 8 ANNIVERSARY DANCE SEPT. 30th is the date for the '20th Anniversary Dance' being held bv the Ladies Hospital Auxiliary. Tickets may be obtained hv calling 0985-2393 or 985-2165. Music is bv Joev Van Orchestra & dance will be at the Legion. $5.00 a couple. ~~ 3--Sept.27 FOR SALE -- Spacious older home, combines original charm with conveniences - beamed ceiling, broadloom, hardwood. 4 bedrooms, 114 baths, plentiful kitchen cup: boards. Detached garage. Corner lot. Trees Close to shopping. $5,000.00 down. Phone 985-3305. T.F. BARGAINS - Room lots of wallpaper, 12%e¢. single roll. Large bundles. Excellent quality. Discontinued lines, must be cleared. Drop into Uxbridge Paint and Wall: paper. 70 Brock St. West, Uxbridge. 852-3591. 2--Sept.13 50 - 100 ACRES with stream, 10 miles north of Port Perry. Private sale. No agents please. Np reasonable offer refused. Phone 985-7622 or 985-7605. GIRLS' COATS, fall vinyl, size 10, winter orlon, size 8 to 10 and snow suit 24 months. Call 985-2830. CELEBRATE our wedding with bargains in assorted furniture, dresser, chest of drawers, etc, ~ appliances, shag rugs, & train equipment, Phone 655-3102. TENT TRAILER - Impyacu- late condition; sleeps 4; com- plete with spare tire and awning - $160. Phone 985- 3674. STOVE suitable for summer cottage. - $50. Phone 985. 3495, , 1965 PONTIAC sedan com- pletely rebuilt 283 engine, automatic, new front end, re- cent body and paint, good tires $550. Also 81% ply- wood boat $20. Phone 986- 4411 after 6 p.m, SAIL BOAT 24 draft. ing Lake Scugog, 985-3457. 1 GALLON Milk Pasteurizer $8.00. Phone 986-4856. 2 ATLAS Winter Grip 650-13 tires, and 1 rim, never used. Make offer. Box 30 -Port Perry or Phone evenings. 986-4870. SURGE Water Conditioners. For free water analysis call Ab Leach 985-3655 or Murray Jackson 985-2459. T.F. REAL ESTATE Oshawa, quiet choice area. 2 storey brick, 4 bedroom house, separate dining room, broadloomed living room, modern kitchen with built in stove, oven and dishwasher, 2 bathrooms, broadloomed fa- mily room, also stairs and hall. Well landscaped lot is fenced with high poplars creating full privacy. Patio, garden and shed, paved drive with carport for 2 cars. Mort- gage 6% %. Call 576-4161 Principals Only, 79'4 Simcoe Street N. Oshawa. x 8 x 3 14 horse power. Sail- Phone WHEAT, barley and straw for sale. Call Sunderland 357-3211. 2--Sept.20 1965 PONTIAC, 6 cyl. stand- ard, 2 door. Phone 985-7248. STOVE $50., refrigerator $25. Can be seen at 432 Queen St. Pines Albert or call 839- 5. CEDAR POSTS, Phone 985-7169. any size. UNDERWOOD portable type- writer in carrying case. Ex- cellent condition. Phone 986-5112. '64 OLDS, power equipped, good running condition. Phone 985-7725. DUTCH BULBS Tulips, Daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths, narcissus, snow drops, etc. TULIP SPECIAL ® mixed 25 - $1.00 ® red & yellow 20 - $1.00 ® red parrots 15 - $1.00 ® red 15 - $100 IVES GREENHOUSES Port Perry 985-2691 PALIMINO Stallion, 7 yrs. old, 15 hands, best offer. Phone 985-2005. ELECTROLUX vacuum, like new. - Call 985-7704 evenings. Room and Board ROOM & BOARD available, for one gentleman. Phone -1985-2518 We've M-o-v-e-d | Ridgeview Garage HAVE MOVED TO THEIR NEW LOCATION on the former BOYNTON PROPERTY, 300 yards north of their original site, and are NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS, * &