Continued from page 15 One neighbour living at the corner of Queen and Cochrane Health & Well ESS) Streets took daily for Adam’s portfolio. “Being here for six weeks, you get to know the people; become vis- ible in the community unlike most artists who are hidden away,” he explains. Unfortunately, the large piece has taken time away from preparations for the 2006 Canadian Carving Competi- tion in Midland and the Ward Foundation’s World Carving Championship in Maryland, but Adam hopes to have time to complete pieces for April 2007. He has procured some projects, like a totem pole, from this higher visibility. His work can be seen at Native Focus in town, Gallery on the Lake in Buckhorn, The Hills- dale Gallery in Huntsville and at the Deerhurst Resort. When asked about the longevity of the piece, Adam replies that the wood is 150 years old and it’s anyone’s guess — five, ten, twenty, fifty rs? “Oil would turn black due to the breakdown of the veg- etable base, so I stained it with Olympic Maximum Honey Gold. That’s three years of guaranteed resistance to mil- dew and UV damage. In three years, I'll revisit the issue and recoat.” Nancy Smith speaks for many as she shepherds stu- dents past “The Scout” on her way back to Port Perry High don't wait until dinnertime. ‘Suit your particular system. The same goes for adults, Fivaly, at the frst Sgn of a you mob hands after being in a throat. have on hand a What it all comes down to is public place. Avoid busy malls i vitamin C, with a routine! Ask yourself you areas. Get your required sleep fend off, how much you can. night. Adequate rest To assist with all of the above, | through life fee! tincomfortable essential The body thriveson —_cail Sunieite Health | in your own skin. Then call routine, especially for Centre today for an assessment | Herbal Magic fora safe, fast, and Te iaity paer can ee Sees ero eel i immune system. you food choices Lan foods that Please contact our office in ‘contain sides, hormones. ge igle Port Perry to find out more pint i setapesdiiere a information or to vis# our centre. foods, cow’s milk products, pasos WIC ‘sugar, white, processed foods, e) coffee, pop and limit alcohol Sunleite Herbal «4 . Eat right for your Lushan i Unit 8, Port Perry WOR erent SAAN) At School, “C it’s a beautiful piece of work!” Rend mcene yor mentor Ty By Barbara Hunt nlc tat wtp mia fe eston, gs ea pene oon ae FOCUS - OCTOBER 2006 23