ie . ---- -- ome A in. ams 26 -PORT PERRY STAR-Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1972 "YOM KIPPUR DAY OF ATONEMENT September 18, 1972 Hebrew Date: Tishri 10, 5733 In Jerusalem, Jews gather at the "Wailing Wall" (The only remnant of an ancient temple in that city} on Yom Kippur, the final day of the Ten Days of Penitence. Here at the site of religious pilgrimages down through the centuries, worshippers observe Yom Kippur. This scripture from The Living Bible is the authority for observance of Yom Kippur. "This is a permanent law: You must do no work on the tenth day of the seventh month fof the Hebrew calendar), but must spend the day in self-examination and humility. This applies whether you are born in the land or are a foreigner living among the people of Isiael; for this is the day commemorating the atonement, cleansing you in the Lord's eyes from all of your sins. It is a Sabbath of solemn rest for you, and you shall spend the day in quiet humility; this is a permanent law. This ceremony, in later generations, shall be performed by the anointed High Priest, consecrated in place of bis ancestor Aaron, he shall be the one to put on the holy linen garments, and make atonement for the holy sanctuary, the Tabernacle, the altar, the priests, and the people. This shall be an everlasting law for you, to make atonement for the people of Israel once each year, because of their sins. fLewticus 16:29-34) "Nine days alter the Festival of Trumpets, all people are to come logether before the Lord, saddened by their sin; and they shall offer sacrifices by fire to the Lord. Don't do any work thal day, for it is a special day for making atonement before the Lord your God. Anyone who does not spend the day in repentance and sorrow for sin shall be - excommunicated from his people. And | will put to death anyone who does any kind of work that day. This is a law of Israel from generation to generation. For this is a Sabbath' of solemn resi, and in it you shall humble your souls and be filed with remorse; this time lor atonement begins on the previous evening and goes on until the next evening." {Leviticus 23:26-32) from The Living Bible YOM KIPPUR is the most solemn day of the Jewish New Year. It is a day of fasting and prayer. Yom Kippur is the highest of all holy days in the Jewish Religion. : Durham Extension Program greatly expanded More than 66,000 house-- holds in Durham's service area are currently being informed of a greatly expan- ded College extension pro- grammed through distribu- tion of the Fall, 1972 bro- chure, This year General Interest courses have more than doubled, and there is an expanded list of courses in all areas. Creative Writing, Theatre Arts, Air Navigation, Amat- eur, Radio, Aspects of Poll- . ution, Basic Russian, Basic Hockey: Coaching and Spot- light on Women, are a few of the new General Interest courses offered. There are more than 40 subjects to choose from in this category designed to help area resi- dents 'make use of their leisure time. Although most courses start the week of October 2, there is a special course in Local Government begin- ning October 28,and finishing November 28, the week before the Oshawa civic election. Designed for all citizens interested in munic- _ipal affairs, it is offered in cooperation with the Ontario Conference on Local Gov- ernment and the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce. Also new this year are college courses for those interested in boating and sailing, offered in 'conjunc- tion with the Oshawa Power Squadron. For the first time, begin- ning Tuesday, October 3, Durham is offering union members a short four-week introductory course provi- Find phone numbers faster Find the number in your phone book. Jot it down and keep it for next time in your Personal Directory. (If you haven't got one, call our Business Office today for your free copy). ding an 'overview' of la- bour-related courses the col- lege will offer in November, entitled '"'introduction to the Union Movement and You". There is a comprehensive course listing for Applied Arts, including such subjects as Art Appreciation, Basic Photography, - Commercial Art, Political Psychology, Sociology and Typography and Design. There is a very complete course" offering in computer courses in both the Business and Technical Divisions. Finance and ' Economics courses include Economics, Business Finance, Funda- mentals of Cost Accounting, Industrial and Legal Ac- counting and Stock Market Opportunities for the Private Investor. Durham offers courses in Effective Supervision desig- ned for supervisors and superintendants from both line and staff functions from the smallest firms right Greenbank News Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan have been touring "the north couptry visiting Tony Vanklooster at St. Paul's, Ontario. Mrs. Reazin surprised Mr. and Mrs. Jack Couperth- waite with a visit Sunday evening. A speedy recbvery to our sick folk - Mrs. Florence Hill, Mr. Abernethy and Mr. Bert Thomson still in hospital. Also Mrs. Bob Brandon who has been moved to Riverdale Convalescent Hospital. {No church service or ' Sunday school on Sunday as Seagrave are holding their church anniversary at eleven o'clock. Several from the com- munity attended the lovely Hunter-Hunter wedding Sat- urday at Prince Albert. Remember the Blood Cli- nic on October 5th - 1:30 - 4:30 in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Peirport of Toronto and Jean Phoenix visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phoenix on Sunday. In the late hours of Friday evening, fire destroyed the barn, contents and many implements on the farm of Bill Kuyt. Mrs. Leta Leask and sister visited with relatives in Sudbury for a few days last week. Several attended the Lib- eral Corn Roast at Green- wood Park, Friday night. The Squirt Team were victorious over an all star team consisting of their mothers held Sunday after- noon in the park. GOING OVERSEAS You'll Need A PASSPORT PHOTO Contact Peter Hvidsten 985.7383 PORT PERRY STAR through to the largest. This year a course in Work Study is included, made up of Motion Study and Work Measurement, = otherwise known Motion and Time Study and including the principles of work simpli- fication, : For those who need to upgrade their "educational level in basic subjects to the Grade 12 level, the College's Retraining Division offers a number of courses at all grade levels, both as day or night programmes, and on a shift basis. These include Physics - Grade 11 level, . Chemistry - Grade 12 level, Mathematics - Grade 12 level, and English - Grade 12 level. In certain cases, Durham College offers special pack- aged six subject certificate programmes, designed to meet the needs of a special group. This fall Six Subject, Certificates -are offered in Nursing Administration, Human Resources Manage- ment, Secretarial Develop- ment, Basic Early Childhood *» Education, the Union Move- ment and You, Creative Writing, Theatre Arts, The Citizen and the Law. = Installations Renovations | Pump Repairs| Cal To-day!| Murray Burnfield is pleased to be associated with Consumers Gas and would be happy to quote prices on installation of gas to your home or business. Murray ' Burnfield MONEY? PROFITS? Check us out.. limited number has a of excellent dealership territories still available. If you're not receiving all of the following benefits, you're dealing with the wrong line of snowmobiles. » 11 Beautiful models, including a unique and highly sophis- ticated Wankel Powered machine "The Silver Cloud Mark 2", »> An outstanding television and billboard advertising program at no charge to the dealer, »> Beautiful new, Hi-Fashion clothing with a great dealer program, PA new parts stocking program - get the parts now and pay later . . ; much later! : > Generous warranty labour allowance. B> Ski-sorber and trail rider . . , unique ski and slider suspen- sion systems (patent applied for), which revolutionize the riding, handling and control of our hi-performance machines! P= Competitive retail pricing - better than many - and with generous margins for you, > »> OQutstanding floor plan - better than any in the industry. >». ... plus more - much more! RECREATIONAL PRODUCTS LTD., A Subsidiary of Coleco (Canada) Ltd., 6423 NORTHAM DRIVE, MISSISSAUGA, ONT. (416) 677-6641 | am interested in finding out more information about your dealer profit program, Please have your representative contact me, LE I TT TS Sr SOO