Or Seam P.C. candidate Frank McGee in a happy worker, given a special greeting from Mr. McGee), conversation with Mrs. Georgia Brendon, (Liberal . eo po « Doug Hogg, far left and Roy. Cornish next to McGee. "200 hear McGee in Port Perry About 200 persons joined with the new PC candidate for Ontario Riding, Frank ® McGee, at a wine and cheese .. party in the Masonic Temple Monday night. The meeting was his first Enroliment at Durham 630students While many colleges and #, universities have experien- ced a substantial drop in registrations, enrollment at Durham College is up slightly over 1971, but below projected numbers. Last year's post-secondary enrollment figure (after $ withdrawals) was a total of 600 students. To date Dur- ham has 630 students en- rolled - 186 Technology, 134 in Applied Arts, and 310 in " the Business Division. The College is currently § enrolling students for its extension programme, which is greatly expanded this year, with approxim- ately 250 individual courses offered. Durham hopes to - register 2,000 extension stu- o dents, as opposed to a regis- tration of 1,600 students last fall. Approves The request from the local fire department for a num- ber of new hydrants and repairs to others a couple of ¢ weeks ago was again brought to the attention of Council at the last regular meeting. Attending the meeting and giving a report on the question was works superin- [EB Hospital Report Week Ending Sept. 21 Admissions .............. 38 Births.................... 4 Deaths: ...........c.....0. 4 » Emergencies............. 98 Operations ............... 10 Discharges. .............. 36 Remaining ............... 37 official function here since he won the nomination to carry the Progressive Con- servative banner in March. Hard-hitting McGee, un- mercifully challenged the Trudeau government: and charged them with the 'unacceptable high unem- ployment and spiralling costs." "The present unemploy- ment fiasco has encouraged looting of the fund,' he said. "At the same time, honest claims are hopelessly im- meshed in one of the biggest bureaucratic bungles in gov- ernmental history." To give emphasis to his accusation, Mr. McGee told of a couple of incidents regarding unemployment insurance. Mr. McGee continued his attacks on the Liberal Gov- ernment and said, "There is one thing that truly sickens and infuriates a taxpayer, and that is the thought that he is being taken for a fool." He predicted, the public would not accept the discon- cerned spending of the tax dollar and a protest would be launced on voting day. ""A Stanfield Government will recognize the need for a massive re-organization of unemployment insurance, purchase "of fire hydrants tendent, Pete Crawford, who said he had found leaking hydrants on Balsam and Bigelow Streets, five not draining properly on other streets and suggested dig- ging around them and put in drain beds. The request to have all the hydrants raised to a min- imum 24 inches above ground to allow for easier opening and closing Mr. Crawford referred to "as the first complaint of this kind". Some of the hydrants are now only 16 to 18 inches above ground. Council passed a resol- ution approving the pur- chase of the necessary amount of hydrants. welfare and other schemes'. "The simple fact is that the people who need and deserve 4 injured injured A family of four was taken to the Community Memorial Hospital following a collision on the corner of Lilla and Queen Streets Sunday even- ing about 9 p.m. Treated for injuries at the hospital. were John Ross, his wife Janet and two children Jason and Kimberley. Mr. Ross was kept in the hospital overnight for back injuries, while the other three mem- 2 car crash Fraser Morton, Scar- borough is in Scarbor- ough General Hospital with head injuries follow- ing: a collision between his 1971 Mercury and Wm. Sproule, Willowdale who was driving a 1964 Chevrolet, pulling a trailer behind. The accident happened early Monday morning on No. 47 near consession 10 of Reach Township. Pic- tures of vehicles involved were taken. at Brian's Service Station. help are not getting it," Mr. McGee said. (continued on page 21) in crash bers of the family "were released following treatment for bruises and scrapes. Mr. Ross and his family were diriving glong Queen Street in a 1969 Volkswagen, 'when --- Clifford - Graham, Mount Albert went through the stop sign on Lilla Street and hit the Ross car. Mr. Graham was charged with 'careless driving. PORT § PERRY .Vol. 106 - Port Perry, Ont., Wed., Sept. 27, 1972 - No. 49 Kin, Kinettes sponsor Blood Clinic, Oct. 5 Following the successful Red Cross Blood Clinic in April of this year, the local Kinsmen "and Kinettes are hard at work again to make the second clinic equally or even more successful. 228 pints of blood were donated by Port Perry and area residents at the first clinic sponsored by the two co-operative groups, an im- pressive accomplishment for alt those taking part, There is no risk in giving blood. It's a very simple process with no discomfort or after effects: Every phase of the operation is under professional supervision. Special trained nurses will take the blood donations. Any person in average health between the ages of 18 Council hires clerk-typist Clerk-typists appear to be in plentiful numbers in Port Perry. When a position at the municipal office was adver- tised a couple of weeks ago, no less than 15 persons applied: i Port Perry Council hired Mrs. Marlene Potts to fill the position at the last regular meeting -of council. Salary $80. per week. and 65 can become blood donors and blood can be given four times a year. without any risk. There is a monetary re- ward for donating your blood. Since 1947 the Cana- dian Red Cross has been able to operate due to the generosity of the Canadian public and the millions of voluntary donations of blood that have helped save thou- sands of lives. The clinic will be held on Thursday, October 5 in the Christian Educational Wing of the United Church, 1:30 to - 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Will rent air compressor Port Perry Council de- cided to continue to rent an air compressor rather then purchase their own, when the works superintendent Peter Crawford told council a used one was available for $700. It was the opinion of the councillors, the minimal use of an air compressor in the Village did not warrent the purchase and the rental of one at $25. per day would be more economical, at least for the time being. ho oy