Sh NAMES Seven new members were added to the membership at the last regular meeting of 2d The annual meeting of the Scupog areca Liberal Association will have as its BNEWS Port Perry Star editor Bruce Arnold to be its delegate al the annual anti poverty con- open on Saturday. Before last November it was open three days a week. A number of ratepayers pointed out that a farm or commercial _ establishment can accumulate a lot of all week. GOVERNMENT COM- PLAINTS The former urer of Cartwright, Van Camp, explained that Clerk-treas- Doreen ¥ L{ hh § NY AA ALY J SAAT) EEA, BALL £3 ws TR we oN ry ' b. rity RES {OR RN RECO SMAI IN RIAN RIA INTO NK | at ox LL. bili dia : Sash uadiodint A 0%) SN i 1 20) - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Jan. 30th, 1974 50 C t rl ht de mo n strato rs a i | artwrig { V | | A G F 3 Wd A R A (continued in the summer, was particu were setting fire to it which aN Nn OPEN SAT. ONLY larly concerned about the is against provincial law. Ay Since the by-law came into health hazard which may be > "Itis alot easier to bury a a force the dump has only been caused by storing garbage truck load dumped in one spot al one time than several carloads all over the place," said Mayor Malcolm. The Mayor said that if the by-law restricting access loone day a week and providing for community the Senior Citizen Club. A west speaker Norman . i Tor i ; . # - b h « rence no n . . i i ' . ' » Pot Luck s nos pli d I 4 om ps even nm Torant ! garbage in a week, and the council had received a num- wide pick up had not been ACR supper is planned Canik, MP. The meeting will February. . } ; . yassed the Provincial for the February meeling ike place in the Scugop : fly problem in the summer ber of complaints from pas: ¢ : ' ) Pe Seuaon may be immense if gar- Queens Park about the way Goverpment may have Canadian Legion Branch 119 will hold its Public Speaking contest on Sunday, February 17 at 1 p.m. Stu- dents from Grades 1-6.7 - 8. 9-10. 11 - 13. may partici- pate. All local schools have been notified. The public is cordially invited to come and hear these students speak. First place winner will go on to the zone contest, to be held March 3 at Oshawa Legion Island Community Hall this Friday. February 1. The Scugog Ralepayers Association has authorized Nice to know that Storey Beare is slowly improving and was able to spend the week-end at his home. bage has to be kept around for seven days waiting for the dump to open. One man, who operates a trailer park the dump had operated be- fore the by-law. Garbage had been" strewn all over the place, she said, and people closed the dump altogether. "Where will we take our garbage if they close it?" asked Councillor Frew. public ®% Lawrence Malcolm in- Branch 43. In the Obituary of the late Acthur John Brawn printed 1: last weeks Star, the name of Arthur Brawn, his brother "AINE was omitted. NJOY Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gendron ETT 7 and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. A person whose preferences are known by het Oscar Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. SMA SHOPPER ? Red & White operator and gets personal attention Pat O'Hara and children v called on Mrs. Dora Nott and Ir i Mr. and Mrs. Mike England pers \"/-\AV) E (of , | ECK D on Sunday. Congratulations { to Mrs. Dora Nott who prefer our M EATS so 0 0 e celebrated her birthday on Tuesday. TENDER JUICY KEN UARTERS 5 0: HICKEN Q : ton for the Mentally Reta. a CHICIU = ll hJ i D PA ded is co-operating with the HOUSEHOL 1 wels CHICKEN BREASTS Portions 85% Ontario Association for the KLEENEX 0 FES. . Mentally Retarded and the FAMILY PACK CHICKEN LEG Portions 79% { Multiple Sclerosis Society of 1 1 Canada (Ontario Division) in 22! { Leh CHICKEN WINGS 68: Il L --e haat 4 ASTRA LIGHT MEAT SwierEarsm oo EEF R TR RINDLESS B A 5108 f NC . Ib. ESS CON Bb. £ starting Saturday February TUNA CHUNKS CORNED BEEF hei APPLE SWIFT PREMIUM 16-01. Pkg. 2. at 6:00 p.m. Cards are on PAN DANDIES » 99° | BOLOGNA Sliced ». 89° sale in town at locations w listed in an advertisement esessaLs sh EH A cur elsewhere in the paper. Steaklettes ... 2-Ib. 3] 99 | PORK LOINS "ib. | 09 Councillors after FEATURE! - CAT FOOD Fl. Ox. Tins ¥ HEALTH & BEAUTY FEATURES! f more money REFRESHING 12 F1. 0. BU. FEATURE! -- All-Purpose Towels : SC Mouthwash c (continued ~ COPE 99 BEST BUY! -- QUARTERS -- PARKAY J- CLOTH Rize 69 approved payment of, 'up to HEAD & Shoulders ¢ FEATURE! -- RED & WHITE 5-0z. Jar 5 $60.000."" out of the fund for FEMININE 99 COFFEE Instant 89. renovations to the head- MODESS NAPKINS 65¢ quarter's building in Whitby. couan svaur FEATURE! - CHOICE QUALITY WHOLE 1.0 ; FLATUREL AED £ WHITE The fund may not only be JACK & JILL sou 69c \ ® "amen TEA BAGS 67: one, il could be overspent. cua Sypue g p BUCKLEY'S bottle 69c AVE Tomatoes 39 FEATURE! -- Toilet Bowl Cleaner MA ol 5) BARKS Le FEATURE! -- HEREFORD SANI - FLUSH "49. 9 ¢ couldn't support a x PREFER DUR FEATURE! -- AERO-WAX 1. motion to haul $75,000 out of u ul 27 71.02, Bul. a fund that might not even mat 3:43, | CORNED BEEF SB 09 LIQUID WAX 99. have that much init, "Mayor PRODUCE FEATURE] 18 F). Oz. Tin FEATURE! 1%-Lb. Carton Ty Ww formed council. uy The mayor said that the SEEDLESS . Ne CARNATIO N C | ZION BRAND ¢ OBE Cini Executive Commit- Grapefruit ww 89 EVAPORATED MILK FIG BARS oy (1: {e¥41)] ee Shona have been asked B.C. DELICIOUS FEATURE! 32 F1. Oz. Suze oa FEATURE! 1-Lb. Pachege F O Oo D S | o consider the questi - - ' fore it went to council. The Apples ib 29* BICK'S WINE C | FLUFFO C MEAT PIES 3) ¢ SAUERKRAUT FEATURE AYLMER TOMATO ¢ CATSUP 20 FI. Oz. bil mayor is a member of the executive and he said the committee has never dis- cussed the matter. "Most of us knew when we SHORTENING FEATURE! 1-Lb. Tin NESTLE'S C INSTANT QUIK LARGE Celery Stalks «33* +10" HIN Linen LINER SURFBURGER toot. ph. 9 D5. Turnips a oe ee on SPANISH Feature! - Wabasso Waits gaia! | reatunen 18 FI. Ox. Tin BINDS Eve - 22. OZ. TUB : Nir. Malcolm. Onions 2» 59° ARICTIC + d | 39 Silver Ribbon Green or 20 COOL WHIP 75. | i Despite the mayor's pro- XING Zz. OTN, { tests the motion to pay the DETERGENT Pa. | WAX BEANS } COFFEE Rich 49. { % extra money was passed 14 ¥ } 8 7k voles to 12 with all repre- SILVER RIBBON WIZARD BETTY CROCKER BICKS ii sentatives from Scugog and | 7 Uxbridge voting against it. TOMATO CAKE PICKLES y JUICE FRESHNER The Christmas Seal organ- 130, 2/89" i 49° Sweet Mixed, Tomato Chow Chow, Baby Dills, Yum Yums 49* 15 0z. each MIXES 2/89" n\ ization, your Tuberculosis & Respiratory Disease Associ- ation reports there were more than 80 thousand cases Rr r-- of bronchitis, emphysema 5 Open Thursday ® 1 ' and asthma treated in hospi- PORT PERRY & Friday night : tals in 1970, an increase of : ' Kr p tilly p.m. ONTARIO more than 17 hundred over the previous year.