XW Seagrave area news Only one public event took place last week: - the variety supper on Tgiesday night. Unit 1, U.C.W. picked about the nastiest night of the week but there was a fair attendance and lots to eat. The pictures of Russia © were beautifully clear and Mrs. Sinclair certainly knew lier subject well. So far this week we have heard of only one sick per- son. Mrs. Roy Harper is paying another of her periodic visits to hospital. Mrs. Minnie Harper is apparently improving and is spending a few days with her younger daughter Mrs. Bill Roy of Tyrone. Campers at Camp Samac in Oshawa this week were guides Diane and Arlene Howell, Tracey and Dorothy Fitze, Tammy and Laurie rnc, 1Lauuny anu aun ic Harper, Holly and Darlene Hum, Bonnie Payne, Bar- bara Bolling, Judy Thomp- son and Debbie Chaison. Mrs. Howell and Mrs. Luke were along to keep track of them. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Arnold and children are moving from the Harper farm this week and in their place will be Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vlieger and family from Blackstock. Some of our personal items have a familiar ring. Here is one we have had before -- Miss Miriam Chant of toronto visited her sister Mrs. Venner on the week end. Another familiar -- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor and boys of Scugog Island visited the Sunday night. Still another The Tobins entertained Mr. dnd Mrs. Frank Tobin and fam- ily of Blackstock and Mr. and Mrs. Dane Coxworth and Shane of Uxbridge on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Carr and. family spent Sunday with Judy's parents Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Eden. The B. guests were Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock of Prince Albert and Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt of Oshawa on Satur- da and Mr. and Mrs. L. Lowery of Orono on Sunday. : Messrs. Rick Payne and Don McCully with their friends visited St. Catha- rines and Niagara Falls on the week end. Miss Marilyn McMillan and Mr. Allan Wray were at their respective homes this Sunday. Choir members with their leaders Mrs. Short and Mrs. Nobbs and also Rev. Roundell and Mrs. Roun- dell had an evening of bowl- ing in town and a pizza party back at the church on Friday evening. Sunday services were just services with no special features. Flowers in the church were a *"Thank-you" from Mrs. Minnie Harper for hospital calls during her illness. Coming this week is the general U.C.W. meeting on Wednesday night May 1. Please note change of date. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Martyn of Prince Albert will show Belairs on Rebekah Lodges hold meeting in 1.0.0.F. Temple, Port Perry A most successful District meeting of Oshawa No. 8 East, was held on Tuesday, April 16 in the 1.0.0.F. Temple, Port Perry. The meeting was conduc- ted by District Deputy Pres- ident, Alpha Samells, and representatives were pre- sent from each Rebekah Lodge in the District: - Ganaraska, Port Hope, Hea- ther Lodge, Orono, Beehive in Bowmanville, Oshawa No. 3, and Maybelle Port Perry. Excellent reports were given by the representatives of each Lodge of their act- ivities since they last re- ported. The incoming Dis- trict Deputy President, Le- ona Farrow, of Beehive, Bowmanville, who will take over her duties in June was introduced by Mrs. Samells, and the good wishes of those present for a successful year were extended to her. After the conclusion of the business meeting, an inter- esting program was presen- ted consisting of several musical numbers by Mrs. Samells grandsons from Oshawa, also some comic skits which had been prepared by two of the visiting lodges. A tasty buffet supper was served by Maybelle ladies to about forty members with dainty favours for each, which were made by Mrs. Samells. Everyone agreed this had been a most pleasant after- noon enjoyed by all. Sugar and Spice (continued In the air, we have, to quote a well- informed source (my brother), "The best pilots in Europe", and he means it, with no blarney. They are all fighters, and they have a vital role called "first attack'. More of this later. But let's get back to Lahr, and get on with this wretched trip of mine. My brother is now hustling me into his car. The town is pretty with spring flowers everywhere, a change from blizzards. There is a branch of the Bank of Montreal. And there is Jack Thomson and his wife. He's a first cousin of ours. They live in Winnipeg. It could happen only to me. I fly four thousand miles to savour the ancient hostelries, cathedrals and castles of old Germany, and 1 wind up sitting at a kitchen table talking and drinking with a cousin I've met once before in my life. I don't think we'll make it to Ramstein, destination, but we'll have a try next week. Social note for Western readers: Cousin Jack was in his underwear, and his wife in her nightie, when we arrived. Wanamaker's pretuires of Hawaii. Then on May 6, Unit 2, U.C.W. are sponsoring a Dorina fashion party at the church starting at 8 o'clock. Everyone welcome. On May 9, the Regional Rally for group 1, Lindsay Presbyterial U.C.W. will take place in our church commencing with registra- tion at 9:30 a.m. Addresses will be given by Mrs. Annie Yeo of Uxbridge on Mission work in Africa and by Miss Bessie Lane who is director of field education and dean of residence at the Centre for Christian Study in Toronto. i It looks like a busy week May 5th to May 12th on May 10th there will be a community shower in honour of Miss Brenda Billings. It is being arranged by Mrs. Don Bea- cock and Mrs. John Foster and will be held in the church basement. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May Ist, 1974 -- 21 Area Holstein wins award High Point Gale Ormsby, a purebred Holstein bred and owned by Smith Bro- thers, Port Perry, Ontario, has completed an outstand- ing record at 3 years of age of 20,677 Ibs. milk coptajn- ing 782 lbs. butterfat and a test averaging 3.78 percent. Her. Breed Class Average Production was 209 percent for milk and 216-percent for fat in 305 days. Gale Orms- by completed her Junior 3-year-old record in 397 days with 23,717 lbs. milk and 909 lbs. butterfat. Classified Very Good for type, Gale Ormsby is sired by the famous Spring Farm Reflection Ormsby who is himself classified Very Good and designated Super- ior Type sire. High Point Clipper Girl, the dam of Gale Ormsby is classified Excellent. In her 5-year-old record she received a Superior Prod- uction certificate in recog- nition of her 365 day record of 23,128 Ibs. milk contain- ing 1,003 Ibs. butterfat. High Point = Reflection Dorothy, a purebred Hol- stein bred by Smith Brothers, Port Perry, ~Ontario and owned by Trans-World Livestock Ltd. as operated by Richard Schleissner, Brantford, Ontario has received a Superior Production Certi- ficate from the Holstein- Friesian Association of Canada for her 365 - day production record of 27,520 Ibs. milk containing 1,071 lbs. buterfat with a test of 3.89 percent. Dorothy set the record as a Mature 8-year-old. Her 305 day production record was 25,573 Ibs. milk containing 986 Ibs. butterfat with a test averaging 3.86 percent. Her Breed Class Average Pro- duction was 219 percent for milk and 230 percent for fat. High Point Wanda White, bred and owned by Smith Brothers, Port Perry, Ontario, has received a New Gold Seal Lifetime Product- ion award from the Holstein Friesian Association of Canada. Wanda, in 10 lactations, has yielded 183,330 pounds milk and 7.740 pounds butter fat. Her latest" lactation, as a 13-year-old, saw her yield 17,686 pounds milk and 757 pounds butter fat, 4.28 percent test in 305 days. Wanda White, was classi- fied Very Good which places her in the top five percent of the breed, is a one star brood cow. She is sired by Pabst Walker Ollie who is designated a Class Extra sire. Wanda White's dam. High Point Willa Lochinvar. was also classi- (continued on page 22) A Real Buy! Besides bringing you all the news, look what else your newspaper does... Helps you train your dog. Lines shelves in your cupboards. Makes play hats for the kids. Teaches the cat to stay off the table. Comes in handy when you can't find a fly swatter. Helps start the camp-fire. Keeps dust off valuables in the basement. : Protects your floors when you paint. Sops up muddy foot prints. Helps you pack things for mailing. Makes a good trash can liner. © AND LOTS MORE... How can you get along without it? The Port Perry Star "Try it out this week" ENR Tw A Emm am ¥ ot (RO ard