SLEETEIRE Rs 3 RAG RE IAD CRIRKNE rat A eA N ta A ndaiiohom EE ER a SNA AAR AS ' CP | A v 3 Lf . : 3" PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Jan. 22, 1975 -- 3 i: . . i Scugog Island WI celebrates third anniversary | f By Bonnie Gerrow minded us that 1975 is Inter- the W.I. She spoke on the January 29th for Summary B2 Scugog Island Women's national Women's year and Adelaide Hoodless home- Day for Sewing with knits at hie Institute held their regular she hopes to have a program stead and the pioneers that Trinity United Church, Ux- 5 meeting and celebrated their i this topic during this year. started the W.I. In closing bridge at 1 p.m. Visitors are fev third anniversary on Jan. An article was rea DY Mrs. Cawker congratulated welcome. A . 15th. Highlighting the meet- Elizabeth on Rural Women us on the Anniversary and Birthday cake and ice gi Hats off to the press crew at the twice monthly ing was an Anniversary cake are More Up to Date. read a poem 'Just for To- cream was enjoyed. 8h meeting of the Durham Regional Council. If you with three candles. Alva Thompsdn gave a Next meeting the third i ; don't know whether 'you want to go into basket It was 2 Nessus to ave report on the district grec: Dates to remember, Wed., Wednesday in February. 3 . i i : Mrs. Mabel Cawker from tors meeting she attended in i' weaving or journalism, Durham council could N ) ope . i . estleton as special guest December. We will be A, make up your mind. spe: . ) . i . '} " peaker as she had formed hearing from a committee Besides, there's good py . basis. ita the W.I. three years ago. We about a booth for the W.I. at f ] R I L | A 5 L I The problem lies in a pn gr verbal 3u. were pleased to welcome two the World Plowing Match to VA performed by councillors. Like talking with one new members, Mrs. Norma be held this fall near Brook- y * tongue tied behind your back. Tower and Mrs. Valerie lin and what we can do to 4 Agh PL UMBING & HEA TING A All sides are given a rule book, and after the Midway Welch. show the visitors about the 'NEW INSTALLATIONS clock strikes 2 p.m. it starts: President Betty Reader work and importance of the REPAIRS -- ALTERATIONS **...point of order..point of order..." opened the meeting with a W.I. in Canada. There are 8 b ifs: ) LS en Te : - word of welcome to 15 mem- million W.I. members "Service is our business" Ho d iii . Sasiding Smelling now that Wein bers -and 4 visitors, Mrs. around the world in 60 coun- eciae 9 Cawker, Mrs. Jeanne Elliott, tries so let us have an morning... Mrs. Joyce Heayn and Mrs. interesting booth for our "...again. You tabled it, you lifted it, and now Joyce Burrows. visitors to see. it's tabled again and you're discussing it..." The meeting opened with , . (that's a motion, not a beer). the Ode and Collect followed das decided to enter a he ""...point of order..point of order..." by roll call - In what way has Ip wy Port Perry Fair "...Wait a minute. What's the motion?..."' your membership in the W.L. anion e theme of a Bridal "...challenge the motion on the motion tabling heen of help to you? Boy ' fo : nd... nn Freeman commented on A new unit for 4H "A world S-- he ts ertmdinidie abi iisimerning the motto - To understand of food in Canada" will begin NOW IS THE TI ME I think you need a two-thirds majority..." the present and plan for the in February. Any girl 12 '"'re out of order. Sit down. We have a fives hootl knowledge of . Joarsicl ge orause iSonked TO ORDER YOUR motion to amend the motion to lift the motion Treasurer Christina Pren- Elizabeth Stichmann 985. WINTER tabled this morning..." tice showed a smaller bank 3454 or assistant leader, Ann ; Between all that knit-picking, trivia-making, balance as over $900.00 has Chandler, 985-2040. as soon FUE a " missing the pointedness, and sometimes open been spent on new dishes and 45 possible so the members L hostility, the work gets done...miraculously. The tables for the Hall. Profit pamphlets can be ordered ratio of work-procedural swamp-shlogging iron £0 Sole in Port Perry for yoy. Money on DX Premium f seems about 3-1. Was DAD ert ; . . : Elizabeth ~Stichmann re- Betty Ann Freeman, con- uality Fuel Oil On the grounds that first impressions are veror of Education and <ul- Q y 1 oft-times the most accurate, | make these ALEK TRICIAN says tural activities pointed out Call Collect 668-338 observations after only one introductory | items of interest which we meeting. CALL US IN AND should read in the Home and Besides. | woke up the reporter next to me, VN77 IA/7 Country. With the theme D X FI EK] . - a and he said it was always like this. igh gr being W.I. work, Mrs. Mabel Durham Region, with an agenda big enough to OUR Cawker showed us books and Call us today for choke a paper shredder, could do well to shred NANOWLEDGE RUNS badges which can be pur- PROMPT. COURTEOUS SERVICE the rule book, the procedural by-law, Guinness FROM A-T0-2 chased through the treasurer J Book of World Records, or the copies of MAD to further our knowledge of that must surely form part of that Council's reference material for parliamentary debate. } E FRANK VALE 1 Phone the Star ELECTRIC : Greenbank - Ont. 985-7383 985-3402 GREB KODIAK BOOTS -LOW CUTS - 95 # Work Boots - Low Cuts.......520 a 95 CLUB ANNRENE Steel Toe - Low Cut........ 23 » Sponsored by Port Perry Minor Hockey Association | lated $3095 Insulated........ A $AR 95 0 Koss Orchestra Insulated - Steel Toe....... 36 * A Light Lunch TICKETS AVAIL Williams Motors, or at the door. J JAN. 25th Admission 6.00 includes: * Free Rose for the ladies * Door & Spot Dance Prizes BLE at Trans General Store, House of Howard, Richards Beauly Studio, G.M. Reg. High Cuts.......*26* Steel Toe.......... 29" Men's Rubber Boots..... *5.95 Boy's Rubber Boots ........*4.95 § Youth's Rubber Boots .....*3.95 Men's Overshoes ( zippered ) .....*7.95 A.W. BROCK DEPARTMENT STORE