» rl SAMI STABAVE PF 867) OUT Sat 1 EA SH, SCAR l ed bo 1 Vi AL FJ 4 (Ards FLEA, EA < X EY SEAS AEA Als w A Ne LY AC ly 7 I [EX AHIR ADIN RTR SHO PLA HEH Gr BS RNIB EN] SURAT SEAN FP SRT 18 BT ks tay Fr : : La 0S AEE SBN RIN ZIRE SUAS KARAS FRSA TLS 4 Sa So LE RR RO WR ERA RE TS YR iy) A ES AL ARP 5 % $ CRN EAC RE REO TANS Election Epilogue GM vehicle (continued) production oo welfare, many voters didn't buy their explanations. . Another factor in the Liberal slump was increased resentment by certain English speaking "small ¢*' conservatives towards the francophone influence in Ottawa. They deemed Canada was ruled by a French-Canadian government, largely composed of French-speaking members, overly concerned with General Motors dealers in Canada delivered 38,354 cars and trucks in October, 1972, up considerably from the 35,320 delivered in the same PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Nov. 8, 1972 -- 9 » promoting bilingual policies throughout the civil month last year, J. D. Duffy, - service, the government agencies and Canada. A vice president and general definite backlash developed in some areas, notably = sales_manager, announced in the national capital region where a number of today™Included in this total ridings dumped the Liberals in fayor of the PC's. ~~ Were 30.916 passenger cars Many established public service members reac ted ~~ "P from 2s Jost Year and to the stringent language policies. They disliked the Ta nus SeUp foom 5,933 8 bilingual hatchet poised overhead, ever threatening your neo, : to sever a career. 'Both om and luck soles The Liberals played on the French influence 'epresent record alltime theme throughout the Quebec campaign, one' $1 Nighy for Qetohey Jar reason why they maintained all 56 seats. Only days A the highest Nang before the election, Prime Minister Trudeau sped ot sold order position we ¢ up and down the province boasting about the have ever held evidence vaunted 'French Power" in Ottawa. And enthusiastic consumer ac- influential candidates like Jean Marchand repeat- ceptance for our new 1973 edly plugged "all the good things we have done for product lines. We look for- Quebec". One of the party elite who managed to ~~ ward to an all-time record hold his seat in Ontario, Donald S. MacDonald, 'sales year for GM in 73." e whimsically remarked on election night that fellow In the 1972 calendar year Liberals had been victims of "a Tory redneck ious October, GM deliv- " i i i ere x assenger cars . : pager, Wille us simsment " and 60,822 Lic 'Up ars In his brief presentation speech during the High School Commencement kernel of truth in the notion that Some Enalish 212,212 passenger cars and Exercises Friday night, Dr. M.B. Dymond told the large gathering it was 24 years speaking Canadians were resentful towards Bish 47,087 trucks through the since he first presented his scholarship toa Port Perry High School student. * The they felt to be Quebec' ivil d stat in th same period last year. recipient at that time was a young girl with the name of Aileen Skerratt, the $y 151 10 be Queliec's privileged siatus in the GM forei . Doctor said, and tonight, | have the pleasure of presenting her daughter Shelley ¢ nation. reign passenger car : on f , The federal party was accused of pouring too sales were 453 in October With the scholarship . Shelley is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olsen, Prince Bl partly we P 9 compared with 443 last year. Albert and the scholarship is for the best student of the allround Junior uch money info Atlantic Canada and the Poorer Calendar year through Octo- ~~ Matriculation Class. In the picture, Dr. Dymond is making the presentation to regions of Quebec. The voting trends support this | cares were 7.413 this year ~~ Shelley while Mrs. Olsen is proudly looking on. theory. the "'Have" provinces, Ontario, Alberta and against 6,246 last year. B.C., were angered by the massive out-pouring : of federal funds, mostly in the form of D.R.E.E. grants, to the ""Have-Nots". The wealthy provinces felt they were being shafted, with good money going after bad. Mr. Trudeau has decided to assume the mantle of leadership again in the forthcoming Parliament. NDP Eager Beaver Dave Lewis is all smiles at the ¢ Prospect of sharing intimacies with the Liberals. /, Strange bedfellows. Dave is undoubtedly enjoying 4 o 'y his new-found status as Coronation Master, A / J p77) df , knowing full well that his party will be stomped upon if another general election is called. The NDP : \ coffers, meagre at the best of times, are empty. A / Conservative government would naturally ask the £ You APPRECIATE A GO) CAR BLY, Canadian people Yor more seats, i.e., more power ) LJ and Lewis is Sars a1 re records show smaller parties like the NDP "are notoriously prone to - - decimation of their ranks in such elections. As for 4 bi Bob Stanfield, he might take a good solid course in 1 970 Maverick 1 968 F | re ird public speaking. 2 door, 6 cylinder, standard transmission, 2door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering, . white walls, wheel discs, radio. radio, mag wheels, white walls. ® Paul Phillips Lic. 23896A $1,495. Lic. 238970 $1,895. a 0 1967 Ford LTD 1969 Oldsmobile SUSAR AND SPICE 4door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering, || 300%, grins aarire power brakes, . : power brakes, radio, vinyl top, beige in color, radio, white walls, wheel Ay oe Continued) Lic. 15285A $1,495. || blue with vinyl top. Lic. 88547K $2,495. But her wrath mounted steadily. Five . minutes later she was on the blower to 1 969 Pl mouth 1 971 Javelin N.D.P. headquarters, telling them the could put a sign on our iy d Satellit tati y V8 BulomBic, COWer SST, V8 automatic, power steering, power I didn't give a diddle. A lawn is only a rele, sialiohwagon, dic." while p ls brakes, radio, vinyl top, white walls, wheel lawn, and a sign is only a sign. But, though I sisefing, power brakes, radio, white walls, discs, orange with black interior. ¢ was polite, I was a little cheesed when two wheel discs. Lic. X92460 $1,995. Lic. 53643A $2,995. NDP characters showed up atthe door, ostensibly to thank us. Not only did they try to sell > on socialism, or A least ih 1 967 Meteor 1 970 Ford Van passes for it in this country, but they drank 2door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering, One ton, V8 automatic, red in color. all my beer and ate all my cheese. Their power brakes, radio, white walls, wheel discs, ' : idea of socialism, I guess. . : i Lic. 59080C * Next morning, I was a bit startled to walk gold with black top. Lic. 90237K $1,395. $2,395. out and see four gn hh the wg be Liberal, two NDP. Ri ere an en, ° : almost decided to or the straight Tory 1 968 Dodge 1 068 Ford Pickup ticket. . . eC There were the usual needles from Dart GT, 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power Pickup, 6 cylinder, standard transmission, neighbours and colleagues. "A house steering, radio, bucket seats and console, blue Blue in color. 0 divided against itself, eh, Smiley?" An ith white interior, white walls, : "What are you tryna do, Smiley, get out the hn discs." Lic. 55007A $1,695. Lic, 59060C $1.695. vote?" . I coolly ignored the jihes, but secretly wondered whether there was Wateris] for a column in it. That's the way a columnist thinks, so watch what you say when I'm PONTIAC . around. I decided there wasn't. And, as you [210] [ef ¢ can see, I was right. Perhaps this column should be headed, "How Not To Write a Column'. But you see, I did, and you read it. At least, I hope you did. Surely three or four of you did. If you didn't, write me and expalin why. Telephone: LIMITED PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Port Perry 985-7309 Oshawa 655-3366