a ~ * Te NY oi, 2 Wh % AAS ACRE RCE ROT RLS ANY £0) Fle eight LACES BE PL + bo 8 of AS CEERI A INE NLRB we hg fi "ny CR pr rN Fo KIC hg f sg at EM Eh 8 5 5 i du i' WR PSI INARA acidic bi hablar smn fd shaded Auta aussi bos . : ® 24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Jan. 24th, 1973 Por 4 Perry group reques ts R C S c h 0 0 [ 'ROU MN D TH E A formal request to Ont- supporters signed the letter. ren of elementary school age Perry have been proceeding § 7) ario county separate school Superintendent Edward in Port Perry, the letter said. for about two years, Mr. ] TOW board to aid in establishing a Finan said he had extended It estimated a potential 120 Finan said, but this was the Roman Catholic school in and invitation to them to children for such a school first formal request. + Port Perry was read to the meet with board officials, within the three-mile radius Thirty-Two members of In last week's issue of the board. ' - ~who would give them every ~ of -an established board. NEED MUSIC? 1 the Reesor family gathered Star an erroneous statement Father Paul Vernooy, help they could. Two' area families pre- at the home of Mrs. Fred was made when we stated Sacred Heart College, Ux- The letter actually re- sently sent their children Reesor on Sunday, to' honour John Howden was the first bridge, and 11 Port Perry quested help in establishing south to a separate school. her on her 83rd birthday. Warden to be. acclaimed in a "temporary school board", Father Vernooy said there Those present were sons, the 124th year of Ontario a necessary step before a was land available for a daughters-in-laws, 13 grand- County's history. In 1960, gavin Breen, son of Gerald Port Perry school would school at the Immaculate children and twelve great- William J. Heron was elec- and Eileen Breen of Port become part .of Ontario Conception church site in. grandchildren. Unable to be ted to the position by Perry was admitted to the county board. Port Perry. ; & present due to distance were acclamation when five other Hospital for Sick Children on There were 30 Roman Discussions about the ad- Call 985-3089 seven grandchildren and six ~~ candiates nominated Monday of this week Catholic families with child- viability of a>school in Port [P.Hvidsten after 6p.m. great grandchildren. declined. Georgia Brendon, Bill ii 1 Brock from Port Perry and } ' Cecil Fralick from Scugog [J $ attended the Liberal Party ! il meeting for the Eastern ¢ | Ontario Ridings held in ' > Kingston last Saturday. The : ¢ t meeting was one of four § ' regional meetings organized ¢ ¢ by Norman Cafik, M.P. } ¢ Among the speakers were ) Health and Welfare Minister 4 Marc Lalonde, Finance Min- ¥ (« ] (o) Ve ¢ ister John Turner, Agricul- 3 ture Minister Eugene Whe- lan and secretary of State ¢ AE ¢ Hugh Faulkner. ¢ oii " FEAT $ ; | ~~ \ LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI 4:1 [sim | {| Brian Fulford who is in . A _-- APPLE PIES 'h A North Bay hospital and A \ BEST BUY! -- WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE 18 fL. 0; ¢ | Roswitha Malischewski in SURE! 2b. B2 C L A R K' S B 3 A 4] S 3: ? 7 24-02. Size "di 4 1 ¢ 3 Scarborough Centennial zal MIXED VARIETIES S s\ $ ¢ Hospital after snowmobile 1p BRAND \S J pram Aes 4 i p \ -- DAY Ab. TU 3 Bread & Butter i mishaps, are both improving FEATURE. ey $ DELSEY 2-PLY TISSUE b ! s1 ES ¢ 3 Secording to reports by their CREAMED AR NONE \lo Bags FEATURE! -- STEMS AND PIECES . . . i 10 FL. OZ. TINS : PICKL A 4 ilies. Et -- ce! : : : | resus nes 3s MUSHROOMS ma unc 3: ish [one ish| HF Glenn Wanamaker, Grand |, ¢50RTED VAT \ES So , . p 3 Master of the Grand Lodge py FEATURE! -- 'S CAND V2 Gal! si FEATURE! -- NEW! - rr Py . H of Ontario, IOOF, was guest Cred . LIBBY S KETCHUP 4:41 CAT FOOD ¢ 4 speaker at the Lindsay ATURE! ce wm Lg ¢ p Rotary Club, Monday, last - ¥ Reg} Suki. | SAND } ' 1 ¢ 7 week. "All fraternal organ- Pl N EAPPLE J UICE 3: 0 +1 6.5FL.0z tins I 2 § ' r izations such as the Inde- FEATURE! ; Ss 4 : pendent Order of Oddfellows ¢ SERVE WITH WIENERS! -- BICK'S WINE 32 Fl. Oz. Jar ¢ 4 and all service clubs, suchas SA ul ER KRAUT 39 ' i the Rotary, are travelling : 4: the same of road of mutual FEATURE! -- KELLOGG'S aS 7 ' ih intérest in the welfare of SPECIAL K' 39 : od society," said Mr. Wana- [| ¢ i] maker. BEST BUY! -- 200x2:P 2:7 3 oO i A fl &G 1 FEATURE! -- MONARCH ASSORTED Hl « 1 The busiest piace in Son FEATURE! -- RISE 'N SHINE 5 to Poly Bag J u i C E FEATURE! -- RED & WHITE 16.Fl. Oz. Jar ¢ 2 on the week end was e - ¢ | fans | ORANGE Rew cis 79.) JUNCE | Gri e prrends 1 co-operated and many child- [§ avurer -- MONARCH i] ren and grown ups enjoyed oz. ¢ i good skating, hockey enthu- PIE CRUST MIX lt 37 SUNSHINE FRESH PRODUCE! : hy ¢ 24 Fl. Oz. Bottle ¢ i siast took advantage of the [{ PREPRICED 65c! ¢ i rink provided by the H LUX LIQUHD FOR DISHES 59. Seedless Grapefruit 11: $1000 H © Chamber of Comme roo and FEATURE! -- 25c COUPON IN EACH PKG. 4b. 11-0z. Pkg. ¢ | ozens of snowmobilers were 'N also on hand for the enjoy- ¢ ALL DETERGENT si 069 Temple Oranges 2 aor. $1 00 ¢ / ment. ¢ - i ¢ We have been prone to |{ | FBQZEN FOOD FEATURES! Clark's | Z=azee seavry rearvmes; Ont. Hot House Rhubarb 2. $1.00 : make errors In Ue last 3 (oiueebioso pr HEAD & SHOULDERS .__ fam. sizes 1.39 ¢ couple of issues. of the Star KERNEL CORN ee oe. 29 STEWS HAIR SPRAY uw. T fl. ox. tin 1.17 Ont. Carrots = = J ths. 35 ¢ and last week it occured in | PULL APARTS 1x oko. §5¢ 15 FL oz TIN UISTERINE 24 fl. ox. bil. 1.49 vi i . ¢ the article about Mrs. 1402 Pig. & SUPER STAINLESS - Ont. Cookin Onions 2 3m. bogs $1 00 ¢ Ingram who recently retired |} BLUEFISH In Batter 69¢ c SCHICK BLADES ¢ as librarian. The 30,000 annual circulation of books ¢ 1 « at the Library should have [{ ¢ read 19,000. Our apologies. ¢ ? M b Burketon News | ; Mr. and Mrs. Vickery and [| TENDER - JUICY - THICK CUT 1 2 ¢ family, Zion, visited recently | R i B RE ® ' with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. ¥ Y COOKED ' Stephenson. ' A APLE LEAF -- SWEET PICKLED -- CRYOVAC ve Bl VALUE CHECK'D - BRANDED | WAS a Gi ¢ Mr. Ralph Grace, Uni- T AGE Rolls 8 BLADE 08: DIN s1.33+ $ ; versity of Waterloo spent the ' con ROASTS "HAMS : y weekend with Mr. and Mrs. | MAPLE LEAF ¢ Tha Cool Weather Favourite -- ¢ _H. Grace and family. ' ni Rindless lo) ih in SPECIAL! 10-12b. av. NG ' Deepest sympathy is ex- J BACO ; 99: STEW! s].08. ¢ tended to the family friends hes Loins BEEF * Boneless ; and neighbours of Mr. Bren- ' 4 ; ton McCullough of Tyrone ; ~ Eo on ' whose funeral service was opug 0) o ! held in Bowmanville from | Swift's Assorted Heinz Tomato Soup | Weston Dinner Rolls I Northcott and Elliott Fune- ' 10 6 12 3 d $1 00 / ) ral Home on Thursday of last 0 n Ze 5 week. Interment was 'in : COOKED MEATS = < te af. o . ' : Bethedia Cemetery. ; 3 Mrs. Fred Tabb had 8 3-6 oz pkgs. ! friends from Toronto over : y CADBURY CHOCOLATE BARS ' the weekend. They called on ¢ i Mr. and Mrs. Z. Pniaukas : $1.00 20 - 10c¢c. bars $1. 79 40 - 5c. bars $1.70 4 Saturday evening. ¢ ! Mrs. Tabb was a Sunda ' ' Sper Brat or Ir Han ee 1 OPEN EVERY THURSDAY and FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 i Al Swain, Hampton. dT Sp ppt 00 0 002000000 BAILII II II Be EE NL wr owe we vv gy)