Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 22 Jan 1975, p. 5

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ee Mcalinod, of ama a EE Tr ee AN Reader's Viewpoint PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Jan. 22, 1975 -- 5 Real test of political sincerety " [ . Dear Sir: this proposal was "leaked" In view of the overwhelm- sets ood neil h bour olic We have been informed in Port Perry, immediate ng Jocal opposition to this through the press and by opposition to it was obvious. project and the desire of the public meeting that the An 800-plus signature Region for the individuals ¢ gear Sir: one couple collected the neighbour policy which has Regional Municipality of petition against the widening voice to help form the official Just a line to pass brief money from the group and existed between the two pyrham wants "input" from was raised. plan, this looms as a real test comment on the puerile acted as purchasing agent communities over the years je electorate to aid in the The Ratepayers Associat- f political sincerity and the parochial remarks expres- for the rest was followed by such unwarranted formation of its official plan. ion of Scugog Township sup- uffectiveness of a local voice sed by the reporter of Nestle- again this year. We fail to remarks aired in da widely Shades of Democracy! ported the opposition and ;, , regional government. ton News as it appeared in sce where lies the difference read weekly newspaper. Her Lo and behold, a test of sent a letter to the local the January 8th edition of between buying as individ- newsand view this past week (pair sincereity is at hand. governing body, Scugog Sincerely, vour paper relative to the uals or as a group. has certainly "gone to the The issue is the proposed Council, so stating. Dr. R. M. Price. New Years Eve dance. Since If "Madam Reporter" is dogs'. widening of Lilla St. through The Chamber of Com- it is apparent the barbs were unhappy with the policy of Thanks for 'opportunity 0 port Perry and in effect the merce of the Township of directed at the 16 couples the public spirited group convey our ideas and con- picaction of a pleasant vill. Scugog voiced opposition to who patronized the Nestleton dedicated to the operation of gratulations on a fine weekly age and defoliation of a the widening. dance from Yelverton com- the Community Centre, we newspaper. pleasant street by an un- The Council of the Town- munity, we feel an answer is suggest she go directly to needed and unwanted ship of Scugog, which justified. them to complain rather Sincerely yours, throughway. includes the two local voices . To the best of our know- than upsetting the good Harvey Malcolm About one year ago when on Regional Council voted 0V A ledge, the tickets were offer- against any widening beyond ed on a first come, first serve EH} ° ill b k more important than all the two lanes. basis without any birth cer- ope action wi e ta en rules of bureaucracy. In spite of this, when the iieate as to place of origin. Members of the Board of proposal was put before You'll Each ticket was paid for in id Education from our district Regional Council, they voted advance at the going rate of to avol re-o ccurance have been notified of this fon widening. y Need A $20.00 per couple. In the past . -- nt. Ppalling situation by many After the shock of this several years, our group . e past few years, as recent- arents. We hope that some negative official reaction to have patronized mest of the ge Pe hildi m ly 05 Jansary 84h, 1978. action will be taken not only the popular will had settled, PASSPORT local community dances, y ot our children came Isit not time some sensible ( .orrect this occurence but some concerted lobbying and . home from school Monday, 7 obbying PHOTO Janetville, Bethany, Black- i judgments were made? to prevent a repeat perfor- a rear-guard action by some : . anuary 13th, 1975 with vary- 1 f th less g tion by ; stock, etc, This year partial- © 7b CC tories, Surely many of the sense mance. has led to a decision to have Contact Peter Hvidsten ly because we enjoy the h ined i colds Sow paging bop the case reviewed by the 985.7383 i f Gary Bristow en carefully examined, a teachers and pupils might + tfull ional music 0 yo : portrayed children huddling Yours respectiully, Durham Regional Works PORT PERRY STAR Orchestra (Gary lives in . have been averted. We feel C d Committee. Yel ) d had tn classrooms, clad in snow- that our children's welfare is bneertied Parents a, a " a suits, scarves and mittens, 'e to visit the new facilities A teachers glancing hopefully ' at unyielding thermometers, chose Nestleton. ; in short a school with no In defense of the Commit- heat tee, we give credit to those in At nine o'clock, the ther- charge for being most help- mometers read 48 degrees F. ful and courteous and their in the classrooms. By noon, hospitality has been second many had not risen and : others just touched 60 deg. The pattern of the past that F., an not y So8 aE 3 Bought the 16 tickets To the Editor: I would like to say a few words about the Nestleton news, January 8, 1975. I am referring to the tickets that were sold for the New Years dance. I am the one who bought sixteen tickets for that night. I, also, would like enough in which to conduct classes. . We, as parents, feel that our children should have been dismissed or moved to other locations such as halls, churches or even the high school. Such was not the case. Neither principal nor teacher has the authority to dismiss a class without first notifying each parent. This we realize is a form- idable task, however neces- sary. With many mothers working it would have left a great number of children Take advantage of these specials to build or : . £9 58y hat the Dait Ponty locked out and unsupervised Star is not the place to > ) Py - ' complain. - Why is it so -BUT - in a community such finish your Rec Room. disgusting to buy sixteen 2S OUr'S, we are sure neigh- tickets out of seventy-five? a You gady V.I.P. an Panels $4.95 net I, myself, was there at a " z are § dance in November, 1974, If the water Supply ding Lamina Cedar Top Quality 7.25 net and enjoyed myself, so I told ed, what would happen? Is Lamina Pine 6.95 net others. Also, the hall was not Water More important than 4x8 filled, so where are all those Warmth? vie Th Manor Walnut sheets 17.95 net p Nestleton citizens then? So, It 2 dugersians e that 37.50 e Nestleton, fill your own hall, Something as large as a Harvest Butter Pecan .IU net not just at the New Years snag Coit 2 Toa nd 1 ) dance, but all the dances! children have to endure such coLo RED 8" VINYL MOULDS BERK . physical conditions. This is ILS CAPS - BUT JOINTS - i & 16 actly what they have been 50¢ insioe a outsioe *1,4() 60° = : submitted to many times in Box CORNERS. Ft. PORT PERRY STAR 1"x2"..........3% Int. a Company Limited 1"%x3" oie 4% link Phone 9651383 EN, 2" x 3" (Utility grade) . . . . 8°lin § (wcNa : (ole) = 2"x4"x6ft..........65 cch : --- A CHARGEX Winter Spred Serving Port Perry, Reach, Scugog and Cartwright Townships 10 Ib. bags....*1.49 - P. HVIDSTEN, Publisher . John Gast J. Peter Hvidsten, ; ! Editor n Advertising Manager Member of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association Member of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association Published every Wednesday by the Part Perry Star Co Ltd, Port Perry, Ontario Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash Second Class Mail Registration Number 0265 EXTER Subscription Rate: In Canada $8.00 by SSenpry Por Jeary PORT PERRY Elsewhere $10.00 per year. Single copy 20c 235 WATER ST. - 2985-7991 -~

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