RR I NR A ssid oloadbisiiisbunmit sii srnina * Drugs into small communities £- folk continued tor Armitage as a modest and fine man who has been involved in safety and enforcement measures with the OPP for several years. A highlight of the eve- ning's program, aside from the delicious dinner, performance by the Perry High School Girls Ensemble. The white and red clad young ladies de- lighted the audience with their rendering of several and popular songs. These included 'Alone again, naturally'; 'Killing me softly', 'If', 'Feeling groovy' and 'blowin' jn the wind'. They were conducted bv Russel -Baird. Distinguished guests seat- ed at the head table were: Charlie Bourgeois, Presi- dent Port Perry Minor Hoc- key: Jack Cook, Scugog Dept. No. 1 Fire Chief; Joe O'Reilly representing Cath- olic Men's League; Dave Brown, Administrator of the Port Perry Community Hospital: Walter Beath, Chairman, Regional Mun- icipality of Durham; John Beckett, Noble Grand I1.O.0.F.: Bill Barr, Past Noble Grand 1.0.0.F.: Inspector Armitage, Dr. Matt Dymond, M.P.P.; P.K. Port | I TRICIAN sh¥s . BUILDING A NEW HOME? BOY - WHAT A FAMILY hy FRANK VALE ELECTRIC Greenbank - Ont. 985-3402 was a NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR WINTER FUEL THE ORGANIZER: Bill Barr, chaired the Fellowship Night at which close to 200 people from all walks of life attended. This was the most successful of the Fellowship programmes that have been held in the last three years. Booker, R.C.M.P.: Cecil King, President of the Port Perry Lions Club; Doug Williams, Principal of the Port Perry High School; Bob Findlay, President Kinsmen Club; Gordon Goode School Trustee; P.M. Willis Senior Citizen pres- ident; Mike Hlozan, Presi- -. dent Port Perry Legion; Staff Sergeant Patterson, O.P.P.; Lawrence Malcolm, Mayor of Scugog: Ken Dow- son, President Chamber of Commerce; Arnold Taylor, Masonic Temple; Bob Pren- tice, Orange Lodge. 41 prizes which included a ping pong table set, golf balls, electrical appliances, sporting goods and utility goods, were given away in SAVE Money on DX Premium Quality Fuel Oil Call Collect 668-3381 DX FUEL OIL Call us today for PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE [Residential - Commercial - And Heating] SERVICE CALLS - ELECTRICAL ® PLUMBING {New & Old Work - Also Pumps] CARPENTRY General Call 985-7679 HU RANKIN and SONS ALL TRADES LICENCED. FREE ESTIMATES - lucky draws on the ticket numbers. Gordon Goode thanked the guest speaker for his speech and Mr. Reg. Foster proposed a salute and toast to police enforcement agencies. Council Briefs Councillor Bob Brinkman has resigned from the fire department. His resignation was approved with regret by Council Monday Council later approved the appointment of Mr. I. Gib- son to the fire department, with a probation period of six months. Mr. Gibson has been a member of the Brooklin fire department for 14 years. He has recently moved to Port Perry. Scugog Island will con- tinue to receive twice weekly garbage removal service during the months of July and August. The rest of the year collection will be" once a week. Council accepted a ten- der to this effect from Tom Slute. The contract will run from April 1, 1974 to April 1, 1975 and the total cost will be $8,250. A motion by Councillors Rose and Taylor to make the garbage collection a uniform once a week ser- vice was defeated. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 10th 1974 -- n | Utica Service will be held in Epsom United Church on Easter Sunday, April 14 at 11:30 a.m. with Rev. Archie Scott officiating. Utica Sunday School meets 10:15 a.m. The Epsom Utica U.C.W. held the April meet- ing in Mrs. Jack Crosier's home on Tuesday evening. Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Doug Beal of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chapman of Port Perry who held their wedding reception in Utica Hall on Friday and Satur- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Day and Miss Anita Day of Brougham and Mr. Barry Philip were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Philip on Saturday. Mrs. Cecil Harper and Mr. and Mrs. George Har- per had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schofield on Sun- day. Mrs. Chet Geer, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goslin and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Thompson enjoyed the oyster supper at Greenwood United Church on Sunday. Mr. Tom Brown and and area family of Beaverton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown. We hope for better health for Mr. Ray MacDonald who is again a patient in Uxbridge Cottage Hospital. Miss Connie = Sutherland attended the Folk Music Festival at Georgetown, with the Girls' Ensemble of P.P.H.S. Mr. Grant MacCannell of Markham visited Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn MacCannell on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack John- ston of Oshawa called on Mrs. Cecil Harper on Satur- da. Congratulations to the Utica Auto Body Broom- ball team who were winners in the final game in Port Perry on Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller of Mississauga, Mr. Gordon Bray of Raglan and Mr. and Mrs. Clive Crawford of Cavan were Sunday visitors with the Sutcliffes. Mrs. Tom Sutherland, Miss Connie Sutherland and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Slute were at the Eastdale Colle- giate in Oshawa on Sunday evening to hear the noted concert pianist, Mr. Ronald cre WIN / 78.7 1,8/8 7 Fin SAVINGS news Turina. Mr. Tom Sutheland and Brian spent Sunday evening with Mr. W._ Sutherland of Oshawa - Mr. Bruce Beare, Dale and Dean had supper with the Crosiers on Sunday. . Mrs. Dennis Thompson spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Jim Miller of Mount Albert. Mrs. Tom Sutherland: visi- ted her parents at Fairview Lodge on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ken- dall Jill and Mark were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Teskey of Oak- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke of Toronto visited his sister, Mrs. and Mr. Jack Diamond on Sunday. Friday night is euchre night in the hall at Utica. Miss Carla Mitchell was hostess at a bridal shower in Mrs. Bruce Haugen's home in Port Perry on Monday evening in honour of Miss Lynne Page of Port Perry. Mrs. Lloyd Ross, Mrs. Bruce Geer, Mrs. Mervyn MacCannell and Mrs. Tom Sutherland and Mrs. Bert Mitchell were guests from Utica. Tooth Paste Plain Rexall HOT WATER wee | BOTTLE 2 year guarantee 2% 4 colours $2 39 Op i ion ew ro 51. 1 4 MSR. $3.98 ° cry, e, 250's 100 mgm MSR. S183 REXALL CHEWABLE VITAMIN-C TABS "1.29 CONTAC-C CAPS 40's M.S.R. $4.96 2.79 FAMILY Req. 4 0z NOXEMA SKIN CREAM i 2-4o0z. jars or pap each 2/3 1 39 SIZE 1 el " Nhiisialele rs {Oo 3 li DA PURCHASE Pampers an 113 MSR. Dry-Mount Jumbo PHOTO ALBUMS $2.98 '1.99 250's Iron M.S.R. REXALL with munti vitamin Formuta Children's Chewamins Plain M.S.R. $8.49 29.89 Compare with Flinstones, Chocks or Pals EASTER SPECIAL Crystal Jellies $709 $45 y: or. Req. $1.50 1 95 '4 Turtles or 5 $229 Fresh & Fancy req 1 Assoriment 7% $169 Lawrence Pharmacy 209 Queen St. Port Perry 985-2231 RAE Taw ato SR, TR > -- LO Eo A ns oe wy A { Te