Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 29 Nov 1972, p. 18

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=19h SELL: RENT SAV =RN STI =1= = {0h =] = WE ed IRA i | RE . 'SELL RENT « SWAR + HIRE s { ° : y ° : iy g Cord of Thanks| At Rest Eoning Events TR Events : . SE ' I would like to thank ER,Elmo--At St. Jo-| CHRISTMAS BAZAAR TEA & BAKE SALE nurses and staff, Dr. Millar, septs Hoon. Peterborough on| St. John's Presbyterian| Wednesday, November. 22nd for their care, friends and|gun, Nov. 19th, 1972, Elmo | Church, Sat, December 2nd, [at 2:30 p.m. at Manchester neighbours for kind inquiries Archer of 'Janetville, dearly |2 to 4 p.m: 3--Nov.29|Church sponsored by the while a patient in Port Perry |)oved husband of Dorothy U.C.W. Excellent home bak- (Effective March 1st, 196%) : Community Hospital. Mae Williamson, dear father | giNGO Thursday, November |in&: 2--Nov.22 ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Murray Slute | of Donald William Elmo AL 23rd at 8:00 p.m. Legion Hall. : .REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE T ol : cher, also survived by Jackpot $130 in 53 numbers. « . sincerely wish to thank randaughters Cathy & Kar- 1 LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. my relatives, neighbours, and i of Wilbert of Sucein) 3 per line and $10.. Conway Garden friends for flowers, fruit, | Blackstock" A. E. (Ted) Ar- e TAVERN eo Cash Rate -- 5c. per word 1st week, 4c. extra consecutive candy, cards and visits, the cher of Janetville and Rose he I Albert Presents music by Raglan Church and U.C.W, Pre- | DANCE at the Prince er weeks for a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 80c. for Also to Drs Vgray and Bad. Stevens of Blouirvile v Jo Community Centre, Saturday, : > deceased by 1 brother Vance FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24th extra consecutive weeks. win, nurses and staff on 4th|anq 3 sisters, Myrtle, Inice | Dec. 2nd, 8:30 p.m. Modern ', Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, floor G wing Oshawa Hos- [and Violet. In his 75th year. [& old time dancing by Orvil | «DEBBIE & SHARON" . ; 4 sddilional S56. wi pital. | Resting at the Chapel of Mec- | Selleck Admission $3.50 per and additiona c. will be added. Wesley Brawn | permott - Panabaker, Port | couple. Light buffet lunch. 9:00 - 12:30 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR ; Perry for service on Wed., | Tickets available from 985- No Cover Charge USE OF A BOX NUMBER We wish to extend our {Noy 22 at 2 pm. Interment | 2146, 7471. ; : thanks in appreciation to |Union Cemetery Cadmus. 2--Nov.29 -- No Dancing -- NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS friends and neighbours- for 5c. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 their comforting expression go, : i - of sympathy during our re- BRANDON, Mabel Alice-- BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS 99%) herenvemant Wg loss of | At the Sd leant General MEDIUM S128 STAMPING PLANT. REQUIRES * 5c. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 [| |2 loving father and husband | Hosp. on Tues., Nov. 21, 1972 Elgin J. Hutchinson. Special | Mabel Alice Real, of Green- D | E a S E TT E R and IN MEMORIAMS -- - $1.50 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. a to Dr Miter and Dr.{ hank, Ont., dearly loved wife artin and the co-operation t E. B d N . a line for additional lines. of the Hospital Staff at Port of Rober random Ted S E T = U P M A N : DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.50 per inch with a minumum. Poy Commyy mn both of Agincourt, Shirley : : an e undaerilan mbu- 3 . Di S bor- g 3 H 3 ; 3 one inch. lance, Rev. Richard Boehme iy & son) 91 Seurbos. Experienced with progressive dies. All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- of Gansinaton, Vidotity pigs Richard of Sharon ;also sur- ® REPLY BOX 14, PORT PERRY STAR e * 12 O'CLOCK NOON TUESDAY Brock Lotige AF. & AM. of io oy IL nding 8 : Send cash, stamps, or money orders and save moneylf |Cannington; Blue Ray Chap- sister of Les of B.C., Oscar PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. OEgnd Sunland Chapter of Regina, George of Alberta, ) 'Mrs Elgin J. Hutchinson Fred of Cresnhank Dorothy : « &1 of Scarborough & Amy (Mrs. " ia Tawily Gritoni W. Hughes) gh Sunderland; CLUB ANNRENE annington, Ontario. de ed by--Olive; Mrs. ' J ° . predecas y H ® In Memoriam In . Py Pearl Phgenix, Mrs. Elsie D A N C F } Memoriam Sincere appreciation to |peare and Roderick. In her : . . friends and neighbours for | prin year. Resting at the . STRONG--In loving mem-| JORDON -- In loving me-|flowers, donations to Cancer Chapel of McDermott-Pana- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25th ory of a dear daughter Ruth |mory of a dear son and bro-|fFynd and expression of sym- baker, Port Perry for service : ; Strong who passed away|ther Bill, who passed away pathy in the passing of al. n Thurs. at 2 p.m. Inter- -- Music By -- November 22, 1971. November 23rd, 1968. dear friend Iva (Teddy) Lake. | ont Bethel Cemetery No one knows how much Sadly missed by his | Also thanks to Drs. Ham- Oreonbank - ' "FAIRFIELD FIVE" I miss you, family | mett and Price, nurses and ) oe ¥ 3 one Suffered, ig? pain staff of Port Port Hosppa), - ® New Year's Eve Tickets on Sale Now @ Ave sittered, smee 1 do Irvine and Elma Doyle | gUTCHINSON, Elgin J. Me- : you Card of Thanks and Family. |payl Suddenly at the Port. |g Life has never been the : Harold Lake and Family. |perry Community Hospital In Ro att your memory The family of the Tate Mrs Our sincere "thank you" hy Nay ines 30 hii lingets, Rosina Howard wishes to [to all our friends and neigh- Eigis rare bisn® Gamer ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Sweetly tender, fond and thank Legion Ladies Auxili-|bours on Scugog Island, for |cial Affairs Department of : . que. ary Branch 419 for refresh-|the lovely gifts presented to [the Ontario Government) 3 Christmas. Party . There is not a day dear ments served and many|us recently. dearly loved husband of - A : : daughter, 'thanks to friends for kind- John & Svlvia Jeannette Wannamaker and Children 10 years and under That I do not think of you. |ness during our bereavement. Thomson | jear father of Eleanor (Mrs of members Always remembered by |Special thanks to Rev. M. D. Bradley) Ottawa and Ruby CEMBER 16th. 1 p.m. Mother. | Reeves for his consoling] We wish to say how much (Mrs. Robert Wakelin) Grove- PE oph3 pm, words. Thanks to Panabaker |we appreciate the donation |dale Alta. Brother of Llew- (upstairs) and McDermott Funeral |from all our friends and |elyn of South Bay, Mrs. Alice ili . } STRONG--In loving mem- | Home, also the staff of Port [neighbours in Greenbank. McMahon, of Milford. Mrs. Forms available at Legion Hall, complete and ory of my wife Ruth E.|Perry Hospital John & Sylvia | Ruby Lesley of Oshawa, and' return by Nov. 24th if your child is to ATTEND « Strong who passed away cin Thomson | Mrs" Helen Johnston of Mil- Nov. 22nd, 1971. ' barely Y "| ford. Funeral service was Sponsored by Veteran Sons Association Time speeds on, one year Wounds on to th gy id A R held at the chapel of McDer- Christmas Committee our s e y t est -| mott-Panabaker in Port Perry a Jrignas, newgtials, snd re. -- | Monday, November 13th 1972, flings ¥ ede] de SPEARS, Marion Marjorie |Rev. Richard C. Boehme of butes, cards, calls and dona. |--Suddenly at Ajax-Pickering | Cannington United Church |§ And took from us a tions to the Heart Fund, Port | hospital on Tues., Nov. 14th, | officiated at the = service. . ° ™ shining light, | Perry Hospital and Gideon |1972, Marion Marjorie Nixon | Members of Fidelity and 9 w : 3 Ws i ht, and. |Bibles. An extra word of [beloved wife of Kenneth |Brock Masonic Lodge and \ / : © . will; g thanks to Rev. P. Brown, |Spears and dear mother ot Bue Ruy Chapter oe ; Gi , ' | Patricia (Hearn) Toronto an e Eastern Star conducted. Her Jim place none can Posty Pane, Grae Quay loving grandmother of Je) their Sorvives Suda yen HOUSE OF F LOWERS ' ' The s i na, George & Robert. Rest-|ing. Interment at the Ken- . Hog We Loum, but not Curen, Tue Sadden Rassing ing at the chapel of McDer- | dall Cemetery Utica. (In lieu (Oshawa Rd. - 1 mile South of Raglan) For. In Heaven we will |(eader) Charlton' was a mottPanabaker, Fort Ferry lof flowers donations were PHONE 6554151 . meet again, ° shock and loss to all whose LB x : Sadlf? missed by lives she had touched. Fedo. Ttermen Ping lior Sil en with Learning ® FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS eo Husband Hugh. Cliff Charlton, Earl & [Grove Cemetery risa) : Reta Reader & family. HOWARD, AL th FREE DAILY DELIVERY osina-- e ' : TO PORT PERRY : Port Perry Community Hos e STRONG--In loving mem-| | wish to take this oppor- |on Sy Nov. 12th, 197, iret h ory of a loving mother and | ypity of thanking my rela- [Rosina Howard, beloved wife grandmother Ruth E. Strong|jves and friends for flowers, |of the Late Herbert Howard - who died Nov. 22, 1971. cards and inquiries, while I|and dear mother of Ethel AUSMAN -- George and | 300006066646 aa ag ga 20 > © One lonely year has pged was ill. My appreciation to | (Mrs. Jas. Irvine) Port Perry, | Jenny are proud to announce bd Since our great sorrow fell fhe nyrses; and a special Herbert of Sudbury, Fred Gy- | the safe arrival of their iden: THE BORELIANS - LITTLE THEATRE GROUP The shock that we received |thank you to Dr. Millar for ton, Toronto and Stanely Gy-| tical twin sons, Jason Sean Presents @ that day the wonderful care. ton of Surrey Eng. In her |and Jonathon David on Wed- -- rresenis -- 1 Ne ae an Quer 4a), Margaret Jeffrey 72nd year. Rested at the |nesday, November 15th at 4 You Dade ma one a last -|[chapel of McDermott-Pana- gp Memorial Hospi- : 1 1 : vice | tal, Port Perry. Two little on Crem on rte [sie "i 10 express our [oh ity "a 3 on "er | brothers for Kevin and Carol MY FRIEND IRMA §. yy i» . ] tion oD all relatives, friends, ment Pine Grove Cemetery. . | Special thanks to Dr. Martin. by James Reach - 3 And only new why. | neighbours during the recent " g A Comedy in Three Acts ° So any ies have : Passing of a dear Sissy and TES J At Hine. A ' Pp . p 4 appen aunt, onstance nowdon. y o Since wou ore called 2WaY, | Aire' 10 thay who Som Cardy oy 20, 27, Loa, Shem nnouncement PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM $ So many things to share flowers and donations to the wife of the late George Ward, THURS., NOV. 30th. - FRI. DEC. 1st 3 with you Heart Fund. A very special | 30. "other of Delbert of| Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Curtain 8:15 p.m 4 Had you been left to stay. [thanks to Mr. Gordon Reesor, Oshawa loving sister "of | Demara wish to announce the Sd, ® The family circle now is ~~ |The Reverend R. C. Rose, Ewart Blight of Brooklin and | forthcoming marriage of - 3 broken A.C.W. Church of the Ascen- the late Mrs. Lottie Evans. | their eldest daughter Heather Adults $1.50 Students 75c¢. 9 But memories live, although |sion, Dr. Rennie, Pallbearers In her 89th year. Resting at|J€an to Mr. Ivan Rodd Jeff- Advance Ticket Sales - House of Howard 3 unspoken. and McDermott - Panabaker the Chapel of "McDermott-| rey, son of Mr. & Mrs. Perc | ¢ Queen St., Port Perr ' ® Lovingly remembered by |Funeral Home. - Panabaker, Port Perry for | Jeffrey, RR. #3, Port Perry. | & 3 " . y . ® . daughters Marie, June, Ruth, Joe, Jennifer, service prion Wed., Nov. 22 at| Wedding to take place at Produced courtesy of Samiel French Ltd. 3 "Ruby, Joyce, Isabelle, son- Cynthia, Martin & Valerie 3:30: pm... Interment Kendal | Grace United. Church Scugog . " 3 inlaws and grandchildren Franssen | cemetery, Utita. Dec. 16th, 1982 at 4 PM. | %5000006000666000060860060060660666660000%° %

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