a] RJ Vi . y +HIRE « BUY * SELL RENT SWAP T= = Wh OE =Y = I Wednesday. Sept. 19th, 197 8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- 3 Paral te) RENT « SWAP HIRE * BUY ° SELL RENT Birth (Effective March 1st, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE | LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. | Cash Rate -- 5c. per word 1st week, 4c. extraconsecutive | weeks for a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 80c, for extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid-week of insertion--if charged, and additional 25c¢c. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OKA BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 5c. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 RUTHERFORD--AIllan and Chris (nee Szulah) are pleas- ed to announce the birth of their second daughter Jessica Ann, 8 lbs., 7 ozs. at Com- munity Memorial Hospital, Port Perry on Sept. 7th, 1973. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Rutherford, Seagrave, and Mr. and Mrs. Tadeusz Szulah of Oshawa. Special thanks to Dr. Beer and maternity staff. '| Denise Lynne WILSON--Ralph and Mary- Ann (nee Cook) are pleased to announce the arrival of at Oshawa General Hospital, on Sept. 4, 1973. Thanks to Dr. Spear, Allin, Price. At Rest Conway Gardens Tavern Friday, Sept. 21 featuring Ken Howard Trio No Cover Charge No Dancing 9:00 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. = x LAKE SCUGOG HISTORICAL SOCIETY Presents: Miss Elizabeth Willmot, Toronto, Historian and researcher of early Ontario Railway Stations, Oct. 10, 1973, 8 p.m. Black- stock Township Hall. Notice For Sale BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRJAGES -- DEATHS 5c. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.50 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1 .50 per inch with a minumum, one inch. All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- 12 O'CLOCK NOON TUESDAY Send cash, stamps, or money orders and save money PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. STEPHENSON, Clarentia of Toronto, passed away in East General Hospital on Saturday, September 8th, 1973, dear sister of Ada Stephenson, Port Perry, Ont Inlcrment Pine Grove Ceme: ery. In Memoriam BLOOD DONOR CLINIC . Kinsmen sponsored Blood Donor Clinic. Oct. 4th, 1973: 1:30 to 4:30 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Port Perry United Church - Hall 3--O0ct.3 CAWKER BROS. ABITTOIR e Custom Killing & Cutting ® Freezer Orders cut & trimmed to CONTENTS from Model home, chesterfield and mat- ching chair, dining room suite, bedroom suite, desk, bookcase and end tables, etc. etc. All items like new. Phone Osh. .awa 728-3473 T.F. your specifications. PHONES Bus. 416-985-2221 Res. 705-357-3420 2--Sept.19 25 FOOT Richardson steel hull cruiser, 190 hp. inboard and outboard, sleeps 6. Price $5,500.00. Call 1465-2631 in Toronto. T.F. NOTICE If you want to drink and can, that's your business. If you want to stop & can't That's our business. 985-3111. 4--Jly4 For Sale CEDAR RAILS for ornamen- tal fencing. Phone 263-2311 or 623-7276 after 6 p.m. 4 Sept.19 MERCURY Outboards & Ski- doo Sales & Service. Drew boats & all accessories. Gord's Marine Claremont 649-2007 REGISTERED standard bred gelding, chestnut, excellent English riding and jumping horse. Phone 655-3070. 3--Sept.26| WRIGHT -- Elton Arthur, son of the late John F. Wright and Sarah Oke. Bro- ther of Garnet of Port Perry and Eber of Royal Oak Mi- chigan. Aug. 26th, 1973 in Chicago in his 73rd year, BINGO - Oct. 2, 8 p.m. Royal Canadian Legion Franklin Street, Uxbridge. New games, new cards, mystery numbers, door prizes. Please bring all your friends. Interment Royal Oak Michi- gan. Card of Thanks THOMPSON -- In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather Edward who passed away Sept. 20th, 1972 Sadly missed along life's way Quietly remembered every day. No longer in our life to share But in our hearts he's always there. Sadly missed by family and grandchildren Sincere thanks goes to Dr. Allin and Dr. Cohoon and all nurses of Port Perry Hospital for making my stay a comfortable and well treat- ed one. Also thanks to my family, friends and neigh- FLOWERS BY GILLAYNE Designs for all occasions - Open Monday to Saturday BINGO, Old Catholic Church ok-|.Registered Samoyed & Das- Hall, Sept. 19th. Major jack- pot $110.00 in 51 numbers. Minor jackpot $55.00 in 56 numbers. 1969 FORD CORTINA, auto- matic, radio, new snow tires, perfect condition $950.00 or JAMESWAY Farm Equip- ment. If you are thinking of - installing barn cleaners, silos or silo unloaders, why not obtain an estimate with out obligation from your local dealer. I. B. Standish, Sea- grave, 416-985-7852. T.F. best offer. 986-4867. 2--Sept.19 SILVALEE KENNEL. CKCf chund pups. Boarding fo NATIONAL NK SEEDS This is the third season I have been selling NK seed corn. If you wish to book NK seed corn for next spring please phone or come to my small dogs & cats. Stud service. Phone 985-3286. 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Phone 985-7131 Queen St. - Port Perry bours, and people whom I met there for flowers and cards. Barbara Tompkins I would like to express sincere thanks for tokens of THOMPSON -- In loving memory of a dear husband, Edward Thompson, who pass- ed away September 20, 1972. Somewhere beyond the sunset, Where loneliness never dies, There lives my life's companion With the gold and blue of the skies. And I who have known and loved him Whose passing has brought me tears Will cherish his memory always Down through the passing years. Ever remembered and loved by his wife Anne. kindness shown to me in my recent bereavement. Also to Dr. Allin and the nurses of Port Perry Hospital. Victor Aldred o The family of the late Mr. Robert E. Brandon wish to thank everyone who express- ed their condolences with cards, flowers and charity, contributions, and the church U.C.W. in providing lunch after the funeral. Special thanks to Rev. Cooper for his kind words of comfort and the McDermott - Panabaker| Funeral Home. Murray, Shirley, Glenn, Richard and Ted Brandon, Thanks to my friends, THOMPSON -- In loving memory of a dear father, grandfather & great grand- father, Edward Thompson, who passed away September 20th, 1972. A part of our hearts he . took with him, But his love he left with us to keep So we will never really be apart The bond between us is too deep. Ever remembered and loved by his daughter Edith, son-in-law Charlie, grandchildren and great grandchildren. neighbours and teachers for Coming Events (N, TURKEY SUPPER\) Scugog Island "Head Mem- orial" Church, WED., SEPT. 50TH ANNIVERSARY Friends, neighbours, and relatives are invited to an "Open House" in Honour of the 50th Wedding Anniver- sary of Mr. and Mrs. Murell Goode, on Sept. 30th, 1973 from 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. at the home of their son, Gordon Goode, 136 Ottawa St., Port Perry, Ont. Best Wishes Only. T.F.| feed store. I. B. Standish, Seagrave (416) 985-7852. TF 26th. Settings 5, 6, 7 p.m. $2.50 adults. $1.00 12 yrs. & under. Tickets - Phone 985- 7732. 3--Sept.26 CRAFT WORKSHOP Pottery Classes Gift Shop Studio Space Pottery Supplies 115 Brock St. S. Whitby, Ont. 668-9511 Register now for Classes 4--O0ct.3 MANCHESTER UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Sunday, September 23rd at 11 a.m. Rev. Wm. Piercy | Boar: FAMILY DINNER TO MARK 60th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. George Old- field, Simcoe Street, Port Perry, Ontario will celebrate their 60th wedding anniver- sary on.September 24th 1973. Oldfield retired twenty ago from the Toronto of Education. The are members of the Port Perry United Church. They will mark the occasion with a family dinner at Conwav Garden's, Highway 7A at 6 p.m. Saturday, September 22nd. yea will be guest speaker. Special music will be provided. Everyone welcome. Notice 2--Sept.19 visits, cards, flowers and in- quiries while I was a patient Hospitals. Special thanks to Dr. Cohoon, also Dr. Fang and nurses and staff. Jerry Taylor Jr. in Port Perry and Oshawaf Births FIELDING--Jim and Sani dra Fielding (nee Graham) of Keswick Ont. announce with pride the arrival of] their first child, a baby girl, Kimberly Lynn Mar, garet, on Sept. 5th, at York Card of Thanks County hospital, Newmarket, weighing 7 1bs., 12 ozs. Proud RUMMAGE SALE, Saturday, September 29 from 2-5 p.m, at Old Catholic Church, spon- sored by Kinette Club of Port Perry. Anyone who has rummage can call 985-3360, 2149 or 2893: 3--Sept.26 BINGO, Thursday, Sept. 20th at 8 p.m. Legion Hall. Jack- pot $130.00 in 53 numbers. LAWRENCE PHARMACY is pleased to announce the addition of MRS. HELEN FEDYK, B.Sc. Phm. to our Pharmacy Staff 3--Sept.26 Zering Pontiac * Buick * GMIC Trucks SALES SERVICE PARTS PORT PERRY, ONT 655-3366 150 WATER ST., 985-7309 R.C.S.C.C. Scugog Port Perry IS NOW UNDERWAY WITH THE WINTER PROGRAMME. OPEN TO YOUNG MEN 13 to 19 YEARS OF MEETING at NA MONDAYS AGE VY LEAGUE HALL at 7:00 P.M. EFFORD'S ALL CANADIAN STEAM VALET BROADLOOM and CARPET STEAM CLEANING No Chemicals - No Shampoo or Foam Special $5 per line and $10 ful! card. ~ RUMMAGE SALE Sat., Sept. 29th, Manchester United Church, 10 a.m. to Pick your own vegetables, tomatoes $2.50 per bushel, bring your own containers. The Linton's, 1 mile east of Raglan TF FOR FREE ESTIMATES Local Call 985-7122 or 985-7505 Long Distanc 12 noon. For pick-up phone 985-2571, 985-2245, 985-7701. 2--Sept.26 grandparents are Mr. & Mrs. We would like to express sincere thanks for cards. floral tributes and tokens of kindness shown ot us in the recent loss of our dear mother Mrs. Mabel Mark. Gerald & Carolyn West Roy Graham of Keswick and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fielding of Utica. | SAT., DEC. 1st Christmas Bazaar, St. John's HAINES -- Colin & Cheryl] Presbyterian Church. are tickled pink to announc the arrival of their daugh ter Melissa Briar, born Mon-| I wish to express my sin- cere thanks and appreciation to friends and relatives for visits, cards, flowers and enquiries while I was in Oshawa Hospital. ) Irene Baylis day, September 3rd, weigh. ing 8 lbs., % ozs. Delighted grandparents are Mr. & Mrs. RUMMAGE SALE PUBLIC SCHOOL MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE Will start Saturday, Sept. 29th at 1 p.m. Any grade 6, 7 or 8 pupils who are inter- ested must sign up at bowl ing alley. For further in- formation call 985-7908 or 2278. 2--Sept.26 e Call Collect Wednesday, October 10th, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Church of the Ascension, 2--Sept.19 - Oct.3 ®@ NOTICE o To all players interested in playing JUNIOR 'C' HOCKEY for Port Perry Flamingo. First two practices will be R. Reynouf and Mr. and Mrs. R. Haines. Brother Michael is very pleased with his new sister, too. RUMMAGE SALE Friday, Sept. 21st at Muni- cipal Building at 1:00 p.m. '| Proceeds go to Port Perry Tops Club. 2--Sept.26 held at Uxbridge Arena on Friday, Sept. 21st and Sept, 23rd, ice time from 7 til 9 p.m. Bring your own equip- ment. Direct application or ing BEV. MUIR, Family Midtown Mall, Box 3 723-5211. _ WANTED - A VOLUNTEER TO ANSWER THE PHONE in his or her own home, thus establishing a volunteer information centre. It is most desireable this applicant is confined to their home for the majority of the time. uiries to: & Children Services, 21, Oshawa Ontario stereo & T.V., broadloom rug 9x 12, coffee: ¢ 8,