20--PORT PERRY STAR--Wednesday, Nov. 6, 1974 Blackstock and area news and the High Senior Judge at the Judging Competition. Paul received the Galt Chemical Prize for the Best Showman in the Swine Club. The prize for the best secretary of the year for any club was won by Winners at the weekly Tuesday evening Senior Citizens' Card Party were Ladies" High Ruth Wilson, second Ruby Tripp. third Elva VanCamp. Men's High Wm. Forder, sécond Tenny son Samells, third Leslie \_Mary Lou Malcolm who is Taylor. Lucky Draw Ruby segretary of the Dairy Club. Tripp. Mary Lou is one of four girls in thé, County who will be enjoyiljg a trip to Ottawa later tRis fall on the Durham County Wilk Committee trip. Cartwright certifica Last Saturday evening a fine number of parents and 4-H members attended the Awards Night held at the Clarke High School. The special award winners from Cartwright included Dave Z OF 'e Brotee Larmer who won the Dur- ; a Rafe Jrojeots ham County Milk Committee A M: ool & trophy for first place in the B Vv C ny yp m, Senior Section of Dairy Calf Vi Ly vantamp sonse Club. Dave, also, won the anCamp, while Payl Lar- James T. Brown Memorial mer and Dale VagCamp Trophy for the overall high received certificateg for the member of any dairy club. SoA tion of ; we ve pro- Louise VanCamp was pre- Joater i anny an Faye sented with the Paul Vaneyk " y Tedeived first year Frophy as top member of the eadership pins as leaders of the Horse and Pony Club. horse and pony club based on PO. over all year's work and Many other tH membors i i: Ww ¥ recel i participation. Paul Larmer vere present to receive Heir won the Royal Bank Rose- Year award and prize money bowl for the High Junior upon their successful comp- . letion of their variour Clubs. Judge at the County Judging : . Competition while brother Congratulations to all these Dave won the E. A. Sum- Young people for their fine mers Memorial Trophy for eforts. winners of for the complet- Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers of Nestleton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samells. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls, Mrs. Courtney Graham were Friday even- ing dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Phair and boys of Greenbank. Mr. Gerald Asselstine of Vancouver, B.C., is spending - two weeks with his parents, Mr.-and Mrs. Vernon Assel- stine and family. Mr. Denis McLaughlin of Calgary spent some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin and Debbie between sessions of an Animal Nutrition Conven- tion at Buffalo. On Friday evening, dinner guests to visit with Denis were Mr. and Mrs. David Kyte and family, Mr. Gordon Paisley, Craig and Cathy. Mr. and Mrs. Les Assel- stine, Gayle and Robbie of Waterloo were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Asselstine and family and enjoyed a visit with brother Gerald. On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samells, Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson x . BD yy - "Well worth looking for" (XJ TLL Lo) - J pes. ALBERTO 1 VO-5 __=>» NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM 10 oz. Special _ SCENTED or UNSCENTED -- 6 oz. SPRAY a 1 Tor SHOULDERS SHAMPOO coLp TABLETS SHAMPOO "4 ¢ 15.8 ox. 1.44 1.69 ANTI-PERSPIRANT PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SAT. NOV. 16 CORICIDIN 24's BABY SCOTT S179 REGULAR 30's DIAPERS 3.6 ox. Jor, 3.7 ox. Tube $ 2 7 or 5.7 ox. Lotion each a COLOURS OINTMENT -- or3ox. LOTION T LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC MOUTHWASH & GARGLE 93° (1 USTERING Toe Gams By On Comat LETTE EE | fa A YAP-AIR VAPORIZER A=). HUMIDIFIER WITH SAFETY LOCK-ON TOP Z 4 8-10 hours continuous $ operetion, Automatic shut-off. [ ~ ASSTD, "~® BEN-GAY New GEL -- 1.25 ox. TABLETS Regular size 17° ANSODENT = 2.5 ounce ----= DENTURE 1.25 ox. ansadent CLEANER Fl a cS) Effervescent | [fa] Powder [| 11 ounce ml on] 1.092 100's... y £°& LE m LISTERINE ® LOZENGES WH MENTHOL, ORANGE, [| re dD 'KOTEX MW FEMININE NAPKINS PORT PERRY'S LAURA SICORD STORE 985-3548 Yan "BRUTONS I DA REGULAR, SUPER [| KOTIQUE or 7 ¢ PLUS 12's - A DRUGS | 985-251 ERNE EE ENE EE RENEE EEE aY SEENEENENENEEEEEEEEENEELA Samells accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samells of Bowmanville to Toronto to visit the funeral home where their cousin, the late Charles Briggs, was resting. Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Camp and family were Ruby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morrow of Hilton, Mrs. Sid Casson of Brighton and Mrs. Mary Short and Christa of Ottawa. : Sunday evening dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. V. Parsons and girls were his brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Parsons of Altoona, Pennsylvania, who have spent a week here, and his cousin, Mr. and Mrs. William Parsons, Jason and Mary of Stouffville. Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin and family were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms. On Sunday, Anniversary service was held in the United Church with a huge crowd attending. "Mr. Steph- "en Saywell 'of Oshawa was the special speaker and spoke on the topic "Living Today'. Special music was provided by the Senior Choir. Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson and Susan * were hosts to a family dinner and gathering in honour of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow and their wedding anniversaries both on the 28th of October. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow, Dr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow and family, Dundas, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Leask and family, Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marlow and family, Blackstock, Miss Elizabeth Thompson, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thompson of Toronto. : So pleased to welcome Mr. Mervyn Graham home again after several months' "absence from Blackstock - due. to illness. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp were Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Saywell of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kemp and Jeffrey, and Mr. Jack Van Camp. On Saturday evening, a » good crowd attended the community shower held in the Recreation Centre in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wills"(nee Leanne Dorrell). Mr. Jim Marlow performed the duties of M.C. for the following programme - a skit by-a number of teenagers as a take-off of Hee-Haw; a piano solo by Craig Paisley; areading by Kaye Hurren; a piano solo by Heather Dor-' rell; Janet Parson sang accompanied by Don Wright; Barry VanCamp played a piano solo and Terry Barton gave a number on his drums. The bride and groom were presented with a vacuum cleaner and a purse of money after which both rep- lied fittingly. Lunch and a social time 'concluded pleasant evening. On Sunday evening, an LJ @ received their Cords, Debbie, Janet and Louise were presented with gifts from the Brownies and Guides, the local Associat- ion, their parents and the Mothers', Auxiliary. Throughout the impressive ceremony, the Rangers ren- dered several lovely num- bers with Marie VanCamp acting as pianist. Following the singing of Taps, the colours were presented by Mr. Carnaghan and the Colour Party left. After the ceremony, a lovely reception was held in the girls' honour in the Christian Education J Building. Pouring tea were Mrs. Morrow, Mrs. S. Van Camp, Mrs. William Par- sons, Mrs. Harold Wright and Mrs. Harold McLaugh- lin. The lovely evening was proof once more of the high esteem that our youth is held in the Blackstock area. Heartiest congratulations, excellent crowd attended the very impressive ceremony held in the United Church when Debbie McLaughlin, Janet Parsons and Louise VanCamp were awarded the : were awarded the yycll INSTALLA A, The Canada. Cor During HEATING SYSTEM girls. the singing of the Proces- youll ADMIRE, FREE sional Hymn, a guard of FROM HAZARD OF honour was formed by Ran- " gers, Guides and Brownies through which the three honoured girls passed on their way to the dias. The colours were receive by Mr. John Carnaghan and a warm welcome extended by Mr. . Carnaghan. A most impres- sive ceremony was conduct- ed by Commissioner Pat . Sleep. During the service THOM SON several candles were lit ® representing various phases Heating & of Guide work. The three Ai So in 2 girls were introduced by ir Conditioning Mrs. Sleep after which Mrs. John Hawes presented the 985-3365 Canada Cords. After they £2 The Echo 13 Scugog Rd. - BLACKSTOCK : 986-4820 (Just séuth of the Cenotaph) We Buy & Sell Crafts - Books - Furniture See our assortment of gifts for all occassions Ask for Peter, Jane or Vickie ' Interest Corporation 10%% | 9%% GENERAL MORTGAGE CORPORATION OF CANADA 4 Years Semi-annual or Compound Denominations - $500 and multiples- Member Canada Depost Insurance AVAILABLE AT: TOOMBS INSURANCE, AGENCY Operated by JOHN WALDINSPERGER Business 985-2731 CANADA SAVINGS BONDS 9 Years Annual Interest ? Minimum - $50.00 Maximum $50,000.00 Fully Registered or Registered with Coupons - 985-2557 Residence 985-3846 $