Epsom News The regular meeting was held in Utica, Sept. 5th. So much sickness there was a poor attendance so here are a few notes for the absentees. We need many more labels for the Coffee Perc. We sent $75 as our share of a bill to Mrs. Wagg but didn't know for what it was needed. It was decided to discuss Christmas Card order and overseas relief gift at. QOct- ober meeting. It was decided to get the windows in Epsom Church repaired. It was also decided to serve lunch after the Anniversary Service, Sunday, September 17 at 2:30. This hour was chosen so those who attended other churches could attend without conflicting with their services. : "All are interested in Rev. Jos. Bushell as his mother was an Epsom girl and his grandfather was -a former minister and Jimmy lived here for some time after the death of his mother. His Step-mother was also an Epsom girl. Groups 1 and 2 will supply squares or tarts while Groups 3 and 4 will supply sand- whiches on Sunday after- noon. Everyone welcome, come and bring your friends. Thank you notes were received from Mrs. Myrtle Thomas, Mrs. Maria Jaggers and Mrs. Jean Downing for our kindness in recent Bre- avements. Sunday Service was at Utica. Some notes from B.U.G.L.E. B. Ballantra U. Utica: G. Goodwood, L. Lemonville - E. Epsom , so now we are the Bugle circuit - so boys come blow your horns. Our service hasn't exactly gone to the dogs but the cutest wee dog came into the church, walked to the WHY PAY MORE ? SAVE?! On Premium Quality <BX> FUEL OIL STOVE OIL PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE CALL 668-3341 ¢« CALL COLLECT front approved of the min- ister then returned to the back of the church. They say dogs are wonderful fledges of character. He approved so do we. Y.AH. (Young at hearts from all churches are invited to a programme at 8 p.m., Saturday, September 16 at Goodwood Church to consi- der possibilities of farming a winter. programme for adults, We are all waiting for the new cookbook from Lemon- ville "Treasure of Taste". If the same company prints theirs that did one for Epsom a few years ago we will have some wait. We waited over six months - Better luck girls. Rev. . Foster's telephone number is not listed for your information it is 640 - 4369. Bob and Bev Thompsons number is 640 - 1781. Mr. Fosters address is Stouff- ville, R. R. No. 2. We understand Mrs. Thompson has three churches under her charge and we were hoping to see so much of her this year. Our loss is another's gain. Good luck Bev. Mrs. Cracknell is in Toron- to taking therepy on her knee in preparation for surgery in October. Will those who wish to take the 4H Course contact Mrs. L. Doble, Mrs. T. Carter, Mrs. D Parsons or Judy Warren. These ladies took this course last week and enjoyed it very much. All girls are eligible if they were 12 before Septem- ber 1st. This course is sponsored by Bethesda Reach W.I. Mrs. Ross Munro and her sister Miss Donna Graham of Oshawa and Mrs. Munro's children spent a few days last week at Owen Sound and Collingwood. Mrs. Cawker celebrated a birthday September 10. Mr. Chas. Bourgeois and Mary- Lou, Mrs. D. Koch, Mr. and Mrs. A. Thornton of Port Perry and Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Christie called to wish her many happy returns of the da y. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crosier of Hamilton spent last week-end with Mrs. F. Munro. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Mec- Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomp- son of Victoria Corners and Miss Tina Ruhl, Mr. and Mrs. G. Martin of Bowmanville were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Christie. Mr. and Mrs. Hermon kerry and Mr. and Mrs. Al Christie attended Orillia Fair on Saturday. Mr, Kerry was judging Pony Class, Miss Brenda Payne and friend Miss Rennae Grayer of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Payne. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Harry Bolton is in Oshawa Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. There will be Sunday School at 10:15 at Epsom, Sunday, September 17. The ladies are invited to a cleaning bee at the Church, Thursday afternoon. There were over sixty people at a Community Shivaree for Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilson at the home of his parents last Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left for Boston on Wednesday where he will continue his educa- tion, Carol Wilson bas returned to Willowdale after a one © ©) © pleiele in phase 1 VOODOO DREAM HOMES by Van Edward Investments ENT ESTATES Port Perry Mansard T-1248 3 Beautiful Model Homes to choose from e 18 Lot Locations e Model Homes by week holiday at her home here. Glenn Kerry entertained several friends at his birth- day party on Saturday. Mr.and Mrs. Everett Wray of Raglan and Mr. Elwood Tripp were supper guests on Sunday with Mrs. Ruby Geer. Mr. and Mrs, H. Kerry were supper guests with Mrs, Ruby Rogers of Brooklin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson, Marlene, Ricky and Scott and Mrs. W.0. Simpson visited Miss Joyce Wilson at her partment in Toronto on Satyrday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don Russell and family of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerry on Saturday evening. We were sorry to hear that Dr. Pat Aslings home was looted by thieves while she was on holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton had lunch with Mrs. K. Catherwood on Thursday. Birthday Greetings to our long time friend Mr. I. Catherwood. pleielelele PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Sept. 13, 1972-7 Starr seeks nomination Former Progressive Con- servative MP and Minister of Labour, Michael Starr will seek nomination as PC candidate in the riding of Oshawa-Whitby. Peter Connelly, son of Senator John Connelly will be seeking the nomination for the Liberal seat in the same riding. Mr. Connelly is 30 years old. Allan Lawrence, secretary for justice in the Ontario government, announced last week he will seek the Progressive Conservative nomination in the Northum- berland-Durham riding Scugog Shores Museum PORT PERRY, REACH, SCUGOG Your museum will have its 5000th visitor some time this fall. WE HOPE IT WILL BE YOU ! ! Open on weekends until Thanksgiving Day SATURDAY and SUNDAY 2 to 5 p.m. Other times by appointment 985-2765 GROUPS WELCOME OOOO! New England Colonial T-3008 DOO Jeisisisisisicisieie) Lake Scugog Lumber NI] -- In: Installations Renovations EG AACAAACCSSSAGACGAAAAATAA AADAC AAAAAATAACAAATAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAAOOOO TTT TTIE------------ COG CCCCCCTCBBBASSABATEGCATSEAATAAAAOAN Pump Repairs] §[ -- : ) Call To-day! 5 : 3 Often ot fhe comer of TA 8 Queens Pet Pe | o PAVED & CURBED ROADS Murray Burnfield is pleased to be ¢ are the lo] v fRonciaren with Consumers us and 4 | Exclusive Real Estate Agents | © ALL ELECTRICAL LIVING installation of gas fo your aie or g for . * SODDED BOULEVARDS g g KENT ESTATE HOMES « SANITARY SEWERS g Hoi, Bumtiaid 4] wowamn ronven umes | © STORM SEWERS : , PLUMBING - HEATING - ELECTRIC SUPPLIES § Jc 985-7371 or 728-9544 « BEAUTIFUL TREED LOTS g 9) ¢ POV VVVVVOVVVVVVOVVVVDVVVVVVVVVVVVVVODVVVOODVVDDDDODDVONVO