"Prince Albert and area news A week ago Sunday, June 17th, the church chimes pealed over village and countryside as folk made their way to church. it was pleasing to have Port Perry congregation join for the union service. The eighteen voice choir excelled themselves voice- wise. ; Rev. W. Mark Reeves, who has been with us near- ly four years has decided to "move on" as it were to Jarvis, and as a result of this, his farewell message, "Vital Fellowship" proved sincere and was well re- ceived. An inspiring duet, Mrs. Denise Irvine and Mr. Chas. " Willes beautifully rendered 8 "Someone bigger than you and I", accompanied by the organist Mrs. Bruce Snel- grove. Offering gathered by 3 young men, Harvey Dear- born, Lloyd Pereman, Grant Beacock. - Following the impressive service, most of the congre- gation assembled in the church parlors where a buf- fet was enjoyed. Near the end of the social hour Mr. Bruce Snelgrove, clerk of session on behalf of Port Perry and Prince Albert voiced regret over losing our minister, wife and fam- ily but' wished all well for the future and presenting a gift, a purse, bearing a sum of money, for which the recipients warmly ex- pressed their appreciation. Last Sunday, quite a large congregation could be no- ticed and were welcomed to our church. The wor- ship hour proved a special day - first our minister Rev. Reeves was pleased to an- nounce the Pereman resi- dents of our village had de- cided to join our church roll of membership. Mrs. Pereman had her member- ship transferred from Burnstown and Mr. Pere- man from Columbus church A baptism service was ATTENTION FARMERS!! MORE? SAVE ON o DIESEL FUEL * MOTOR OIL * GASOLINE Immediate Delivery Premium Quality Farm Tanks and Pumps Available OUT OF TOWN CALLS CALL COLLECT WHITBY 668-3381 "MAKES IT TOUGH TO BE AFLY FLYMOR PREMIUM FLY SPRAY An easy-to-use spray which provides day- long protection for livestock and farm buildings. Effective against horn flies. stable flies, house flies and mosquitoes. GOWFLY POWDER A pink dusting powder with residual ac- tion gives cattle protection against flies. Safe for lactating dairy cows. FLYVAP IXSECT STRIP A new, improved strip offering effective fly anc insect control in the home or farm buildings - keeps working up to four months. FLORBAIT FLY KILLER A dry bait easily poured on floors and window ledges of animal buildings. At- tracts and kills insects quickly and safely. Visit your dealer soon and ask him about TUCO's complete line of fly control products. Wallace Marlow Co. Ltd. Blackstock, Ontario . 986-4201 also administered when in- fants, namely Carla Lyn, baby of Mr. and Mrs: Doug. McMillan; and Tracie Anne baby of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Andrews. Mr. B. Snelgrove handed the parents fheir certificates. Miss Anne Hope sang a delightful solo which also added joy to the hour. Rev. Reeves delivered a message in keeping with the observance of Holy Communion, when served was assisted by the elders. Rev. R. Bradley, Bay Ridges will occupy the pul- pit during month of July. Following worship ser- vice last Sunday, the con- gregational picnic was held at Poplar Park. Due to other commitments of folk, and unfavourable weather only about thirty folk sat down under the shelter to various attractive eats. When rain abated and sun- shine appeared the Sunday School Supt. Mr. Pearsell and his wife and a few of the teachers conducted a variety of exciting games, stunts, etc. - yes, prizes too. Much credit is due the leaders of this event. Will it be an annual occa- sion One evening last week a group of friends visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grainger when her daughter Mrs. (Mary) T. Kirby was the hostess for a 'Coppercraft Guild' party. Near the serving of lunch Mrs. Goulding, a near neighbour, on behalf of the community, presented the newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Tom Grainger with a mat- ched table and lamp plus pieces of dish ware. The bride and groom voiced thank-you. Last Friday evening rela- tives and friends gathered in the Recreation Centre to honour Mr. Robert Heayn and his bride-to-be Miss Sharon Saunders. Mrs. Wm. Roy Hope acted as chair lady while Mrs.. E. Martyn directed a sing-song of hymns. A few stunts and contests were conducted during the evening. Robert and Shar- on were presented with a money-tree for which the recipients expressed grate- fulness. As usual the party ended with lunch. Did anyone hear terrific noises Saturday night? A little bird chirped it a chivaree on the premises of Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pear- sell and family enjoyed be- ing guests at the vows of her sister the Aitken - Sin- clair wedding in Ski Club Pavilion, Caledon, near Guelph recently. Mrs. Doug McMillan op- ened her home last Satur- . day evning to a family-re- lative shower in honour of a brideto-be Miss Donna Taylor of Little Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock were in Lindsay Saturday evening as dinner company of his brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. John Beacock. Little Heather Southwell, Tyronne spent a few days with her gramma Mrs. Stella Heayn and uncle Robert. Following the Sunday christening the relatives were enterained such as at the McMillans her mother Mrs. E. Venning, Black- stock; his mother Mrs. Mc- Millan and son Gordon of Seagrave and friend Miss Donna Taylor. At the An- drews house included his parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Andrews Sr. and her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Dayes, Blackstock Mrs. Zella Long who has been seriously ill in Port Perry Hospital for three weeks has been transferred to Toronto General, where it is hoped to find a solu- tion to her health prob- lems. ES PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 27th, 1973 -- 17 Cedar Creek News Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cum- mings and daughter of Beaverton were last Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cummings. Mr. Ross MacCulloch is a patient in Wellesley Hospi- tal, Toronto. George Kilpatrick visited his cousins, the Misses Edith, - Clara and Laura Brown in Toronto on Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Far- row of South river spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rick Larocque. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lar- ocque and family of Ux- bridge were Saturday eve- ning visitors with Mr. and PLASTIC -100's RECORD - 32 oz. 5 oz. EE EE EE EE EE EE EE NEE NN NE NN EN ENE ENN S BREA ARLLLAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAALAAAALAALARRNLANAN LANA N NNN NNN NNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNN ALL STYLES for HOME - TRAVEL Le COTTAGE BAND-AID STRIPS sug List 1.75 BARBECUE FLUID sugetist 69 "Off" INSECT REPELLENT DIXIE 9" - White 100s PAPER PLATES 18' CORD, 6 Bulbs & Shades PATIO LITES 6 ASSORTED COLOURS PATIO MUGS EXCELSIOR - 54" x 72" - Floral Designs TABLE COVERS COOLRAY - Men's, Ladies, Clip-ons Polaroid SUNGLASSES Sugg List *5.98 Sugg List 99¢ Ultra-Ban SUNGLASSES Mrs. Victor Larocque. Allan Blain was home from Chatham for the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blain. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kestle had relatives from Peterbo- rough visiting on Sunday. NEED MUSIC? for a » WEDDING ) DANCE PARTY 9 etc. call 985-3089 (after 6 p.m.) and ask for Peter I EE EE EE NE NE EEN EXES EE EE EEE EEE NESS 1.23 a4 1.09 99 3.99 1.99 7 20%,, 20% OFF aR5-3548 SENNA NSN NSA NNN NNN NNN NY ERA AA AR ALE RESLS SSA NS SSS SSS SSNS SSNS BRUTONS 1 > A DRUGS PORT PERRY'S LAURA SECORD STORE SAN NN 985-251 SAEAALRTILLLLLLLASNNVNNNNNNNSN NUNN NNN NNN SAA AA AAA AA ATLL TTIR IT TTITITTIIALL LLL AAA aaa a a nn aie EE TT TT TT TT NN aes SSS SSSSS NSN V- ' i