EE 3S I I I 3 0 I HHH HHH KS EE NN ET ET ET ET TE TE NYS { Vo y Syl CARY ay {isa PALPLEEH PASM Aa TAN A 10 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 7,1973 Seagrave News . So there was no Seagrave news last week! Surely with so many lively topics of local interest in the paper we weren't much missed. The fact of the matter was that only one news item was reported. that was that our junior choir had another night of bowling on Friday with a grand lunch (so they say) at the Carr home to finish it off. We didn't hear of any births, marriages, deaths, sicknesses nor accidents last week nor anythis week either. On Friday the Belairs and Clifford Shorts-took off to the south for a coupls of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Twiner are keeping things going down at Fish point. Word received from the Heywood Shorts indicates that their car load han't had any trouble yet. Honeydale people seldom have any news printed so we'll mention that Mr. and Mrs. Harold Honey have just returned from a very ATATTTATTLTTTTRIRTCLALAAALNNANNNNANNANS ANNAN NSS NAN N NAAN NN NANA Trade or buy now at winter prices and $AVE SAVE FAAAAAAAAAALLAANLANATATARIRANNNNLNNNNNLUNNNNNNNNNNNS Port Perry - 985-3372 enjoyable trip to Austraha. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wana- maker and boys were visiting again on Sunday - at-the tan Fraser in Foronto as usual. Mr. and Mrs. 'Neil Wana- maker and boys were visiting again on Sunday -- at the lan Fraser in Toronto as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Don Beacock and boys were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. les Beacock of Prince Albert on Tuesday. On Sunday they enjoyed dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Tindall of Sandford while Le and Blair spent the day with the Beacock grandparents. In spite of the nasty weekend weather Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lutteral, Miss Bonnie Lutteral and her friend of Barrie arrived to rivist Mrs. McNeil. The Newman family were also entertaining relatives. Their daughter Mrs. Green and baby from Hamilton were there during the week, then on Sunday Mr. Green arrived and also another just 'round the corner.. now is the time to start thinking about those camping days ahead see the beautiful selection of Trailers, Motor Homes, and Used Cars at NORTH BROCK MOTOR SALES Manchester, Lid. 985-3372 GLENDALE Motor Homes and Trailers on display in our HEATED SHOWROOMS HAROLD SNOOKS - Sales manager NORTH BROCK MOTOR SALES 1 Mile North Of Manchester On Highway No. 12 Brock Street North, Whitby LANL ALE ARLE ELLHLLLLLHTHLLLRLRLLALERA SNES N SSNS SN SSN SSSSSSNSSSNSSNS daughter Miss Judy New- man and her gentleman friend. Mrs. Nodwell spent a few days~last week with her friend Mrs. Kalil in Ottawa. Not one lady from' Sea- grave attended the World's Day of Prayer service in Greenbank on Friday. We are ashamed. Sunday services for, nei-"" ther of the two weeks were particularly news worthy. The tiny tots class of the S.S. entertained us with a flannelgraph story this week. The pictures didn't always land in the proper places but were those youngsters keen! Birthday money came from the two juniour supers (Gord Short and Bob Bruce) and Jerry White. The week before Mrs. Belair represented the adult class with a reading and Bonnie Short produced a few pennies. Don't forget the special Inter-faith service at Green- bank next Sunday evening at New owners 8 o'clock. A staff of four was too small to handle the opening day crowd at the Town Inn Restaurant in Port Perry March 1. Proprietor ~ and chef David Chow (left) may be adding to his staff in the near future. Above head waiter Perry Kwan introduces waitresses Helen, on the left, and Jo Anne. The official opening of the restaurant, which features Chinese dishes, was . advertised in the Port Perry Star and drew a lunch hour crowd that left up to six people at a time standing waiting for empty tables. It is amazing what the combination of good advertising and good food can do. STORE we SALE SIT'N SLEEP DAVO"'S '68 | A Couch by Day & 3 A Bed At Night Continuing all this Week - ALL THIS WEEK! AND NEXT AND THE WEEK AFTER hen the nest 241 Queen Street - Port Perry - 985.2272 6, &, i ] | Now Is The Time ZC | | To Order Your 9% J | WINTER FUEL | Money on DX Premium SUPER BEETLES IN HANDY RENTABUG! FORM Quality Fuel Oil Call Collect 668-3841 DX FUEL OIL CALL US TODAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE CHARLES BRIGNALL Whitby - 668-9172 SEA AAA AAAARALLILILLAAATAAATAATAIATAATLALTATAALTAHLLIAALTAALAARRLRRALLALRALRNARSARANSS VAN LNNNNNNN SAN NN NN NNNNN SAAN ANS NSA NN NNN NVA NNNNN Scugog Rd. - Port Perry &