RR ---- ' LiL ' 13. y I TORRE HAY IRAE ? ie 73 J) 2 Vos ' A, L A ea EE . «Manchester Credit Union enjoy substantial growth The 20th Annual Meeting of Manchester Community Credit union was held on Saturday, November 23rd at the Port Perry High School, Port Perry, Ontario. There were 255 members and their guests, in atten- dance. After a delightful meal, the Business Meeting was held. The members present heard of the progress made in the past twenty years. Mr. Keith Gibson, Pre- sident, welcomed the mem- bers and guests, expecially the Charter members pre- sent, and remarked on the dedication and effort they and their successors had contributed over the years to * bring this Organization to its present stage of success. Mr. Bert Richard of the Ontario Credit Union League spoke of the changes about to take place in Legislation pertaining to Credit Unions. The Board of Directors report was presented by the Vice-President, Mr. Ken Catherwood. Mr. Cather- wood remarked on inflation and its effect on interest rates. Mr. Louis Redden, Trea- surer-Manager informed the members of the substantial growth of the Credit Union over the past year. Assets increased by over one mill- ion dollars, savings over For Convenient Take-out or Fast Delivery Call - 5 985-715 1 During the happy holiday season . . Why not enjoy easy entertain- ing for your festive get togethers. $760,000, and membership by 279. Reports were read by the Chairmen of the Credit Com- mittee, Dr. Dave Oosterlo, Supervisory Committee, Mr. Allen Downey, and the Com- pany Auditor, Mr. Bert Grimm. Elections were held to fill four. vacancies, two on the Board of Directors, one on the Supervisory Committee, and one on the Credit. Com- mittee. Mr. Bert Richard of the Ontario Credit Union League conducted the elect- ions. Mrs. Mary Ross and Mr. Keith Gibson were de- clared elected to the Board of Directors, Mr. Charles Pavlik to the Supervisory Committee, and Mr. Clare Vernon was elected to the Credit Committee. After the meeting, the Charter members were pre- sented with 20-year Member- ship pins on behalf of the members by Mr. Keith Gib- son in commemoration of their years of service. The evening concluded with a dance held in the auditorium. Music was sup- plied by Lloyd Pearson and his orchestra. Port Perry man receives R.I.A. K. -Dave Muir of Lilla Street, Port Perry, received his R.I.A. (Registered Indus- trial Account) at the recent convocation of the Society of Industrial Accountants of Ontario. Mr. Muir is Secretary- Treasurer of G. M. Williams Motors in Port Perry. The five-year R.I.LA. pro- gram in management accounting is available by evening lecture or corres- pondence. It includes courses in data processing, organizational behaviour, economics, management processes and problems, statistics and business law, as well as the core account- ing subjects. It is the only education program exclusively, con- cerned with management accounting. Graduates are entitled to use the initials R.L.A. after their name. CANING ENGLISH SEWING OIL PAINTING UPHOLSTERY & WOOD REFINISHING ~ NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES CARTWRIGHT HIGH SCHOOL starting January 6th to March 14th 7:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. Register by calling 986-4241 up until December 20, 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. NEW COURSES: i Interior Decorating -- Monday or Wednesday Needlecraft -- Monday or Wednesday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Monday Monday &, or Wednesday FEES $12.50 (some courses there will be a supply charge) ¢ PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 11, 1974 -- 21 Ashburn and area news Sunday, December 1st was a busy day at the church. A special devotional period was given at the beginning of Sunday School by Miss Chrissie Simpsons class. Those taking part were Michael Bulley, Kim Flem- ing and Christine Richard- son read the advent scrip- ture while Brian Knight lit the advent candle. ~ The sacrement of the Lords Supper was observed. at the regular church service. Mr. McEntyre took his sermon from Isaiah 25: Pro- mise, confidence and realiz- ation. Miss Chrissie Simpson and Mrs. W. Hopkins sang '"The Shepherd of Love' as a duet during the service. In the evening the church santuary was well filled for the special service of song and worship. Mr. Carl Tapscott played several numbers on the of'gan and Mr. Allen Stewart of Toronto. Well known Bass Baritone soloist sang several numbers with St. Johns Choir and Burns Choir, assisting also. Mr. Mc Entyre had an advent mess age. A social hour was held in the church hall which gave the peole who came from a distance a chance to meet old friends and many new friends were made also. Mrs. David Bradley, Sean and Christopher of Cargill spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson. The childern of the Com- munity Centre are busy get- ting ready for the concert on the 20th. Mr. and Mrs. W. McAnd- less, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tapscott, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Stewart visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. E. Heron on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rat- cliff of Stouffville spent Fri- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ashton and boys. Mrs. H. Doble spt a few days in Sunderland visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Wes Doble. The Ashburn group of the W.M.S. met last Wednesday night at the home of Miss Chrissie Simpson. The Pre- sident, Mrs. R. Batten took the devotions from the especially pre-pared Christ- mas service in the glad tidings. Mrs. D. Ashton, Mrs. W. Routley and Mrs. E. Heron helped with the read- ings and music for this part. During the business part of the meeting, it was decided that the next meeting will be cancelled because it falls on New Years day. Also, the annual meeting of Lindsay Presbyterial will be held on Wednesday the 15th of Jan- uary in St. Andrews Church, Lindsay. The study part of the meeting was taken by Mrs. W. Hopkings who brought us a very helpful message based on the 'Women Alive" Conference which was held in waterloo. A. E Johnson OPTOMETRIST for appointment call 985-2383 or Zenith 59240 HWY. 7A AT THE LAKE Chris feat Special WE HAVE OVER 100 LIGHTING FIXTURES ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM. in stock! LUMBER HOME E BUILDING CENTRE PORT PERRY ONT. any lighting fixture masler charge 0) To 985-7335 om Hoy ATEN