. wo ae PE RN SSA in so 5. Congratulations to Wm. Laurence Evans who has been granted the National Quality Award for 1974 for outstanding service with The Great-West Life Assurance Company. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Helen have just returned from a weeks holiday at Paradise Island in Nassau. Mr. and Mrs. Mike England spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al. Greenwood, Lake Simcoe. Sympathy is extended to nd AREA «NEW S late Mrs. passed away morning. During their vacation trip to Ireland, Edinburgh, Scot- land and London, in August, Pastor and Mrs. Guthrie of the Sunderland last Friday Gwen King who. England, coloured pictures. The coloured slides will be shown in Sunderland Baptist Church on Monday, Novem- ber 18, at 8:00 P.M. and the public is cordially invited. Guest over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slemmon were Misses Elizabeth and Isabel Russell, Ottawa. The Lake Scugog Historic- al Society gave their sixth performance of "Autumn Sequel' at Whitby on Friday evening of last week. "The sponsors for this perform-, ance was the Raglan United i i lil lili di i RECT Due to unforseen circumstances we are forced WHITBY MALL DENTURE CLINIC CUSTOM DENTURE CLINIC CUSTOM DENTURE CLINIC WHITBY MALL NOTICE TO PUBLIC to change our name from WHITBY MALL FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 723-7496 or Chargex accepted. " Thicksons Road and Highway 2 Hughes were Mr. and Mrs. I Sterling Hughes, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Milt Johnson, Lindsay and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Taylor, Peterborough. Church Women. the family and friends of the Baptist Church took over 200 Initials Tell The Red & White Story WLTOG * We Listen To Our Customers. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tripp and daughters Susan and Newman seeks Liberal seat Whitby Mayor Desmond Newman recently announ- ced that he would seek the 11-0z. Size Liberal nomination for the ASSORTED VASIZHICS ° Ontario South riding in the BANQUET Dinners 59. \"/ NTT ZA next provincial election. RHODES BREAD Pack of B's RICH'S If Mr. Newman wins the Dough $].29 | COFFEE (of, | Hod") nomination, he will face Bread esta RICH * Environment Minister William Newman in the elec- tion. The two men are not related. Mr. Newman is a key voice in Durham regional council and is chairman of the Municipal Liason Commit- tee, which meets with the province to try to get more municipal power. 16-02 29 FRESH - PICNIC STYLE - SHOULDER CUT FRESH MINCED' PORK ROASTS 69°. 55% 99: PORK LIVER 55: FULLY COOKED - BONELESS TENDER - JUICY - WELL TRIMMED DINNER HAMS *1°C | BUTT o shouior cos 99% 16-01. Pkg. | CAMPFIRE BRAND - RINDLESS Features ry Haddock 99. You Save Twice with Trim and Price! - Boston Style PORK BUTT roar 795 ESSEX - Family Pack For Boup or Just Plaln Pickin' = Chicken Mr. Newman said he will "VA in CAMP DeLUXE ASSORTED Lunch Meats 95¢ Bacon $ i be 19 > Wings 58¢. resign as mayor when the AN 2 [ $ on RIXER Inf pfy0 5 ~ "provincial election is called, Duncan Hines Suet Chopped 69: Blade Steak 1°% .| Lamb Legs * 1 bs i probably next year. He has B EA N) S CAKE MIXES TENDER po CUT & WRAPPED 1010 12 Lbs. | BEEF & PORK -- SMALL LINK been mayor of Whitby for 2 : i Beef Hearis 68: Pork Loins *1°2. Sausage 88: nine years. 19 L on . In his only other try at a Fi; 02. 30: a 50: higher level of government, FEATURE! 1-48. Tin FEATURE! -- He 48 FI. 0x. Tin Mr. Newman lost in one of SALAD DRESSING PEA or VEGETABLE EVAPORATED ; I HEINZ FANCY c the closest races in the 1968 ABIT 1 - federal election. He finished MIRACLE H ANT CARNATION Milk TOMATO JUICE 335 votes behind New Demo- WwW H | P SO U PS "HM seer sov 28 FI. Oz Tin FEATURE 24 FI Oz. Bottle / crat Ed Broadbent and 320 itn Jol : BRAVO PLAIN 7 c WELCH'S Reconstituted c Ny os votes behind former Conser- p : alive: Labour Miniter oh, 34 SPAGHETTI sae 7 9° | GRAPE JUICE 75 Michael Starr. N * oO FEATURE! ; 19 FL. Oz. Tin FEATURE! i 10-01. dar © William Newman won the SMITH Ontario South riding for the BATHROOM FREFRICED Sic . ED. yo N ESCA F E $ Conservatives in 1971 by WHITE SWAN s L kb EC Y APPLE Pie Filler INSTANT 'COFFEE o 12,000 votes more than his T I SS U 3 . i A "4-01. Pig. 43-02. Phy. FEATURE! FEATURE! Liberal opponent. | Fabric Softener QUICK or INSTANT 83 TANG Orange f] $1 -- - | wo 2. Support your local Assoc- i Bl #3, C QUAKER OATS &f Flavour Crystals gp ™ ; iation for the Mentally Jug FEATURE! -- BYE THE SEA - LIGHT MEAT G%FI. Oz. Tin . L %e hy Retarted through Christ- T U I A C IH U IN S Sunshine mas card orders. K ) 50. § of Fh Fe Order forms | are Fai I- MI SS F--- FEATURE! -- ASSORTED FLAVOURS 6% Fl. 0z. Tin ; or Crott Union. 57-| PAMPER CAT FOOD a GRAPES or Credit Union. Some of Each 67- : 79: GRAPES 1% BILLY BEE - NO. 1 GRADE CREAMED 2-Lj Tub FEATURE! . 2 Fl, Oz. Jar California BOWLING | |Weite Hones in| BjCy's WHOLE DILLS 75° | én. os Dental Cream 3 hes 5] ran rn i loll B.C. Fancy Grade Anjou ¢ a: Ts Gili WHITE SWAN PEARS 039° | A Sauce Mixes 29: 18 FI. Oz. Tin Spray Starch 69: FEATURE! . 100 to Cello Pack Tea Bags U.S. No. 1 Mild Slicing In ONIONS 5 w.15¢ Imported Clean Firm - BRUSSEL SPROUTS 79 32 Fl. Oz. Size 75 C SANDWICH Bags 45 PAPER TOWELS FEATURE! -- KING SIZE JOY LIQUID Deter gent Triples: 600 and Over: L. Tripp 640, B. Oke 636, S. DeHaas 618, E. Johnston 613. Singles: 200 and Over: D. McLean 318, B. Oke 229, 2 2), L. Tripp 243, 220, 2 ARNON SUT FLAVOUR. CUT | -- REFILLS 100 Fi. = How --- any PACK s-0z. Bag Hy 49° ohnston 232, 215, M.- i RITE orien fo | [Accent co 99: Wiebe BD | Fotkwo ows D9' 5 Meester po D. Lae oa S. IRIE | ---------------------- vs | 20D. Goreski 217, Body COLGATE -- MARTINS -- WESTONS BUTTERMILK NE 4 Heayn 207. LARGE FAMILY SIZE APPLE CHERRY COCKTAIL, {sanding > | TOOTHPASTE APPLE CRANBERRY COCKTAIL, HI-C CITRUS SCO NE 8 Fireflies... 36 : | i! Soir. CER G te bu Far arena 5 ye ) COOLER DR I WN K B R EAD Hy OY -CalSuiri ivan ' ; 2 Whirlwinds OPER 30 1 09 3/4 00 v4 oz. 3/%1% Boomerangs.................. 28 a ™ Loaf Raiders.........c...c........... 26 pd A ll. AlStars.......... 2 1 Open Tliupsday. JF Lt AG DOWSON S HEN & WHITE PORT PERRY, I a i RR, 21 : ONTARIO Bombers TT 16 A