Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 9 May 1973, p. 1

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! § 2} -» KIWANIS WINNERS The Parish Quartet: Anne, Jane, Ron and Robin of R.R. 3, Uxbridge earned 82 points at last weeks Oshawa Kiwanis Music Festival to emerge winners in their catagory. Land fill site divided The councils of Port Perry, Reach and Scugog have all agreed to divide land on the 7th concession of Reach Township in attempt to save part of it from being taken over by regional govern- ment; «= ' The 96.7 acre property was purchased jointly by all three municipalities some time ago as a land fill site. However only about half of it is needed for landfill. It is expected that landfill sites will become the proper- ty of the region when - regional government is im-- . posed. Because the property is Increases [ J dog fines People who lose their canine pets through care- _ lessness will have to pay a lot more. to get them back soon. At its last regular meeting Port Perry council decided to have an amendment to the village dog control by law drawn up which will raise the fine for allowing dogs to run at large from $5 to $15 for first offences and from $10 to $30 for each additional offence. All mdmbers of council attended the meeting and indicated Support for the amendment which they want to come into effect as soon as it can be passed. Council meets next on Tuesday, May 15 and it is expected that the increased fines will start being en- forced the following morn- ing. | Hospital Report Week Ending May 3rd Admission: .............. 40 BICtUE: ..oo....00.. 000.005 4 DEANS. "nnn. nivd Nil Emergencies ............ 97 Operations .............. 12 Discharges .............. 36 Remaining .............. 40 jointly owned all three councils had to agree to applying for the separation. Identical by-laws, in which the wording was suggested by Port Perry clerk treasu- rer Neil Brodié, have been passed by all councils in the last two weeks. The by-law calls for separation of a portion of the property for unspecified municipal use which will be agreed upon jointly by the three councils "from time to time." One use already agreed upon is the leasing of about 3 acres to the Port Perry Hydro Commission for $400 a month over a five year period. Hydro will erect a fence and a building at its own expense. - Port Perry did not bother to move a resolution regard- ing the rental to hydro until it saw what the other councils did. "I don't think we need a resolution at this time, "Reeve Kenny told the last council meeting, "I am quite {continued on page 3) Ratepayers Assoc. organizes watchdog The Cartwright-Port Perry-Reach-Scugog Ratepayers Association is forming a committee to battle pollution in this area, and to keep an eye on proposals for garbage dispo- sal sites. The association met on Scugog Island, May 3 and appointed 5 members to begin forming the com- mittee. Hope was expressed that other people who hear of the association's anti pollution aims will share this concern about the environ- ment and volunteer to work with the committee. It was suggested that volunteers contact associ- ation president Paul Arculus of Port Perry. Volunteers will work to- gether to gather information regarding anti pojlution and garbage recy or methods so the committee will be in a position to advise local councils and other groups which may want to establish environment control pro- grams, organize an action group which will be able to move quickly and effectively to challenge threats to the environment in this area and to keep an eye on garbage disposal proposals. At last weeks meeting one Cartwright resident pointed out that the proposal for a landfill site on the old Cartwright-Darlington boundary road could be just "Contest deadline extended 1 week The deadline for entries in the STAR amateur writing contest has been extended one week to Friday, May 18. Readers have until then to submit an article in under 750 words describing their views ont he value or proper role of a weekly newspaper in today's society. Writer of the winning article will receive a $50 cash prize and will have his entry submitted to a national contest to be eligible for a $400 prize and a gold medal. Articles should be sent to the "Contest," Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry not later than May 18. Reach Twp.prolongs water agreement Reach Township council has decided to prolong what one council member de- scribed as the worst contro- versy between Reach and Port Perry he can remem- ber, by sending a proposed water agreement between the two municipalities back to the drawing board for the second time in a row. The agreement, which would cover water from a new well, left actual alloca- tion of water up to Port Perry council. Reach wants water-to be allocated by a water commission com- prised of members of both councils. At its May 1 meeting Reach council sent the agreement back to Port Perry to be rewritten with the commission claus added. The agreement would allow Reach one third of all water pumped from the well, which should be in operation "by 1975. Reach reeve Art Catton noted that Port now has water allocated to vacant "lots, whereas houses in Prince Albert have been occupied and still have no water. Six water connections have been approved for non existant houses in Poplar 'Park, and 14 have been approved for the Heathcott subdivision which has not even got Ontario Municipal Board approval" yet, the reeve pointed out. the tip of the iceberg. That proposal calls for rezoning of a 400 acre farm so a 20 acre gravel pit on the property can be used for landfill. However, the resi- dent pointed out, once the land has been rezoned and a landfill operation has been licensed there may be nothing to stop the entire farm from being used for garbage dumping. The resi- dent claimed that a railway line runs through the prop- erty. Canadian Pacific Rail- ways has been looking for a site in this area where it can dump garbage from Metro : committees for pollution and planning Toronto. Sites in Pickering and near Cobourg have already been proposed. Some people at the rate- payers meeting expressed fear that the entire boundary road property could become a 400 acre garbage dump. The meeting also voted (continued on page 3) PPRT § PERRY TAR 15C per copy 28 Pages Volume 107 -- PORT PERRY, ONTARIO. Wednesday, May 9, 1973 -- No. 29 Reeve calls health unit about untidy property The complaints of Mr. and Mrs. F. Oxley of Port View Beach on Scugog Island were relayed to health inspectors by Scugog Reeve Clifford Crowell, the Island council was told Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Oxley attended last week's rate- payers meeting to complain that council was not acting on their problem. However Reeve Crowell reported that he called the health unit on the same day that. he received the first complaint. He said the unit has had an inspector out three time, but Mr. and Mrs. Oxley were not at home any of those times. Since then council has heard additional complaints from a Mrs. Hughes who lives across the street from the Oxleys. In addition to pressing the health unit to make a thorough inspection of the lakefront house council will write to both the tenants in the house and the property owner, who lives in Bow- manville asking them to clean up the two discarded automobiles and other debris which clutters the place. Council did not feel it was able to take any other action. "It is a board of health problem," commented Reeve Crowell. There is a good reason for the happy smile Steve Grieveson offers the photographer in this picture. He has recently received the exciting news that he has been selected to represent Canada on a Sea Cadet Exchange with Sweden. The exchange will take place the two first weeks in August, but Steve still does not know to which naval port in Sweden he will be heading. This is quite an honour for Steve and the Sea Cadet Corps which he'is a member of here in Port Perry. The members of the Port Perry staff are particularly happy and proud, since Steve for the last six months has proven his worth as a part time member of the staff by coming in every afternoon pitching in where it would be necessary. it is also agreed that a better choice than Steve Grieveson to represent Canada would be difficult to find. Steve is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Grieveson, 69 Maple Street, Port Perry. He is 18 years old and a grade 13 student of Port Perry High School. me oe A RAS TE

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