PORT PERRY MINOR Hockey Registration TIME--FRIDAY, SEPT. 22nd from 6.9 pm,' SATURDAY, SEPT. 23rd from 10-12 a.m, PLACE--Port Perry Memorial Arena, FEE--$15.00 per player : No more than $45.00 per family Payable day of registration, ~ REQUIRED--Birth Certificate, parent or guardian must sign registration, MEN'S OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT Sat, Sept. 16th, 1972 CRESTWOOD GOLF CLUB 9 MILES NORTH OF PORT PERRY $3.50 per PERSON TEE OFF 9 AM. TO 10 AM. TROPHIES and PRIZES PORT PERRY SNOWMOBILE CLUB Presents 9 PorT PERRY ARENA SEPT. 29 5%PM -- 1PM SEPT.30 1PM --II* PM 16 DIFFERENT MANUFACTURERS WILL HAVE DISPLAYS OF THEIR 1973 MODEL SNOWMOBILES, CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES Over the holiday weekend Mr. and Mrs. Orval Heayn of . Kingston visited at their parental homes of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Arnold and Mrs. Cora Heayn. On Wednesday evening, 11 ladies met at the "Head" Church for the U.C.W. meet- ing. The president, Bonnie Gerrow, opened the meeting with a thought on Endurance which was the theme for the Devotional. We sang 2 verses of the hymn, "Come, ye thankful people, "come," Joyce Heayn led in prayer and Beryl Pearce took the Scripture reading from Ro- mans 2: 1 - 11 on God's judgement and rewards. Myrtle Manns conducted a study on Endurance and suggested it has a deeper meaning than we usually apply to it. It is really a quality that the Christian needs when he is faced with pain or sorrow or trials of life. Reta Wilson gave a read- ing on the women of India that illustrated great en- durance. _ During roll call, we named our own birthstones and became more familiar with each gem. } A card of appreciation was received from Kathy and Jim Chambers. Bonnie thanked the members for serving lunch after the funeral of her sister-in-law and for the summer help at the Bake sale, the various suppers, museum lunch and Clark sale lunch. The treasurer announced our present balance of $403.00. Two donations had been - received in appreciation for lunch served after funerals. A cheque was also received from Mr. Joel Aldred as 90 percent of the chicken bill for the chicken barbecue. This amount will be divided between 'Grace' and Head" U.C.W. and then be passed on to the General Fund of the church. We wish to show appreciation to Mr. Aldred for his interest and assist- ance in financing "Grace" church . A letter was received from Mrs. Sheffield reminding us of the India study, a meeting at Bowmanville on October 19. United Church spoons are still available, the Regional meeting at Centennial Uni- ted Church in Oshawa, October 23. At this meeting you may turn in knitted goods for Indian relief, eye glasses, a super gift for Just arriving from Holland Dutch Tulip Bulbs PLANT NOW FOR A BEAUTIFUL SPRING | Scugog News overseas relief, 1 day's pay for missions. Dom, Store tapes. Used stamps and Canada Packer labels are still collected in our U.C.W. In preparation for the "Head" Turkey Supper on Wednesday, September 27, 'Head' ladies are asked to - help with cleaning the pre- vious Thursday afternoon. After the business, Reta Wilson had an amusing reading entitled "Wives should try harder with their mothers-in-law." Then we enjoyed a delightful re- fresher peried with filled cream puffs and beverage. The Kinsmen Club of Port Perry has requested us to 'plan for a blood donation drive on October 5th. Re- member how well you did last time? Please don't let them down. The monthly meetings af- ter service at 'Grace Church are being well at- tended by elders, stewards and interested members. Interest is growing and willing helpers are trying to get results. A few enthusi- astic and loyal supporters spread their enthusiasm for greater efforts. Mr. Carl Graham is re- turning to Oshawa Hospital after a checking and testing (continued on page 17) " Junior C" HOCKEY MEETING ALL INTERESTED PLAYERS and PERSONS willing to help in the organization of our new JUNIOR 'C' entry, please attend! SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th, © 7:30 pm. at the Arena sfeodeodededodeodeodoodeodeodeodoode ode teodode ode dood debe debe desde Bodeodeodolodede be ooo ode We have been appointed exclusive dealer in this area for: CARBOZITE PROTECTIVE COATINGS LTD. The modern miracle coating for all exterior or interior surfaces. A water repellent product that' will not chip, peel or fade out. It comes in six beautiful colours plus white, black and aluminum and can be tinted for a wide range of pastel shades. hie aa a a a Ja 0 0 Ja 2a 8 Ja 20 a at 0 2 of oie cele Bode BB 3 2 8 a a a a TTT TITTY YYTTIYTYTYTYT™Y Applied easily with brush, roller or spray gun. As an introductory offer we are of- fering 1 gallon at Regular Price, Second one at HALF PRICE (also quarts). Drop in and pick up a FREE. HALF-PINT TEST SAMPLE, SANRIDGE Sand and Gravel L. GILBANK BLACKSTOCK -- 986-4868 98s Be oBe of ole sBe ole se sles e oBe se se sBe se s8e Be o8e oBe. oe eB oe se sBe- Be oBe eRe +20 Be oBo Be be J he dhe ae Je a he a ie ab abe i ah ab be ob Jb Jb ob Jb Jb ob ob Jb Jb ob Jb 0 i Fosfesbe slo ode sBooBooBeoBooRooho oho oho slo oBecBeoBeoRooReoBeoRe shee oho oto be ote ote ote ote ete De cle oBoatoade Be Bo 8. 8. 8. 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 ets Tr rr rrr yr TERT TTT TTT ITT TTITOPTIOIOVTPITIPY ¥ ington didi fodder tot ide dio dil dite i J PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 985 - 7335 P.O. Box 329 159 Casimir Street [IAD The CHAMBLY Line LUCIO RE CTA R000 11" [of BS of 3 \V] So BUILDING SUPPLIES GENERAL CABINETS NOW IN STOCK Cavalier Oak Kitchen Cabinets 5% iiDiscount :| OFF LIST PRICE CHOOSE COUNTERTOP cavaueronx TO SUIT YOUR DECOR Why wait to enjoy the improvement a new set of Kitchen Cabinets can make in your home ? Update and enjoy it Now! ADVERTISED PRICES ARE CASH ond CARRY AT COMPETATIVE PRICES MEMBER OF PLANNING CENTRE CONTRACTING complete with: for: A * All Types of Construction * Design : New Homes ~EBOLD) : : * By Contract or Time & Material | * Draftingand Cottages -- ------------ J. Alterations Blueprim. id » TO GIVE YOU Esti at % acilitios Farm Bldgs / 139 Queen St. Port Perry 985-2131 ator. Poi MORE VALUE 1a? I GLEDT ¥ & Delivery * Rec. Rooms FOR YOUR MONEY