= SO SEAR or wy Ny: aC os : 3 Cae = Re EX Naa ES A ne. ~~ oS WET Jail), NERA ZO PE RSENS. any. At Rest - $1.75 per col. l4c per agate line Classified ads must insertion. $22.50 per col. Classified Advertising Rates Articles for Sale - Card of Thanks - Births Coming Events - Wanted - Lost Found - Etc. Minimum $1.20 - Over 15 words, 7c. per word. Consecutive weeks 6c. per word. IN MEMORIAMS $1.75 including 4-line verse 10c. per line for additional lines. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY minimum one inch. LEGAL NOTICES . - Consecutive insertions 10c. REAL ESTATE Transient advertisers - $1.75 per col. Weekly advertisers $1.50 AUCTION SALES First insertion $1.75 per col. Consecutive insertions $1.50 per col. inch - be paid by week of If charged, an additional 25c. will be added. 50c. extra will be charged for use of box number. BUSINESS DIRECTORY $35.00 per col. inch, yearly inch, six months. Annual Classified Ad - $50.00 per inch. inch. inch inch In Memoriam SMITH - in loving memory of Kate Ethel Smith, who passed away March 15th, 1973. We 'often think of by gone days. When we were all together. The family chain is broken now, But memories will live forever. To us she has not gone away, Nor has she travelled far. Justenteréd God's eternal home, And left the gates ajar. Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by George and daughters Iris and Evelyn. Card of Thanks Toour friends and customers, we wish to thank you for your support and patronage during our fifteen years in business. Henry & Jessie Slater, Of Slaters Northend Service Station. Many thanks torelatives, freinds for inquiries, cards, flowers, gifts and visits. Special thanks to Drs. Macintyre and Martin, the nurses and staff for the excellent care | received while a patient in the Port Perry Hospital. Thank you again. (Mrs.) Mabel Cook I wish to friends flowers, thank my family, and neighbours for cards and inquiries while ill in hospital. Special thank you to Dr. Hammett, nurses and staff of Port Perry Hospital. Kelly Lee We would like to thank our neighbours, friends and relatives for coming to our 50th wedding anniversary. The flowers, gifis and cards were much apprecia- ted. Special thanks to our family for arranging this special day and their gift (a chandelier), to Marg for the lovely wedding cake and to the Rebekah for a good job of catering. Congratu- lations were received from Prime Minister Trudeau, Premier Davis, Dr. M. B. Dy- mond, M. P. P., Norm Cafik, M. P. and a telegram from the Governor General Jules Leger. Norma & Orr Jeffrey I would like to thank friends, relatives and neighbours for their kindness while in the hospital. Also nurses and staff of the Community Hospital Port Perry, Drs. Price and Cohoon, 'Royal Canadian Legion, visits, cards and gifts. Francis Leveck At Rest ANDERSON, Edna May - After a lengthy illness at the Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto on Fri., March 8, 1974. Edna May Gerrow of Port Perry, beloved wife of the late Donald Anderson, dear sister of Hazel (Mrs. E. Dingman) Port Perry, Mansell of Oshawa and the late Grant Gerrow. Funeral service at the Chapel of McDermoti-Panaba- ker, Port Perry on Mon., March 11 at 2 p.m. Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery. - DENURE - Birdie. At the Os- hawa General Hospital, on Wed., March 6, 1974, Birdie Oke, Be- loved wife of Fred DeNure and mother of Fred of Lindsay, Eleanor (Mrs. Lawrence Nic- chols of Seagrave and Mervin of Port Perry. Loved by 10 grand- children. Predeceased by a daughter Doris in 1966. Pre- deceased by two sisters, Helen and Muriel of Oshawa. Rested at the Maclintosh-Anderson Funer- al Home, 152 King St. East. Service in the chapel on Fri., March 8 at 10:30 a.m.. Interment Little Lake. Cemetery, Peter- borough. TRULL - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Monday, March 4th, 1974, Lorenzo Trull, 252 King Street East, Bowman. ville, beloved husband of Rhoda Johns, dear father of Gladys (Mrs. Austin Barron), Lewis and Franklin. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, on Thursday, March 7th, at 2 o'clock. Spring inter- ment, Hampton Cemetery. Births COCHRANE - Bruce and Geor- geen (nee Burnett) are proud to annouce the arrival of their son Jason Edwin. Born March 7th, 1974, a brother for Aaron. Proud grandparents are Mrs. Edwin Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brignall and a great grandmot. her, Mrs. George Burnett. Sin. cere thanks to Drs. Price, Allin and Cohoon and the maternity staff of Port Perry Hospital. DARLINGTON - After months of writing on the walls and jogging (on the spot), Mr. and Mrs. D. are pleased to announce the birth of their son Trevor Gordon Jonathan, March 5, 1974, at the Port Perry Community Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. Hammett! and the maternity staff. Births LE BEL - Albert and Karen are happy fo annouce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Shannon Dawn on March 9, 1974. Proud grandparents are Don and Irene Murray. DEARBORN - Mike and Pat are pleased to announce the arrival of their son, Kevin Palrick on ° March 3, 1974. Brother for Paul and Stephen. Special thanks to Dr. Allin and maternity staff of Port Perry Hospital. CORNISH Bill and Norma happily announce the birth of their daughter, Gretchen Gail, on March 9, 1974. A sister for Clair. FLOWERS BY GILLAYNE Designs for all occasions. Open. Mon. to Sat. 9:00 a.m. to 6:00,p.m. Fri. 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m¥ Phone 985-7131 Queen St. - Port Perry Notice LATCHAM COMMUNITY Centre is available for recep- tions, dances, meetings, weddings, etc. For informa- tion, contact M. Whybrow 985 3619. T.F. NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY for information about the N.D.P. call Mrs. Ausman, 985.7149 or Mrs. Wilbur 985-2444. (April 3) FULLER BRUSH will call on you between March 18th & 30th after 5:00 p.m. If you are not going to be home, {eave your order with a friend. SILVALEE REG'D BOARDING KENNELS Epsom, Ontario Phone 985-3286 We are now open for year round accommodation of your pets, with individual runs and ex- perienced care. Reserve early for winter holidays. x re. Ives Florist & Greenhouses COMPLETE LINE OF @® FLORAL ART © FRESH & DRIED FLOWERS Mon. - Fri. - 9 am. - 9 p.m. Sat. - Sun. -9 am. -5 pm. Call anytime - 985-2691 Coming Events BAZAAR AND TEA - Latcham Centre, Saturday June 8th. Spon. sored by Honeydale Women's Institute. ab lel a Sl rdianiit " Rebekah Lodge. Ak imnkd Coming Events BOX SOCIAL, Friday, March 1s, Prince Albert United Church, 8 p.m. Bring your own box of lunch. Boxes will be auctioned. RUMMAGE SALE, rr April 27 - from 10 to 12 noon at Manchester Church. Sponsored by. the U.C. Ww, THE LAKE SCUGOG Historical Society Choir presents an even- ing of entertainment, "A Sum mer Sequel' (To a Viclorian Parlour), on Saturday, 20th, 1974 at 8 p.m. at R.H. Cornish Public School. Tickets available from choir members or phone 985-2471 or 985-2153. SCUGOG RATEPAYERS' Asso: ciations next meeting - Thursday March 28,8:00 p.m. Tobe held in Blackstock. EUCHRE - Saturday, March 16, 8 p.m. sharp at the Oddfellows Hall. Sponsored by Maybelle Prizes and lunch. Admission 50 cents. NEXT SHOW - Latcham Hall, Friday March 22, 7 p.m. Walt Disney's "'Bedknobs and Broom- sticks". REGULAR MONTHLY Meeting of Hospital Auxiliary, Monday, March 18 at 2 p.m. at the hospital. All welcome. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC, April 3, Port Perry United Church Hall, 1:30 - 4:30 and 6:30 - 8:30. Sponsored by Kinsmen Club of Port Perry. nn Conway Gardens --~ Tavern ~ Fri., Mar. 15 COUNTRY UNION 50c. Cover Charge No Dancing ! 9:00 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. " Git HOLY LAND TOUR, leaving May 23, 1974 for 16 days. Tour io England and Scotland, leaving August 8, 1974 for 21 days. Tour host Rev. Jack Griffen. For free brochures write 5645 Morrison Street, Niagara Falls. (Apr. 10) ' THE HONOURABLE Eugene Whelan, Minister of Agriculture, will speak at a Seminar and Lunch at Club Annrene, Scugog Island, Saturday, March 30, 1974. Registration 9:00 a.m. onwards. For further information, contact Mrs. Georgia Brendon, 985-3156. {March 27) 'RUMMAGE AND BAKE SALE tobe held at the Anglican Church Hall, Wednesday, March 27 at 1 p.m. Sponsored by Eastern Star. (March 13) ST. PATRICK'S DANCE at Utica Hall, March 16. Music by Country Pals. Admission $4.00 per couple. Lunch and refresh- ments. - Mar. 13 BINGO - Thursday, March 21 at Legion Hall. Jackpot $160 in 51 numbers. Early bird game at 7:45 p.m. Special $5.00 per line. $10.00 full card. BINGO New Navy League Special $5.00 per line straight across, $10.00 full card. Jackpot $180 in 51 numbers. Every Tues- day at 8 p.m. Latcham Centre. Sponsored by Navy League of Port Perry. CENTRAL SEVEN A.M.R. Gen. eral meeting, Tuesday, March 19, 8 p.m. Anglican Church, Port Perry. Memberships now due at meeting or send 10 Mrs. Bev. Muir, Port Perry, Ontario. ODDFELLOWS » ST. PATRICKS BREAKFAST Sunday, March 17, 1974 8 to 10 a.m. Adults - $1.25 Children under 12 - $1.00 AFTER SHOPPING relax at the PORT TAVERN AORANT and enjoy a bite to eat or some Refreshments This Week's Special SPAGHETTI and meat balls For Sale } FOR SALE BY TENDER, 1 1966 Chev. - 72 passenger school bus. For tender information con. fact: W.H. Gilfillan, Transpor- tation Manager, The Durham Board of Education, 555 Ross land Road West, Oshawa, Ont. Phone 576 4600. April. For Sale HAY, 1,000 args bales, good quality hay. 80 cenls per bale. Phone Sunderland 357 3095. PIONEER SALES and service. We carry pioneer saws and paris. Also some used chain saws on sale. $40 $60. Beacock Hardware, Blackstock 986-4971. SKI- 1-000, Phone 985-2428 after 4 p.m. and ask for Bill. (T.F.) C.C.M. SCRAMBLER, 2 years old. Phone 985-7569. Mar. 13) CHINCHILLAS -- 10 standard and 11 beige, with equipment, must sell, going to Europe. Post Office Box 122, Peterborough. Good Phone P.A.G. SEED CORN, supply still available. Bruce Walker, 357-3094. March 13 » RALSTON PURINA CHOWS Now is the time to start feeding Purina Chows to get top milk production and fast gains on beef. Bag or bulk delivery. Phone |.B. Standish 416-985-7852. T.F. For Sale RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS, tor farm and home, stock up now, for colds and vitamins. Your dealer A.L. Sutcliffe, 985.7844. (Mar. 27) 1973 ARCTIC CAT, 440 Prima, $800. or best offer. Phone 852-6659. " -- 1972 SKIDOO OLYMPIC. Excel- lent condition. Rarely used. Ask- ing $415.00. Phone 985-3369 even- ings. 4 NEW J70-15 UNIROYAL Mas. ter Tires, 2 - 15. G.M. wheels also Reese Trailer hitch and electric brake control. Apply 540, Queen St., Port Perry. 352 FORD MOTOR, good con- dition. Can be heard running in car with poor body. 550 Queen St., Port Perry. WASHER Inglis Automatic with suds saver. Good working condition. Price $95. Call 986-4252 RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS - 200 quality products for the home. Your Dealer: Keith Lyle, Phone STA- RITE Dairy Equipment, Milking parlours and pipe line units. Free estimates. Installa- tion and servicing. One Year quarantee on parts and labour. Phone 416.985.7852. (T.F.) HAY, mixed, some second cut, Alfalfa, phone 986-4896. IRISH SETTER PUPPIES, reg- istered, vaccinated, sire directly from Ireland, $125.00 each. Call 985-2930. 1965 EPIC in good condition. Phone 985-2621, after 5 p.m. 1963 FORD VAN, $195, also 1965 Chev. Panel $295. Phone 985-3247. Y (T.F.) ARE YOU THINKING OF BUILDING? Make your new home a HALLIDAY HOME. If you are thinking of building a new home or cottage this spring, - investigate the HALLIDAY way of building. We have more than 48 archi- tectural designed houses and cottages and dozens of dif- ferent floor plans. Split- levels, bungalows, 2-storey homies from 1,000 to 2,000 square feet, all factory en. gineered and ready to be erected on your lot. Plan Now. Write or Phone: HALLIDAY HOMES LTD. . Kawartha Home Builders, R.R. 3, Peterboro, Ontario. 745-5137 or 745-2766. experienced driver; and in good health. years. . APPLY TO: 985-7030. (Mar. 20) BORDER COLLIE, 1 year old, has had all needles, spayed. $25.00 or best offer. Call 985-7205 after 5 p.m. 1972 VEGA Hatchback, 2300 c.c., 2 barrel, 22,000 miles. 4 Michelon radial tires. All in excellent condition. Phone 985-3673. JT.F. 1971 HONDA 350 Twin, Fully equipped. In good condition. Low mileage. Phone 986-5163. MOFFAT GAS STOVE, fully automatic controls. Also Hoover Constellation vacuum cleaner. Call 986-4760. 1967 MERCURY Station Wa- gon, automatic, power steering, power brakes,.power windows. Good condition, certified. $650. Phone 986-5010. 1968 BEAUMONT, red, 2 door hardtop, automatic, 63,000 miles. Asking $750. Phone 985-3566. HAY. Phone 986-4895. DALMATION DOG, male, 14 months old, purebred. Has all papers, needles and rabid shots. Loves children, some training at training school, 'housebroken. Ideal for good home. Owners moving to apartment. Telephone Mrs. D. Barnes, Oshawa 723-6918 WOODEN BED, two dressing tables, five foot cast iron bath fub. Call 986-4220. CHINA DOLLS, gramophone, furniture, coal oil lamps, china, etc. Call Vera Lee Antiques. 985-7723. T.F. ONE 10° ALUMINUM Boat. $130.00. Phone 985-7272. HAY AND STRAW. Phone 985- Ambulance Driver - Maintenance Worker Reliable worker who wishes to train as a qualified casualty care attendant required. Must have chauffeurs have Grade M11 minimum education; be mechanically inclined Position pays gobd wages with excellent fringe benefits. Reference required - age 20-35 Administrator or E. Mercier, Charge Maintenance or Gary Jackson, Ambulance Supervisor. : UXBRIDGE COTTAGE HOSPITAL ® WE'LL BLOW COMFORT INTO YOUR HOME eo With Quality Pal-0-Pak Insulation TO SAVE YOU FUEL DOLLARS! Call To-day For Free Heatloss Inspection ED CHILTON & SON Insulation Specialists 7895. be an or 12 licence; Phone 852-3531 4 RE & 9 %, y) 2 8