"<r Le ini IT ARIE AES Ei ms Ee a SA « oc 0 Ee ry oa, SFT Ero ow" = 16 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 18th, 1973 AUCTION SALES SATURDAY, APRIL 28th Auction Sale of Furniture. some antiques, property of Mrs. MILDRED HARDY, Oak- wood. Complete contents of household furnishings from large old home. No reserve. Owner giving up housekeep- ing. 1 p.m. ORVAL McLEAN Auctioneer 324-2783, Lindsay 2--Apr.25 iti Church Services PORT PERRY PASTORAL CHARGE The United Church of Canada Rev. W. Mark Reeves, Minister GOOD FRIDAY A special service will be held in the Sanctuary of the Port Perry Church at 8 p.m. There will be a showing of the outstanding film, ELIJAH AND BAAL, in full color. An offering, will be received to defray expenses. SUNDAY, APRIL 22-- EASTER SUNDAY Services will be held at Port Perry at 10 a.m. and at Prince Albert at 11:30 a.m. The Minister will con- clude his sermon series, speaking on the general theme, "The Living Lord". Easter music will be ren. dered by the choirs at both Churches. CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. R. C. Rose, Minister SUNDAY, APRIL 22-- EASTER DAY 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion Church School Thurs., April 19th: Maundy Thursday 8:00 p.m. Holy Communion Fri., Apr. 20 - Good Friday 12 Noon Devotion ST. JOHN, BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, APRIL 22-- EASTER DAY 11 a.m. Holy Communion Church School Fri., Apr. 20 - Good Friday 8:00 p.m. Holy Communion PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Black, F.R.G.S. Rev. M. Macleod SUNDAY, APRIL 22-- 10:00 a.m. Morning Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday School BURN'S CHURCH Ashburn 11:30 am. Morning Service United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral Charge Rev. B. R. Pogue Rev. P. C. Brown SUNDAY, APRIL 22-- 9:45 a.m.--SCUGOG 11:15 a.m.--MANCHESTER PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. D. C. Payne, Pastor EASTER SUNDAY 9:45 a.m. Bible School 11 a.m. Morning Worship "Christ's Greatest "Triumph" 7 p.m. Evening Service 'That Resurrection Morn' Good Friday Service 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Message - "Why Did Jesus have to die?" Special music at all Services. All Welcome. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten, Rev. |. MacLean 10 a.m. Family Bible Hour 11 a.m. Praise & Worship 7 p.m. Evang. Service SATURDAY, APRIL 21st Auction Sale of farm stock and implements, hay, straw and grain, qu. of furniture, the property of GORDON | LLOYD, Lot 2, Con. 2 Mari- posa Twp., 2 miles north of Seagrave, '% mile east or 7 miles south of Manilla, % mile east on paved road. 28 head of holstein and here- ford cattle. 11 milk cows, several with calves by side (hereford and charolais cal- ves), 5 steers rising 2 yrs., 4 angus and holstein Yearlings, 3 baby beef, 350 white rock; hens (laying well), 30 cock- erals, 30 Suffolk ewes, due around sale time. 2 Suffolk rams. Qu. of hay and straw, 1500 bu. of good mixed grain. M.H. no. 33 tractor, M.H. combine, 7 ft. pull type, Mc- Cormick manure spreader, 1969 Ford 3% ton truck, heavy duty suspension, good cond., M.F. mower (trailer type), good condition, McCormick grain and fertilizer seed drill full line of machinery. Qu. of furniture, Antique side- board. Antique rocker, tab- les, dressers, writing desk, syrup kettle, many other ar- ticles. Farm Sold. Terms Cash. Sale at 12:30. Gerald Graham, clerk. Seagrave ladies will serve lunch. REG & LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneers Ph. (705) 357-3270 3--Apr.18 MONDAY EVENING APRIL 30th, 6:30 p.m, Auction sale of farm mach inery, furniture, including J-D cultivator (3 pt. hitch), Cockshutt .double - disc on rubber, feéd mixer, sub soiler (3 pt. hitch), harrows, Fox blower & pipes, Woods oat roller, 2 wagons, milk cans, 33 can Unico bulk tank, 2 Surge milkers, 100' vacuum line 1%4".-1962 GMC truck, 2 cutters, 75 sheets metal roofing, pile of scrap, 2 drop leaf tables, 2 battery radios, oak office chair, swivel occa- sional chair, T.V. grama- phone, chesterfield & chair plus many other items. Farm Sold. Sale at 6:30 sharp. The property of LORNE DISNEY, 3 miles south of Sunderland on Hwy. 12 then 1% mile east on 3rd line of Brock Twp. LLOYD WILSON, Sale Mgr. and Auctioneer 2--Apr.25 SATURDAY, APRIL 28th Machinery - Furniture & Antiques. Auction sale in- cluding: Case 430 Tractor (excellent condition), Case 3 furrow trip beam plow, Case S Tractor, Oliver 50 Baler, Sedore Manure Loader, Cock- shutt 77 Mower, Rubber tired wagon & rack, Bale Stooker, McCormick Tractor Spreader 6 section harrows, McCorm- ick Cultivator, lever harrows, McCormick Side Rake, Cedar Posts, steel posts, large qu. of scrap, 12° steel water trough, iron kettle, new steel gate, chain saw, motors, belts copper boiler, 30' hay eleva- tor, Case hammer mill, 70'|. endless belt, 30' extension ladder, '62 Pontiac car, mot-|. or good (as is), power emery, dehorners, clippers, burdizzo, Ford - Ferguson 3pt. hitch Cultivator. Extension table, 8 chairs, 2 rocking chairs, Thor washing machine, 9 pc. dining room suite, chesterfield, occasion- al chairs, broadloom rug (12 x24) (1 year), library table, mirror, moustache cup, Find- lay cook stove, harness bells, pine harvest table, crocks, coal oil lamps, fruit jars, wash stands, shutters, beds, tables, chest of drawers. The property of NORMAN WIL- SON, 1 mile straight south of Prince Albert or 2 miles south of Port Perry on Sim- ce Street. Lunch available. Farm Sold. Sale at 12:30. Furniture sells first. LLOYD WILSON, Sale Mgr. and Auctioneer 3--Apr.25 SATURDAY, APRIL 28th Auction Sale of Farm Mach- inery, Hay, Straw, Some Fur- niture, the property of ERN- EST WHITELL, Lot 15, Con. 1, Mara Twp., 1 mile north of Gamebridge, 2 miles west, or 3 miles south of Brech- in, 2 miles west. David Brown No. 950 tractor and loader, David Brown tractor, No. 950, (both diesel) David Brown plow, Allis Chalmers Roto baler, A.C. side delivery rake (P.T.O.), N.H. manure spreader PTO, 130 bu. J.D. double disc, New Favourite threshing machine, Cockshutt seed drill, New Idea mower, John Deere hammer mill, M.H. tiller, full line of machinery. 2500 bales of hay, 1000 bales of straw. Brass bed, small qu. of fur- niture. Farm sold. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Gerald Graham, clerk REG. and LARRY JOHNSON Auctioneers Ph. (705) 357-3270 2--Apr.25 FRIDAY, APRIL 20th Auction Sale of Household Furniture, tractor, hay and straw, the property of CHRIS O'FLYNN, Lot 6, Con. 6, Scott Twp., 3 miles north of Uxbridge, 1 mile west (on Sandford side road). Moffat refrigerator, G.E. stove, Vik- ing .dishwasher, Westing- house dryer, Deep freeze, 21 cu. ft, 9 pc. dining room suite, 3 pc. chesterfield suite, Stereo, Piano and stool, Qu. of dishes, Singer electric sew- ing machine, indoor outdoor carpet 9 x 18. Antique rounding ends table (pine) large qu. of furniture. Case S.C. tractor and Case loader. Numerous other articles. Farm sold. Terms Cash. Sale at 1:30. Gerald Graham, Clerk. | REG & LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneers Ph. (705) 357-3270 |. 2--Apr.18 RALPH FAIRMAN 1971 DUSTER 2 DOOR HARD TOP, 340 cu. in V-8 automatic, radio, custom interior. A hard to get car at an Mauve exterior easy to get price. with black interior. Lic. #EBL709 1972 COUGAR SATURDAY, APRIL 21 Farm Sold - Auction Sale of Farm Machinery - 1963 Super Dextra Ford Tractor with manure loader, 1963 #871 Ford Tractor, Model S Case Tractor, 1963 M.F. 35 Combine, 1968 New Holland Hay Bine, 1962 Int. Seed Drill, 1963 New Holland 150 bus. Manure Spreader, Full line of well maintained ma. chinery. The property of NORMAN ROHRER, Lot 23, Con. 5, Cartwright Twp., 1 mile west of Yelverton on 7A Hwy. to Wilson Ave., 2 miles south and % mile wes{ or 4 miles east.of Blackstock. Auctioneer's Note: This is a good line of well-maintained farm machinery. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1 p.m Ward Holmes, Ed Allen, Clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. Ph. 1-705-324-9959 WEDNESDAY, MAY 2nd Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements, Hay, Grain and Furniture. The property of CECIL SMITH, Lot 14, Con. 6, Georgina Twp., 5 miles east of Sutton on Hwy. 48 (at Virginia). 38 head of Hereford Cattle; 1000 bales hay; 700 bu. oats; McCorm- ick W6 tractor; McCormick Farmall A Tractor with se- dore loader; Oliver 80 trac- tor, antique; M.F. #12 baler (2 yrs); M.H. Clipper com- bine; New Idea mower; Lin- coln electric welder; Full line of machinery, quantity of furniture and antiques. Farm Sold. Terms Cash. Sale at 12:30. Furniture sells first. REG. and LARRY JOHNSON Auctioneers Ph. (705) 357-3270 2--Apr.25 DISPERSAL SALE of HACKNEY HORSES and HORSE DRAWN VEHICLES SATURDAY, APRIL 21st 1973 the property of MR. HAROLD F. PATTON & SONS Toronto Ontario Canada (corner of Finch & Warden Avenue) 12:30 P.M. For Catalogues Write: WALKER - LIPTAY LTD. Auctioneers 68 Sherwood Forest Dr. Markham, Ontario Telephone (416) 294-4970 . #1 Bowmanville, 5 Telephone (416) 263-2117 SATURDAY, MAY 5, 12:30 MACHINERY - FURNITURE Auction sale including A-C WD 45 tractor, A-C WD trac- tor, A-C 7 _mower, A-C side rake, McCormick #46 baler, A-C cultivator, New Idea Manure Spreader, rubber tired wagon & rack, Frigi- daire upright freezer, wash- ing machine, Pine chest of drawers, extension table & 6 chairs, drop leaf table, Pine cupboard, washstands, num- ber of crocks, copper boiler, antique china lamp, beds & dressers. Numerous other articles. The property of: MRS: CLIFFORD SONLEY, Lot 10, Con. 4, Reach Twp., % mile west of Manchester on Hwy. 1A. Sale at 12:30. Farm Sold. Lloyd Wilson & W. D. Atkinson, Sale Mgrs. and Auctioneers. 3--May2 MOTORS LIMITED 1250 Dundas Street East | Whitby - 668-6843 Dial Direct 985-3021 1968 VALIANT 4 DOOR, 6 cyl. Lic. #EAS919 $2795 2 DOOR HARD TOP, V-8 automatic p.s., p.b., radio, white walls, wheel discs, sports mirrors. A sporty car for the sporty buyer. Green exterior with dark green vinyl roof with white interior. Lic. #DYNB836 miles. interior. Lic. #FAZ536 $3595 1970 PONTIAC GT37 350 cu. in. V-8, 3 speed standard, radio, 24,000 original Green exterior with GT racing stripes and dark green economy price. Lic. #DZJ948 A perfect second car with the economy to go with it. exterior with matching interior. 1972 PINTO 2 DOOR, 4 cyl. engine, 4 speed transmission, radio, low mileage. A real economy car at a real Fd | WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25th Implements, 28 Hereford Cattle, M.H. 30 Tractor, Tractor Manure Spreader, Corn Cutter, Seed Drill, Ota- co Wagon, Int. 3 Furrow Plough, Grinder, Chain Saw, Hay, Grain, Some Furniture. The Property of IVAN CLYSDALE, Lot 14, Con. 4, Dummer Twp., 13 miles East of Peterborough on Hwy. #7 and 8 miles North or 3 miles North-East of Warsaw. Farm Sold. Terms Cash. No Re- serve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Ward Holmes, Ed. Allen, Clerks. ' CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer ~ Reaboro, Ont. Ph. 1-705-324-9959 2--Apr.18 SATURDAY, APRIL 21st Auction Sale of Furniture, Antiques, Machinery, etc. the Property of the Estate of the Late EARL ARGUE, Lot 19, Con. 4, Manvers Twp., 1 mile West of Bethany on 7A, then to Fourth Cor- ner South. Watch for Signs. (See bills for complete list). This furniture is in excellent condition. You would be wise to attend this sale. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Farm Sold. Sale at 1:00 p.m. U.C.W. will serve lunch. TED SPENCELEY, Bethany 277-2989 GRANT WERRY, Hampton 263-2603 2--Apr.18 Auctioneers NEED MUSIC? for a > WEDDING 985-3089 (after 6 p.m.) and ask for Peter DV Bes GRANT MENZIES 1969 METEOR MONTCALM, 2 door hard top, V-8 automatic, radio. Sand automatic, p.s., p.b., radio, bucket seats and console. car for the summer driving ahead. Burgundy exterior with white The perfect vinyl roof and interior. Lic. #EBF296 1971 $2295 FIREBIRD 2 DOOR HARD TOP, 350 cu. in. V-8 automatic, p.s.,, p.b., radio, bucket seats and console. Al owner car in A-1 condition. Plum exterior in colour with white racing stripes. Lic. #DZJ933 1971 2 DOOR 6 cyl. economy motor with torque drive, radio. owner car in mint condition. $2995 NOVA Al Burnt orange exterior with black interior. $1895 Lic. #DZT463. $2295 Auction Sale of Livestock & * {i