ad Hit ie HBS, Es : ST BP ENE i TP PA Be tesa Cre Sr RAN Pee A en -' A a EE ACE bie Za te ~~ isd A én Zar of re 26 PORT PERRY STAR - Wednesday. Nov. 29. 1972 New speed (continued mended that the speed hint of County Road 1 north and south of the mtersection of 1A be reduced to 45 mph This section is the built-up arca of Coppins® Corners. Approval was also given to estabhsh a speed limit on road 42 of 40 mph from county road 11A easterly for a distance of 1.350 feet. The bylaw also includes authorization to establish a' speed limit of 35 mph on County Roads 1 and 5 in Claremont from the limits of ' 30 mph. ANSON NANANNNNC ONAN A ANE SSNS NS BURKETON w Those visiting with Mrs. W. Bryan this week were Mr. and Mrs. Orval Greer, Osh- awa and Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper, Orono. Mrs. S. Grant, Alan and Mrs. A. Alstein, Zion called on Mrs. R. Davey Monday. Mrs. J. Abrams, Tyrone was a dmner guest of Mrs. K. Robbins during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davey, Bowmanville were calles of Mrs. R. Davey. Sorry to report Mrs. Grant Carnochan is a patient in Port Perry Hospital. We all wish her a speedy recovery. school board positions; O'Brien, Frank Hendy, Alex a hd AR' N . 5 by 'y A : y LINEN LR | DEA A CAIRNS P-L " - : ' PoE NY EAN) CRU 4X NEA Ne P) \ $ \ ¢ ¢ . ) SE, ML ps Bathe I ALEX due REVCERIRAaNK ai PETER IE NS ey Fale 8 a ay Rl AR TOR REAR A RR LO 13 Candidates speak at meeting education goes hand in hand with near-illiteracy. Ex-teacher Dale Campsall has another bone to pick with (continued Bill Williamson (present mem- oder education. He says ber), Yvonne Christie and (pore are far too many Dale Campsall. expensive "show-case' schools with expansive ¢ ILLITERATE STUDENTS * Bill O'Brien is a Durham College believes that atop priority in today's schools is teaching children how to read and write. there modern youngsters whose SSSA SSNS ENE INKS SAAR ESASSSASIASA ANN S HNN SSSA NSN) RE - ELECT ART ROWAN To represent Cartwright and Manvers Townships on the Northumberland & Durham Cty. Board of Education WOULD APPRECIATE SERVING YOU AGAIN. 96.5096.35.95 95 55 95.95.96 96 960. 9090.50.95 55.55 55 35 55 35 55 0 505050 50 50 030 0 0 0 HHH HX HH HH HHH I IIH INNS broadlooms and sophistica- ted building materials (not to mention neglected stu- dents)., He feels that a greater portion of Ontario County's education budget should be sunk on the teaching process itself. Uxbridge township coun- cillor Frank Hendy con- fesses to a "deep concern with the recent breakdown between teachers and the school board." He also feels "it is not necessary to cut teaching staffs in order to edufator who Mr. are O'Brien says just too many reach board expenditure ceilings." Cartwright High School guidance counsellor Mrs. Yvonne Christie's concerns mirror her vocation. She is worried about the abuse modern pupils are subjected 0. "Modern schools are too large', she says, and '"'in- creasingly students are suf- fering from identity pro- blems'. the teacher cited-- and the TOWN TELEPHONE 985-2254 YVONNE CHRISTIE for School Board REACH, UXBRIDGE, SCOTT TOWNSHIPS, OF UXBRIDGE "school facts from a OISE pamphlet to confirm this. She feels that big, almost aulomated, schools are alienating young people and forcing them into unorthodox (and sometimes violent) outlets for their frustrations. 'A 600 pupil should be the maximum." "Mr. Alex Williamson, pre- sent school board member, addressed the audience for a good portion of the evening, explaining the Ontario County board's stance on various questions. Chief among these was the recent board-teachers deadlock. Mr. Williamson's verbal footwork in defending the trustees' position provided plenty of fuel for a hot debate. After explaining the re-alignment of the Ontario County school boad, he outlined his qualifications. "The Ontario County educa- tion budget for the year is some $44 million", he stated. "This volume of money means education is big business, and my 25 years experience in the business field qualify me for such a position." PLUMBING PHONE 985-2581 Safe as only steel and Safety deposit boxes from $5! Your valuable documents-- certificates, mortgages, deeds--all the papers you want to protect from any eyes and hands except your own--put them in your . y Victoria and Grey safety deposit box costing as little as five dollars a year. reinforced concrete can make it, your Victoria and Grey safety deposit box | « stands between your valuables and the hazards of fire, theft and loss. Get yours today . . . at Victoria and Grey. TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 . - HEATING | Sewer Connections QUALITY WORKMANSHIP ART PETROZZI « 1. Malcolm Phillips ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 157 Main Street W. Stouffville, Ont. Phone 640-4031 T DIRECTORY BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL Murray Burnfield PLUMBING & HEATING 19 Water St. - Port Perry 'DON MYERS | REPAIRS to all makes of Sewing Machines CONSTRUCTION EXCAVATING --- DRAG WORK PORT FERRY 985-3142 Rh <ina> SEWING CENTRE Sales & Service Oshawa - 576-7550 Ron Rankin AND SONS < General Contracting Plumbing - Carpentry - Electric - Phone 985-7679 20 Bond St. W., Downstairs Auto Body Doug Robinson Bruce McCreight Free Estimates 985-3291 RELIABLE PLUMBING & HEATING For Information Phone Bert Faber 985-2012 Septic Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT Septic Tanks and Weeping Beds Installed Reg. Armstrong Port Perry -- 985-2226 Jack Weyrich Removal 985-3312 Cartage & Waste [Swamp Garage ~ PHONE 985-7980 Forced Air Furnaces Pressure Systems New Work Repairs DUFF Electronics | © ADMIRAL TELEVISION SALES & SERVICE : 985-7993 PORT PERRY Your In | t Walter J. Brown WM. LAURE NCE EVANS CARPENTRY 15 *oice: "usr inn 852-7712 RENOVATION Life, HOT Group, Annuities iS DECORATING and Growih Opn! nity quity Plans / Phone 985-3259 Great-West Life J Prince Albert, Ont. wt Grp covranr For Income MCINTYRE Tax UPHOLSTERING & FABRIC SALES Wide choice of fine - quality fabrics, at ig duced Dries workmanship We Call 985-3513 & Bookkeeping Services see ALEX, SHEPHERD 28 Water St. Phone 985-7031 Specializing in Business and Farm Operations (Ess) "LEONARD B. NIXON | HEATING & BURNER CONTRACTOR HOME COMFORT Hl. L_umonizeo HOME COMFORT SERVICE DEALER. 985-7120 _\ \ F & G CONSTRUCTION R.R. 1, Port Perry BUILDING & REMODELLING Cottage Raising Foundation Work, Etc. For any of- your con- struction Sead call us. Electric Motor Rewinding and Repair MITTON ELECTRIC Tel: 6682670 208 Ches! St. East, Whitby, Ont. V-Belts and Pulleys Bearings Chain and Sprockets 'Godawa, Tomlin & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 178 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa, Ontario Telephone 728-3891 WM. A. LICENCED AUCTIONEER FARM: SALES, HOUSEHOLD, REAL. ESTATE, etc. Call Collect Port Perry 985-3071 COLLINS GRIEVE'S GULF SERVICE General Repairs BOB'S CARPENTRY | - ALL PHASES OF CARPENTRY Courtesy, Imagination and Estimates -- FREE -- BOB BERO -- Seagrave, Ont. -- 985-7027 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 985-3182 ' | SEE OUR EMMERSON INSURANCE | | Need Shoes? aiiune'or AGENCY LIMITED TOP QUALITY MEN'S General Insurance -- Port Perry - 985-7306 and TEENAGE BOY'S Shoes & Boots Auctioneer FARM SALES - * MYLES KING ° FURNITURE and ANTIQUES OSHAWA -- 723-5751 or 723-0501 and Valuator ® WE FIX OLD SHOES ® WE SELL NEW SHOES ® SKATES SHARPENED Port Perry Shoe Repair & Sales 233 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY